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Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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The xfire reports show a totally different ball game. Official market watch and financial reports by EA are lies.... This game is dying and everyone knows it. All you need to read is the xfire numbers. I get my info from xfire.. not these "official" market reports.


The writer of the article is obviously on the take.....and if anyone doesn't think so, you're naive to say the least.




This is clearly showing a nose-dive in players of SWTOR. For those of you who don't know what xfire is/does. It knows the exact number of connections to any game, not just those who use the software.


Meaningless drivel from you and flagged since mods closed the thread you started with this BS.

Edited by Drewser
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Imma scream about xfire


I just asked some people in Republic Fleet who used xfire. So far the responses are: "No" x 5 and "Is xfire a mod" x 1 and "I had it once I thought it reduced my FPS" x 1.


That is at least eight people (me included) who don't use xfire. Xfire is not the judge of a game's health.

Edited by Thaltom
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The xfire reports show a totally different ball game. Official market watch and financial reports by EA are lies.... This game is dying and everyone knows it. All you need to read is the xfire numbers. I get my info from xfire.. not these "official" market reports.


The writer of the article is obviously on the take.....and if anyone doesn't think so, you're naive to say the least.




This is clearly showing a nose-dive in players of SWTOR. For those of you who don't know what xfire is/does. It knows the exact number of connections to any game, not just those who use the software.


whats an Xfire?

Edited by Selaik
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The xfire reports show a totally different ball game. Official market watch and financial reports by EA are lies.... This game is dying and everyone knows it. All you need to read is the xfire numbers. I get my info from xfire.. not these "official" market reports.


The writer of the article is obviously on the take.....and if anyone doesn't think so, you're naive to say the least.




This is clearly showing a nose-dive in players of SWTOR. For those of you who don't know what xfire is/does. It knows the exact number of connections to any game, not just those who use the software.


I figured it out!


He works for Xfire and is trying to get people to download the program or visit the site for some ad revenue or something. Kind of like the gum salesman in Clerks getting people angry about smoking.

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I just asked some people in Republic Fleet who used xfire. So far the responses are: "No" x 5 and "Is xfire a mod" x 1 and "I had it once I thought it reduced my FPS" x 1.


Xfire is not the judge of a game's health.


But... but... it's an entirely optional service, completely unrelated to this game, that appeals most to players of entirely different genres than this game.


What do you mean, that's not a representative sample?!? How dare you suggest that this unrelated third-party site isn't a meaningful measurement of the health of an MMO?


Oh, right. This same discussion comes up with every MMO. Someone trots out XFire to try to prove that the games they love are doing well, or the games they hate are doing poorly, and everyone who's seen this nonsense time and again sighs and shrugs at each other.



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The xfire reports show a totally different ball game. Official market watch and financial reports by EA are lies.... This game is dying and everyone knows it. All you need to read is the xfire numbers. I get my info from xfire.. not these "official" market reports.


The writer of the article is obviously on the take.....and if anyone doesn't think so, you're naive to say the least.




This is clearly showing a nose-dive in players of SWTOR. For those of you who don't know what xfire is/does. It knows the exact number of connections to any game, not just those who use the software.


You do know that you can be account banned for spreading misinformation about EA and Bioware right?


You may want to seriously edit your post.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Now you are talking about our "feelings"? How about we whip out the ouija, throw some chicken bones into rats blood and really get technical about this.


yes I said feel, as in does it feel that busy to you, not if it effects your emotional state. unless you as a player can give me hard statistical data, all I can ask is if you think your server has over 8k unique players. fair play if yours does feel that busy, mine certainly didn't.

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The xfire reports show a totally different ball game. Official market watch and financial reports by EA are lies.... This game is dying and everyone knows it. All you need to read is the xfire numbers. I get my info from xfire.. not these "official" market reports.


The writer of the article is obviously on the take.....and if anyone doesn't think so, you're naive to say the least.




This is clearly showing a nose-dive in players of SWTOR. For those of you who don't know what xfire is/does. It knows the exact number of connections to any game, not just those who use the software.

**Edit** This goes for you too Emeda


They didn't lie about the 1.7 million number.


Do you understand the consequences EA would have for lying on the conference call? Do you understand that the SEC reviews EA's books? Do you understand that if the numbers don't add up EA will be DELISTED from the Stock Market? DO you understand that a stock being delisted from the stock market is way worse then just publishing bad sub numbers?


And finally your anecdotal evidence =/= the 1.7 million figure quoted in an INVESTOR CONFERENCE CALL.

Edited by mezlabor
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Now that is a gotcha moment for the haters.


Well done.


ok well lets look at it this way. 1 million people per day for 4 hours average play time


thats 1,000,000 x 4 / 24 / 215 = 775


That would mean on average 775 people are on each server per hour wouldnt it?


still dont see that either but hey there are 1.7 million people playing this game you just cant find them.

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It isn't terribly surprizing that those who spend all their time either playing the game or spewing vitriol on these forums have difficulty realizing that one of the most appealing charms of SWTOR is that it appears to be actually designed for casual enjoyment.


When I casually enjoy a game I am not slavishly logged in for twelve hours a day every day, I play it when I feel like it. The charm comes in when I realize I can actually advance my character(s) in the time I choose to spend here.


That means when those who do spend twelve hours slavishly working at levelling look around, I'm often not there having to put up with their boorish behavior, and when I am in the game I don't have to go out of my way to join their rush-rush playstyle at all, and if I accidentaly join one of them in group I can easily drop the group and not have to live with the oppression of their overweening egos.


I can relax and play instead, join groups who also relax and play, whose objective is not to beat anyone else, but to enjoy themselves.


That is a good thing. But it might look like no one is around to someone desperate for validation.

Edited by Gleneagle
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85% retention after month 1 is roughly in-line with typical churn, it is a figure which cannot be celebrated or vilified.


They hit the 2-million mark sometime in mid-January if I recall, so keep in mind that a lot of the folks they are calling "active subscribers" are actually still in their first free month.


The real story will unfold at the 3-month and 6-month milestones.


There's really no way to make an informed call without seeing a plethora of figures in context. This would include: Total sales, total subscriptions (payed, not free month), daily-weekly-monthly uniques, average concurrency and peak concurrency.


In other words: it's still too soon to tell (and that goes to both camps, the doomsday folks and the fanbois alike).


I completely agree with you ive been under attack for Arm chairing the future game based on a ton of release game expierences. I stick too a 30% burn off by 90 days and 45% by 6 months. I am a vocal critique of some of the features of this game, not because i hate it . i really like TOR and want it to be great. I was in beta since the first phase and was vocal there too. there is no place for boot licking TOR needs to devolp fast in this market and give its player base options and challenge .

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ok well lets look at it this way. 1 million people per day for 4 hours average play time


thats 1,000,000 x 4 / 24 / 215 = 775


That would mean on average 775 people are on each server per hour wouldnt it?


still dont see that either but hey there are 1.7 million people playing this game you just cant find them.


I'd say on my server, it easily averages that per hour.

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It isn't terribly surprizing that those who spend all their time either playing the game or spewing vitriol on these forums have difficulty realizing that one of the most appealing charms of SWTOR is that is appears designed for casual enjoyment.


When I casually enjoy a game I am not slavishly logged in for twelve hours a day every day, I play it when I feel like it. The charm comes in when I realize I can actually advance my character(s) in the time I choose to spend here.


That means when those who do spend twelve hours slavishly working at levelling look around, I'm often not there having to put up with their boorish behavior, and when I am in the game I don't have to go out of my way to join their rush-rush playstyle at all, and if I accidentaly join one of them in group I can easily drop the group and not have to live with the oppression of their overweening egos.


I can relax and play instead, join groups who also relax and play, whose objective is not to beat anyone else, but to enjoy themselves.


That is a good thing. But it might look like no one is around to someone desperate for validation.

^This is why it will be a big big success. The casual gamer pays the bills people.

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I completely agree with you ive been under attack for Arm chairing the future game based on a ton of release game expierences. I stick too a 30% burn off by 90 days and 45% by 6 months. I am a vocal critique of some of the features of this game, not because i hate it . i really like TOR and want it to be great. I was in beta since the first phase and was vocal there too. there is no place for boot licking TOR needs to devolp fast in this market and give its player base options and challenge .


You have been consistently wrong as well. Hell, you said 30% drop first month, 40-45% more likely.


Move those goal posts!

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That would mean on average 775 people are on each server per hour wouldnt it?



That is probably the amount of people I would find if I logged in to my server in the middle of the night. I might see that many people just on my faction.


Good argument you made there. :rolleyes:

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Ffs the report was for Q3 that ends in dec 31 2011.....anything after that belongs to the new Q.


The 1.7 mil wasthe active sub in dec . Why is that sk hard to understand?


its funny how this argument keeps coming up every few pages. lol.

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...And then Bioware will start releasing sub-par content because "oh well who cares, we dont have any real competition anyway". And the players will start complaining that the first expansion was the best and everything went downhill from there. And then Bioware will start releasing rare pets and mounts you can buy from a cash shop...


And then every mmo player will start searching like mad for the next big MMO that will be the ultimate SWTOR-killer. Thousands of players will leave and play other games, but will always return back to SWTOR, leaving these games ruined...


Hmm... i see a pattern here :rolleyes:


even thou i didn't like RIFT i could say without a doubt that it was the ben launch any mmo has ever had. They also had a lot of great ideas (Rift, multi specs, pvp specs, support classes)


I wish more mmos would use the RIFT support class and public dynamic quest systems. Also it had virtually no bugs at launch. Coming to swtor after WoW or Rift is like going from cable or dsl to dial up.

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Ffs the report was for Q3 that ends in dec 31 2011.....anything after that belongs to the new Q.


The 1.7 mil wasthe active sub in dec . Why is that sk hard to understand?


Read the thread. This has been covered dozens of time.


Earnings calls always talk about things currently going on as well as into the future.

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Read the thread. This has been covered dozens of time.


Earnings calls always talk about things currently going on as well as into the future.


Its a REPORT of q3 for the last time. Every numbers in there are within that period of time.

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Ffs the report was for Q3 that ends in dec 31 2011.....anything after that belongs to the new Q.


The 1.7 mil wasthe active sub in dec . Why is that sk hard to understand?


Anything can be hard to understand when someone doesn't want to believe. Faith-based science tends to disregard anything that disagrees with preconceived beliefs, and is quick to seize on anything resembling evidence that can be construed to support those beliefs.


We are humans. Expect humanity from us.


Half of any sizeable population will have an IQ of 100 or less. Tech orientation skews it a bit, but not that much.


We's just peeps, after all.

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