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922k healing and 3 medals, plz add a 600k and 900k medal


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what the poster means is, healing is getting quite little medals compared to dps or protection or a mix of dps and protection.



healing medals must exponentially increase.


I think it's the relative ease in comparison


It is numerous times faster as a DPS or TANK to get medals than healers.


A fairly simple solution would to just increase the 75k dps/healing medals to 100K or 150K. That would slightly even out the medal gains.

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speaking of putting words in months...


who even mentioned aoe'ing damage on people?


Or that getting DPS medals is "easy" for healers besides the killing blow and 10 kill ones.


Healers definitely getting less medals than "dps" and "tanks," that's undisputed. But neither is getting 3 medals a "normal" thing for healers, and that is my point.


By your logic, where healers heal, and dps dps, a dps shouldn't have to "heal" themselves for the 2.5k/5.0k/75K medals then. But guess what, almost all dps sorcerer/sage do. You might say they're hurting their dps that way and not doing their job. That's untrue. I respecced DPS to try it in PvP these last two days and all I needed to do was consumption myself a few times right before game starts, pop CDs, heal once, get 2.5K/5K medals instantly, force speed to catch up.




Then as the game progresses, my normal gameplay will more often than not get me 75K heal total.


But I shouldn't be forced to "heal" right? But it's so damn easy that it would be dumb not to do it especially when it doesn't hurt the team.


That's just like the killing blow / 10 kill medals.


There should be medals added for healers, sure, along the lines of "X healed per 1 life," similar to protection medals and such. But unfortunately, that would be abused by heal-capable dps classes as well.


There is a reason why there aren't more medals for healers. And the 600K/900K medals as suggested are just more ways to gimp new-50s and sub-50s.


lol. Your argument is so flawed. I'm not familar with the sorc class so it might be super easy to get healing medals while focusing on dps but it isn't as a Commando or Scoundral. I'm leveling a Commando right now and sure I can get 2.5k and 75k healing medals if I really want to but, like I've been saying, I would need to stop focusing on DPS and instead keep casting heals until one crits or I do it enough to equal 75k. If I were to do that, the who team would suffer as I stop doing my job to try and get extra medals. Just because your class is designed in such a way that you can faceroll to 75k healing doesn't mean every class is.


We need a medal system that rewards people for doing objectives and for doing their actual jobs. Forcing people to dps while healing is silly. If a commando is specced for dps and he's wasting time and ammo trying to get a crit heal for medals, the system is broken.

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lol. Your argument is so flawed. I'm not familar with the sorc class so it might be super easy to get healing medals while focusing on dps but it isn't as a Commando or Scoundral. I'm leveling a Commando right now and sure I can get 2.5k and 75k healing medals if I really want to but, like I've been saying, I would need to stop focusing on DPS and instead keep casting heals until one crits or I do it enough to equal 75k. If I were to do that, the who team would suffer as I stop doing my job to try and get extra medals. Just because your class is designed in such a way that you can faceroll to 75k healing doesn't mean every class is.


We need a medal system that rewards people for doing objectives and for doing their actual jobs. Forcing people to dps while healing is silly. If a commando is specced for dps and he's wasting time and ammo trying to get a crit heal for medals, the system is broken.


Why are things so black and white with you? I'm not sure if you'll ever understand.


First, the reason why I'm using sorcerer as an example is because I play a sorcerer so I have personal experience AND the OP is a sage. It is only "super easy" to get those healing medals I mentioned at this gear level (~few pieces short of full champion), so how difficult it is for your sub-50 commando and/or non-geared commando is not really of my concern and is not how PvP is balanced.


No one is asking you to abandon your "dps job" to heal just for medals. The fact is, if you're a heal-capable DPS class, or a dps-capable HEALING class, you heal/dps respectively, sometimes.


For example, as a heal-capable DPS, you may be in a situation where you and a DPS teammate, or just yourself, is killing this one dude. Your teammate is low and your DPS target is at 50%. What should you do? As a sorcerer, you should toss a shield on your teammate, which contributes ~3K to healing done and will likely give you the time you need to either DPS the enemy down or heal your teammate. This applies to your commando as well. You won't kill the enemy before your teammate dies, so the logical thing would be to stop DPS and heal your teammate while he DPSes that target down.


As a DPS-capable healing class (all healing classes), you may be in a situation where you see a person trying to run away, or is just standing there at low HP healing. What should you do? Shock to finish him off so your teammates won't have to deal with another DPS and/or healer. Is that one GCD going to kill your teammates? In most situations, no.


If you're not doing things like what I have just described, you are playing it wrong, and this is what people refer to as "tunnel-vision."


Medal is a reward system, it should be something you have to achieve, and not some welfare valor/commendation that you're just given.


The current system is crap, but healers can get more than 3 medals easily.

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Scored 5 of the 5 goals in Huttball.


Used tank spec to be able to force pull their runner to defend.


Got 1 medal.



I win the game for my team and I get the least medals. Not to mention never getting mvp votes because all people look for is the damage/healing done and vote for one.


This isn't one game, this is 75% of the games I play.

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Why are things so black and white with you? I'm not sure if you'll ever understand.


First, the reason why I'm using sorcerer as an example is because I play a sorcerer so I have personal experience AND the OP is a sage. It is only "super easy" to get those healing medals I mentioned at this gear level (~few pieces short of full champion), so how difficult it is for your sub-50 commando and/or non-geared commando is not really of my concern and is not how PvP is balanced.


No one is asking you to abandon your "dps job" to heal just for medals. The fact is, if you're a heal-capable DPS class, or a dps-capable HEALING class, you heal/dps respectively, sometimes.


For example, as a heal-capable DPS, you may be in a situation where you and a DPS teammate, or just yourself, is killing this one dude. Your teammate is low and your DPS target is at 50%. What should you do? As a sorcerer, you should toss a shield on your teammate, which contributes ~3K to healing done and will likely give you the time you need to either DPS the enemy down or heal your teammate. This applies to your commando as well. You won't kill the enemy before your teammate dies, so the logical thing would be to stop DPS and heal your teammate while he DPSes that target down.


As a DPS-capable healing class (all healing classes), you may be in a situation where you see a person trying to run away, or is just standing there at low HP healing. What should you do? Shock to finish him off so your teammates won't have to deal with another DPS and/or healer. Is that one GCD going to kill your teammates? In most situations, no.


If you're not doing things like what I have just described, you are playing it wrong, and this is what people refer to as "tunnel-vision."


Medal is a reward system, it should be something you have to achieve, and not some welfare valor/commendation that you're just given.


The current system is crap, but healers can get more than 3 medals easily.


Now your comparing a medal system where players are rewarded for actually doing their job with a welfare system? Using excesssive exageration and hyperbole doesn't count as an argument. This comment is so rediculous I'll let it speak for itself.


So you bring up a hypothetical situation in which a healer should dps or a dps should heal. The problem is these situations are misleading and heres why.


I'm a healer and I see an enemy player who is low on health and who can probably be finished off pretty easily. You argue that the smart move is I should finish him off. The problem is that in most situations, there is other stuff going on and a choice must be made. Like other teammates who are getting beat on.


So I have two choices:


1. I can take a few moments to finish off this dps and in the process of me doing this a teamate either dies or gets closer to death thus making it more difficult for me to keep him alive once I do turn my attention back to him.


2. The second choice is to ignore the person who is low health and continue doing my job and healing my teamates.


I would argue 2 is the much better option because, as a healer, you should constantly be surrouned by teammates. If that's the case, there should be other dps around you who can kill him more effectively than you can.


Now granted their might be some moments where you should dps as a healer. Like when someone is capping a node, its prudent to use your basic attack on him or throw a dot on him. Or it might be a good idea to kill someone with low health who might stop a teammate from capping. It's also a good idea to dps someone if a person with low health starts to attack you. In that case you should probably just kill him so you can get back to healing sooner.


If you notice, every situation where a healer DPSes is ultimately in services of two goals: objectives or getting back to healing. The healer's job isn't to DPS to get kills.


So there are certian scenarios where its more beneficial to dps as a healer but that are rare. They are certainly not common enough to justify getting 25 kills. Maybe a healer can get the 10 kill medal doing those things but even then I'd question why they didn't spend those critical moments keeping an ally from death.

Edited by Moricthian
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What a joke of a thread. Stop arguing about a how crap a system is and get them to change it. Medals should be objective based, not ability based. Passing a ball in Huttball, or even scoring should get a medal, capping a tower or hurting (ie breaking) someone capping a tower in alderaan or planting a bomb, releasing a bomb in Voidstar are just easy examples of actions that do not get medals and often not objective points.


That would encourage bad player more than it is now, you'd have sorcerers trying to rambo goal score for their medal rather than offloading to a ptech/jugg/speed+shroud assassin, people who cc to keep interrupters away wouldn't get rewarded (which is required in any half decent game) etc

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I don't understand why this thread is so long. Several people have already said the solution.


Healing someone who kills people is a contribution to that kill.


Reward "kills" for healing people who kill people.


That's it.


Why this isn't already like this is beyond me.


Oh, and to the people who are beyond retarded/self-indulged and keep saying OMG LIEK JUS DO UTHA STUFF AN GET MEDALS! ...

It's already been outlined which medals are normally acquired by each role when they are focusing on that role. Stop being ignorant - it's plainly clear that the healer role gets far less medals for focusing on their role than any other role.


Honestly, whenever I pug now (which is most of the time, sadly), I spend more time running around making sure I get that killing blow medal, more time tagging players with damage spells on the off chance that my terrible pug dps'ers can kill one of the enemy pre-made players, and more time dps'ing in general to try and get that 75k medal every game. What does this result in? More team mates dying, probably more losses than I would have, but who really cares about wins? I just need another 60k valour.


So I'm sorry, but if you see me in your WZ, don't expect me to be playing my role properly and effectively because I'm tired of not being rewarded for it, and tired of this grind to 60 which has probably taken about 15-20% longer than DPS/Tank role classes.

Edited by Dudious
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Now your comparing a medal system where players are rewarded for actually doing their job with a welfare system? Using excesssive exageration and hyperbole doesn't count as an argument. This comment is so rediculous I'll let it speak for itself.


So you bring up a hypothetical situation in which a healer should dps or a dps should heal. The problem is these situations are misleading and heres why.


I'm a healer and I see an enemy player who is low on health and who can probably be finished off pretty easily. You argue that the smart move is I should finish him off. The problem is that in most situations, there is other stuff going on and a choice must be made. Like other teammates who are getting beat on.


So I have two choices:


1. I can take a few moments to finish off this dps and in the process of me doing this a teamate either dies or gets closer to death thus making it more difficult for me to keep him alive once I do turn my attention back to him.


2. The second choice is to ignore the person who is low health and continue doing my job and healing my teamates.


I would argue 2 is the much better option because, as a healer, you should constantly be surrouned by teammates. If that's the case, there should be other dps around you who can kill him more effectively than you can.


Now granted their might be some moments where you should dps as a healer. Like when someone is capping a node, its prudent to use your basic attack on him or throw a dot on him. Or it might be a good idea to kill someone with low health who might stop a teammate from capping. It's also a good idea to dps someone if a person with low health starts to attack you. In that case you should probably just kill him so you can get back to healing sooner.


If you notice, every situation where a healer DPSes is ultimately in services of two goals: objectives or getting back to healing. The healer's job isn't to DPS to get kills.


So there are certian scenarios where its more beneficial to dps as a healer but that are rare. They are certainly not common enough to justify getting 25 kills. Maybe a healer can get the 10 kill medal doing those things but even then I'd question why they didn't spend those critical moments keeping an ally from death.


I don't think it takes an intelligent mind to know which of the following two scenarios is the more likely one to occur in a typical game:


1. Where healers have the opportunity to engage in DPS sometimes and can get killing blow/ 10 kills without endangering their teammates.




2. Healers are stuck in a perpetual state of constant healing where they need to devote every GCD and resource to healing or else someone will die, and whenever they make a conscious choice to DPS, they're "doing it wrong" and/or endangering their teammates.



I'm done here. You're obviously stuck in your own little world, and I can tell you have zero experience playing as a geared 50 healer.

Edited by Acyu
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I figured out how we can fix the medals system...take it out!!! Man soooooo much QQ over healers not getting as much medals as everyone else. (I am a healer sage btw) Whatever happened to pvping cause you enjoyed it and healing cause its fun. Funny people "needing" medals in this game for self satisfaction. Don't pull the "I am grinding for BM". Just takes a little more WZs to get it. Oh well cause you are pvping for fun.....oh wait. Everyone is pvping to epeen over medals. Every time my trooper vanguard gets 10+ medals we laugh about it in vent saying "Oh look at those skills....so good at this game with my 10 medals."


Point is medal system is a joke and people crying about it is a bigger joke.



Seriously though less QQ.

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I don't understand why this thread is so long. Several people have already said the solution.


Healing someone who kills people is a contribution to that kill.


Reward "kills" for healing people who kill people.


That's it.


Why this isn't already like this is beyond me.


Oh, and to the people who are beyond retarded/self-indulged and keep saying OMG LIEK JUS DO UTHA STUFF AN GET MEDALS! ...

It's already been outlined which medals are normally acquired by each role when they are focusing on that role. Stop being ignorant - it's plainly clear that the healer role gets far less medals for focusing on their role than any other role.


Honestly, whenever I pug now (which is most of the time, sadly), I spend more time running around making sure I get that killing blow medal, more time tagging players with damage spells on the off chance that my terrible pug dps'ers can kill one of the enemy pre-made players, and more time dps'ing in general to try and get that 75k medal every game. What does this result in? More team mates dying, probably more losses than I would have, but who really cares about wins? I just need another 60k valour.


So I'm sorry, but if you see me in your WZ, don't expect me to be playing my role properly and effectively because I'm tired of not being rewarded for it, and tired of this grind to 60 which has probably taken about 15-20% longer than DPS/Tank role classes.


Because it's open to abuse. Take OP's SS for example. You can tell by his 900K healing and 8K damage that he spent almost the entire game spamming shield and heals on his teammate. And a big chunk of those from the sage's AoE heal. If healing someone means you get kills from that person's kill, healers that engage in multi-target heal or AoE-heal will have 50+ or even 100+ kills in a full game.


This game really doesn't require much for you to get "credit" for kills. ONE damage is okay. JUST ONE. Whether it is an instant damaging ability while you're changing positioning, or tab-dotting, or even your knockback spell (which does AoE damage) to gain some area to heal, the fact that you did some sort of damage gives you the kill.


It is honestly not hard to get at least 10 kills as a healer, and any one who argues that it is even remotely difficult is full of crap.


Healers got shafted, it's true. As long as there are heal-capable DPS classes, you will not see medals like "X amount of heals in 1 life" added to the game. Those heal-capable DPS classes already take advantage of some of the healing medals.

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I play a sawbones healer and have made a similar post. I agree that the medals are stacked against healers and completely disagree with the idiots who tell healers to dps if they want medals. We are HEALERS not DPS'ers, our job is to HEAL not DPS and we SHOULD be rewarded for doing our job.


I have proposed in a diff thread to add in a couple medals for us to mimic the easy to get dps medals but make it so that they are mirrors so to speak. If you get the heal version you can not get the dps version and vice versa..


Medals proposed (of course open to sugestion to change)


Kill blow medal mirrors to healing medal below.

Savior Medal : Heal a player who is under 10% hp with a heal bomb (with cast time)


10k protection medal mirrors to medal below.

Big Heals Medal! : Heal for ##k in a single life (heals on yourself do not count toward this total)


1v1 medal mirrors to the medal below.

Heal a player for ##k health in 1 life (in targets 1 life)


I think something like this would help healers out a lot. as it is I feel like hybriding my build is more beneficial as winning with 3 medals < losing with 9 medals.


I love this kind of thinking for improving the medal system.

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this game doesnt reward self heals which is nice or id never get a heal.

If they did everyone would just heal themselves & let everyone die just to farm medals!


Its already been clarified I wasnt self-healing, read the posts from the people in the same warzone, just because youll never reach this level of play doesnt mean you have to hate on the people that are, plently of sorcs/sages are doing this im not the only 1.

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Actually you doing only healing might have been the reason your team lost. Doing only healing in defense is OK bit in offense a good sage knows that it is far more important to kill the defense fast then to keep everyone on your side alive. I always laugh when I am outnumbered 2 to 1 by a healer and any other class and the healer just heals... guess what I will heal myself and you will never cap anything (and this happens quite often). Even with only 10 points in a damage tree you can do respectable damage. Not breaking 75K damage and getting at least 10 kills is your fault and nothing else.


Why would the healer take the time to deal damage rather than keep his team mates alive, when the teammates do more damage? Sure, in a situation when it's 2v1 the healer can afford to throw down some DoTs and an instant cast, but it is more effective to keep the people on your team alive as they're specced towards doing damage.

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A healer should always be ready to dps. If your team is killing a player then it is sometimes more efficient to finish them off than have your team take more damage from them. A healer should also be cc'ing and maximizing total offense or defense. It often saves more healing (damage) by killing a player quickly, than by just healing a teammate trying to kill that player. Already shown, sorc/sages can accomplish both and should do both. Easiest of the easymode classes for healing.
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I'm not going to poo poo over your 900k healing because that is impressive, but you lost the match. That should be a hint. It looks like you tunnel visioned. You had the most heals, and the person with the highest damage was on your team, and you still lost. I know the complaint is about wanting there to be 600k and 900k medals, but you shouldn't be hitting that high on heals. In order to get that high on healing you have to actively be trying to get that high on healing. Take some of that effort and put it towards doing some damage. You don't get medals by doing 1 things. Yes, you get more medals for doing 1 thing as a damage dealer, but even as a DPS you still branch out and try to get some healing medals or tanking medals. Judging by the amount of time you were alive you should have easily gotten the 75k damage, 10 and 25 kill medals.
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A healer should always be ready to dps. If your team is killing a player then it is sometimes more efficient to finish them off than have your team take more damage from them. A healer should also be cc'ing and maximizing total offense or defense. It often saves more healing (damage) by killing a player quickly, than by just healing a teammate trying to kill that player. Already shown, sorc/sages can accomplish both and should do both. Easiest of the easymode classes for healing.


If teammate dies because you are doing mediocre dps when you could have saved them, you aren't doing your job. People like you need to just shove it.

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please do the other things that get you medals. Pressing three buttons and targeting your own faction isn't skillful.


No one else has to deal with the crap that healers have to deal with.


Healers have to DPS and heal while DPS just has to do DPS.


It's easy for someone to say what you've said since you don't have the skill necessary to do both.


I get 7/9 medals a WZ but in order to do it I have to drop around 100/200k overall healing.


When I have to drop 200k healing to DPS and get medals it screws over my teammates.


EDIT: When I DPS I drop around 200k to 400k healing and gain 50k to 75k damage. Obviously we shouldn't be DPS'ing... We're HEALERS!

Edited by Saviorofcamelot
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A healer should always be ready to dps. If your team is killing a player then it is sometimes more efficient to finish them off than have your team take more damage from them. A healer should also be cc'ing and maximizing total offense or defense. It often saves more healing (damage) by killing a player quickly, than by just healing a teammate trying to kill that player. Already shown, sorc/sages can accomplish both and should do both. Easiest of the easymode classes for healing.


I do agree with this.


I don't think a healer should DPS but I frequently use my DoT because it reduces movement speed by 20% which helps keep multiple people off my target and I use Interrupts against enemy casters to reduce the amount of healing I have to do or the amount of healing that they are doing.


Healing isn't just about casting heals... It is about aiding your team with both heals and crowd control.


I've found that the only healers that know this are the ones that actually leveled up as a healer. A lot of the people that leveled DPS and then respec healing really suck at rotating through heals and interrupts.

Edited by Saviorofcamelot
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That is right... what I am saying is if you want medals, you need to do some more damage.


10 kills

25 kills

75k damage

death blow


these are pretty easy to get, even for healers. I realize everyone has a soft spot for healers, I do too... Just telling you guys what to do in order to obtain more medals, since no one else is helping.


LOL too funny. Best part is how if it was reversed and all the medals were given out for healing instead of damage, this fool would be crying bloody murder on the forums about why healers have it so easy.

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It is honestly not hard to get at least 10 kills as a healer, and any one who argues that it is even remotely difficult is full of crap.


It's not about being difficult. It's that it helps my team so much more if I'm healing my teammates for 4500 rather than plinking some guy for 200 damage. If you're dps, you help your team by killing people. If you're a healer, you help your team by keeping your teammates alive. We should be rewarded for doing our job, not for doing your job.

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yeah because spaming aoe heals near doors helps your team.. nice stats tho but I bet your team was dying one by one while you was hunting green numbers


Im playing healer myself and I never had bigger healing done then 400-500k, enough to win most of the time


what Im trying to say is that if they implement 600k and 900k medals they will stand for pointless objectives like, in your eyey, doing damage as healer


If they ad more others healing medals, people will spec hybrid and roll 13 medals a match


Its hard for BW, so please let them think, they will figure something out


also I think this whole thread is just a "look how awesome Iam, I haz numbers" so its pointless anyways

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