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Why do so many people hate Baras?


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I dislike Baras because he's fat. I frown at fat people in reality, so I obviously detest the fact that my powerful master is a dough boy. I'm not sorry that I'm not part of this new society where we have to accept everyone.


How enlightened of you-are there any other groups you detest for such well-reasoned opinions?

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When I first met Baras I didn't care much for him...even spared my first master. But after choosing the wise-*** responses and seeing his reactions too them (especially when he loses it torturing that rebel), it changed the way I felt about him. Normally you'd expect such defiance to be met with a bit more rage and anger among the Sith. I think the scene right before you land on Corelia and Baras hails you, if you choose the "Who are you again?" response and he says, "Your wit has not improved." I think that sums it up for me on why I like him. You're able to banter with him like this without much reprisal because he knows the power you wield. Why else would he have "stolen" you on Korriban?


It sucks that you didn't get to choose the time and method of when to betray him as he makes the first move, but it's expected. Even Jaesa...she says she'll never betray you but you know if she truly embraces the Sith way it'll have to happen. I think that's the only thing that I had issues with.



When he sends Lord Draahg to kill you or Quinn to betray you...both plans are a failure of calculation on his part. You'd think he'd be smarter about killing you with his knowledge of how powerful you are, especially after everything/everyone you've fought and defeated up to this point.



That's the weakest part of storyline IMO.



I'll forgive them for Quinn's ending as I saw the original choice of being able to kill him in beta. I'll just chalk that up to a last minute change that they didn't have time to rewrite before release.



As for people saying he's fat, I never thought that at all. I always saw him as like Marvel's Kingpin. His girth is not useless flab...as shown in Kingpin's fight with Red Skull:







His mask could've used more...detail. I see the idea...it just seems like it was half-rendered. The shoulders do bug me though.

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I dislike him because he's the sith equivalent of a pompous windbag.


It doesn't help I'm playing light side and favoring vette so I talk back to him at every turn and get to listen to him threaten me YET AGAIN and do nothing.

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I actually didn't really hate Baras at all... So far, I really like him. I have to agree that he's a really great character. What I mean by this is he was really well written, drawn and thought out.


As was Harkun. All the character's I've encountered have been done really well. The only person I hated with a passion was Harkon, but that's why he was written like he is.

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I was very neutral regarding Baras.



Having played the Sith Inquisitor storyline (and me being a Sith and all), I knew that I was being manipulated from the beginning and that he was going to turn on me eventually. Very predictable.



His long-term goals, however, spiced up the story a little bit.



Essentially, he's just the generic villain who betrays you... Nothing spectacular there.




If anything, the Sith storylines are just not very good. They're much too predictable and fail to convey the feeling that your actions are supposed to change the status of the galaxy on a massive scale.

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Because that's the point of him.


A True Sith hates everyone, hatred is unlimited well of Darkside power.


Hatred of your master is vital to ensuring your succession of him.


Any who didn't hate him just didn't get into character enough (well assuming they were going for "True Sith", if your going for "Lightside Sith", "Samurai Sith" or something else then you probably wont hate him).

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I didn't hate Baras, I just couldn't take him seriously whatsoever. The pudginess was just lol and the options to act insolent were just so full of win.




Me *Trollface*: Is there a problem here?





In the end, I chose to banish him rather than kill him. Hopefully, I'll see him again in a future story update and get some more laughs :rolleyes:


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I see a lot of commentary from other Sith Warriors about how they 'hated Baras' or 'couldn't wait to kill Baras,' but I never had anything but appreciation for the guy, even when he stabbed me in the back.


I mean, Baras is heavy in the brains department, but clearly not as strong in the force as my character. Therefore, I made an excellent tool or weapon that he could wield in his ascent to power, but once I became a liability, it is perfectly natural for a smart Sith to attempt to dispose of me, as Baras did. After all, I was ambitious, and he knew it, even if I was still loyal when he turned on me. He'd taken me as far as he possibly could -- it was a good run, and we both profited. But when the time came for someone to make a move, he was the one who made the play. How can I blame him for being aggressive?


Basically, I can't fault the guy for doing what is natural for a Sith to do.


What's more, Baras is/was:


1) Smart.


2) Actually makes the male fat body type work, and seem powerful.


3) Willing to heap praise on me when I deserved it.


4) Nearly always trusted in my ability to get the job done, and was properly appologetic (or as close as he could be) when he doubted, such as when Duke Kendo tried to rat me out.


5) Taught my character a lot about the darkside.


Ultimately, I couldn't bring myself to kill Baras, and instead exiled him. I suppose I am just a big softy at heart, but the guy was a brilliant strategist and his plan almost succeeded. Plus, it's really hard to fault anyone who openly opposes the Emperor, especially when his ultimate plans are to basically sap the galaxy of all life to sustain himself. If Baras had become Emperor eventually, I don't think that would have been all that bad -- he's certainly a crafty enough fellow. I bet we'd win the war quickly under his rule.



So, yeah, I just don't get all the Baras-bashing. As far as I am concerned, he's right up with with Palpatine in terms of sneaky, smart, astute badguys.


Why do you guys hate him so much?


Well i Like Baras cause I can make fun of him in his face and I always thought of him as "Bouncy Baras." I made a Fat character that now looks exactly like him lol so I can go around as bouncy baras and own ppl in PvP:D

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To me Baras is the ultimate sith master. He's cunning, knowledgeable, ruthless with a little bit of psychopath sprinkled in and for that reason only you have got to hate him. I don't hate him as a character, I think he's absolutely brilliant even the body type 4 thing.


For me personally, the body type 4 lulled me into a sense of false security, cause every time I saw him I would think "oh what could tubby ever do to me" Well he almost succeeds in killing you off, and might have if it wasn't for the emperor's hand.


But you have to hate him if you play a sith, hell even a jedi would hate him after being betrayed the way you are. Act 3 of the sith warrior has got to be the best act in the entire game. Cause it starts with this reason to make you want to hate Baras' guts like you never have, and then proceed to thwart and destroy his every ambition... it's just so exhilarating!


By the end of it all I just wanted force choke him, shove him against every wall of the academy with the force and then finally drop him from the top of the academy jump down on him and impale him on my saber... that's how much I hated him.

Edited by AllanGand
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I thought he was great. I have a love/hate relationship with Baras. I love hating him. Baras felt like a true sith master. The Sidious to my Vader. He was wicked, scheming, and brilliant... Not to mention his menacing appearance, and that mask was just perfect. I felt like me and him were achieving greatness together, and if the option was given I would not have betrayed him, but when he betray me it was on. ******e couldn't even stab me in the back with his lightsaber or at least show his face on my holo, instead he has that douche Lord Draagh bury me in that cave. I did expect the betrayal at some point in the story. At least it didn't happen until later in the story unlike Dath Zash . In comparison to Darth Zash, I say Darth Baras was the far better master. The master /apprentice relationship was much better developed as opposed to Zash. I just couldn't take her seriously, she came across corny, phony, and over the top ridiculous. I did think she was a decent antagonist, I absolutely despised her and enjoyed watching her burn, its just she did not feel like my master. I completed the warrior story back in January with a jugg, and recently completed it again with a marauder just to relive the whole experience. However i made several different choices on the second run. Edited by DARTHOSIRUS
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Baras always seemed like a spoiled brat from a wealthy family to me. He's good at acting and using his insincere charm to get his way, but when the **** hits the fan he goes from 0 to frighteningly aggressive hissy fits instantly.


I hate hate hate hate HATED him.


I call him Darth Burgerking. Because that fat slobbering bowl of jello has about as threatening even in his rage as a child having a temper tantrum in a restaurant. Killing him was so satisfying I kid you not I actually lit up a cigar. I just could not stand him after I got my ship. It seemed right after that I was constantly ramming heads with him. Of course it's at about that time the dynamic shifts somewhere where the teacher is suppose to be despised by his student. So they wrote it well. But he still lives long after I had my first urge to stick him with something sharp and dangerous.

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Because he's fat, and an a**hole, but that's the point of his character so mission accomplished. You're supposed to hate him.


Jadus and Malgus are the cooler Sith Lords by far.

Edited by Atma
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