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Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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How about instead of me going to wow to level a character you go read what MMO stands for and go in SWTOR on ANY light or standard server (not hard to find one ;) ) and try to come across someone while you play. Exemptions to these are starting areas and fleet.


I dont care if there are 1 million people playing on a server. I care that while playing one does not play with anyone other than once in a blue moon cause the game is designed as a single player game.


I have had no issues putting a group together to do any heroic on my main or alts. This includes when I have logged in in the middle of the afternoon on a weekday.

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Not sure how saying the game couldn't survive with 100k subscriptions makes it sound like it needs millions, but fair enough.


My original statement was in response to someone who said 'why should we care if the game has 100k or 10 million subscribers as players' and I was just stating why 100k would be a problem.


Doesnt really matter right now is has 1.7million. I find it hard to believe this game is coing to lose 1.2million subs let alone 1.6m.


Here's my take, this isn't fact, this is my assessment from past experience in this industry and reasonable guesses.


1.7 million.


I'd expect that no more than 20-25% of those are free months currently.


At 3 months this game should be much more improved from what it was/is currently.


If it isn't Bioware deserves to fail.


I wouldn't expect this game to lose any more than 50% of what they have right now by month 3, which at worse case giver them </= 850K playerbase, more than enough to survive and improve and possibly grow and thrive in the future.


If I were Bioware, all that **** they plan on throwing in March, I'd roll out early if possible. I'd add as much as I possibly could as fast as I possibly could. If it's done throw it in, if it's partially done and can be added to over time, throw it in (as long as it's functional). Trying to be tactical about things doesn't seem to be Bioware's strong point; waiting until March for the next big patch of features and improvements is a stupid move.


The quicker they are about rolling out features and improvements the more their chances improve of retaining that all of 1.7m active subs.

Edited by HavenAE
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That about sums up any ill feelings anyone could possibly have by this news. Which is a valid sense of disappointment if you think about it...


No, it's really not.


If my wife tells me all day long that she's making beef stroganoff for dinner, and I get home and find beef stroganoff, I really don't have a leg to stand on if I get upset because it's not chicken cordon bleu.



Unless of course, you're referring to disappointment in self, rather than disappointment in the game.


By your own logic, the remaining 1.7M active subcriptions is equal to a revenue "gain" (as opposed to your choice of the word "loss") of $23,783,000.00. What is the problem?


Some people feel the need to trip over dollars to pick up pennies.




This is actually one of the crappiest games every made. I hate to say it, but there's not 1.7 active subs now. EA knows this. This is a half a billion dollar flop. /thumbsup.


Yep, everything posted here has been a massive lie concocted by EA to screw it's shareholders out of money by falsely representing it's earnings. You heard it right here from random internet poster #1,298,928,383, i.e. Kharzon.

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Yeah I kinda love to shut them up when they find out it took months for WoW to get it's first million....and most analyst think that there are currently between 1.5 and two million WoW subs in North America and Europe....since Blizzard refuses to break down he numbers and the fact that Argent Dawn one of NA most populated servers is now a ghost town I would say they are being generous.


And before the hate squad labels me a TOR fanboi, I still play WoW I just have accepted that the games heyday is gone.


I remember that server. Don't remember it being one of their most populated though. Otherwise I would have had to suffer through much less "BLACKROCK DOWN!!!11!!!1"

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I know an MMO that lost over 1/2 of that number in its first month and was a success. 500,000 people is nothing.


There has never been a single "western" MMO that would have hold over 500 000 subscribing players over half a year except WoW. (Turbine hides it's figures, so I give some doubt over LotRO, but...)


500 000 subscribers is massive to a "western" MMO. If you would promise to the "western" publishers of TERA (Frogster and Atari) and The Secret World (EA and Funcom) 500 000 subscribers half a year after launch, they would probably be giddy with joy.


Everquests never had more than about 750 000 subscribers COMBINED at their height.


SWTOR now probably has more subscribers than all other "western" subscriber MMOs except it and WoW have together.

Edited by Rouge
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There has never been a single "western" MMO that would have hold over 500 000 subscribing players over half a year except WoW. (Turbine hides it's figures, so I give some doubt over LotRO, but...)


500 000 subscribers is massive to a "western" MMO. If you would promise to the "western" publishers of TERA (Frogster and Atari) and The Secret World (EA and Funcom) 500 000 subscribers half a year after launch, they would probably be giddy with joy.


Everquests never had more than about 750 000 subscribers COMBINED at their height.


The publishers of TERA will be giddy if NCSoft doesn't crush them into vaporware at this point.

Edited by Mekrath
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If rift is so great why is it lying dead in a gutter while wow and swtor spit on its corpse. The game even started with over 60 servers at launch, and now its down to 17....


So obviously it must not have been that great?


LOL its the same here you watch after a year TOR wil have roughly 30 to 40 server. went through exactly what TOR is going through . restrict its population because you cant have 10000 people in the starting area. All mmo os consolidate its the way server technology operates. dont fool yourself 500k active subs over 17 servers is a tremedous amount. TOr is going to have to cut these servers in half by may and again by next december the forums are flooded with Whine threads about being on adead server. WOW is spittin on its own corpse its bleeding more Bill paying subs every month then any other MMO. blizzard can make all the claims they want but NA and EU subs combined are down 40%. those are the ones that pay the bills not china free play servers.

As for TOr hell the veridct wont be in until 6 months from now then we will see where the numbers are at. im pretty sure TOR and rift will be neck and neck.

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Is that true? Last I heard Rift was very profitable and growing.


Dont listen to that internet blabber go look at the reuters report and WSJ. both have just recently covered Trion and they are making money hand over fist. rift cost them 58 million to make with their own engine . Investors are throwing their panties at them right now. 500 k subs with no resids to any I.P. . A indy game company with this being their very first title they are doing just fine .

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As for TOr hell the veridct wont be in until 6 months from now then we will see where the numbers are at. im pretty sure TOR and rift will be neck and neck.


You said a few days ago that TOR would lose 40%-45% in its first 30 days.


here is your quote


"Every single MMO released expierences a 30 % burn off in 30 Days . Every single one. SWTOR may have a bit higher maybe 40% maybe 45%."

Edited by zrinking
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There has never been a single "western" MMO that would have hold over 500 000 subscribing players over half a year except WoW. (Turbine hides it's figures, so I give some doubt over LotRO, but...)


500 000 subscribers is massive to a "western" MMO. If you would promise to the "western" publishers of TERA (Frogster and Atari) and The Secret World (EA and Funcom) 500 000 subscribers half a year after launch, they would probably be giddy with joy.


Everquests never had more than about 750 000 subscribers COMBINED at their height.


SWTOR now probably has more subscribers than all other "western" subscriber MMOs except it and WoW have together.


EQ 2 peaked at 700 k subs Eq 1 peaked at 400k the difference is EQ1 was launched and expected 40k subs at its peak life. they anhilated the projections. they released Galaxies and anticipated 1 million subs and never got more then 400k. EQ 2 released with a projection of 500k and hit 700 at its prime. WOW projected 250 k and ended up with millions lol. TOR will not hold high numbers for a long haul , I do not believe a word of EA reports until they are legit shareholder reports. 1.7 Active subs Does not equate 1.7 paying subs. just look at the server populations they were full to heavy 3 weeks agao now they all say standard and light at peak times.

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EQ 2 peaked at 700 k subs Eq 1 peaked at 400k the difference is EQ1 was launched and expected 40k subs at its peak life. they anhilated the projections. they released Galaxies and anticipated 1 million subs and never got more then 400k. EQ 2 released with a projection of 500k and hit 700 at its prime. WOW projected 250 k and ended up with millions lol. TOR will not hold high numbers for a long haul , I do not believe a word of EA reports until they are legit shareholder reports. 1.7 Active subs Does not equate 1.7 paying subs. just look at the server populations they were full to heavy 3 weeks agao now they all say standard and light at peak times.


You were wrong before .... and you will be wrong again.


Now you are making up server populations to try and prove a feeble point.

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You said a few days ago that TOR would lose 40%-45% in its first 30 days.


here is your quote


"Every single MMO released expierences a 30 % burn off in 30 Days . Every single one. SWTOR may have a bit higher maybe 40% maybe 45%."


Ouch that is not fair using his own words against him. What a big meanie you are.

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You said a few days ago that TOR would lose 40%-45% in its first 30 days.


here is your quote


"Every single MMO released expierences a 30 % burn off in 30 Days . Every single one. SWTOR may have a bit higher maybe 40% maybe 45%."


And i still think that . the numbers are not in. Dont get me wrong i like tor and will still play the last 2 weeks of the first month i paid for but i already unsubbed. They will not hold more then 60% retention after 90 days not with the end game they currently have .

Every forum community after launch has this same discussion . and 6 months later hard numbers are reported to investors we get a clear picture of subs. Every MMO has expierenced that 30 % burn off even WOW lol they grea after their first year.

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The only information that investors need to know is this;


  1. How much did development cost, across ALL EA businesses, including all ongoing licensing fees and profit sharing agreements?
  2. Is SWTOR making a *profit*, yet?
  3. If SWTOR has NOT made a profit yet, when is it projected to break even?
  4. How will real-world ongoing expenses of operations, salaries, benefits, administrative overhead, and ongoing development and support of SWTOR effect profit models?


NONE of that information has been put out in a press release, or quarterly reports, that I'm aware of. THAT information is what I'd need before I'd invest in EA, based upon the SWTOR propert's current status. (I still think it's a good investment, but I'm just saying that as of *this* particular time period)

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Not making anything up i just follow alot of MMO's. you sound angry? too much SWTOR coolaid?


Not angry at all. You are making up server numbers and were wrong when you predicted SWTOR subscription loss.


anyone can look at your post history and see what your agenda has been.

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Really it points out that they are lapsing a bit. 2 mil sold as we were told earlier, 300k+ dropped after the first month.. They are holding 1.7 mil into the second month. No new subs.... Or enough new subs to cover more that quit to cover the 1.7 static number, take yer pick. Edited by Uben
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