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Everything posted by Scer

  1. Don't think it's a population issue. My server pop is standard. Normally it's at high. I think it's them having ****** *** ports or something
  2. Is this what happens when they don't do maintenance? Absolutely terrible. However, this is a solid business plan for scaring away players ftp or sub. GG bioware
  3. Nope, servers just suck tonight. Been like this for the last 2 hours or so.
  4. Ion beats Breakfast in a two close duels.
  5. Scer

    New Huttball Maps

    Civil war is ok Doors sucks *** Novare is kinda fun Huttball is the best. BW, you need to take what's good with the game and run with it. Huttball doesn't have to be just one map. You can do so much with it like adding moving platforms or ramps, npc's, lasers....it's basically football with obstacles and no rules. So I thought I'd start a thread where people could pool new Huttball map suggestions. I think it'd be kind of fun if you added a few npc Rancors to the map that hunt and chase the ball carrier forcing team mates to cc, slow, and dps them while fighting off the other team that could also lure and train the Rancors to the ball carrier's team. Obviously, you would have to use a different terrain than the current Huttball map, maybe remaking Jabba's pit with gates that have to be opened by teammates and can be closed by the opposing team. You kids got other ideas?
  6. Nicest thing.... There were 2 instances when My buddy and I were wz'in. We grp'd up with this fresh 50 wearing lvl40 gear. In our first match, that guy got 3rd in DPS....so after the match we went to the GTN and bought him random gear. This was back when having credits didn't mean anything. Gotta get my alt white crystals!
  7. You're all retarded for discussing something without providing documented truth. I've been through all the patch notes 1.1 - 1.1.2 and there is nothing. They are decreasing the amount of Item tokens from Champion bags - which is necessary as really you shouldn't have that gear under valor 30. They are increasing the tokens in BM bags which is alright I guess. So stop whining about **** that you can't back up. If you got some legit post from a dev, then yes have a rant fest. Until then stop acting as if this is the end of the game. And to BW - fix Ilum. Give reps a reason to storm out of their base...let them control that turret instead of letting it be auto fire.
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