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EA Stock Surges After SWTOR Subscriber Numbers Reveal


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honest question here....if the game sold around 2 million copies, and now only has 1.7 million active subscribers, that's 300k roughly that already left after their free month. How can the game be seen as 1.7 and growing if it actually lost 300k players in a month?
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honest question here....if the game sold around 2 million copies, and now only has 1.7 million active subscribers, that's 300k roughly that already left after their free month. How can the game be seen as 1.7 and growing if it actually lost 300k players in a month?


I didn't think about that. I'm wondering that myself now.

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honest question here....if the game sold around 2 million copies, and now only has 1.7 million active subscribers, that's 300k roughly that already left after their free month. How can the game be seen as 1.7 and growing if it actually lost 300k players in a month?


Because tons of people are continuing to buy it? An 85% retention rate after the first month is basically unprecedented in this market.

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honest question here....if the game sold around 2 million copies, and now only has 1.7 million active subscribers, that's 300k roughly that already left after their free month. How can the game be seen as 1.7 and growing if it actually lost 300k players in a month?


Many people get copies of games like these for gifts and never use them, then we have discs that don't work or are bought by people thinking they can play on a Console...there are many reasons besides "OMGZORZ 300k lost!!!!1111elevenhimynameisbob" :rolleyes:


The game is in fact growing because some friend in the UK just told me that they are just now getting more box copies in (Bioware limited stock in Europe because the population was growing too fast ) and most stores have waiting lists to distribute them to and Gamestop says it's one of the hottest selling games this year still.


But I know: 300k lost it's on a nose dive now d0000m d0000m!!!




Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Its amazing to me that it is breaking sales records in this messed up economy.


Yep. They reversed the trend that doomed every other MMORPG since wow. People that blabber about "wait months from now!" forget that every single MMORPG released since wow bled a TON more than a meager 15% after the first month.


That, in this economy, is by itself a massively positive feat.

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honest question here....if the game sold around 2 million copies, and now only has 1.7 million active subscribers, that's 300k roughly that already left after their free month. How can the game be seen as 1.7 and growing if it actually lost 300k players in a month?


that works to almost an 85% retention rate , witch is very good for the industry .


I believe this is the class full/empty argument depends how you look at it.

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I don't care if you're a lover or a hater of SWTOR, if you're using EA's stock price to validate your opinion, you fail.


Nobody sane is using EA's stock price to validate their opinion. There are a few of us who are looking at the haters who said when the price slid that it validated THEIR opinion and asking if they're gonna double down on the derp.

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I don't what's worse, that EA is doing well or that gamers are celebrating that they are doing well.


Considering that EA is the only company that really stands up to the great evil of game publishing (Activision), there's nothing wrong in celebrating that EA is doing well.

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So, SWTOR has 1.7 million subscribers and growing, and EA's stock raise 6%. Not too shabby. Not too shabby.


Wonder where the analysts that were throwing mud on the game are now. Probably responding to angry calls.


Guess old dear Pachter was right for once :D


It's way to early to be making claims of failure or success. For those that want it to fail, swtor won't do any worse than Rifts. Which is doing well, but swtor will by no means be a WoW killer for those expecting astounding success. For more accurate numbers check retention rates after at least 6 months.

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Nobody sane is using EA's stock price to validate their opinion. There are a few of us who are looking at the haters who said when the price slid that it validated THEIR opinion and asking if they're gonna double down on the derp.




It was silly to pin EA's 2% drop on SWTOR, but the negative brigade had to do it. So now that the stock is rising, why are they here singing the praises of SWTOR? LOL

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What's with all the EA hate? They're not really much worse than Activision or any other large publishers.


Actually they cleaned up their act considerably in the last few years, pushed new IPs and all that. They're a LOT better than activision.


People that hate EA are simply stuck in the past (or hate this game, and therefore hate EA).

Edited by Abriael
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What's with all the EA hate? They're not really much worse than Activision or any other large publishers.


That's debatable. Activision does tend to have a single figure that opens his mouth, speaks his mind, and draws all incoming fire, but EA has a long and storied history that's much broader with detrimental policies that have angered their own customers. Including releasing products months before they're truly ready, ignoring feedback from their testers and customers. Gee...

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That's debatable. Activision does tend to have a single figure that opens his mouth, speaks his mind, and draws all incoming fire, but EA has a long and storied history that's much broader with detrimental policies that have angered their own customers. Including releasing products months before they're truly ready, ignoring feedback from their testers and customers. Gee...


because Activision doesn't do that... On top of doing nothing else than regurgitating the same tired IPs over and over and over.


Oh wait.

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Gratz to EA and Bioware for the sales report and increase in stock price. However, anyone that understands the market understands the markets mean nothing. Speculation dictates stock prices, not fundamentals and quarterly reports.


They could be up today and the fundamentals could be good, but, then the derivative speculators take over and manipulate the markets.


So take this with a grain of salt. The only numbers that should be looked at is the bottom line profit margins.


They have to pay back the 200 million dollar investment Lucas Arts made before they can take any profit and even then it will be 30%. It will help EA's bottom line more 6 months to a year from now more then it will right now. They've probably paid off a good portion of the initial investment with their 2 million box sales but it's probably not all of it.

Edited by mezlabor
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