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1.1.2 PVP Bag Changes. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! (official quote inside)


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Nope, there's no unassembled tokens being dropped from the new bags.


Why do people keep saying that, when the patchnotes clearly says otherwise?


The number of commendations in Champion and Battlemaster Bags has been greatly increased, and the direct item trade tokens appear less frequently in Champion Bags. This change allows players to obtain PvP gear at a steady and significantly more predictable rate with an occasional bonus.


And btw, if they new 50s actually get their gear slower (which i doubt), big whoop!! Now they have to grind for 3 weeks instead of 2. Oh no!! 3 weeks in a mmo!!!! thats unheard of...


What the hell are you guys gonna do when you all have full BM gear after 1 month??? Quit? What are you gonna do the next 6 months or the next year?


I don't get these instant gratification kids. But I guess the problems solves itself in a couple of months when they have all moved on to the next big thing

Edited by Saiwen
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Why do people keep saying that, when the patchnotes clearly says otherwise?


The number of commendations in Champion and Battlemaster Bags has been greatly increased, and the direct item trade tokens appear less frequently in Champion Bags. This change allows players to obtain PvP gear at a steady and significantly more predictable rate with an occasional bonus.


Yes my bad, I misunderstood the patchnote, probably due to pre-predjudice (checked notes over claims about champ tokens being removed); I didn't remove it from my paragraph when I edited it because I didn't fancy rewriting an entire paragraph to basically say the same thing in a different way.


Edit: Re-edited said post to solve my laziness.

Edited by Genesis_Shadow
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No... because Battlemaster gear only offers a very slight edge over champion gear, whereas Fresh 50 gear to champion gear is a huge difference.


Battlemaster gear should stay 25 % per token, to make it at least hard to come by.


I disagree (surprise).


The RNG system as we know it will still be used - There is a certain chance you will get a gear drop, even one you already have. On top of that, they are using the RNG system (Yes with a better rating (25%)) on the BM commedations as well, this will be as frustrating as the with the gear drops we have now, no matter how you slice it.


Lowering the amount of tokens in each back will still need you to grind out alot of bags. It will take a long time. Infact the Devs would have better control over how long it should take instead of rewarding people at random with a 25% drop rate. It is still a RNG system and you will get frustrated from this, instead of enjoying the fact that everytime you open a bag you are one step closer your gear = More rewarding and fun.


It will still be hard, as you will have to spend alot of times to get your bags, but you can actully count and from that know how long it could take in worst case. You can't with the RNG system, no matter what the %-chance is - Except 100% ofcause ;)

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I disagree (surprise).


The RNG system as we know it will still be used - There is a certain chance you will get a gear drop, even one you already have. On top of that, they are using the RNG system (Yes with a better rating (25%)) on the BM commedations as well, this will be as frustrating as the with the gear drops we have now, no matter how you slice it.


Lowering the amount of tokens in each back will still need you to grind out alot of bags. It will take a long time. Infact the Devs would have better control over how long it should take instead of rewarding people at random with a 25% drop rate. It is still a RNG system and you will get frustrated from this, instead of enjoying the fact that everytime you open a bag you are one step closer your gear = More rewarding and fun.


It will still be hard, as you will have to spend alot of times to get your bags, but you can actully count and from that know how long it could take in worst case. You can't with the RNG system, no matter what the %-chance is - Except 100% ofcause ;)


I actually agree with you (and I'm not BM yet) I have NO DOUBT at all that Biowares RNG will despise my very existance, and as such I will have long dry spells of no commendation. To salt the wound, no doubt the three people in my guild who are at roughly the same valor as me will likely get 1:1 drops on their first few bags.


A far better solution would be one per bag, increase costs by x5 (there is logic, not mathematics failing in the x5) and make a BM bag buyable akin to the Champ bags (at, for example, 1k/1k wz/merc coms) That way, NO damned RNG to torment me. Also, Bioware have access to all the figures so can work out the time required under current system with a flawless 25% chance to achieve each piece of gear; they could (and should) remove RNG full stop, because it does just taunt certain players with bad luck.


Did I mention I hate RNG?

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I actually agree with you (and I'm not BM yet) I have NO DOUBT at all that Biowares RNG will despise my very existance, and as such I will have long dry spells of no commendation. To salt the wound, no doubt the three people in my guild who are at roughly the same valor as me will likely get 1:1 drops on their first few bags.


A far better solution would be one per bag, increase costs by x5 (there is logic, not mathematics failing in the x5) and make a BM bag buyable akin to the Champ bags (at, for example, 1k/1k wz/merc coms) That way, NO damned RNG to torment me. Also, Bioware have access to all the figures so can work out the time required under current system with a flawless 25% chance to achieve each piece of gear; they could (and should) remove RNG full stop, because it does just taunt certain players with bad luck.


Did I mention I hate RNG?


I support this. Just make the cost high, so it won't be to easy to get BM gear. But agree RNG is a bad system

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I actually agree with you (and I'm not BM yet) I have NO DOUBT at all that Biowares RNG will despise my very existance, and as such I will have long dry spells of no commendation. To salt the wound, no doubt the three people in my guild who are at roughly the same valor as me will likely get 1:1 drops on their first few bags.


A far better solution would be one per bag, increase costs by x5 (there is logic, not mathematics failing in the x5) and make a BM bag buyable akin to the Champ bags (at, for example, 1k/1k wz/merc coms) That way, NO damned RNG to torment me. Also, Bioware have access to all the figures so can work out the time required under current system with a flawless 25% chance to achieve each piece of gear; they could (and should) remove RNG full stop, because it does just taunt certain players with bad luck.


Did I mention I hate RNG?

Thanks for the support, 1 down alot more to go hehe. ;)


The RNG system can actully be used for something good. The chance of bonus rewards. :D

It should however never be used to hold back players.

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This whole bag and pvp gear system is still garbage.


After next patch you can get centurio gear faster( when you could already wear champ gear since no valor rank needed for them) but with the changes you probably wont see much champ gear until rank 60.. which is a hell of a long "ride" (grind) not to mention centurion gear just sucks basicly.


When you reach valor 60 you can get BM bags with shiny champ commendations.. this is stupid if you think about it..when you could have BM gear you basicly grind for champ gear and BM gear together? :p


This whole system is so retarded i honestly don't know how could some system like this go trough without someone saying in the presentation meeting whatever : "This is seriously the best idea you came up with?"


There are several much better ideas already on a forum, this just shows how bad the pvp design team is in this game..

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This whole bag and pvp gear system is still garbage.


After next patch you can get centurio gear faster( when you could already wear champ gear since no valor rank needed for them) but with the changes you probably wont see much champ gear until rank 60.. which is a hell of a long "ride" (grind) not to mention centurion gear just sucks basicly.


When you reach valor 60 you can get BM bags with shiny champ commendations.. this is stupid if you think about it..when you could have BM gear you basicly grind for champ gear and BM gear together? :p


This whole system is so retarded i honestly don't know how could some system like this go trough without someone saying in the presentation meeting whatever : "This is seriously the best idea you came up with?"


There are several much better ideas already on a forum, this just shows how bad the pvp design team is in this game..


Take a chill pill, or better yet; reading skill classes. You will get champ commendations from champ bags too. So you are guaranteed to get champ gear before 60. 15 cent coms and 7 champ coms from each champ bag. Add to that, still a chance (even though small) to also get champ tokens

Edited by Saiwen
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k still no one has answer the question when is this new system gona start or has it alrdy started?



and btw, i thought u can only have 1 bag in ur inventory? so you can only do 1 weekly and one daily and hold on to the bags and not open until the patch release?

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well, thats good to hear alltough as a BM with 2 full champion sets it really doesnt affect me at all ... might gear up a companion ...
That's exactly what I'll be doing. It's a nice change from that aspect too. The Champ tokens are always the same class that you are, meaning only one or two companions can use them. Now, with lots of commendations instead, you can grab different classes stuff for your companions.


Overall though, all this 'welfare' talk is silly. BM gear is welfare gear. All it's there for is to give people something to grind out before rated WZ's come out. Once 1.2 hits, gear will likely be gated based on how well you are doing in rated WZ's.

From 9 BM boxes i didnt got any single BM mark!? I mean *** !?
Only 9? heh. I actually went 36 bags without getting any and have now gotten 5 in a row. RNG is a strange beast.

k still no one has answer the question when is this new system gona start or has it alrdy started?
It's part of patch 1.1.2, so whenever that hits live. Edited by Khabarach
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k still no one has answer the question when is this new system gona start or has it alrdy started?



and btw, i thought u can only have 1 bag in ur inventory? so you can only do 1 weekly and one daily and hold on to the bags and not open until the patch release?

Noone knows when they'll patch this on live servers. They have it on the test servers now, and I guess if that goes well and no big issues arise, we'll se the patch on live servers maybe next maintainace or the one after that. But thats just a guess.


As well of stacking bags, that just the vendor one you can't stack as far as I know

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Opening around 30 bags in row, until you finally get a new token!




Anything that removes rng from pvp gearing is good. It evens out the playfield and provides entry level gear faster for new players. If you think getting centurions or even champions from PvPas wellfare, you can go back under that rock you crawled out from. Even just Columni totally outdoes champion in all aspects for PVE progression.

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you should only be saving up bags if you have about 370 or more (or simply 7 items there or therabouts) champ commendations worth of champ items, you are statistically better off opening them now if you have less than that. Edited by Adzzy
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yeah save up bags... i didnt and opend 6 bags yesterday and TADAAA now i have my PurplePWNAGElightsabor *g*





The new system seems fair and its the best for ppl like me missing 3-4 pieces.


I dinged 50 yesterday. Opened up 6 bags and got 2 items. Did 2 dailies and got another item. 3 out of 8 so far with the old system (opened all in ops groups).

Edited by karcyon
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I dinged 50 yesterday. Opened up 6 bags and got 2 items. Did 2 dailies and got another item. 3 out of 8 so far with the old system (opened all in ops groups).


I would be interested in your ratio. I dinged on Sunday opened 6 I will the fleet went 2 for 6. First one implant 6th one main hand LS. Did the daily and weekly Wzs one and Illum daily next got nothing, bought 2 got nothing. Did the 2daily dailys next day and got the belt, then 3 more and another belt. All but the 2 dailys opened not in an ops group but of the 2 I got a dup belt token.




Last night I did the wz daily and completed the weekly plus 1 from tokens. Got a relic.

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Hah. This post makes me laugh. Two nights ago people were going insane saying that Bioware was going to break the game by messing with Champion bags, and I said wait and see what they actually plan before going crazy. Now look at this.


This is a nice change, I wish I had saved my bags instead of listening to the "the sky is falling" croud and opened two hoping for a nice random number.

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I would be interested in your ratio. I dinged on Sunday opened 6 I will the fleet went 2 for 6. First one implant 6th one main hand LS. Did the daily and weekly Wzs one and Illum daily next got nothing, bought 2 got nothing. Did the 2daily dailys next day and got the belt, then 3 more and another belt. All but the 2 dailys opened not in an ops group but of the 2 I got a dup belt token.




Last night I did the wz daily and completed the weekly plus 1 from tokens. Got a relic.

As I said 3 out of 8 so far. Didn't any daily/weekly since then. The three items: head, feet, chest.

Edited by karcyon
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