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Just started PvPing? Too late now...


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Just do what every other fresh 50 does and get carried in Huttball until you get enough dailies done that your not useless.


Or, QQ on the forums, your call.


This may come as surprise to you, but there is actually 2nd faction in this game and they never get Huttball.

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Already got 600 expertise, gearing isn't an issue for me. Did the 6 bags thing too. Still didn't mean much against battlemaster premades (these people hit 50 long before most people did).


I'd rather spare newer people the bull **** than have them lose interest in level 50 combat because of a very dumb item system.


And I played Aion, if you think that's some sort of measurement for MMO's I'm sure ranged classes one shotting people on the fly is your sort of fun too eh.


First of all, the difference between BM and champ gear is extremely minimal. I can tell most of you don't play with/against BM players often (or you don't even have 5% expertise which is really easy to get).


Second of all you must not have played Aion (well) if you think ranged classes were OP. Sins, glads and temps were by far the most OP classes when played right.

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You've never played Aion.


People act like gearing up in pvp is so hard, I hit 50 less than a week ago, I'm at valor rank 51 and have 8 pieces of champion gear (from ~30 bags). It really isn't hard to gear up in this game. Already have a jugg about to ding 50, I'll be able to buy 6 bags and not to mention doing dailies/weeklies as well.


If you can't gear up to compete in this game, then MMOs are not for you.


I lold,


Its easier to get a full set of pvp gear in this game than it is to get 1 peice in Aion. If you think this is hard.. i just think pvp isnt for you.

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3 commendations per bag


800 wz commendations per bag


70 average commendations per wz


12 wz's per bag


15 min avg per wz


3 hours playtime per bag


What do you mean its a great system!:rolleyes:


OR you can go to Illum meet Zerg Vs Zerg Spam Buffs in the back so you dont die grats on battlemaster in 5 days...Now you do 2 dailies 3 warzones and AE down 30 people in illum get your welfare battlemaster commendations and get fully geared in 2-3 weeks like a boss...

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Damn it Bioware i pay a monthly sub like the next man I only have time to play SWTOR for 30 minutes a week because im a full time CEO,Playboy, all around pro I want my full battlemaster set + skill guide NAO or im quitting.





















This is an MMO....If you can't deal with it and take some time to gear up then maybe you should quit and play a first person shooter or sc2 or something where you are always on equal ground with your opponent those are usually the ones without a monthly sub as well since people in MMO's like to progress herp derp.


Thing is, so many people dismiss the fact that while we were gearing up our rushed to 50 characters, there weren't any Battlemasters around. Most you had to deal with was someone who RNGed their Champ weapon.


Most people didn't even have anything more.


It's much more frustrating to try and break in now than it was a few weeks ago when we did. We had easy mode. They have hard mode. Folks breaking in 1-2 months from now, when I'm in full battlemaster along with many other presently casual Cent/Champ 50s, will have absolute Nightmare mode.


It really isn't fair to new players.

Edited by McVade
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Most don't have such a big gap between what you have when you hit 50 and what the maxed out set is though. If they added a blue 50 pvp set (which they did have then took out for some reason) that you could get a hold of before 50 it wouldn't be so bad for new 50s.


I'm not sure why anyone would argue against a starter set, unless they just feel they need that advantage so much to do anything.


If you want expertise rating in your regular orange armour for when you first hit 50 just buy 5 lvl 46 weapons as you lvl up with warzone comms and put the + 25 expertise mods from the weapons in your armour when you hit 46.

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First of all, the difference between BM and champ gear is extremely minimal. I can tell most of you don't play with/against BM players often (or you don't even have 5% expertise which is really easy to get).


Second of all you must not have played Aion (well) if you think ranged classes were OP. Sins, glads and temps were by far the most OP classes when played right.


Wasn't talking about champion versus battlemaster, if you were even reading more than what you wanted to. And I can tell you have a hard time without gear to carry (see what I did thar?), doesn't change the fact that it's still a bad system.


Doesn't really matter what you think on the issue anyhow, they plan on lessening the gap through starter sets coming back most likely (not nerfing pvp gear, which is the conclusion a lot of people seem to jump to, or I hope for their sakes that's the case).


And I played Aion long enough to see the shenanigans that went on in the Abyss that made me shudder about group pvp. Again, sorry if that's your measurement for other MMOs, especially seeing as it went free to play pretty quickly.

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Sure is a lot of lucky people in here. I am valor 60 and still missing 6 pieces of champion gear. Have opened dozens of bags and rng does not like me. Honestly you could do 1 week of dailys/weeklys and be almost fully geared. But then again you could be like me and could be wearing a bunch of 40 pvp gear with 50 mods as a battlemaster. GL.
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I lold,


Its easier to get a full set of pvp gear in this game than it is to get 1 peice in Aion. If you think this is hard.. i just think pvp isnt for you.


I rather have Aion system. I want control of my gear progression, not rely on RNG. I didn't get my champion main hand until valor 59.5. And I was only valor 10-15 when I hit 50. And this was all pre-Ilum changes.

Edited by ReRuined
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Thing is, so many people dismiss the fact that while we were gearing up our rushed to 50 characters, there weren't any Battlemasters around. Most you had to deal with was someone who RNGed their Champ weapon.


Most people didn't even have anything more.


It's much more frustrating to try and break in now than it was a few weeks ago when we did. We had easy mode. They have hard mode. Folks breaking in 1-2 months from now, when I'm in full battlemaster along with many other casual Cent/Champ 50s, will have absolute Nightmare mode.


It really isn't fair to new players.


What...your are totally wrong...It only takes a week TOPS to hit 50 if you spam buffs in illum now....took me like 3 weeks....full time...AND i didn't have welfare battle master commendations like they do now... It is retardly easy to hit battlemaster in the illum zerg then get fully geared in 2-3 weeks tops now..It used to be RNG with no commendations when i was doing the battlemaster - warhero grind a month ago.

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Stupid QQ , lets say you start playing other game...


They arent gonna make a new server so you little guy can start with the same gear.


You start from the bottom... Sounds like a RPG isnt it? doh.


Princess, MMOs with PvP are a dime a dozen and NONE of them screwed up as badly as Biofail did with the release of this game. Even in that crappy *** WoW I can craft myself some starter PvP gear. In DAoC, I can have my gear BEFORE I reach 50. Guild Wars, I can buy the game brand new and have a PvP character and get to destroying your *** in an hour or less. Rift, I had PvP gear at 50. Here? I get NOTHING except what a random RNG decides to give. You stick with your PvP-lite pansy mode where you have a gear advantage to cover your weaknesses. Your kind failed so hard at two of the REAL PvP games I mentioned and flocked to the gear advantage ones Can I expect to see you Princess in a game that doesn't have a gear advantage?:rolleyes:

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What...your are totally wrong...It only takes a week TOPS to hit 50 if you spam buffs in illum now....took me like 3 weeks....full time...AND i didn't have welfare battle master commendations like they do now... It is retardly easy to hit battlemaster in the illum zerg then get fully geared in 2-3 weeks tops now..It used to be RNG with no commendations when i was doing the battlemaster - warhero grind a month ago.


Cool. So on my heavily populated server, The Hutt, the 10-15 Repubs on Ilum prime time EST can zerg the 30-40 Emps? I didn't know that. Guess I'll be BM next week then :rolleyes:

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I enjoy pvp as well, however it is difficult for casual players to keep pace in theses games. I'm not saying hardcore players shouldn't have an advantage, just how much advantage balanced would be nice. Haven't lvled to 50 yet, so not sure how things will turn out.
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Princess, MMOs with PvP are a dime a dozen and NONE of them screwed up as badly as Biofail did with the release of this game. Even in that crappy *** WoW I can craft myself some starter PvP gear. In DAoC, I can have my gear BEFORE I reach 50. Guild Wars, I can buy the game brand new and have a PvP character and get to destroying your *** in an hour or less. Rift, I had PvP gear at 50. Here? I get NOTHING except what a random RNG decides to give. You stick with your PvP-lite pansy mode where you have a gear advantage to cover your weaknesses. Your kind failed so hard at two of the REAL PvP games I mentioned and flocked to the gear advantage ones Can I expect to see you Princess in a game that doesn't have a gear advantage?:rolleyes:


Pretty much this.


Love how all the baddies who have only played PVP-lite MMO's, start yelling "lololol this is an mmo, all mmo's have pvp based around gear lololol".


Uhh..no, actually, only the bad ones do.

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As many of you know SWTOR has plenty of things to keep you busy. Hell I out leveled every planet I played on. The unfortunate thing though was that I like PvP a lot.


I finally just started to PvP and all I have to say is that its too late to start PvPing....well if you have a job and a life. If your a casual gamer and your starting PvP its just too late to get good. Everyone has a full lvl 50 artifact gear so its practically pointless to continue. By the time you get a full set of PvP gear the guys who already have the gear will be one entire set ahead of you and you'll still be in the position you were in a month ago


I just wish this game did a better job of explaining certain playstyles. So thanks for the fish

and good luck peeps! Enjoy!


Gear in this game definitely makes a difference but it's not the end all be all. My advice is to run with a pre-made and try again.

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It's only going to get worse since they're changing the bag system to give new players more Centurion and less Champion. It's already gone into the 1.1.2 patch notes, which means there's no way Bioware will reconsider now.
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A. gear was much easier to get a month ago. what took the average person maybe 20 hours to get (with exploits) a full pvp set now takes HUNDREDS of hours to achieve.


B. fresh 50s can not compete whatsoever with pvp geared people. This would be an understandable stance if this game was out for at LEAST a year where new pvp gear has to be released every few months or so to keep things current. a fresh 50 is nearly useless compared to a BM, even if the fresh 50 is more skilled than the BM. It is to the point where every fresh 50 is a HINDRANCE to his team, it doesnt matter if he is the best player in the world. a crappy BM is still better.


C. ignoring the RNG terrible system, fresh 50 also get less commendations on average than BM players as they dont survive as long and they do about half the damage. when i was pvping in the low 40's i would average 80-110 commendations per wz. now im averaging 30-40, and that is only because im playing the system a bit and getting the protection medals even as a dps spec.


Get full purple rank 22 and 23 armoring, mods, hilt/barrel, and enhancement from daily quests or just buy them off the GTN.


Congratulations, you are now within 11% of BM Gear!




Stop trying to PvP in greens. There is simply no excuse of any kind not to be in head to toe purps the moment you hit 50. (Hint: you can do the dalies on Belsavis as early as level 47!)

Edited by Noctournys
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I am going to ask what is probably a very silly question, but bear with me.


Isn't it possible in SWTOR to craft yourself a decent set of armor to PVP in?


I seem to recall from other MMORPGS that usually the gap between well-crafted gear and awarded gear (whether awarded through PVE or PVP) was not so great as to prevent people from taking that alternative.


This really has to do with playstyle preference. Some of us like to just make our own gear. Yes, that involves grinding for credits to buy rare crafting materials or schematics. But some of us prefer that instead of having to do the same WZ or PVE instances over and over and over and over. Another reason is crafting may allow for more variety in player appearance. My understanding is that the PVP gear, aside from color changes, doesn't have much variety (maybe I am wrong, I don't know this latter for sure).


So what's the deal? Can I get by with good crafted gear? I am not saying dominate, but be competitive.


If not, I have to think Bioware will change this in the future. Why have a crafting system if everyone, willing or not, will get funneled into having to get a PVP set?

Edited by Elxaime
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Pretty much this.


Love how all the baddies who have only played PVP-lite MMO's, start yelling "lololol this is an mmo, all mmo's have pvp based around gear lololol".


Uhh..no, actually, only the bad ones do.


Which decent player base MMO that has a monthly sub has this stupid PvP gear system that you are talking about?...Oh thats right the one nobody plays...

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It's only going to get worse since they're changing the bag system to give new players more Centurion and less Champion. It's already gone into the 1.1.2 patch notes, which means there's no way Bioware will reconsider now.


May not be a bad thing depending on how many commendations will be awarded; centurion as starter set doesn't look so bad

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Which decent player base MMO that has a monthly sub has this stupid PvP gear system that you are talking about?...Oh thats right the one nobody plays...


UO, GW, GW2, EVE, AC1, DF, MO, PS, VG, SWG etc.. all of which you could be very successful/competitive in without grinding away trying to get some uber PVP gear.

Edited by Jebi
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Princess, MMOs with PvP are a dime a dozen and NONE of them screwed up as badly as Biofail did with the release of this game. Even in that crappy *** WoW I can craft myself some starter PvP gear. In DAoC, I can have my gear BEFORE I reach 50. Guild Wars, I can buy the game brand new and have a PvP character and get to destroying your *** in an hour or less. Rift, I had PvP gear at 50. Here? I get NOTHING except what a random RNG decides to give. You stick with your PvP-lite pansy mode where you have a gear advantage to cover your weaknesses. Your kind failed so hard at two of the REAL PvP games I mentioned and flocked to the gear advantage ones Can I expect to see you Princess in a game that doesn't have a gear advantage?:rolleyes:


Must be really hard to go to the Aunction house and buy some epic mods and gear instead dumb speeders.


Or must be really hard to use your own profession :rolleyes:


So stop posting because you join WZ with *********** crappy mods and 4x gear.

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start this game 1 week after official launch.


when i start pvp at lvl 11, i always end up with 6-7 medal. at this time even 50's are not geared. still, feels like i'm taking up space. just get my daily done and let the pro keep pvp.


at 20to40 you get 50's premade all the time. starting to get 2-3 medal per match. heard bracket coming soon. i'd just get my daily done.


at 48, 50's get own bracket. same lvl i landed on belsavis. being outleveled my quest, i can't pvp much. some guy on my friend list i met at 20's ding 50 few hours b4 the patch. gratz to him.


ding on belsavis. speed up corellia and ilum quest. queue wz, see that friend is a battlemaster already. gratz again!!


getting crush in wz in 3 hit. everybody crit 3k. no medals but i suc it up. i believe i'll only get better.


approximately 10 days later, 20 bags for champ relic, implant & wrist. centurion offhand and implant.


am i too late too pvp? or bad timing in char progression? should i go pve?

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A. gear was much easier to get a month ago. what took the average person maybe 20 hours to get (with exploits) a full pvp set now takes HUNDREDS of hours to achieve.


B. fresh 50s can not compete whatsoever with pvp geared people. This would be an understandable stance if this game was out for at LEAST a year where new pvp gear has to be released every few months or so to keep things current. a fresh 50 is nearly useless compared to a BM, even if the fresh 50 is more skilled than the BM. It is to the point where every fresh 50 is a HINDRANCE to his team, it doesnt matter if he is the best player in the world. a crappy BM is still better.


C. ignoring the RNG terrible system, fresh 50 also get less commendations on average than BM players as they dont survive as long and they do about half the damage. when i was pvping in the low 40's i would average 80-110 commendations per wz. now im averaging 30-40, and that is only because im playing the system a bit and getting the protection medals even as a dps spec.


A. Not an issue that the OP brought up.


B. Not an issue that the OP brought up.


C. Not an issue that the OP brought up.


What he did bring up, was that he is outgeared by other players, that have played more. And now he doesn't want to play anymore.

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