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EA Stock Surges After SWTOR Subscriber Numbers Reveal


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Calling this game a winner based off of that is folly.

It is the 1st month of paid subs and the hype is wearing off fast.


Check back 6 months down the line if you want an accurate assessment of how the game is performing.




I say in 6months freetoplay 1-20 will be in the game

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Calling this game a winner based off of that is folly.

It is the 1st month of paid subs and the hype is wearing off fast.


Check back 6 months down the line if you want an accurate assessment of how the game is performing.


6 months from now


Star Wars: The Old Republic continues to grow!!


"SWTOR has now reached 4 million gamers worldwide! Thankyou for making Star Wars: The Old Republic the best gaming experience you can possibly imagine. We here at BioWare will continue to make the game to your liking and work through bugs, improvements and continue with the major content updates. Thankyou gamers, and thank you for playing the game we have given you. May the force be with you."

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Whilst I hope the game does well and those involved have secure jobs it's still in it's honeymoon period so I'd say it's a bit premature to declare it a success. I'm sure it will have a good core following for a long time to come and hopefully that's enough to sustain it, personally I've had enough though and just cancelled. No I'm not going back to WoW...
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Calling this game a winner based off of that is folly.

It is the 1st month of paid subs and the hype is wearing off fast.


Check back 6 months down the line if you want an accurate assessment of how the game is performing.


There he is, the first of the blizzard fanboi's to turn up! And guess what? He is still paying to play despite hating oh lol, just lol!

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This is just proof that the guys on wall street truly don't have a clue (Big surprise there right lol) . I think we can all agree (fanboys need not answer) that SWTOR is pretty much finished when the likes of Tera,Secret World and Guild wars 2 all release in the the near future. Will those 3 games kill SWTOR? Of course not but they are going to decimate the subscription numbers by at least 1/2 of what we are seeing now.
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Statement: it be better to wait for the next quarter press reelase. this allow us a more fair over time of growth/decline.


Query: why do poeple think this game failing?


Statement: is it because it not how they like the game to be?


Statement: then they can move to a game that has what they want and leave the one enjoying it alone.


Musing: Maybe they bored of that other game and wanted something new, but really did not?

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I love it!!!!! I am still laughing at the blogger that called it "TORtanic" ha ha ha...


Yeah she swore she would never blog again of the sub number reached 3 million...she since removed that blog.....she is more or less considered a laughing stock anyway.


Oh this is the blog where she predicted the games doom. I highly encourage people to tell her how wrong she was. Politely and civilly of course :)

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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First, I heard, "On January 21st, everyone will realize this game fails and they will only have 200k players. Those 200k will be the Star Wars fans."


Then I heard, "This game is like a ghost town, no one is playing it. EA will lose more players when EA releases their share report in February."


Share report is released ...


Now I'm hearing, "This game sucks! Those reports mean nothing. In 6 months, this game will be dead."



So in 6 months, if SWTOR has 2.5 million subscriptions, are these same people going to still be here (paying the monthly fee) telling us how SWTOR will fail by Christmas of this year?




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Yeah she swore she would never blog again of the sub number reached 3 million...she since removed that blog.....she is more or less considered a laughing stock anyway.


Oh this is the blog where she predicted the games doom. I highly encourage people to tell her how wrong she was. Politely and civilly of course :)



Look at her info .... tells you all you need to know.


Tealas Game Interest

Currently playing: World of Warcraft




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One thing people need to remember is that since this game is heavily story based people are more than likely to last past the first month. For instance they will do like I and many others did and reroll, pick the class that interests them the most, then level that one to 50 at their pace.


Naturally that will hold them a month.. its after the 2-3 month mark that we need to see how things are going.


Now what I'm sure we would all like to see is Bioware do is patch the current problems quickly, then start releasing new content + their plans on future content. If they can do that in a satisfactory way before waves of people hit 50 then they will be in great shape.


I'm looking forward to see where this is headed and I'm hoping for the best. With BW doing their best, Blizzard will have to improve. As they both improve we win. Also other devs will be more inclined to bring their A game, such as GW2, Tera etc.


So here's to hoping Bioware does the right thing and that they are successful. (In other words DON'T GET LAZY!)

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