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Pvp gear nerfs are you freaking kidding?!


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If you pvp with crappy gear at 50, you deserve to get roll-faced, NO if and or buts. I see a whole bunch of people running around with level 42-46 blue/green mods getting 3-4 shotted. Quite frankly these people deserve it. Why? Because they are idiots who do not take pvp seriously. Starting from level 40s I took the time to learn pvp mechanics which is different than leveling rotations. I leveled 5-6 levels just from pvp. When I hit level 49 I spent about 500k credits getting level 49 epic mods, as well as all the unmoddable gears (ear, implants, etc). At level 49 I was roll-facing everyone else and wind up with over 350k damage, 50-60 kills, less than 5 deaths, and 9-11 medals constantly. After several games I got bored and decided to try the level 50 bracket. Turns out my gear was good enough for me to average over 250k damage, 30-40 kills and less than 10 deaths per game. There were distinct classes which would destroy me under certain circumstances and vice-versa. In one of the games I even managed to get an assassin medal against a full champion geared BH (2-3 minutes alone in warzones are so rare).


In conclusion, level 49 epics are good enough to compete against centurion/champion geared people. IF this was a 1v1 all the time and with equal skill, then theoretically the centurion/champion player should probably win more than 50% of the games since winning depends sometimes completely on RNG, but in warzones, if you 1v1 you'll probably have less than 20% health no matter who wins and someone else will come to finish you off. If you are alone and you run into 3 guys then you will get creamed no matter what gear you are wearing. If you play against premades and queue solo, you will probably get roll-faced. If you get roll-faced by a full BM, then you either suck, the class you were fighting is your distinct class killer, or you are trolling around in crappy gear. If you get him down to 15-25% before dying 1v1 then that's not so bad so quit whining and start farming. If you're going to complain about not having enough credits to buy gear from the AH then I don't know what to tell you. Quit this game and find one that gives out free epics for doing nothing.

Edited by Yrneh
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I'm sorry but even though I understand your frustration, I dont agree with you.


I leveled (pve) 1-50. At which point i started pvping. I have done pretty much only pvp for about the last 2 1/2 weeks. I have gotten about 12 bags, so i have earned at least 9600 warzone badges, and gotten nothing to show for it. I ALMOST have enough commendations to buy ONE piece of pvp gear.


Meanwhile pvp is not fun for me at all. Players who have full pvp gear can destroy me at such an unbelievably fast rate. As soon as someone targets me, if they have full expertise gear, i might as well just stand still and die, all they need is one good stun and a couple cooldowns.


How do you think I feel, after 2 1/2 weeks of solid work, having nothing to show for it, while a friend of mine, got about 6-7 bags, (couple from weeklys) and is almost fully slotted out. I'll bet pvp is fun for him! I'll bet its fun for you too. Ultimately it shouldnt take me 3 months with bad RNG to get the same gear you have, just because of bad luck.

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Basically people got spoiled.


RNG had too big a chance to crit you an item so it skewed progression.


People weren't meant to grind champion pieces with champion bags but centurion pieces - which were mean to be useful.


Same with BM bags. The main thing to get from them were supposed to be champion commendations and that was supposed to be the time to grind for champion gear.


But because RNG yielded too many positive results people became reliant on it and simply skipped a phase.




Tho I question the sensibility of this change at this stage, when many people are already decked prematurely.


This should be more a "lession learned" for future "pvp seasons" than a fix for this botched round.

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I'm sorry but even though I understand your frustration, I dont agree with you.


I leveled (pve) 1-50. At which point i started pvping. I have done pretty much only pvp for about the last 2 1/2 weeks. I have gotten about 12 bags, so i have earned at least 9600 warzone badges, and gotten nothing to show for it. I ALMOST have enough commendations to buy ONE piece of pvp gear.


Meanwhile pvp is not fun for me at all. Players who have full pvp gear can destroy me at such an unbelievably fast rate. As soon as someone targets me, if they have full expertise gear, i might as well just stand still and die, all they need is one good stun and a couple cooldowns.


How do you think I feel, after 2 1/2 weeks of solid work, having nothing to show for it, while a friend of mine, got about 6-7 bags, (couple from weeklys) and is almost fully slotted out. I'll bet pvp is fun for him! I'll bet its fun for you too. Ultimately it shouldnt take me 3 months with bad RNG to get the same gear you have, just because of bad luck.


1. What you describe is a real problem, but it's a real problem that exists in ALL games.

2. What you describe won't get fixed by NERFING PvP gear, that will only allow PvE carebears to use their PvE gear in PvP and actually have an edge. If I use my PvP gear in PvE, I don't have an adge, quite the contrary. Same should be the case for PvEing carebears.


If you make high end PvE gear better for PvP, then you are forcing PvP players to PvE. That's not only sh.it, but it's a faulty game mechanic. You'll just make us quit this game, which we'll quit anyway, a lot sooner. Why should I be forced or even ar.sed to PvE in a buggy, easy mode, casual PvE game? I don't want to PvE in any game, not fun for me anymore, so I should not be forced to PvE in order to not have a disadvantage in PvP compared to PvErs.


I just want to spend a couple more months leveling, because this is what SWTOR is about, its leveling is AWESOME ;) then PvPing some and move on to a different, better game. So, I just hope PvP in this game doesn't become a complete joke, just to satisfy the crying carebears, who think that PvP is about gear and getting their PvE rotations right.

Edited by Lord_Indomitus
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You're all retarded for discussing something without providing documented truth. I've been through all the patch notes 1.1 - 1.1.2 and there is nothing. They are decreasing the amount of Item tokens from Champion bags - which is necessary as really you shouldn't have that gear under valor 30. They are increasing the tokens in BM bags which is alright I guess.


So stop whining about **** that you can't back up. If you got some legit post from a dev, then yes have a rant fest. Until then stop acting as if this is the end of the game.


And to BW - fix Ilum. Give reps a reason to storm out of their base...let them control that turret instead of letting it be auto fire.

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You're all retarded for discussing something without providing documented truth. I've been through all the patch notes 1.1 - 1.1.2 and there is nothing. They are decreasing the amount of Item tokens from Champion bags - which is necessary as really you shouldn't have that gear under valor 30. They are increasing the tokens in BM bags which is alright I guess.


So stop whining about **** that you can't back up. If you got some legit post from a dev, then yes have a rant fest. Until then stop acting as if this is the end of the game.


And to BW - fix Ilum. Give reps a reason to storm out of their base...let them control that turret instead of letting it be auto fire.





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again I understand what youre getting at. The effort and time that you put in should not mean nothing because someone else can get it super easily now.


But as far as i understand theyre not buffing pve gear in pvp. Someone that can heal for 4k in all good purple pve gear, say all slotted out with augment slot purples. Can turn around and go into a BG and in roughly equal pvp item level gear, heal for 6k.


That isnt going to change. From my understanding, (and im not pretending i am never wrong about these things) when they say they want to close the gap, what they mean is to buy the gear outright you arent gonna have to get 38 tokens, but instead say, 7. I think thats a little more fair than the following system.




with the best RNG, someone can get FULLY slotted out by 14 bags.

which equals 11,200 warzone commendations.


with the worst rng, someone like me say, can grind 10400 warzone commendations, and get just enough for one chestpiece. (38 tokens /3 =12.6 (rounded up to 13) 13x800)


*AND YES, I know that this doesnt factor in dailies or weeklies, not that theyre helpful when they dont count half the time anyway*

Edited by Erulie
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This game is moderated by whiners and for whiners, period.


You want pink elephants flying around ? cry for them on this forum.


- Patch 1.1.666 We adding pink elephats to Lore due to Fixing UI issue.

If You see "Blue Elephants instead of pink" pls use CTRL+U+U.

PRO-talk-all Droid bla bla bla.... Complete.

Edited by xkanne
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1. What you describe is a real problem, but it's a real problem that exists in ALL games. dont say ALL games because thats not entirely true

2. What you describe won't get fixed by NERFING PvP gear, that will only allow PvE carebears to use their PvE gear in PvP and actually have an edge. If I use my PvP gear in PvE, I don't have an adge, quite the contrary. Same should be the case for PvEing carebears. because they PVE does not mean they are carebears.. get over yourself.. you are saying that you are king of what? gaming?


If you make high end PvE gear better for PvP, then you are forcing PvP players to PvE. That's not only sh.it, but it's a faulty game mechanic. You'll just make us quit this game, which we'll quit anyway, a lot sooner. Why should I be forced or even ar.sed to PvE in a buggy, easy mode, casual PvE game? I don't want to PvE in any game, not fun for me anymore, so I should not be forced to PvE in order to not have a disadvantage in PvP compared to PvErs. how is closing the gap a little making PVE gear better then PVP gear? where in this post did BATTLEMASTER GEAR will be worse then PVE gear? you read much? maybe thats why you are the king of gaming.. how about this... get out some.. put the mouse and keyboard down.. go outside a bit.. get some fresh air... battlemaster will still be the best PVP gear even if they weaken it some..


I just want to spend a couple more months leveling, because this is what SWTOR is about, its leveling is AWESOME ;) then PvPing some and move on to a different, better game. So, I just hope PvP in this game doesn't become a complete joke, just to satisfy the crying carebears, who think that PvP is about gear and getting their PvE rotations right.

we wont miss you obviously... dont let the door hit you in the bum on the way out... its people like you who quit warzones most likely and complain everybody is crap PVPers... I love seeing how people quit a warzone and we still end up winning... its hilarious... and quite amuzing

enjoy your next game for about a month... people like you will never be satisfied...

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To all hardcore PvP, i don't care how much you put into your grinding. If bioware does not provide me a division/league system, where I as a fresh lvl 50 0 rank valor am not forced to fight you, they better come up with some good PvP gear nerf.


I don't care that you feel butthurt. Everyone is supposed to have an adequate challenge based on their gearing with Skill being the only deciding factor. If you do not agree with this, you might just as well cancel divisions in soccer, ice hockey and just about any other sports. If you want this system to stay the same, you are prolly imagining yourself in a formula 1 car overlapping carting kids.


Guess what, if you don't like it, don't play PvP. It's that simple. I don't play PvE because its an easy mode bore fest. People nowadays don't want challange, the want everything handed to them on a golden platter.


All the 'omg, i just dinged 50 and now i get owned in Warzones because everyone has like 17k+ hp while i havent even 12k buffed. PvP stat is so unfair' whining is really amusing.


You can be competitive in PvP with PvE gear, but guess what: You actually have to put some real time into PvE first to gear up.


Boy, the entitlement crowd sure grows stronger every day.


I'm so sorry for you, that you feel butthurt for joining Warzones without even decent PvE gear. Suck it up.

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I dont get what the problem is


As a fresh 50 I have not had any real issues competing in PVP, apart from when i didnt have a clue what I was doing in huttball and void but as soon as I learned what the goals were I started being a productive member of my team. I am a Sage with most of my points put into the seer tree, i dont do alot of damage, neither am i an uber healer, i die alot and cant out DPS anyone.


I now have 5 pieces of PVP gear and I am pretty happy, sure the RNG makes it a slow grind but what would i do if i got all my pieces in a week? I do also get frustarted when I open 10 bags in a row and dont get any gear but then I realise its to slow down my progress and i am getting Centurion coms to buy gear.


At the end of the day there are people who cant be bothered putting the effort in or wont learn the tactics for certain Warzones but want all there gear handed to them and unfortunately these players are the ones Bioware want to keep and pander to so they can retain their sub.


If they nerf PVP gear then they need to make aquiring it alot less of a pain, either make it cheaper or increase the drop chance from a bag or get rid of the RNG altogether.


I do agree that they need to start introducing Expertise stat earlier, so adding some to the lvl 40 gear might be a good idea. I dont think however it will make much difference as people wtill wont want to put the effort in or learn the tactis for certain warzones and will still end up finding it hard to win a match and whine about it.


I am not just saying this as i have been lucky with my bags, i have opened about 50 and only gotten 2 champ gear drops but i get the Cent coms and have managed to buy 3 pieces of gear that way


and FYI i do work, i work 60 hours a week which includes 6 hours on a Saturday, so i have limited time to play the game but when i do play i put the effort in and put up with the set backs.

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1. because they PVE does not mean they are carebears.. get over yourself.. you are saying that you are king of what? gaming?


2. how is closing the gap a little making PVE gear better then PVP gear? where in this post did BATTLEMASTER GEAR will be worse then PVE gear? you read much? maybe thats why you are the king of gaming.. how about this... get out some.. put the mouse and keyboard down.. go outside a bit.. get some fresh air... battlemaster will still be the best PVP gear even if they weaken it some..


3. we wont miss you obviously... dont let the door hit you in the bum on the way out... its people like you who quit warzones most likely and complain everybody is crap PVPers... I love seeing how people quit a warzone and we still end up winning... its hilarious... and quite amuzing

1. because they COMPLAIN about such a small gap, in a GAME that is SO EASY to get the BEST PvP GEAR... this makes them carebears. Get it now? If not, you are hopeless, don;t waste my time please. I say nothing more than what I am saying. If you see me saying I am the king of gaming, then judge me about saying that. Until I do that, stop commenting about things I HAVEN'T said, stop playing a strawman.


2. The gap is ALREADY small enough, so nerfing PvP gear will result to what I am describing. Have you checked the stats of PvE gear? About the things you say about me going out, etc, meaning the laughable attempts of "personal defamation" while we are discussing a game issue... you can keep making a fool of yourself or you can stay on topic, your choice ;)


3. Do I care if someone will miss me? You confuse me with someone who cares. Btw, your guessing skills suck mate. In fact, I happened to join a 100% lost WZ (while trying to do the freaking daily and go on my alt) 4 times in a row yesterday. Blame BW on this for no deserter debuff. Blame those who actually leave WZs in such a way. Pulling a strawman, trying to tag that on me is funny, because it makes you look like a fool, which you probably are... so.


For future reference, pulling a strawman and even making personal defamatory atatcks make you look like a fool to the eyes of people with average intelligence and it's them who count (for me) anyway. Ofc you have the right to keep making yourself look like a fool or make a concrete argument about why PvP gear needs nerfing. Still, it would help if you didn't comment on things I never said or implied.

Edited by Lord_Indomitus
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So let me get this straight,


People who dedicate 75% or more of there time in game to pvp just to get the gear and strategies down in the warzones.Now have all there hard work and time spent absolutely dumped on because?


You only pvped for the gear? Epic fail....


I got Battlemaster myself and I have no problems with these changes, because with my experience in PvP I am still better than a fresh dinged 50...

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Making the level of competition between PvPers are fine with me. Close games are always more enjoyable than steamrolls.


I'll be concerned if PvErs can walk into WZ's with a significant advantage.


They should enter WZs with NO advantage. If they even step in with a 0.0001% advantage, that's a fail. If they want to lessen the gap between BMs and fresh 50's, they should make CRAFTED PvP gear accessible or something...


Meaning they should "buff" the fresh 50's in PvP and NOT nerf PvP gear... which will result to PvE gears being better than they should, in PvP and thus start getting PvEd by carebears doing their PvE rotations in their welfare epics.

Edited by Lord_Indomitus
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Stop copying and pasting the same threads over and over. There should have never been any PVP gear to begin with. PVP is about skill, not gear.


Tell that a full Rakata pve dude that will kick your *** to oblivion in 1 push of a button.

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Stop copying and pasting the same threads over and over. There should have never been any PVP gear to begin with. PVP is about skill, not gear.


pvp gear exists because this game is a pve cooperative game with pvp added on.


Need to just live with that fact.

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Stop copying and pasting the same threads over and over. There should have never been any PVP gear to begin with. PVP is about skill, not gear.


Np, as long as I can get the same PvE gear YOU GET (by PvE), by not PvEing, but by PvPing.

That's the point. I don't care if expertise is removed... but then BM should become exactly the same with the best PvE gear in game. Then it's the PvErs that would cry.


I should not be forced to PvE (in order to PvP), when I find it pointless, not a challenge and boring. That's the point, do you get it now?

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Np, as long as I can get the same PvE gear YOU GET (by PvE), by not PvEing, but by PvPing.

That's the point. I don't care if expertise is removed... but then BM should become exactly the same with the best PvE gear in game. Then it's the PvErs that would cry.


I should not be forced to PvE (in order to PvP), when I find it pointless, not a challenge and boring. That's the point, do you get it now?


Well said man... but you are waisting your breath

Edited by Princz
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1. because they COMPLAIN about such a small gap, in a GAME that is SO EASY to get the BEST PvP GEAR... this makes them carebears. Get it now? If not, you are hopeless, don;t waste my time please. I say nothing more than what I am saying. If you see me saying I am the king of gaming, then judge me about saying that. Until I do that, stop commenting about things I HAVEN'T said, stop playing a strawman.


small gap? yeah right? go in your next warzone take off the battlemaster and tell me how you do? Make sure you are using a orange weapon and not that bm weapon..its not what you say but how you act... and you are acting like you are the king of gaming whenever you type the words... "CAREBEAR" LOL


2. The gap is ALREADY small enough, so nerfing PvP gear will result to what I am describing. Have you checked the stats of PvE gear? About the things you say about me going out, etc, meaning the laughable attempts of "personal defamation" while we are discussing a game issue... you can keep making a fool of yourself or you can stay on topic, your choice ;)


LOL small.. again... LOL... its not small.. its why they are making this change in the first place... I dont think you understand the idea behind this... See Bioware/EA is about money... they WANT new players coming in. So if said new player gets to 50 and gets steam rolled.. shoots a person and finds that he barely does any damage.. guess what happens? thats right, he unsubscribes... that means they will lose money. This is on topic. Do you think if they fix the PVP gear they wont touch the PVE gear? I can bet you... that will be balanced in due time too.


3. Do I care if someone will miss me? You confuse me with someone who cares. Btw, your guessing skills suck mate. In fact, I happened to join a 100% lost WZ (while trying to do the freaking daily and go on my alt) 4 times in a row yesterday. Blame BW on this for no deserter debuff. Blame those who actually leave WZs in such a way. Pulling a strawman, trying to tag that on me is funny, because it makes you look like a fool, which you probably are... so.


no just pointing out your attitude about this game... the standard WOW type player who thinks they need to "beat" the game and move on to the next... sorry i Call it as I see it.


For future reference, pulling a strawman and even making personal defamatory atatcks make you look like a fool to the eyes of people with average intelligence and it's them who count (for me) anyway. Ofc you have the right to keep making yourself look like a fool or make a concrete argument about why PvP gear needs nerfing. Still, it would help if you didn't comment on things I never said or implied.


who is more of the fool, the fool who speaks or the fool who responds? You can call me a fool all you want.. But again I am only a fool in your eyes. And makes you a fool for thinking that it makes me a fool in others. Are you finished philosophizing?



Bottom line here is the dollar and player retention... what is best for the game. If you cant see that then it is you who needs to look in the mirror of your selfish ways...


by the way, I dont need overpowering gear to show that I am good. I just need equal gear as everybody else and can show you how I am good. How about you?

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by the way, I dont need overpowering gear to show that I am good. I just need equal gear as everybody else and can show you how I am good. How about you?


We all want the same


But dont make us pve for it....


i will ask you again as i did in another thread ...have you seen the rakata gear?

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So let me get this straight,


People who dedicate 75% or more of there time in game to pvp just to get the gear and strategies down in the warzones.Now have all there hard work and time spent absolutely dumped on because?


Players that hit 50 and didn't spend any of there time pvping are getting beat beacuse they don't have any gear



NO CRAP ! You didn't spend anytime toward it why would you expect to be able to compete against people who spent a majority of there daily time online even before 50 pvping?!


Time and time again I see people with valor ranks less than 20 WHINING and crying in the warzones about getting beat by people who were better geared.




What about the countless number of people who are geared in pvp and barely have any Columi/Rakata gear!? I only have 2 pieces of PVE Gear - So someone who's pvp'd twice or maybe 3 times with no pvp gear


BUT - A full set of columi gear can hold there own agiasnt a person who's valor 65 and worked extremely hard just to get geared out in battlemaster gear.


Thats ridiculous I agree that people should be on a level playing field in PVP but they should HAVE TO WORK FOR IT JUST LIKE WE DID.


Handing them a free ride doesn't fix the fact that they didn't put in the time and I know this is long winded but GIVE ME A BREAK this is BS


From this post I take it you believe the time you spend playing PvP should relate to how easy it is for you to kill another player. That by playing more PvP you expect to be given gear that means you stomp on someone who is the same level as you but is new to PvP?


I take it you do not value skill them? Using your model you could be a terrible player but have played a lot of PvP. The new player could be an incredible player but has no gear as he hasn't spent time PvPing so far. This fight would be dictated by the gear so that the worse layer has an advantage opposed to the skilled players having a skill based advantage.


I think this is wrong. I believe skill should be the number one factor in PvP. Rewards should be vanity items like titles.

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