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1.1.2 PvP bag changes.


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Thats a lie, unless it took you all day or your server has considerably less champ/bm premades than mine.


Ok Mr all seeing I will fill you in. 2 weeky PVP and Ilum=6 Bags. 2 Dailys PVP Ilum=2 more bags and about another 3-4 bags getting my 9 pvp wins. Total 12 bagsx15=180 centurian and 12x7=84 champ tokens. Thats in 12 hours....

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this is still dam BS.. now the bag random is alot more less chance.. im almost 60 valor.. *** am i going to do with the dam Cent badges now. So pretty much BW wasted our time, making us grind so much for nothing? i'm almost 60Valor. and i only have 4 champ gears. and i know a friend of mine is only 28 valor and he has over 7 pieces Champ gears.

now u give us more cent badges, but what are we going to do with those useless badges.. we alrdy wasted so much time and about to be BM. why shold i grind Champ badges alone side with the fresh lvl 50s just started?

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this is still dam BS.. now the bag random is alot more less chance.. im almost 60 valor.. *** am i going to do with the dam Cent badges now. So pretty much BW wasted our time, making us grind so much for nothing? i'm almost 60Valor. and i only have 4 champ gears. and i know a friend of mine is only 28 valor and he has over 7 pieces Champ gears.

now u give us more cent badges, but what are we going to do with those useless badges.. we alrdy wasted so much time and about to be BM. why shold i grind Champ badges alone side with the fresh lvl 50s just started?


once you hit 60 you'll be getting battle master bags which contain BM tokens and 15 champ tokens... so you will be gearing out quicker ten the fresh 50's..

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Really Bioware? You just don't get it.




So, to fix the issue, you are going make everyone that isn't 50 yet or just hit 50 so far behind, that they minimal chance to succeed. This change will make a ridiculous gear gap for months. The gap between centurion and champion gear is too big for this kind of change. Not to mention, you are making it even more RNG dependent. We want less RNG.


By Valor 50 I had full champ with leftovers on my companions. Gear was TOO Easy before, now it will be worse. PvP in this game is a joke.

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By Valor 50 I had full champ with leftovers on my companions. Gear was TOO Easy before, now it will be worse. PvP in this game is a joke.


worse for you, not for most people. Yes i got a lot of my gear on the old system but i still haven't gotten a mainhand or boots after 5 implants, 3 pairs of pants, 3 gloves and 2 chestpieces. A friend of mine has opened more than 50 champion bags and only has 2 pieces of champ gear to show for it. Oh and 0 champ commendations since they didn't come in champ bags before. A completely different friend is full battlemaster but doesn't even have his champion chest because of stupid RNG.


Now by tomorrow i'll have my champion mainhand because i finally receive champ token in champ bags, such a good concept lol. I'm able to pick what i buy and if it hadn't been the most expensive item i could've bought 2 pieces of champ gear that i might've needed today.



Idk when you guys are going to realize that this is a buff, not only for characters who are battlemasters but for the people who are already mostly champ gear... and the ones who are barely skirmishers too.


Bottom line is, new system relies EVEN LESS on RNG and sometimes you're rewarded with that RNG with EXTRA GEAR. you don't even get fewer commendations when you get an item token. It's all better, unless you were really stupidly lucky and got every piece of gear, no extras until you had every piece of gear and had to farm under 100 bags to do so.


That is all.

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This isn't perfect, but it's definitely a step in the right direction. Why the heck are people saying this means they get less champion gear? I've bought more pieces these past 2 days since the change than I had the past 3 weeks before of non-stop 3 centurion commendations in every single bag or a duplicate token (always relic and implant!!).
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You used to get 3 centurion comms and a 15-20% chance at a champion piece.

Now you get 15 centurion comms, 7 champion comms, and a 5-10% chance at a chapion piece.

I can't see how this is not an improvement? I suppose anyone complaining never got 3 implants in a row from the damn bags.

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Really Bioware? You just don't get it.




So, to fix the issue, you are going make everyone that isn't 50 yet or just hit 50 so far behind, that they minimal chance to succeed. This change will make a ridiculous gear gap for months. The gap between centurion and champion gear is too big for this kind of change. Not to mention, you are making it even more RNG dependent. We want less RNG.


You speak the truth. Have two 50's one that hit 50 before and one that hit 50 after changes. Both times i came in with 1k commendations each. THe new 50... its hell get steamrolled in wz's and overall it feels like a chore. Dont even want to login now...lol I hate to say it but the old system was much better


Actually I take that back... I just think the hit to get a direct token was overnerfed. Feels like 5% chance or less seeign i opened like 25 bags and got 1 relic

Edited by vortexdr
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The chance for a Battlemaster Commendation to be in a Battlemaster Bag is NOT changing. It is still 25%.



This is bull, I'm 2 for 30 on battlemaster commendations, there's no way it's 25%. You guys better check your script and make sure it's not bugged, because it's definitely NOT working at 25% right now.

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This is bull, I'm 2 for 30 on battlemaster commendations, there's no way it's 25%. You guys better check your script and make sure it's not bugged, because it's definitely NOT working at 25% right now.

I'm having the same suspicion, after that patch I used to average around roughly 1-2 BM comms in 2 days, now the last two days have been total garbage without a single BM comm, they must've broke something...


I know RNG is RNG and 2 days is roughly enough time to say something's ain't working, but still...

Edited by Nohkron
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You used to get 3 centurion comms and a 15-20% chance at a champion piece.

Now you get 15 centurion comms, 7 champion comms, and a 5-10% chance at a chapion piece.

I can't see how this is not an improvement? I suppose anyone complaining never got 3 implants in a row from the damn bags.


You get champion commendations from the champion bag? That is a major improvement!

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new bags are definitely a buff... play 5 days a week for two to three hours a day winning 3 warzones each and collect 30 armaments... get 2 bag per day for those dailies (2x5=10) plus 6 bags at the end as the weekly and end up with 16 bags playing a total of 15 hours casually.


that's 240 centurian comms, 112 champion comms and 16 chances at a champion piece every week. the rng here is what it should be... a possible bonus.

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In my opinion and from what I have noticed from BW thus far I am almost certain they will have some way to turn in vast amounts of Centurion Commendations. Likewise they will probably do something about all the tokens/commendations in that manner. It's just common game progression going along with the % of level/tier gear for "ALL" players in the game. I have no doubt running an MMO is just like trying to run the good old USA. Many different voices, faces, and opinions but everything is almost always weighted to the majorities. I would like to see something just like others have talked about as far as exchanging commendations etc...etc... along with the whole "Legacy" thing. I am patiently waiting and will continue to enjoy my game playing with whatever comes about. If something is hard to get by things being "randomized" and my luck isn't going great. Well then I guess I'll just have to play a little longer or find an easier way to get what I want.
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I think it's an improvement and I'm saying that as someone that got lucky with the Champion bag tokens. Now you can actually buy Centurion with Comms while you save up for Champion. Progression. The way it was before it was too easy (or random) to get Champion gear and a huge grind to buy Centurion. Edited by MorgonKara
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just hit 50 on my Merc yesterday, went right into PvP..... and I honestly get what the issue is ..... yeah I got killed 9 times, but I was up and out doing my job right away, Battlemaster Bob would at me trying to kill me, I used one ability after another to slow him down so I could continue keeping my team up before I died.... thats the nature of PvP it's not that bad... already have a like 4 pvp pieces<implants and the like> already seeing the difference. if you can't handle it go back to mining asteroids..... wait wrong game
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just hit 50 on my Merc yesterday, went right into PvP..... and I honestly get what the issue is ..... yeah I got killed 9 times, but I was up and out doing my job right away, Battlemaster Bob would at me trying to kill me, I used one ability after another to slow him down so I could continue keeping my team up before I died.... thats the nature of PvP it's not that bad... already have a like 4 pvp pieces<implants and the like> already seeing the difference. if you can't handle it go back to mining asteroids..... wait wrong game


EVE? :p

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just hit 50 on my Merc yesterday, went right into PvP..... and I honestly get what the issue is ..... yeah I got killed 9 times, but I was up and out doing my job right away, Battlemaster Bob would at me trying to kill me, I used one ability after another to slow him down so I could continue keeping my team up before I died.... thats the nature of PvP it's not that bad... already have a like 4 pvp pieces<implants and the like> already seeing the difference. if you can't handle it go back to mining asteroids..... wait wrong game


Same boat as you. Right off the bat I saw the difference. I was getting my rear handed to me so fast. I kept playing though....doing what I could to help the team. Lost a lot of games, but never gave up. Finally had enough to get a centurion belt. Starting to see a small difference now. (FYI, i'm a MM sniper)


It's all about attitude. Some people just CAN'T stand to lose. Nobody likes losing, but it's so bad in this game. I can't tell you how many games I went to that were just full of deserters. Games happen over and over and I just kept jumping in and doing my part.


The system definitely needs to be fixed. No doubt there, but players CAN play the game and get their gear if they take up the challenge to make the effort. I don't mind players beating me. There will ALWAYS be someone better.


Now, I log in and do what I can to reach my goals. As long as I see progression, I can deal with it.


As a suggestion to help this problem.....new tiers will always be on the horizon. That's a fact. So, BW, you should either pull out the nerf bat and whack whoever cheated the system to get their gear (not likely to happen) OR....Bite the bullet and make it easier for everyone to get BM gear. Then you can adjust how we go from tier 3 to future tiers when everyone is on an even field again.

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Same boat as you. Right off the bat I saw the difference. I was getting my rear handed to me so fast. I kept playing though....doing what I could to help the team. Lost a lot of games, but never gave up. Finally had enough to get a centurion belt. Starting to see a small difference now. (FYI, i'm a MM sniper)


It's all about attitude. Some people just CAN'T stand to lose. Nobody likes losing, but it's so bad in this game. I can't tell you how many games I went to that were just full of deserters. Games happen over and over and I just kept jumping in and doing my part.


The system definitely needs to be fixed. No doubt there, but players CAN play the game and get their gear if they take up the challenge to make the effort. I don't mind players beating me. There will ALWAYS be someone better.


Now, I log in and do what I can to reach my goals. As long as I see progression, I can deal with it.


As a suggestion to help this problem.....new tiers will always be on the horizon. That's a fact. So, BW, you should either pull out the nerf bat and whack whoever cheated the system to get their gear (not likely to happen) OR....Bite the bullet and make it easier for everyone to get BM gear. Then you can adjust how we go from tier 3 to future tiers when everyone is on an even field again.



You might be a little ahead of things here...


1.2 patch... rated warzones, rated rewards.

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Same boat as you. Right off the bat I saw the difference. I was getting my rear handed to me so fast. I kept playing though....doing what I could to help the team. Lost a lot of games, but never gave up. Finally had enough to get a centurion belt. Starting to see a small difference now. (FYI, i'm a MM sniper)


It's all about attitude. Some people just CAN'T stand to lose. Nobody likes losing, but it's so bad in this game. I can't tell you how many games I went to that were just full of deserters. Games happen over and over and I just kept jumping in and doing my part.


The system definitely needs to be fixed. No doubt there, but players CAN play the game and get their gear if they take up the challenge to make the effort. I don't mind players beating me. There will ALWAYS be someone better.


Now, I log in and do what I can to reach my goals. As long as I see progression, I can deal with it.


As a suggestion to help this problem.....new tiers will always be on the horizon. That's a fact. So, BW, you should either pull out the nerf bat and whack whoever cheated the system to get their gear (not likely to happen) OR....Bite the bullet and make it easier for everyone to get BM gear. Then you can adjust how we go from tier 3 to future tiers when everyone is on an even field again.


Agreed. this stuff is already broken..... it was fixed the new 50's have to work off the imho better system, which is what most new 50's seem to be crying about ..... I have to ask ..... do you people want it fixed? .... before or after you got your gear? just wondering

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