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If you rely on gear, you're not a PVPer...


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You're a carebear that wants to be a PVPer. The coming changes are welcomed by the actual PVPers.


What's your valor at right now? If you're not a BM, or almost a BM, you don't quite get what people are upset about.


It's not the nerfing gear that most (or at least I'm not) upset about - it's that I spent 100+ hours straight grinding warzones for BM gear, and I'm literally a day away from getting it, and now it probably won't be as effective as Columi or Rak gear. I have yet to enter a single FP or Op. I chose not to do that because I enjoy PvP more, and felt I was getting rewarded for it. I would have certainly done FPs and Ops had I known this was coming.


As someone said earlier:

>Make game with PvP gear grind

>Nerf PvP gear


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Show me a game that you think has only skill-based pvp, and I'll show you a way to gain an advantage in it seperate from skill every time.


Eve online, Pirates of the burning sea, Guildwars, For MMO's. if we are talking about anything with XP, then Cod, Tribes, battlefield, lol, dota, hon, so on and so on.

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I knew pvp gear was getting nerfed, but until I read this thread I didn't know the bags themselves would start containing more commendations and less chances for champion gear drops. I have searched but can't seem to find the test patch notes, do we know when this will be implemented?
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So if I PvE, I'll get awesome gear that I can own with both in PvE and PvP. Yet if I PvP, I'll get meh gear that I can only own with in PvP, and even then it'll probably be better to just get the best PvE gear instead.


I hate all you idiots that are trying to force me to PvE so that I can PvP.


MMO PvP is NEVER fair. Deal with it noob.

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agreed what in Eve is skill oriented?


Second... I am a PVE player now bc i noticed earlier on that PVP gear just wasnt the same. I get bored now in between FP's bc pvp doesnt do me any good. Yea i am close to BM but what do I need BM for other than the title? The gear isnt better than my gear now

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If you don't want to gear, you're not a rpger...


see what i did there?


You have offered nothing new to this debate. Your logically implosive claims have no evidence and no merit. The definition of "skill" is not clear, or established. For example, we don't have to aim. Is battle sense more important? Or teamwork? Or having a perfect rotation?


What makes pvp good is purely subjective. If you don't like it, go play a pvp game that isn't also an rpg. It takes skill to gear and spec too, though a different kind of skill. The new crafting changes will hopefully make gearing your character more complex and interesting.


The real essence of pvp is this: given a set of rules R, defeat your opponent while he tries to do the same to you. It doesn't matter if the rules state you draw a pony and then take a crap on it, it's still competition, and that's what "real" pvpers enjoy.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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It's not that hard to get a mix of cent/champ gear...


Believe it or not, a skilled player in cent/champ can take down a not so skilled player in full bm and even a skilled player in full bm... I've done it and seen it.


What about this is hard to understand?


You really think that most of the scrubs that got BM after 1.1 are good? Who cares if they're in better gear... not too hard to beat.

Edited by CrackrJakz
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Which will never happen because of the stat named expertise...


Which will never happen because everyone doesn't have the exact same stats/skills. Oh right, that's any shooter. You're playing the wrong game, Counter Strike or StarCraft would be better suited towards your wants and needs.

Edited by deltaminus
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Incorrect. MMO PvP is completely fair.

MMO RPG CvC is NEVER fair.


If we are going to reach an understanding, we have to start using the correct terminology to avoid confusion. Words have meaning people.


Negative. Both players will never be equally geared. Both players will never be equally skilled. Both players will never have the same internet connection speeds. Both players may not be playing the same class. Both players will not start attacking each other at the exact same instant and will not use the exact same moves. ****, this game uses stats like Crit and Surge, they're both RNG and luck based... what exactly is so fair about that?


Herp derp go find another bridge to troll under.

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Which will never happen because everyone doesn't have the exact same stats/skills. Oh right, that's any shooter. You're playing the wrong game, Counter Strike or StarCraft would be better suited towards your wants and needs.



And if the gear had just increased regular stats you wouldn't have the disparity you do now due to the expertise differences that increase damage done AND decrease damage received. How does a FPS game suit my needs because of a company making a poor decision with their PvP gear? I played Warhammer for a couple years and was pleased with their gear progression. It was based on renown (valor) level and had increased regular stats not some stupid crutch pvp stat that makes bads good...

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Just got my bmaster last night so it's the worst possible timing for me, but this needs to happen. I am tired of huttball games where neither side seems capable of killing the ball carrier. Really hoping this will solve that issue but we will see. At least we will hopefully get some more balanced gameplay revolving around skill.

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And if the gear had just increased regular stats you wouldn't have the disparity you do now due to the expertise differences that increase damage done AND decrease damage received. How does a FPS game suit my needs because of a company making a poor decision with their PvP gear? I played Warhammer for a couple years and was pleased with their gear progression. It was based on renown (valor) level and had increased regular stats not some stupid crutch pvp stat that makes bads good...


Wait wat? Increased stats aren't an advantage in Warhammer... yet they are in SWTOR? Ok, whatever you're smoking, I want some.

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Wait wat? Increased stats aren't an advantage in Warhammer... yet they are in SWTOR? Ok, whatever you're smoking, I want some.


Apparently you can't read. Increased REGULAR stats are definitely not the same type of advantage when comparing an increase in expertise. If you think that, then there is no point in trying to convince you of that...

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You're a carebear that wants to be a PVPer. The coming changes are welcomed by the actual PVPers.


Your a scrub if you PvP in WoW before BC you would understand. I am not going to sit on my *** even more for PvE gear to be on par with already raiding players. It is a even playing field already.


PvE people choose to PvE first before grinding PvP. Fresh 50's need to be allowed to collect bags from the get go turn everything into tokens. Add vanity pets, vehicle, dyes, or anything else as a nice gift instead of the piece. Allow level 10's to open the bags from the start.


WoW pvp Warlord grinding was the worst I ever played. If Shadowbane was not point and click and actually patched it would rain supreme for PvP games. Put in a SWG crafting system I do not care but do not take my time I invested slamming my face in the grind even more so as a sentinel and maradur cause of their crappy laggie melee system to become even par with a range class.


If the change to PvE is the best loot I am out.



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