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The PvP gear argument and why it makes no sense


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A man walks into a Bestbuy and sees a 50" LCD TV that he wants to buy. He talks to the salesman and buys the TV for list price of 1000$


A few weeks later the same guy is in Bestbuy again and sees a man looking at the same TV he bought. He tells the guy its a great tv and he should get it. Little did he know that the TV is on sale for 50% less than what he bought it for.


The man starts yelling at the sales staff about how its unfair that he worked hard for his money yet someone else gets the same tv for half the price.

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Buying a TV is not an experience. Grinding for gear is an experience. A painful experience. Those who went throught that pain to get the gear also want other people to go through that same pain.


The thought of designing a better system to benefit all doesn't matter to them. The only thing that matters is that other people should feel the same pain as they did.

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Buying a TV is not an experience. Grinding for gear is an experience. A painful experience. Those who went throught that pain to get the gear also want other people to go through that same pain.


The thought of designing a better system to benefit all doesn't matter to them. The only thing that matters is that other people should feel the same pain as they did.


You worked for money to buy the tv so it is an experience.

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Swtor is about $60 - $90 . I paid the price from Amazon so I paid a little more compared to downloading it.

If you purchased your collectors edition, well no one forced you to.


I'm fine with the pvp gear being balanced.

If you're not, are you scared?

Scared of challenge?

Do you call yourself a player vs player, or a squishy squater player only?

Edited by Krondorf
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A thread full of more whiners who want gear handed to them on a plate. Well, youre going to get your wish.


I look forward to facerolling you in your new pvp gear and then listening to more excuses as to why its so unfair..... which will happen!


Youll get your pvp gear and youll still find something to complain about, thats what all bad players do.

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A man walks into a Bestbuy and sees a 50" LCD TV that he wants to buy. He talks to the salesman and buys the TV for list price of 1000$


A few weeks later the same guy is in Bestbuy again and sees a man looking at the same TV he bought. He tells the guy its a great tv and he should get it. Little did he know that the TV is on sale for 50% less than what he bought it for.


The man starts yelling at the sales staff about how its unfair that he worked hard for his money yet someone else gets the same tv for half the price.


Worst analogy ever.

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No this is like going into Bestbuy and giving the sales person $1000 and hoping you get the 60" TV you want. You may get a stereo or a microwave and even a small chance that you will get the TV you really want.


More likey, you will get an instore credit for less money than what you gave the sales person, but that instore credit can only be used to buy a 42" TV.

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A man walks into a Bestbuy and sees a 50" LCD TV that he wants to buy. He talks to the salesman and buys the TV for list price of 1000$


A few weeks later the same guy is in Bestbuy again and sees a man looking at the same TV he bought. He tells the guy its a great tv and he should get it. Little did he know that the TV is on sale for 50% less than what he bought it for.


The man starts yelling at the sales staff about how its unfair that he worked hard for his money yet someone else gets the same tv for half the price.


I can't even tell what point you are making with this post.


This isn't the first and it won't be the last time that someone did something in an MMO and it was made easier/cheaper/faster for someone else. Get over it.

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real life analogies are poor when used in regard to mmos at the best of times.


best one I think is to relate the game to a casual game of football (soccer for the colonies) between friends.


you'd want the teams roughly equal size, if one side had 2 more players you would join the other side, not make it 3 more players, you'd expect the goals to be roughly the same size and if one side was in jeans and trainers you'd expect the other side not to be in boots and shin pads.

Edited by Roak
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Buying a TV is not an experience. Grinding for gear is an experience. A painful experience. Those who went throught that pain to get the gear also want other people to go through that same pain.


The thought of designing a better system to benefit all doesn't matter to them. The only thing that matters is that other people should feel the same pain as they did.


what an selfish answer.


i grinded for the gear, but i dont want that anyone has to do the same if he could get it easyer... who cares.


sooner or later they get it anyways, so better sooner to get some competition.

and if u dont see the pvp you do as competition, then who cares about equipment.


i bet real pvpers dont think about it... only the premades that like to farm pugs all day.

premade vs premade only would be the best anyways... but i see the whining from bad premades coming.

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A thread full of more whiners who want gear handed to them on a plate. Well, youre going to get your wish.


I look forward to facerolling you in your new pvp gear and then listening to more excuses as to why its so unfair..... which will happen!


Youll get your pvp gear and youll still find something to complain about, thats what all bad players do.


After 2 weeks of opening champ bags, I have 3 champ gear pieces. I don't complain about my current gear, since I often do better then people with battlemaster gear on. I am complaining about the *** factor, when after 1 week my guildmate has a full champ set, while I have 3 items after 2 weeks.


I don't want the gear handed to me on a plate either, that would totally suck. BUT I do want to know that if I grind warzones/Ilum long enough, I will get it. Right now there's no way of saying if I will have the gear tommorow, after a week, after a month etc. and I'm sure that many people feel this way as well.

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I believe that the system works out in the long run. I too was angry that I had to grind these bags that rarely dropped any of my gear. I did not get gear out of like 20 bags and I watched friends get pieces out of their first bags. Now 3 weeks later I am rank 52 and got my final Champion piece, and my fair share of duplicates. My friend who got his first pieces in his first bag is still not completely champion. The system allows you to get gear as you grind your way to battlemaster. You would get bored if you got everything in your first 10 minutes and then had to grind all the way to battlemaster with nothing to make it exciting.


True some people will get lucky. Fair? Life isn't deal with it. I think that the gear for the most part goes with the rank. It is setup so by the time you make champion you have mostly champion. The only improvement I could see is once you obtain the pvp rank you can buy the gear with marks. Example: Centurions / Champions can buy their respective gear for 200/200 instead of tokens. So there you have the luck factor but if you put in enough time you can get the gear if you are extremely unlucky.

Edited by Takachsin
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People who can't deal with things changing and becoming harder of easier should not play mmogs.


Anyone complaining someone else had it easier or they have it harder should not play mmogs. Things are guaranteed to change. If you are going to complain about fairness when things change don't play mmogs.

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After 2 weeks of opening champ bags, I have 3 champ gear pieces. I don't complain about my current gear, since I often do better then people with battlemaster gear on. I am complaining about the *** factor, when after 1 week my guildmate has a full champ set, while I have 3 items after 2 weeks.


I don't want the gear handed to me on a plate either, that would totally suck. BUT I do want to know that if I grind warzones/Ilum long enough, I will get it. Right now there's no way of saying if I will have the gear tommorow, after a week, after a month etc. and I'm sure that many people feel this way as well.


M8, Ive been level 50 for 4 weeks now and I'm still missing 4 champ pieces. Ive opened 80+ bags and had numerous duplicates. Lord scourge is looking sweet but Im still 4 pieces short. My mate on the other hand only needs 2 champ pieces for a full set and he only dinged 50 2 weeks ago. On top of that hes only opened about 35 bags.


Thats just the luck of the draw and I got used to it a good while ago now.


You still wont find me on here crying about it though.

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M8, Ive been level 50 for 4 weeks now and I'm still missing 4 champ pieces. Ive opened 80+ bags and had numerous duplicates. Lord scourge is looking sweet but Im still 4 pieces short. My mate on the other hand only needs 2 champ pieces for a full set and he only dinged 50 2 weeks ago. On top of that hes only opened about 35 bags.


Thats just the luck of the draw and I got used to it a good while ago now.


You still wont find me on here crying about it though.


Sorry man, but to me you just did.

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Buying a TV is not an experience. Grinding for gear is an experience. A painful experience. Those who went throught that pain to get the gear also want other people to go through that same pain.


The thought of designing a better system to benefit all doesn't matter to them. The only thing that matters is that other people should feel the same pain as they did.


pain? you mean? sleeping few weeks at warfronts? cause actually getting all kind of gear in Star wars is just the matter of brainless grinding... games like pre tbc wow has gone and never come back cause there are no skilled players anymore...

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Sorry man, but to me you just did.


lol, you call that crying?


Not at all, Im still running 4 Cent pieces and it makes very little difference. I cant see how stating that Ive opened 80+ bags but am still 4 pieces shy of a full set is crying!?!?! Especially since I said I had gotten used to the system a good while ago.


I'll get my pieces when I get them, hell I might even get BM versions before I get the champ ones. Do I care? Nope...

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A man walks into a Bestbuy and sees a 50" LCD TV that he wants to buy. He talks to the salesman and buys the TV for list price of 1000$


A few weeks later the same guy is in Bestbuy again and sees a man looking at the same TV he bought. He tells the guy its a great tv and he should get it. Little did he know that the TV is on sale for 50% less than what he bought it for.


The man starts yelling at the sales staff about how its unfair that he worked hard for his money yet someone else gets the same tv for half the price


Let me correct you as you are the one making no sense.. The example would go more like this.


1000 people line up in front of best buy to purchase said TV for a listed price of 500$, however after the first 100 have walked out the door. The store doubles the price of said TV, as well limits how many TV's can be sold in a day. So you are left with 90% of people stuck in line waiting for days to get the same TV the first 100 people got in 10min for +50% cost...

Edited by NyQuilFast
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The real issue is the OP's analogy is completely backwards.


The 20-40 PVP gear and weapons have had their cost nearly doubled making it harder to get than running flash points, and with the stats its out dated so fast its actually a negative experience getting it.


It doesn't stop from there. By the time you reach Rank 60 you should have pretty much received every piece of Champion gear sometimes (like with myself) getting 6 duplicates along the way.


Once you reach Battlemaster you are in store for your next major disappointment. You find that regardless of the effort you put into PVP and working on gear you are slave to the worst system ever placed in a MMO for getting gear. The Token lottery. Yes you can get 3 tokens with 3 bags, or like most people turn in 12 bags and get 1 or 2 if you are really lucky. This is the major issue with how Bioware is handling gear progression, and it simply is fail. I would really like to say something positive about it, but what it means is that your ability to progress is based on luck. Not effort just plain dumb luck. So someone that has invested weeks can run into someone that has done a few daily and weekly quests and sitting in more battlemaster armor than you, and that's simply pathetic.


I really like the majority of the game, and feel it has a lot of potential for a very long time, but as long as Bioware's Go to move is RNG they will find that they have more and more dissatisfied players every day.


A simple solution is to allow you to buy Battlemaster tokens using the lower rank commendations. With the rate you get them a simple 10 to 1 conversion would be very fair and balanced. At least using this method the average player could get 2-3 battlemaster tokens A WEEK. Putting PVPers on about the same progression rate as PVE players.


Bioware says it wants to make things fair for both sides of the game,


So the basic conversion would be


10 Centurion comms can buy one Champion commendation

10 Champion comms can buy you one Battlemaster commendation.


You wouldn't have to change any prices or make any other changes. Players would be able to progress with out the frustration currently generated by your RNG system. Its a really simple system and it works! Its fair, balanced and allows everyone to progress with out feeling like they are putting in the time and effort for nothing.

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