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Is Playing a sentinel solo really that hard


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I didn't find my PVE levelling particulary hard. I died once to a story boss, simply because I didn't understand I wasn't supposed to tank him. Other than that, I was rolling through PVE ez pz. But then again, I'm a *********** jedi master. Some people apparently have difficulties.


Sentinel in PVP is fairly situational. Sometimes you can do well, sometimes you can get stomped on.


Overall, if you think you can manage 20+ binds and ~5 small cds (no exaggeration, it's literally 20+ binds and you should be using most of them during any fight) you should be able to do fine. Not the top of PVP food chain, but definitely not the bottom.

Is the effort required to play this class competitively worth it? It's up to you.



EDIT: Oh, and don't even think about touching anyone without gear. Get accustomed to the floor textures, your face will be touching them a lot.

Edited by Rakimou
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I don't think anyone would argue that it has a steep learning curve they don't really explain very well when giving you your choice of Advanced Classes. At least I don't remember a "No, seriously, become a Sentinel only if you want to play MS Excel as a game!" as a warning.


From about 10-30 I actually loved it. After that the learning curve will hit you like a brick wall if you aren't prepared.


Even if you get into a habit of learning the main skill rotations you should be using it's still such a situational dps class that it can be very difficult to get a grasp on. Throw in that melee classes are usually harder than ranged classes and that just makes Sentinel that much more so from this player's perspective.


It is a class that really shines in the hands of a small percentage of the playerbase (presumably like the poster above me) but for the rest of us can present a challenge to play on a daily basis.

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As they said above that the Sentinel is amongst the harder to play but is far from impossibe.

If you like a challenge and don't mind feeling weak when you first start to pvp at 50 then go for it since it's very fun class to play. I'm not in top gear for pvp but I really feel i can beat most classes in 1on1 and I do tend to end up amongst the top of damage done if i'm not in a team that looses too badly.

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This is total crap.




Sentinel is not weak at <50 pvp.




Having seen the bullsht on these forums I rolled a marauder and leveled it to 20~ then did some pvp.



Every game was top dmg done and killing blows.




The class is fine, what matters is HOW YOU PLAY IT.

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This is total crap.




Sentinel is not weak at <50 pvp.




Having seen the bullsht on these forums I rolled a marauder and leveled it to 20~ then did some pvp.



Every game was top dmg done and killing blows.




The class is fine, what matters is HOW YOU PLAY IT.


This man speaks teh truth

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This man speaks teh truth



Too bad you just didn't read the fact, that we are talking about SOLO play of sentinel.

I don't give a damn about childish PVP, but Sentinel lacks a lot in PVE solo gaming and thats what this thread is all about.


Learn 2 read!

Edited by Cyrelle
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I played as a Sentinel and a Bounty Hunter. Sentinel is more difficult, but still plenty do able in PVE.


I'm 3-5 levels over classed for the PVE class missions because I did extra PVP and space missions. It seems to be a cake walk to do the PVE class missions. That said, when I was over classsed with my bounty hunter I could do the PVE missions and most of the +2 heroics without other players and barely pull off some of the +4 heroics solo. With the Sentinel I can sometimes do the +2, but I get slaughtered when I do +4's.


Either way playing a Sentinel in PVE is far from impossible, and if you are a big fan of Jedi, like me, then it is quite enjoyable. If you run into significant trouble just level up a little in PVP or space combat, upgrade your gear, and come back.

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I've played both knight classes to 40's--though I've only done the class quests up to Hoth--and had no real trouble with either. I have, however, heard a lot of people troubled with the class quests. I used Kira on my Sent and the combined damage potential simply ripped through enemies. Not likely to take down an even level champ without doc, but using Kira as a dps meatshield made elites pretty easy too. More risk, but quick content clearing.


The class is "harder" than a trooper. I could fall asleep on my vanguard and still manage to win a fight. Standard mobs aren't even worthy of laughter and you get Elara so early that elites/champs are barely giggle-worthy. I'd only consider a Sent difficult in comparison to some other classes, but not when looking at the class alone.

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Sentinels are more "difficult" then the others. But are much more fun in a lot of ways as well. I like to make sure that T701 is geared hard for tanking and that helps a lot. But yes there are some bosses that can be difficult if you just try to burn them down.
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Is definitely harder to play than any other class (mauraders being an exception of course). For the most part I can kill level elites or even elites a level higher but I seem to have trouble with Sith Casters at my level. If I have trouble though I just level up more or get a friend to help.


It's my opinion that some of the class bosses are too strong for their level. You beat all the other elites on the planet and come to your class boss and they roll you. So you go get a friend or level up and come back and roll him. My problem is I shouldn't have to be overleveled to beat my class mission boss.


This isn't limited to Sentinel though. My rogue guildmate got rolled 8 times to his class mission boss on Tat and that even included some attempts after leveling up. I helped him with his mission and he helped me kill the sand demon.

Edited by JerokTalram
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It's very doable, but I highly suggest being a couple levels above the content to make it easier. That's pretty simple if you just make sure to do all quests, do the quest bonuses and do bonus series on planets that have them. Add a couple daily space missions in for some free XP and cash and you'll be good.


Keep your gear updated, learn the nuances of playing the class and keep your companion with you and you'll be fine.


There should be no issue with anything up to Tatooine. You may find it a little more difficult on Tatooine and Alderaan. Balmorra isn't bad. Once you get Doc, you should find it incredibly easy, since he's a pro healer.


With Doc and a couple levels soloing Heroic 2+ isn't an issue as long as I don't overreach myself and pull too many enemies. Heroic 4s however are out of reach however. You'll need at least one person and their companion to tackle those.


But yes, solo PvE play is very doable. I've done it myself and I'm now a 43 Sent and making my way through Hoth with no issues.

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But yes, solo PvE play is very doable. I've done it myself and I'm now a 43 Sent and making my way through Hoth with no issues.


I guess so. Being 3-5 levels higher than the missions makes them very easy. I'm only 42 and I've finished half of Belsavis

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My sentinel is 42 and I have soloed him the entire way. I thoroughly enjoy playing him and I rarely get killed unless I do something stupid. Like many other posts said, Doc is a great companion. I can now take down 4-5 mobs by myself (be sure to pull mobs off of doc so he can heal you!).

This is a great class to solo P V E, but you need to learn how to play it!

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At level 50, I was doing the Corellia class quests, and was stuck on an Elite Sith Sorcerer of some sort. He was level 49, and standing in front of the turret I needed to destroy. I just hopped to fleet and regeared. When I got back, I ravaged him.


So soloing is easy, if you've got good gear.

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Sentinel is harder than other classes to solo, but that doesn't translate to being weak in group PvE content.


Two specific reasons Sentinel is harder than other classes to solo with:


(1) Unless we're fighting droids, we don't have a way to remove an opponent from a fight. So let's say you're trying to solo a Heroic 2+ mission. You're facing a mini-boss and 2 strongs. You might not be able to get through it at equal level, but if you had the ability to remove one of the strongs, you'd breeze by. Other classes that have abilities that let them simply remove an opponent have a much easier time soloing.


(2) Our companions SUCK. We don't get our healer until we're in our 30's, which is outrageous given how squishy we are, and given that other classes get them much earlier. What's more, our healer is the suckiest; other classes have healers that do things like completely stun opponents with stuns that don't even break when you attack them. T7 is a weak tank, even geared. Kira is fine, but she's DPS and squishy, so now every single fight becomes a pure DPS race, which is fine 90% of the time but 10% of the time the encounter just calls for a different strategy, and we don't have the companion for it.


That being said, this is all relative to other classes. In absolute terms, you should level fine playing solo. I did 1-50 without once doing a flashpoint and only doing a single heroic in group, and I got 'stuck' at the standard places people complain about (2 of the class bosses); it just takes a few attempts, maybe 45 minutes of mild irritation, and then you're past it and on with your leveling.

Edited by andrew_b_gross
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Is definitely harder to play than any other class (mauraders being an exception of course). For the most part I can kill level elites or even elites a level higher but I seem to have trouble with Sith Casters at my level. If I have trouble though I just level up more or get a friend to help.


It's my opinion that some of the class bosses are too strong for their level. You beat all the other elites on the planet and come to your class boss and they roll you. So you go get a friend or level up and come back and roll him. My problem is I shouldn't have to be overleveled to beat my class mission boss.


This isn't limited to Sentinel though. My rogue guildmate got rolled 8 times to his class mission boss on Tat and that even included some attempts after leveling up. I helped him with his mission and he helped me kill the sand demon.



Yeah, the Sand Demon was pretty rough.

The dumb thing about it was that there was no reason it should've been.

It's not like it had an attack you needed to interrupt or an AOE you needed to avoid.


You could have been 1 level over it, progressing in levels normally up until that point, and the thing just wrecks you. Again, no real reason except for the fact that it's just way too powerful for its level. Maybe if you had a healing companion at that time, it'd have been easier, but I had a fully decked out T7 droid for tanking purposes, and he just went down against the thing in seconds.


There was also some boss on Alderaan. Some kind of imperial general, who, again, was just far too powerful for his level. You'd go through all your defensive buffs and he'd still hit like an 18-wheeler tractor-trailer. The worst part was, he was just a mini-boss, and you encountered him fairly early on the planet.




But then at other times during the Sentinel's class missions, fights are entirely too easy. SPOILER ALERT: When I went to go kill the emperor, fighting my way through the mobs was FAR more difficult than the fight with the emperor's assassin, the one who eventually becomes your companion. I had heard that he was one of the most difficult fights in the Sentinel's story, and he was entirely underwhelming. I just finished Voss last night, and the last fight there was a total joke. Lord Fulminiss is pathetically weak. It was like fighting a "silver" Strong enemy.




But the Sentinel's story does seem very wonky. At times, you'll play your class to the best of your ability, near perfection in terms of DPS and keeping your defensive buffs up, and you'll still lose to Boss characters who are 2 levels under you.

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No, because PvE is easy.


However, we are hard"er" than most other classes. We have to be smart about which pets we use, we require keeping our gear up more than other classes, and we have to be willing to burn cooldowns and use proper attack strategies and not just keysmash to win against the tougher mobs.


This is really the issue people get caught up on. To experienced MMO players PvE is trivial. So the class seems fine, if not strong even.


But to anyone who does a deep dive comparison of Sents to the other classes, or to anyone who isn't super adept at these games, the Sent is weak....RELATIVE to those other classes.

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I have a 50 sorc and a 50 operative (the latter shared with my brother). Been slowly leveling a sentinel since a couple weeks ago, currently it's level 36.


I originally didn't even consider melee dps classes because i assumed (wrongly) they were the least challenging and complex. Wrong. The class is a blast to play, and it's gonna be my new main for sure. Just so much more fun compared to sorc and lolOP. I shudder to think what it will be like getting some pvp gear on par with my imperial chars with the upcoming changes but oh well, gonna be worth it.


That said. Sentinel solo PvE, my experience so far. Watchmen spec. Pretty damn good, way faster than OP for sure, and on par with sorc up to this level (but i used a pvp build from the start there which really isn't that good pve wise for sorc untill late 30's i'd say). You just gotta realize you don't have to "save" your defensive cooldowns, you don't have to f**k up, and you don't have to rec to full HP to engage. In fact, if you're annihilation and have 30 centering, you can go into a pack or a strong+trash with half HP no problem. Bosses so far have been a cakewalk, you just gotta remember to interrupt them because some have some really nast casts/channeled :p Once you get Doc, you have no downtime (but slower killing, significantly. I still prefear it because i HATE waiting to recover, even if it's after 5-6 pulls). Sweet. I really don't understand the complains tbh. You just can't go button mashing, you gotta know what you have to do. Play your abilities right and you can do a trash pack/2 strong/an elite finishing with a full health bar no problem, play them wrong and you'll finish with 30% health and will have to rec.


PVP wise, i absolutely demolish anyone 1v1 (except snipers, those can hurt me for real if played right it seems :( ), often 1v2 with certain class combos, and overall i feel i'm very effective. It can be painful at times if your team is mostly range based and you're the only melee guy going into the fray, or if there's no heals. Once you get force camo tho.... a whole other PvP experience, gamechanging. You're way more team dependant than other ACs tho. If your team sucks, with a stealther/ranged class you can still do good, with a sentinel, you're gonna feel the pain more. On the contrary, if your team's any good, you're gonna shine.

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My experience with Sentinel has been great and at times frustrating. Most of the time, I'm on a roll and life is good but the few moments where I'm a bit tired, my DPS becomes hell to maintain in both PVE or PVP. You really need to stay cool while playing that class. One moment of panic and your DPS drops and it will not forgive.


I love combat spec but for leveling, Watchman has been my bread and butter. I will probably switch to combat at L50.

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Sents are probably the hardest class in the game to play. But considering all the non Jedi are complete Face Roll classes, as is the Sage, the only three classes that take any concentration are the Shadow, Guardian and Sentinel.

Do you need 20 Keybinds??? Not a chance.

For most battles you will use 14 keybinds (Including interrupts, selfbuffs debufs). You also want use all the buffing in all the combats, also note that 1 of these binds is force leap which you will use once or maybe twice in the combat, so you use a rotation of about 6 keys for the majority of your combat. It aint rocket science.

The key to playing the Sentinel is planning ahead and then being ready to adjust the plan quickly on the fly.

Clean up the mobs that do the highest DPS is required, otherwise clean up the ones that are fastest to take down, DPS Is in your favour, but mitigation is not. So get rid of the enemies DPS as quickly as possible.

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