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Poll: Would You Play This Game if it Wasn't Star Wars?


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I am going to correct you, using your own analogy: I am asking, 'Would you still eat this pie if it were lemon meringue instead of cherry cobbler?'


Would you still play this MMO if the IP were something different other than Star Wars?


Btw, I enjoy cake and pie. You guys that choose one or the other are missing out. And, no, that is not a sexual euphemism as far as I'm concerned.


The game IS about star wars, and thus a STAR WARS MMO.

If you don't want to play 'this game' = you don't want to play 'star wars MMO'

BIOWARE = Creator/ Game Designer.

EA = Publisher

LucasArts = Content Origin i.e. Star Wars


How can one answer would you play this game if it wasn't Star Wars?

Then what the hell are you playing? -- becuz Star Wars is the game content that you are playing here.



Edited by pangwl
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Nope. In terms of MMO features, gameplay and mechanics, the game is sub-par. I am here because I figured I'd give BioWare a shot and I like Star Wars. However, if BioWare doesn't get their ducks in order soon, I'll gladly stop giving them money and move on to the next.
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Since we're ina correcting mood:


First, you don't really need to correct tongue-in-cheek sarcasm. It's ok to leave it alone.


Second, I think the word you were looking for was innuendo, not euphamism.


Third, you crazy...pie is the gustatory trump card.:p



However, we all know that little question is a sexual euphemism. Would you play this MMO if it weren't SW?

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No. I'm here because it's a Star Wars game. The game systems don't deviate enough from the norm to be anything special or unique in the genre. Really, the only thing that truly sets TOR apart from the pack is that it's Star Wars (and everything that entails).
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If it were just a space MMO, probably not.


If it was a Bioware MMO... I might.


Then again, if it was a Bioware MMO that wasn't Star Wars, it'd probably be Mass Effect, in which case, hell yes.


Actually, if this MMO wasn't Star Wars it probably would have been a Game of Thrones MMO which I still would have played.

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I would play it even if it wasn't Star Wars, although I have to admit that is a factor in why I play. On the other hand, I dislike that the game is set 3,000+ years before the movies; I really wanted the post-Star Wars Galaxies mmo to be set after the movies, allowing the players a better illusion that we could affect the Universe in some way that mattered.


Still, for an mmo this has an excellent foundation. BioWare has already shown that they are keeping the entire development staff on to develop content and fix bugs, something no mmo has ever done. They are rolling out very quick fixes and have committed to a large amount of future content. And I know people will laugh at this, but I actually like the chracter design they have developed here. it's a matter of differing tastes I guess.


Thanks for starting this topic, it is an interesting read. I hope more people post their opinions as the day continues!

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I probably wouldn't play if it wasn't Star Wars themed.


Same with LOTRO, Star Trek Online, DDO. Without the theme, they are just another MMO, and I most likely wouldn't be playing them.


That's not to say any of them are bad games, it's just that the theme is what draws people to them and not the game mechanics themselves IMHO.


Take away the theme, and a game has to offer something with the way it plays to attract people away from other MMOs. Most games don't really have anything to offer anymore in that respect. But that is something that is easier said than done.

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The game IS about star wars, and thus a STAR WARS MMO.

If you don't want to play 'this game' = you don't want to play 'star wars MMO'

BIOWARE = Creator/ Game Designer.

EA = Publisher

LucasArts = Content Origin i.e. Star Wars


How can one answer would you play this game if it wasn't Star Wars?

Then what the hell are you playing? -- becuz Star Wars is the game content that you are playing here.




This game's IP is Star Wars. If the IP were removed, the game and it's inherent mechanics would still exist. Would you play the game if it were filled with content unrelated to Star Wars.


I mean, your face palming is impressive, but very unnecessary in this thread. Save it for the iQuitters.

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No, currently we payin for brand. All other there is outdated total crap.



I have to actually respond to the bold, because this is what KILLS me about complaints like this. They show utter ignorance in the MMO industry.





The ENTIRE MMO industry is outdated, nothing significant (as design goes) has changed in MMOs in over 10 years, so really what makes any of you expect it's going to change last year, this year, or next year?


Expectations were/are high?


That's YOUR fault.

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No. I'm here because it's a Star Wars game. The game systems don't deviate enough from the norm to be anything special or unique in the genre. Really, the only thing that truly sets TOR apart from the pack is that it's Star Wars (and everything that entails).


That is exactly how I feel about this game as well. It is top notch (and I would probably play it if instead of Star Wars the IP were Mass Effect), but overall the theme park is too similar to WoW for my taste.


That is not to say that BW won't deviate into their own direction and this game won't hit it's own in the coming months. Perhaps the Star Wars in SWTOR will hold me long enough for that to take place?


We'll see.

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It is top notch



I wouldn't go that far.


This game has a lot of potential but it leaves a lot to be desired, it has a long way to go still before I would call it top notch.


But then again I expect that in a new MMO.



As far as coming into it's own. I give it 6 months. If it isn't close to that top notch rating, if the majority of bugs aren't ironed out and key features installed, I for one won't let Star Wars keep me and I suspect a lot of others won't either.


and actually 6 months is giving it more time than Bioware should need. We should see significant improvement by 3 months out, if we don't expect the worst.

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However, we all know that little question is a sexual euphemism. Would you play this MMO if it weren't SW?


Would I eat this if it wasn't pie? Well, let's see...if it's not pie...is it spinach? Doggy pewps? Rose petals and bourbon? Severed finger soup?


The question just doesn't make sense. If this game "isn't Star Wars," then it's some other game and what that some other game is would determine whether I played that some other game or not.


If the question is "would you play this game if everything was generally the same, but with bland, unidentified stick figures shooting lightning and donning cardboard armor for no discernable reason and some other backstory, aesthetic, themes, etc., that may or may not be as good, worse or better than the Star Wars universe settings and story?"...then my answer would have to be "how can I know without seeing that other game?"


The OP was just digging for a flame war over people saying "the only reason people play this pile of garbage is because they're SW fanboiz."

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I wouldn't go that far.


This game has a lot of potential but it leaves a lot to be desired, it has a long way to go still before I would call it top notch.


But then again I expect that in a new MMO.


That is a very fair response. Like you, I don't expect much from an MMO at launch. In another six months it should be clear the direction this game is headed (and whether or not it still entertains me).

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I wouldn't. In the end the thing that I enjoy most about SWTOR, is the SW. Without ths Star Wars story line this game would be a weak WoW clone.


I'm interested to hear your thoughts and opinions.


I have to agree, if not SW I would not be playing this game.

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The short answer is 'no'.


The long answer is that I have played WOW for years and am looking for something new. This game is the latest in a line of MMOs that have been released since WOW. All of them have been seriously flawed in their own ways and this one is no different. The responsiveness and fluidity of this game comes nowhere near the standards set by WOW, and that is very difficult for me to adapt to.


Fortunately for Bioware, I am simply finished with WOW due to excessive over-exposure. As a result, I am giving this game more time than I gave any of those other MMOs. It being Star Wars really helps as I've loved Star Wars since I was a child. But the fact remains that I am teetering with this game. Its a love hate relationship at present, but Bioware are getting my money because, for me anyway, there is no alternative at present.


Probably no.


The quoted post is just about perfect in reflecting how I (and wife) feel.


I am also very ambivalent about swtor. I think that there is much good about swtor, but find myself having a strong negitive reaction to issues such as ability delay and fighting issues, targeting issues, performance issues, bugs bugs and more bugs, and so on. I think that the questing is very linear and still lol at my wifes description of Na Shaddaa which she compared to a never ending underground parking garage.


Even though there are many things that I enjoy and find fun about swtor, I think that if it was not SW based, I would probably go back to WOW. Even though the content bores me there, the game play is smooth, the feel and responsive combat great, and the worlds are for the most part open.


In a way swtor makes me a little sad. It could of been the best thing since sliced bread, but right now it is just could have been. To bad because we would have loved a great SW based game.

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Would I eat this if it wasn't pie? Well, let's see...if it's not pie...is it spinach? Doggy pewps? Rose petals and bourbon? Severed finger soup?


The question just doesn't make sense. If this game "isn't Star Wars," then it's some other game and what that some other game is would determine whether I played that some other game or not.


If the question is "would you play this game if everything was generally the same, but with bland, unidentified stick figures shooting lightning and donning cardboard armor for no discernable reason and some other backstory, aesthetic, themes, etc., that may or may not be as good, worse or better than the Star Wars universe settings and story?"...then my answer would have to be "how can I know without seeing that other game?"


The OP was just digging for a flame war over people saying "the only reason people play this pile of garbage is because they're SW fanboiz."



I assure you my intent was not a flame war. It was an honest question I wanted to pose to my fellow subscribers to find out how many (if any) felt as I do about this game.


If it weren't for the Star Wars IP, I wouldn't have looked twice at it (unless it was Mass Effect).

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