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Why some kind of LFG tool is needed.

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I have read all over the forums about why some people want it and others don't. I get the arguments. Point being is you can't get a group when you need one any more. I shouldn't have to wait until a weekend just to do another planet's heroic quests or just to do the next FP. I have sat in station for hours each day trying to round up 4 people for the Taral V FP. That is just ********. There are too many group quests to be waiting that long for a group for. I spent days on Alderon waiting for a group to do the group quest. Before you ask, yeah I level up a bit between quests but I can only level up so much before a quest's rewards aren't worth going through with the quest. I want to experience all the content this game has to offer but if things stay as they are then there will have to be a LFG tool. An LFG tool group encourages a community more than no group and no group is what I am getting.
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Agreed. Nothing is more frustrating than having to look for HOURS in order to do the flashpoints as you level. The problem is there isn't enough incentive for people to hang around the fleet as they level, which means it is really hard to find a group for leveling flashpoints, even during peak hours during the week.


I really want to experience all the content as well, but I find myself frustrated enough with the inability to find a group that I might just end up not running anything until endgame. That sucks since I really like running flashpoints.

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Totally +1...


Moreover, personally, i believe it's a serious flaw of the game the fact that in order to complete Heroic Missions you must be at the exact same location in order to "get in there". Not to mention once again the LFG issue.


World of Warcraft, imho, has made history with the Dungeon Finder and instant teleport of the whole party inside the Heroic/Dungeon w/e , and i cannot understand :









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I actually get the desire to have people socialize in order to get a group together. However, there has to be some kind of middle ground. Make it only people from your server perhaps. I mean there is a daily dungeon quest as you level. If it was easier to find a flashpoint I think a lot of people would probably queue as they leveled alts.


One of the problems I hear a lot on the forums from people who don't like the game is that they feel like it's really a single player experience. Making it easier to group up with people would actually make the world feel more alive and create a more social atmosphere. People making friends = more people enjoying the game and wanting to hang around.


I know they have mentioned in some of their developer comments that they plan to do some kind of system in the future to help make looking for heroic quest and flashpoint groups a little easier. I hope that's a priority for them, because more and more people are going to be hitting 50, and that means it will be even harder for other players down the line, even if the game continues to grow.

Edited by Calbeb
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I absolutely agree with this. I don't have much time to play, and I certainly don't want to waste an hour of my 90-minutes to two hours of gameplay waiting for a group to form at the fleet.


I hate to bring up WoW and it's Dungeon Finder, but, to be honest, the DF kept me playing WoW for the past two years. Before that, I was just leveling alts, because I was never online at the right times, or had enough time to find a group to do an instance with. After the DF was implemented, I could log on, queue up, go out questing, pop into my dungeon, and have some good entertainment for the 1-2 hours I was online.


I'm really enjoying the SWTOR levelling experience, but I would love to be able to experience the FPs, too! Keeping a DF-like tool in SWTOR limited to just one server is fine, I just hope Bioware implements something like this soon!

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I think I would be happy with a global *optional* LFG channel. I can go anywhere in the game world and carry on doing my stuff, meanwhile i can read about who is LFG. This is also great as I might be on my low level alt but there is a high level team looking for a healer in the chat and i can contact them and ask them if they'd like me to log on my high level healer etc.


Key feature is the channel would be toggle-able, so no one is forced to read it. Once you flag yourself as LFG you would auto join this channel but like i said there would be an option to remove yourself. I think the comment you can add to yourself when LFG should be longer too so you can explain that you are also LFG with your alts, example: "21 dps LFG hammer station, but I also have a 36 tank and 50 healer"


I don't think groups should be auto teleported to a flashpoint, I think there is a line that should not be crossed. Instant teleporting just makes the game world feel small and break immersion. Just my opinion.


thnaks for reading :p

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Personally I prefer the way things are in this game. It's fun to actually talk to, group with and meet people on your server again. Running missions or instances and forming in-game friendships. Seeing the same people you did a FP with in a warzone on your team (or the other team in cursed hutt ball!).


Ultimately this leads to a very effective LFG tool known to us old-timers as the "friend list".

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I agree with you Huaracocha, but if BW added a LFG tool it would not have to be cross server at all. I never liked the fact that dungeon finder didn't have an option "same server players only".


Yeah that is my only real fear with requests for LFG tools and refinements of warzone queueing etc. Please let us keep our server identity, to play with and get to know the members of our faction - and even opposing faction - on the server we have chosen.

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totally agreed, may even consider an interserver LFG to make it up for servers that has poor population.


No no no no nooooo. Honestly it doesn't bother me whether there's a LFG tool or not.


What does bother me is cross realm LFG tool. This fostered a completely undesirable attitude in groups. At best it was, my gear isn't good enough but I'll join anyway. At worst it was ninja looting. All because people knew that if they acted like prats, there was nothing anyone could do about it because you'd probably never group up with any of those people again.


If there's one thing Blizzard did better than anyone else, it was destroying community spirit and morals with the cross realm finder.


/rage off

Edited by Heley
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Honestly this is only a DPS problem and you only hear DPS complaining about it, just like in a certain other game. Guess what? You're still going to wait if it ever is implemented. As a healer I completed every single heroic quest, flashpoint, and raid.


Bottom line is, you don't HAVE to complete all the flashopints. You don't HAVE to complete every dungeon. You really knew that when you chose a DPS Advanced Class. Most classes have the option to switch over to tank or healing spec, save Snipers and they're republic equivalent. If you're so set on completing this content, perhaps you should market yourself a little better or make yourself a bit more useful.

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I gave up on looking for groups I just level up and do my thing I am not sitting for hours looking for a group. This is a great single player game.


It is like this in most games though if you want to run an instance with a pug it takes a while to put one together.

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I'm in the no cross-server LFG camp, but I really don't see why a compromise can't be made between the two camps and implement a same-server LFG tool.


Honestly this is only a DPS problem and you only hear DPS complaining about it, just like in a certain other game. Guess what? You're still going to wait if it ever is implemented. As a healer I completed every single heroic quest, flashpoint, and raid.

Not true. My trooper is a tank, and once I hit Taris I found it pretty much impossible to find Heroic groups.

Edited by Amenian
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Honestly this is only a DPS problem and you only hear DPS complaining about it, just like in a certain other game. Guess what? You're still going to wait if it ever is implemented. As a healer I completed every single heroic quest, flashpoint, and raid.


Bottom line is, you don't HAVE to complete all the flashopints. You don't HAVE to complete every dungeon. You really knew that when you chose a DPS Advanced Class. Most classes have the option to switch over to tank or healing spec, save Snipers and they're republic equivalent. If you're so set on completing this content, perhaps you should market yourself a little better or make yourself a bit more useful.


So DPS just shouldn't be able to clear content as fast as tanks or heals?


That is the stupidest excuse not to have an LFG tool that I have ever read, and I've been around for awhile.

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I'm going to wholeheartedly disagree with the argument that having trouble finding a group is only a DPS class problem. I have a tank and a healer alt, both about lvl 25 and on my server Begeren Colony, I can't find a group....or rather it takes so long to find a group that I'd rather just not do it and solo level instead. I've stopped playing my 50 Assassin (DPS) because trying to find a group to do any FP is impossible while I'm doing my dailies, which is why I have the 2 alts...


I put up my LFG comment as soon as I log in and list the FP's I want to do and I say in general that I'm LFG for the Heroics on the planet I'm on. Admittedly, I've been able to do most of the Heroics on the planets I've been to, however it's always when someone else is shouting in general and I'm about to sign off and I have to say "sigh....screw sleep for now, I'll probably never get another chance to get these done." while I'm generally over leveled for the Heroic anyway....


If I was able to log in, queue up and then go about my business while chatting in general and in my guild and be able to see all of the content BioWare worked so hard on....I think EVERYONE would be happy.

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IMO, dugneon finder made WoW boring. Now, you have a bunch of people doing nothing except waiting around for the next dungeon instance. It made lvling to easy and gear to easy to get.


I consider the FP or heroics just part of the game... NOT THE GAME. I have a funny feeling the people that continue to complain about this issue really don't have a problem picking up a group for 1 instance of an FP, but they want to do mulitple instances of the same FP the same night.

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its already been addressed but ust give us a bloody lfg cross planet channel! how hard is that really? i shouldn't have to sit in carrick station spamming for an hour to get a bloody group going. if you dont want to implement a group finder right now at least give us that and not force us to make our own LFG channel that half the population don't even know about.
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IMO, dugneon finder made WoW boring. Now, you have a bunch of people doing nothing except waiting around for the next dungeon instance. It made lvling to easy and gear to easy to get.


I consider the FP or heroics just part of the game... NOT THE GAME. I have a funny feeling the people that continue to complain about this issue really don't have a problem picking up a group for 1 instance of an FP, but they want to do mulitple instances of the same FP the same night.


Uhhhhh. What?


It didn't change the content at all. What are you on about?

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Global LFG channel would be a nice addition to what it is now as it is hard to find groups when limited to the planet you are on. The social aspect of finding people, setting-up the group and getting to the place is large part of the fun so I don't think it should be a tool like in WOW
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Signed +1


While I hated the feel of a multi-server LFD tool in WoW as it made the game feel cold and ended up turning people against each other, I would quickly sign up for a server specific LFD tool as long as your talent spec limited you to what you could sign up for. Even if it was a broad generalization, i.e. All Mercs could queue up as Healers or DPS. All Assassins could queue up as Tanks, or DPS etc. etc.


And I also agree with a previous poster in this thread, the LFD tool keep me playing WoW far longer than I should have.

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No no no no nooooo. Honestly it doesn't bother me whether there's a LFG tool or not.


What does bother me is cross realm LFG tool. This fostered a completely undesirable attitude in groups. At best it was, my gear isn't good enough but I'll join anyway. At worst it was ninja looting. All because people knew that if they acted like prats, there was nothing anyone could do about it because you'd probably never group up with any of those people again.


If there's one thing Blizzard did better than anyone else, it was destroying community spirit and morals with the cross realm finder.


/rage off


Before jumping on the gun with your rant, consider. Both things have their advantages and disadvantages, the ones you have listed. Why not make it optional then. It is entirely possible to make a LFG system that can search inside realm or interrealm if chosen. This eliminates your worries as well as providing fast teaming for those that seek. Everyone is happy.

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Honestly this is only a DPS problem and you only hear DPS complaining about it, just like in a certain other game. Guess what? You're still going to wait if it ever is implemented. As a healer I completed every single heroic quest, flashpoint, and raid.


Bottom line is, you don't HAVE to complete all the flashopints. You don't HAVE to complete every dungeon. You really knew that when you chose a DPS Advanced Class. Most classes have the option to switch over to tank or healing spec, save Snipers and they're republic equivalent. If you're so set on completing this content, perhaps you should market yourself a little better or make yourself a bit more useful.


sorry to tell you but you're wrong.


whether it's my very well geared level 50 healer or level 30 DPS, i have troubles finding groups at times.


that i get 3/4's of a group then have troubles finding the last part-either tank or DPS.


what has helped, tho, is my friends list.


whenever i get a good player i add them and every now and then when i pop online i gte whispers right away asking if i want to heal.


but there are still times i'm sitting around the fllet for an hour or two before i can find a get, which is VERY frustrating....

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Personally I prefer the way things are in this game. It's fun to actually talk to, group with and meet people on your server again. Running missions or instances and forming in-game friendships. Seeing the same people you did a FP with in a warzone on your team (or the other team in cursed hutt ball!).


Ultimately this leads to a very effective LFG tool known to us old-timers as the "friend list".


man... i agree with you


but seeing as how some people honestly dont have a lot of time (because of work/families etc), i can see how a dungeon finder tool could be useful


for example, I am about to start a new full time job this coming week, and frankly, i wont have nearly as much time on my hands because I'm also starting school full time in a couple weeks as well. So a tool like this, would help people who have very limited time to play. circumstances make things difficult for some, and i know the pain of standing there for an hour trying to find a group for something (especially the planet heroics) that takes maybe 15 minutes. its not fun and its not fair to those of us who have a lot on our plate in the real world.


i love to socialize on MMOs, but i do also like to enjoy the content even more. im not saying they need to make this a cross server thing, but at least a tool to do it within your server. this would still allow the socialization, building of friends lists, and also make FPs and Heroics more accessible to us busy people


EDIT: and i do wish to keep the cross server stuff away as much as possible, for the very reason that it limits adding of friends and building a friends list on your server

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