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1.1.2 PvP bag changes.


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I love how people like this guy, are ruining an online experience for most. What gives you the right to declare one system "wrong"? If you had as much brains as you did ignorance, you would be implementing the pvp bag system, and not ************ about it.


Ruining an online experience from my posts? Were you born this crazily ***** or did it take years of practice?


What gives me the right is my login and pw, and the fact I pay my sub. So #@$% ^$^, lol.

Edited by rsomazzi
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This is how it should have been from the start. Its a step forward. Pre valor 60 was supposed to be "Centurion land" with some champion pieces, valor 60 "champion land" with some BM pieces and BM set over time (differences between champ and BM are very small, cent dont lag far behind champ either).


The way it works now pre 60 valor is "champion land" with centurion piece here and there to patch up PvP set as condolence prize - backwards.


Same as PvE gear - you would probably have columi set before getting any Tionese or equivalent pieces, or just to patch up columi set.


And yes, i would like to have my unused champion tokens converted to commendations :)

Edited by GrandMike
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Gotta question if people here actually PvP and open Champion Bags...


You get bloody 15 Cent and 7 Champs out of the Champion Bags, as someone who's BM, i can tell you flat out, leveling up to BM, I would of MUCH MUCH rather have the 7 Champ Tokens out of the bag then a higher chance of a Champ piece of gear.


I say this because I've gotten like 7 pairs of legs,over 20 pairs of boots, god knows how many relics or implants, offhands, mainhands what not.


I've gotten 1 bloody helm, Zero Chest pieces, and Zero Gloves.


So Excuse me if I don't ***** about getting the commendations instead.


Current Cost of a piece of Champion loot is 67 Champ Commendations.


Basically 10 Bags if what you have to open to get a Guaranteed piece of Champ Gear you want. Trust me, That is much much better then the current system... WAY better..


so in closing, quit whining scrubs.


yes, it's better for people that are already geared. it is not better for fresh 50's, which is what this was supposed to help.

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yes, it's better for people that are already geared. it is not better for fresh 50's, which is what this was supposed to help.


Not really.


Fresh 50 who plans right can have 9 bags on day 1 of dinging 3 weekly, 1 daily, 5 from just saving 1000/1000 tokens prior to dinging.


Thats 9 bags on the very first day which = enough for an item.


It took me 21 bags before I got my 1st champion item which was a belt my next 3 items where belts I am now at 73 bags and still need main hand and helmet. If it wasnt for a lucky 3 bag streak last Tuesday off the weekly where I got 3 items I didnt have I'd still be running round in level 49 purples.


73 bags would be 511 comms enough for an entire armor set and weapons.


Yeah sure some luckers can open 20 bags and have a full set but believe me of the die hard pvpr's I run with those type of people are a rarity I have a guildie at 100 + bags and is still yet to see a chest which is an item I have had 5 times.


I would have much preferred the system thats coming over the current and I look forward to utilising it on my in progress Sniper

Edited by thamightyboro
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Using double negatives in the same sentence is pro.


All you bros just want free gear without working very hard for it.




Rated Wzs with rating required gear will fix all. Exactly like WoW. Need skill to get gear. That is all.


You realize the amount of QQ tears would drown the earth if this were to go through.

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@ GabeAmatangelo


That being said, the current interim 'gearing up' system will change significantly when we introduce Ranked Warzones (aiming for Game Update 1.2). Stay tuned for more details on that.


- Gabe




Gabe when developing Ranked Warzones please take in consideration that when a character hits level 50 it's most likely he already been through a few Warzones .


In my case, i am currently lvl 48 char with rank 46 PvP and i bet that there are more people out there in this kind of position, i will have maximum valor for rank 49 when i hit level 50 ( 1 warzone away from valor rank 50 ).


If you are getting Ranked Warzones in the game, for some of us it will be a pain to PvP. Reason ? We will have at hand 6 Champion bags ( 1 + spending 1000 Mercenary & 1000 Warzone Commendations for 5 more) vs the guys who've hit level 50 a few weeks or a month ago, and are in the 50-59 zone in terms of Valor Rank and are obviously full champion by now.


Please think of a way to keep it competitive for us also.

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Let me just point this out, since there's confusion about it.


The 1.1.2. bag changes have reduced the RNG element on drops DRAMATICALLY. Exactly what you guys asked for.


Instead of hoping to get specific item tokens, you now get (more) commendations that you can turn into an item of your choice. That is a lot more deterministic and reliable than opening bags and hoping for a token.


-- Georg


I didnt read through every single page to find out if someone has brought this up. But wouldnt making the token universal to be used on whatever the user desire be a positive alternative.

So rather than receiving Chest piece champion token it would just be "champion token" that can be used to buy what the player wanted next.

That would increase PvP gear progression by eliminating duplicate piece tokens and gives the player the choice of gear they want.

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It's obvious from comments here that the patch note is not specific enough, so we'll get it updated before the patch goes to the live servers. Here are some specifics:


Champion Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations AND 7 Champion Commendations. Battlemaster Bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations. So Centurion gearing up progression for new level 50s is increased significantly and Champion gearing up progression will be steady.


We do still intend on adding more intro level 50 PvP items as well as change how Battlemaster Commendations operate toward the same 'steady' goal. It's just the scope of that change was more than could be done in a weekly patch as it included vendor changes, conversions to existing commendations on players already, etc.


That being said, the current interim 'gearing up' system will change significantly when we introduce Ranked Warzones (aiming for Game Update 1.2). Stay tuned for more details on that.


- Gabe


So newly levelled 50s can catch up. Hopefully making the level 50 playing field more about skill than gear, as it should be.


Pack in the whinging people.

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It's obvious from comments here that the patch note is not specific enough, so we'll get it updated before the patch goes to the live servers. Here are some specifics:


Champion Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations AND 7 Champion Commendations. Battlemaster Bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations. So Centurion gearing up progression for new level 50s is increased significantly and Champion gearing up progression will be steady.


We do still intend on adding more intro level 50 PvP items as well as change how Battlemaster Commendations operate toward the same 'steady' goal. It's just the scope of that change was more than could be done in a weekly patch as it included vendor changes, conversions to existing commendations on players already, etc.


That being said, the current interim 'gearing up' system will change significantly when we introduce Ranked Warzones (aiming for Game Update 1.2). Stay tuned for more details on that.


- Gabe




Are you saying that any previous commendations we have will be adjusted to the new patch? Meaning if we have for example 3 Centurion Commendation, when the patch goes live, we will now see 15 in our inventory?

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I want to know what this means


We do still intend on adding more intro level 50 PvP items as well as change how Battlemaster Commendations operate toward the same 'steady' goal. It's just the scope of that change was more than could be done in a weekly patch as it included vendor changes, conversions to existing commendations on players already, etc.

Edited by Leopoldo
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Bioware's incompetence on this issue is, quite frankly, frightening...


PvPers: "We don't like the RNG/Luck system."


Solution: "Okay. You will now be able to gain more crappy gear at a more steady rate, but need even MORE RNG/Luck to get anything good."


PvPers: "Yeeeah, so when's Guild Wars 2 coming out?"


^This^ actually.

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Well jst given me even more reason to not sub a 2nd month started to think they're wanting they game to fail


Apart from the bug fixes which end up not being fixed or breaka sometging else,

Im yet to see them do anything or implant anything that has made the game better



Back to wow I think until GW2 when subs runs out

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Well jst given me even more reason to not sub a 2nd month started to think they're wanting they game to fail


Apart from the bug fixes which end up not being fixed or breaka sometging else,

Im yet to see them do anything or implant anything that has made the game better



Back to wow I think until GW2 when subs runs out


How about you read the clarification?!

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Not everybody reads every single post so didn't see until after I post but only cause it was quoted


My points still stand yet to see them make bug fixes where they get fixed or don't break something else


Or for them to implant something that makes the game better not worse

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It's obvious from comments here that the patch note is not specific enough, so we'll get it updated before the patch goes to the live servers. Here are some specifics:


Champion Bags now always contain 15 Centurion Commendations AND 7 Champion Commendations. Battlemaster Bags now always contain 15 Champion Commendations. So Centurion gearing up progression for new level 50s is increased significantly and Champion gearing up progression will be steady.


We do still intend on adding more intro level 50 PvP items as well as change how Battlemaster Commendations operate toward the same 'steady' goal. It's just the scope of that change was more than could be done in a weekly patch as it included vendor changes, conversions to existing commendations on players already, etc.


That being said, the current interim 'gearing up' system will change significantly when we introduce Ranked Warzones (aiming for Game Update 1.2). Stay tuned for more details on that.


- Gabe


Nice. I see some older 50s complaining. But I think this change is a good start.

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As if this needs to be said.... 25% my ***.


Edit: to make it clear I have a guildie officer who went 34 bags with 2 tokens. A lowside estimated time is 2 hours a day for two bags. This is not ok.


Also not ok is the fact that all dps sets of battle master gear have accuracy on them, next to useless for pvp. Tanking has defense, again next to useless. I love the game but man...

Edited by MasamuneX
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Let me just point this out, since there's confusion about it.


The 1.1.2. bag changes have reduced the RNG element on drops DRAMATICALLY. Exactly what you guys asked for.


Instead of hoping to get specific item tokens, you now get (more) commendations that you can turn into an item of your choice. That is a lot more deterministic and reliable than opening bags and hoping for a token.


-- Georg


When you say "you guys" remember you are only talking about the vocal majority and NOT the entire range of people that play this game.


Be careful about how much of an impact the squeaky wheel has on DRAMATIC changes to the system.

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When you say "you guys" remember you are only talking about the vocal majority and NOT the entire range of people that play this game.


Be careful about how much of an impact the squeaky wheel has on DRAMATIC changes to the system.




I like these changes, but am a bit worried that you will listen too much to the forums. It is a fact that most threads/posts on the forums are from angry nubs just whining.

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When you say "you guys" remember you are only talking about the vocal majority and NOT the entire range of people that play this game.


Be careful about how much of an impact the squeaky wheel has on DRAMATIC changes to the system.


It's a positive change for EVERYONE.


We just pointed out how obviously stupid the old system was and they answered accordingly.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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"You Can't Always Get What You Want" - Rolling Stones



Relax ppl. It may not be "perfected" but they are trying to please everyone to the best of their abilities.


Too bad the ppl that they only get to hear are the grumpy butts.

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Thanks for the clarification on Champion Bags. I was initially worried I would be able to get less Champion Gear now, but knowing the Champion Bags also drop (a lot of) Champion Tokens after the patch took away all my worries.


I can now actually plan on when I get my Champion Gear rather then 'hope' for it and any extra Item Token I get is a bonus. This is very good as I was still missing my pants here




Don't take that the wrong way... :p


You have my thanks BioWare. ^^

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