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Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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at best right now, it is a numbers game, you had to sub to play beyond the 22nd if I remember right, so you were forced to sub or buy a game time card etc.. which means they claim you as beyond the first 30 days, which you didn't "really" get for free, you HAD to sub, see the numbers a the end of the 2nd qtr, march 31st and then we can see


I "feel" like loads of subs have gone, my server was light, then heavy for a week or so, now it is light again


Will highlight it for you, that 1st qtr report "allows" them to claim beyond the FIRST QTR which is 0ct 1 to DEC 31st of 2011, which is the first qtr of 2012, fiscal year


that report lets them brag early about how well they have done, wait for the hard numbers on the 2nd qtr, 1 jan to mar 31 2012,


if they remain similar to the 1.7 act, they are holding steady, if they have 1.4 active, they have lost, and if they have 1.8 they have increased, see how that works???


wait for the data

Edited by owenthorn
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The fanboys in this thread remind of the donkey on Family guy who says Kevin Bacon is not in Footloose over and over.



Let me recapitulate: there are facts which EA published for their shareholders and those facts say that after the first month about 15% of the playerbase cancelled their subscription (which isn't that bad, but not perfect either), so overall the publisher can call the game a success for now. And people who say the exact same thing are living in denial?


You know nobody says the game is perfect, bug-free, well balanced and has enough content for years to come. But it is successful and that statement is not made up (like a lot of the doom and gloom posts here) it is based on facts. If they want to stay successful, they need to fix bugs, tweak the balance and generate more content, but that's not part of this discussion.

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On the server I am EU RP-PVP English, Republic side numbers seem increasing. The problem remains to do Heroics, Areas, Flash Points, etc in Lvl 50 SM or HM.


But there is a lot of low level players playing around. There was 200+ on Republic ship last Monday, and Saturday was in Coruscant it was same number.

I leveled 50 in over a week now, but players in this level are increasing here although slowly. About 50 republic players are normally seen on Ilum during the day at some time.


So far I am immersed in the game and I play minimum 1 hour a day (this number is very rare). LOL on average 5 hours a day. My story is nearly done.

An server migration for FPs lvl 50 on the HM ones would help a lot at the moment,


Things to improve? Yes work still needs to be done. Starting with the Lagging and Crushing on Ilum.

But I like it. Better this then the dreaming I had since 2006 or so.....

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at best right now, it is a numbers game, you had to sub to play beyond the 22nd if I remember right, so you were forced to sub or buy a game time card etc.. which means they claim you as beyond the first 30 days, which you didn't "really" get for free, you HAD to sub, see the numbers a the end of the 2nd qtr, march 31st and then we can see


I "feel" like loads of subs have gone, my server was light, then heavy for a week or so, now it is light again


They only count the subs active as of February 1st. Not those that have subscribed at some point in the past. If you can play the game now then you're part of the 1.7 million subscribers. If you can't - then you're not.


but wait wow lost 1.7 million subs ovet quater 1-3 last year, in a few weeks blizzard will show the Q4 numbers, which we expect to be another loss or a minior gain.


so you point about them increasing subs is faulse



I wrote "for years" and not "forever" :rolleyes:

Edited by Safiir
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Except you're the one in denial, not the fanboys. You're example is of people denying the truth, which is exactly what you are doing.


The fact is this game isn't dying. The fact is that 1.7 million people are still subscribed PAST the free month. The fact is you morons have been doing nothing but talking about how the game is dying and how it has failed when the truth is the exact opposite.


Sorry to burst your hater bubble but EA can't lie in their quarterly earnings report, a bunch of forum trolls can. Up to now you clowns have been getting away with your lies because there was no proof otherwise, but you've just been owned by the real world...suck it up.


I left this thread yesterday and came back today and it seems the denial is even worse today than it was yesterday.


It really is sad that some people are so invested in their negativity towards this product that they absolutely refuse to see the truth when it is right in front of their faces.


Wouldn't it be easier to just tuck the tail between the legs and sulk off into the darkness? Or to just say to oneself, "you know what, I don't like this game but it looks like lots of other people do, maybe I should just move along."


Nope, instead they choose to deny every single piece of factual evidence that is presented to them and to involve themselves in convoluted tin foil hat theories and conjecture and sadly, it hasn't been beyond some of them to just outright make stuff up.


It's swiftly went from being funny to being irritating to being outlandish to being just plain sad.

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This thread is so laughable.


People are picking sides as if this is a sports match and they have to support a team. In this we are all consumers subscribing a service by BW. Most players are enjoying the game. What people are arguing about here is how to interpret data.


No one is bashing or defending a game here. They are just arguing what a set of numbers released by the devs mean. The answer is nothing. No one can even prove these numbers are real. They are just word of mouth from the devs at a rime their share price has been in the news. No one can say any of these numbers are defo fact. On top of that no one can actually accurately interpret this data (if its even accurate). Not even the number crunching boffins at BW will really have a 100% accurate idea of what the next month subs number will be so any mention of these numbers and what they mean, is speculation.


As such this whole threads fails massively. What people should do is take figures the devs release with a bucket of salt and not worry about it. Let the Devs worry about sub numbers and player profiles. Instead play the game. if you like it hope it stays running and active, if you don't go and play something else. It is as simple as that.



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Good Job Bioware! There will always be haters and people waiting to rain on someone's parade. But in the end 1.7 mil active and 2 mil sold that is fantastic. I never seem to understand the hate that is spewed across the general discussion forum. I understand people have concerns and those that voice them without hurling insults at people who acutally like this game I applaud. Those that can't do it without name calling I dismiss as idiots. The facts remain the same, as of right now 1.7 million have active subs.


If you are unhappy about that I don't know what to say, I mean it's not like they are running over your dog. If you are commenting on these forums you should BE happy about those numbers. If you are unhappy with this game just walk away, go play something else or express your concern in a intelligent manner. But saying you are a critic and care about this game, then calling anyone who disagree's with you a name makes you look like what you are a troll. Walk away and go find something you enjoy, all the time you are wasteing hating is just that a WASTE.


I hope this game grows, I want to play it for a long time. This to me is good news, plenty of players to interact with and Bioware deserves a congratulations!:)

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As such this whole threads fails massively. What people should do is take figures the devs release with a bucket of salt and not worry about it. Let the Devs worry about sub numbers and player profiles. Instead play the game. if you like it hope it stays running and active, if you don't go and play something else. It is as simple as that.




Normally I'd agree, but in this case I think a little gloating is in order after the massive amount of "ToR is a failure" and "this game is dying" crap that these forums have been subjected over the past month or so.


Of course it makes sense that people who like the game are still here, the fact that people who hate the game are still around makes no sense at all.

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I left this thread yesterday and came back today and it seems the denial is even worse today than it was yesterday.


It really is sad that some people are so invested in their negativity towards this product that they absolutely refuse to see the truth when it is right in front of their faces.


Wouldn't it be easier to just tuck the tail between the legs and sulk off into the darkness? Or to just say to oneself, "you know what, I don't like this game but it looks like lots of other people do, maybe I should just move along."


Nope, instead they choose to deny every single piece of factual evidence that is presented to them and to involve themselves in convoluted tin foil hat theories and conjecture and sadly, it hasn't been beyond some of them to just outright make stuff up.


It's swiftly went from being funny to being irritating to being outlandish to being just plain sad.


Why would people leave?


Like it or not, there are a lot of people that are interested in the financial success of TOR - as it relates to the game itself... as it may relate to the MMO market, in general.


I don't see a lot of people in here claiming FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL... I do see a lot of defensive reactions when people try to figure out what the #'s actually indicate... and some people getting butthurt when others point out the #'s indisputably do not indicate what they are saying.


As someone best said above... 1.7 million = the number of people that can log in to the game today. Period. Doesn't matter if they are on their free 30 days... or if they are in month 1 of their 12 mo paid subscription.


We know the game sold over 2 million... so we know for sure that 300k+ have quit the game entirely. We know there is another group that still hasn't decided what to do after the 30 days... my guess is that is about 500k... maybe a bit more.


I think that's about as real and fair as you can get. If you think that's FAIL... or indicates a poor outlook moving foward... I think the case can be made... if you think it's great and means greater success is on the horizon.. more power to you. Though I wouldn't let you handle my investment $$$'s!

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Why would people leave?


As someone best said above... 1.7 million = the number of people that can log in to the game today. Period. Doesn't matter if they are on their free 30 days... or if they are in month 1 of their 12 mo paid subscription.


We know the game sold over 2 million... so we know for sure that 300k+ have quit the game entirely. We know there is another group that still hasn't decided what to do after the 30 days... my guess is that is about 500k... maybe a bit more.


I think that's about as real and fair as you can get. If you think that's FAIL... or indicates a poor outlook moving foward... I think the case can be made... if you think it's great and means greater success is on the horizon.. more power to you. Though I wouldn't let you handle my investment $$$'s!


You can not assume the above, you can not assume 300k have quit or that 500k more will this is what I am talking about when I say people have to rain on others parades. You are determined to put a negative spin on this announcement. You are one of those people who take things and twist it until it makes you happy. Just stop you are making yourself look silly. Your assumptions are just that, you cannot have any credibility by making them.

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Simple question : Where are they in game?

When I log ingame, I see 32 on Tatoine, 91 on Republic fleet.....

1,7 million actives players, where are they?


You're not on the only server in the game. You're on the faction that is known to be underpopulated.


Congratulations, you're on one of the low population servers on the low population faction.


I know that in the early stages of a babies' life, they essentially think that whenever their mom leaves the room, she quite literally disappears. The baby can't really comprehend that just because it can't see its mom, it doesn't mean that their mom doesn't exist.


It's the same way that you think everything in your own narrow vision is an accurate way to predict the rest of the world's reality.

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Simple question : Where are they in game?

When I log ingame, I see 32 on Tatoine, 91 on Republic fleet.....

1,7 million actives players, where are they?


When they say active subs they do not mean at once... Much like there is not 10 million players logged into Wow right at this exact minute

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We know the game sold over 2 million... so we know for sure that 300k+ have quit the game entirely. We know there is another group that still hasn't decided what to do after the 30 days... my guess is that is about 500k... maybe a bit more.


I think that's about as real and fair as you can get. If you think that's FAIL... or indicates a poor outlook moving foward... I think the case can be made... if you think it's great and means greater success is on the horizon.. more power to you. Though I wouldn't let you handle my investment $$$'s!


You think that's as real and fair as you can get? Pulling 500k people out of thin air? Where exactly did you get that number? Are you claiming that 500k people have purchased this game since Jan. 3, because that's the only way they'd still be in their free months.


And for the record, 85% retention rate after the first month is amazing. The only MMO to exceed that number is WoW and the rest don't even come close. Only about 40% of MMO players make it past the first two months, ToR will be significantly higher than that.

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Simple question : Where are they in game?

When I log ingame, I see 32 on Tatoine, 91 on Republic fleet.....

1,7 million actives players, where are they?


You do have to remember that your sub does not become inactive after you cancel your sub. It becomes inactive after your paid time has expired.


If there are 1.7 million active subs that does include people who have cancelled and no longer play. Thats why some people are saying you have to wait for the next numbers but if nothing is done and the new numbers come out and its only 1 million or so still active then the game will not recover.


Thats why some of us are on here complaining. We want this game to succeed and last a long time.


Its the people who see 1.7 subs and say success just because thats a large number that are in denial. Its better to fix something before it completely breaks rather than wait for it to break and then figure out how to fix it.


So to everyone that thinks people that are not happy with the game want it to fail, your wrong. If I wanted the game to fail I would just have cancelled and walked away from the game. I dont want it to fail but with the way it is not it most likely will.

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You can not assume the above, you can not assume 300k have quit or that 500k more will this is what I am talking about when I say people have to rain on others parades. You are determined to put a negative spin on this announcement. You are one of those people who take things and twist it until it makes you happy. Just stop you are making yourself look silly. Your assumptions are just that, you cannot have any credibility by making them.


I'm not assuming... I'm using simple subtraction to get that 300k+ number from the exact information reported today by EA.


The only other answer is that those 300k+ threw the box in the trash/were never able to login/register. I WILL assume that the % of people that tossed the game in the trash or were never able to login once is very, very, very small....


I'm not assuming 500k more will quit. I'm 100% correct in pointing out this segment (500k which seems like a pretty good estimate... feel free to offer another) still has to decide to stay anothe rmonth OR quit.


The only person here that appears to have no credibility is you... who do not appear to understand simple logic.


Whether or not these numbers indicate FAIL, as I said... is up for interpretation... but the numbers are what the numbers are. No amount of fanboy rage changes the numbers or makes them something they aren't.

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When they say active subs they do not mean at once... Much like there is not 10 million players logged into Wow right at this exact minute


So when do they log on? do they all log on when the servers are in light status? Wouldnt that change the server status from light to standard or heavy?


Again 1.7 million with 200 servers is 8500 per server on average. I would think it would be safe to say that over 10% play during peek times each day so round that to 1000 per server I dont see it.

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Again 1.7 million with 200 servers is 8500 per server on average. I would think it would be safe to say that over 10% play during peek times each day so round that to 1000 per server I dont see it.


Many are not lvl 50 yet 'cause not everyone of the 2 million buyers started the same day.

Many are leveling alts.

MANY are in Warzones at the very moment you're watching the numbers.



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So when do they log on? do they all log on when the servers are in light status? Wouldnt that change the server status from light to standard or heavy?


Again 1.7 million with 200 servers is 8500 per server on average. I would think it would be safe to say that over 10% play during peek times each day so round that to 1000 per server I dont see it.


you just cant, cant, cant accept that the game is fine, people do enjoy it, its future is bright right now?

just cant get away with that, right? you have to bash it into the mud because it irritates you so much - this game didnt live to your expectations?

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So when do they log on? do they all log on when the servers are in light status? Wouldnt that change the server status from light to standard or heavy?


Again 1.7 million with 200 servers is 8500 per server on average. I would think it would be safe to say that over 10% play during peek times each day so round that to 1000 per server I dont see it.


So are you saying that when a server says heavy it means absolutely the same as light?

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Once again, I like this game not despise it. I do not troll, I speak my mind. Making a speculation that I (and many more) will be bored of this game in 4-5 months doesn't make me a hater or hating the game, etc.


It seems to me you just can't deal with the fact that I am probably right.


Lol right what? that in a few months you will be bored? and who gives a frag LOL

ah crypto trolls are the best

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