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Make Sith Wait.


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In the beginning, I had no preference between Pubs & Sith. I thought both factions would be a blast. But I knew in my heart of hearts, (we all did) that the masses would go Sith on PvP servers. I knew it would hinder fun, in fac vs fac pvp, and this depressed me. Being a person who was not attached to either faction emotionally, It was a difficult choice. Knowing that if a roll Pub, I'll be outnumbered drasticly, but if i roll Sith I will play huttball all day, and be PART OF THE PROBLEM.


I chose Pub. To me, the level of durp, is way too intense, when everyone rolls one faction. I've seen a lot of posts like "Im just a paying customer, please dont punish me for playing the faction i wanna play." Or "On servers with no republic why can't we divide the Sith in two, and have Sith A, and Sith B fight for Ilum?" All I see is durp durp durp.


In my opinion, It is dissapointing to see so little sense of competition from the PvP community. If left to their own devices people are such masters of durp, then I think it would be BW's job to fix it.


I don't think they should add more Sith vs Sith pvp. They should not somehow fix Ilum so that somehow 1 vs 4 works. They should not allow people to just play the game with no Pubs. They should make Sith wait in que. Que for warzones and Que for Ilum.


INB4 QQQQQQQQI<3Sith4LifeQQQQQQQQQQ I don't care. This is silly. Stop durping, and roll a Pub.

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Me and a few of my guildies re rolled republic, we are 24-25 ish level, And I have noticed a large increase in Republic on our server, Davik's Estate, Because I have a lowby sith char and hardly ever get huttball, too bad when they hit 50 most of them will quit because of the gear gap present :/
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So easy to say when you're on the side that is gaining on the population of China. Very typical response.




What server am I on, what's the pop of the pubs and what's the pop of the imps?



Oh, you have no idea and are just searching for reasons to invalidate my point.


Well done.

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What server am I on, what's the pop of the pubs and what's the pop of the imps?



Oh, you have no idea and are just searching for reasons to invalidate my point.


Well done.


I'm just trolling you dude. I have no problem with it as it is because I have guild mates and we run through the daily's and weekly's with no issues. It does suck wanting to get the **** out of Ilum directly after though, but that's just how it is.

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You know what the majority of the customers want?


I don't need to.


The point of this thread is saying "there are too many imps, punish them so they roll pubs".


Therefore the OP is stating that the majority should be punished to help the minority.


The opinions of the customers is moot. Unless you are claiming that most imps want to sit in a queue forever? In which case it's up to you to prove that as it's you claiming to know what the majority want.

Edited by Jestunhi
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The original poster is actually 100% right with the only proven method of balancing out the factions.


Source of your data on which methods are available and that this is the only proven one please.




I suspect what you meant was "I think this would work".

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To play devil's advocate with myself, the imps never get that amazing feeling of beating overwhelming odds, the rush you get when competing against an army of pure numbers.


I never even thought how boring it must be the majority of the time sitting there seeing all the green names and hoping to just roll through whoever comes at you with sheer quantity.


Speaking of my server only, of course. Because there must be so many w/ pubs > imps that I clearly don't know about.

Edited by Invictusthetaru
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Making the Sith wait in que, I suppose you could call "punishment" but I have a concept I dont think you have grasped. Once all the crying has subsided, the PvP would be MORE FUN for everyone. Sadly yes, a few people would be republic, not by preference, but to avoid ques. But its a game. When playing monopoly, we can't all be the top hat. People would get over it, and have MORE FUN.


Why do adults run little leages? Would it be more fun if you dropped the kids off in a field, and let them pick thier own teams? No. It would turn into Lord of the Flies. Children are morons, and I find peoples ***** for Sith childish. Please BW, organize these children, so we can have a fun & competetive game.

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Punish the majority of your customers to appease the minority.


Fantastic business strategy - you should do this for a living!


This is the reason why it wont happen.


It doesn't make sense as a business to anger the majority of the population just to make the smaller population happy. The only way that would work is if the smaller population paid a lot more than the majority.


In the long run, sure it would be protecting the customer from themselves but we, the customer, still wont find it justifiable. Only until things get really bad down the road will this be an affordable, but inevitable, solution.

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Well, what did you expected? I have yet to see soo many carebears anywhere but here. Even WoW didn't had so many whining, crying, self entitlement and noobnes when I was still in it years ago.


You played in the beginning, then quit I assume since you didn't see all the players you referred to above in wow. Well they must have come in after you left cause they are the reason Wow is turning into Pokemon with panda bears. It was also the reason Raiding became a walk through. So the players who had "limited time to play" could feel they achieved something in game as well. Oh the list goes on and on and on with whining but you will just have to go back and read those forums to understand better.

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I don't need to.


The point of this thread is saying "there are too many imps, punish them so they roll pubs".


Therefore the OP is stating that the majority should be punished to help the minority.


The opinions of the customers is moot. Unless you are claiming that most imps want to sit in a queue forever? In which case it's up to you to prove that as it's you claiming to know what the majority want.



If player base cannot correct itself towards some decent population balance then the vendor needs to step in, but we know BioWarez will not do that. They are like dude from Idiocracy "I like money"...


Adding sith vs sith Alderaan and Voidstar will inevitably bleed out Republic side of the plyer base because there will be 0 reaon to play one. Unless players on Reps side are pve only and never step into pvp.

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When I started I rolled pub, got a trooper to lvl 33 then my friends started playing. They wanted to roll Empire so I created a BH which is now 50 and it was no where near as fun as the trooper.


I think if there was rewards for world pvp, small ones like 100 credits for killing a lvl 10-19, 200 credits for killing a lvl 20-29 etc...) that this would attrack more world pvp and would make people want to be in target rich environments. If slightly larger rewards were provided from killing enemies in their territory, it could encourage city raiding and whatnot.


Yeah people would farm credits from kill trading, that's unnavoidable. But if the rewards are just credits, I doubt they'd make all that much cash compared to any other activity in the game.

Edited by Nukor
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