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Everything posted by Caledric

  1. So you are a Korean who's gamer tag is HuK and makes his living off of playing starcraft and doesn't play any other games? You aren't a pro, semi pro, or even amateur. Since you want to claim to be so great... go ahead and tell us your gamer tag (the best always get their name reserved by the gaming companies so they use the same one in every game) and who sponsors you.
  2. I only read the thread title... but yes I am tired... I might goto bed soon.
  3. actually I find it to be fun and wonderful...
  4. WoW never was, and never will be the standard for MMO PvP. Its just the name everyone knows. WAR had a far superior PvP model to WoW, DAoC was better, Atlantica is better, LoTRO was better. If I had to rank games of what the PvP standard should be... Planetside (yeah its an FPS but you can't refute its model) DAoC Shadowbane EVE Online (Outside of the cookie cutter but the PvP is amazing) Asheron's Call Only one of those games is officially dead now, but its PvP model was such that even dead its still far superior to WoW.
  5. According to the l337 dudes on these forums if you are doing sub 900k per WZ you are a scrub and need to lrn2play ur class qq. Didn't you know that everyone but you is ALWAYS #1 in damage and constantly does over 900k damage and 800k healing at the same time?
  6. so he is at the keyboard making fun of you? He won't be banned. Earlier you said he is completely afk and unresponsive though... so which is it?
  7. oh noes, my spelling has been corected on the intrawebs! I must to go kill mysefl now!
  8. here is a thought... make some friends... make your own premade. Stop being a leach.
  9. Sadly, no matter how much everyone wants to whine and cry and scream about it. So long as the player is present at the keyboard... Bioware will never take action against them. Doesn't matter if they are participating or not. If they can respond back to the CSR, they aren't going to get banned.
  10. As a sniper/gunslinger we are extremely limited to the medals we can earn. We are basically limited to the Damage and Kill medals, and the base heal in the course of a non-exploited WZ. Meanwhile all the other classes have access to a large variety of healing and protection medals as well. Since Scrambling and Ballistic Field grant 20% protection... why not grant us medals for the damage we reduce while people are in our field? Yes I realize there are going to be people coming on here claiming that they can easily earn 6+ medals a match, but half of them are going to be lying, and another third will just be trolls who don't even play the sniper/gunslinger class. List of medals a sniper/gunslinger can realistically earned in a normal WZ: Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player Combatant – Dealing 75k damage Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight Commando – Killing 10 enemy players Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players 10 medals that our classes excel at List of medals the other classes can realistically earn in a normal WZ: Medic – 2.5k healing from a single heal Demolisher – 2.5k damage from a single attack Trauma Surgeon – 5k healing from a single heal Anihilator - 5K damage from a single attack Quick Draw – Getting a killing blow on one player Combatant – Dealing 75k damage Destroyer - Dealing 300K damage Healer - Healing 75K Savior - Healing 300K Defender – Earning 1k Defender Points Warden - Earning 3k Defender Points Assassin – Killing a player in a one-on-one fight Shield – 5k Protection Protector - 50K Protection Guardian – 2k Protection since last death Paladin – 10k Protection since last death Commando – Killing 10 enemy players Soldier – Killing 25 enemy players 18 medals for tanks (since the tanks can also heal themselves), 15 medals for the Other DPS classes... Bit of a difference... Giving us the ability to score protection points adds in 3 more medals we can earn and brings us inline with everyone else.
  11. Hibernia is sooo underpowered and Midguard is EZ mode!
  12. OP just punished me by posting something that appears to be in English but clearly is not.
  13. Isn't it amazing how EVERYONE is always top 3 damage?
  14. What exactly got nerfed in biochem? The fact that you no longer NEED to be a maxed out biochemist to use it?
  15. Didn't read the thread, but why would you not want to be invited to a party? Everyone likes to party! Get drunk, meet a drunk girl, have drunken sex... wake up next morning have sober sex, do walk of shame... repeat it all again the next night imo!
  16. I was one of the top Mosquito pilots in Planetside and never once did I use a flight stick... Didn't use a flight stick in battlefield to fly either... yet I was highly proficient there as well. You can do free form without having to use a million keys or a flight stick... in fact MOST games require less keys to fly then to walk around.
  17. I've yet to even HEAR about anyone hacking let alone see it... And SWG was RIFE with hacking and exploiting in its early days... Hell my guild exploited the hell out of several bugs to get Sony to change things.
  18. Caledric

    GY exploit...

    bump so more people can learn how to max out the exploit
  19. I applaud Surakis on his excellent job of trolling in this thread... I do agree that the whole hanger/spacestation/airlock ship thing is a bit redundant. I'd much much rather just be able to go from the space port to my ship... Why can't my ship land there anyway? Its not THAT big. If you want the whole having to do something timesink... add a little bit of on rails or off rails space flight to the travel. I'd gladly pilot my ship through an asteroid field or an ambush attack by the enemy to get to my destination.... that would be better then running through 5 different loading screens, and it would make it a bit more immersive and fun.
  20. Caledric

    GY exploit...

    This here is the ultimate fix... btw for those who want to exploit the pull to eternity... you can get rid of the debuff by running ON the ledge off to the sides of the arena... then just run back when you see the ball carrier going near the goal and pull him up to spawn... then run back to the side and wait to repeat. Not once will you ever have to leave the ledge or actually join the game. Doing this is not exploiting, a "CSR" said so.
  21. Caledric

    GY exploit...

    I'm gonna download a speedhack and use it in huttball from now on... after all, its legal. According to all of you. btw, what exactly is the counter to it? The resolve bar isn't a counter because you have no control over it... Also, I can stand up in that "safe zone" for the entire match and have done so many times when I just wanted some cash and valor while I afk crafted and watched tv. Which also, is not illegal or an exploit because the announcer said its ok.
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