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Getting sick of these 2AM system shutdowns.


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Boy, some people don't get this.


You don't need 4 patches a week to get things done. It isn't even the specific time that the patches are applied, it's this "Let's patch every issue as soon as we fix it". We have dealt with just about all these problems since the 20th of December. We can deal with them for another week. One patch a week is ALL WE NEED. If you find the solution to a problem on Thursday, wait until next Tuesday to apply. Please???


Stop the madness of micro-patching. This is nonsense, period.


the reason the patches are coming out as so as they can is because the issues are that game breaking, really go to the customer support forum and read the topics there. Yesterdays maintenance caused peoples clients to freeze from anywhere from a second or two to half a minute or more and is causing the game to crash to the desktop every 5 minutes.


are you really telling the people who currently cannot play the game to bend over and take it for an entire week simply because it causes a minor inconvenience for you?

Edited by Rainasa
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I'm not complaining about fixing the game.


My complaint is that every single week, without fail, they have to roll a patch to fix the patch. This happens every single week, and it's getting old.


In this case, we were told there would be a 2 hour downtime starting at 12 PST, and no client side update. No big deal.


I tried to log in at 940 PST, and get a message that all servers are down until 8AM PST for a client update. The "official message" still states the downtime will begin at 12 PST, so I'm not sure what the deal is.


Even though the server status list shows all servers up, that's apparently wrong as well.


At this point, even though I enjoy the game a great deal, I think I may cancel my sub for a couple months until they get a better handle on things, and try again then.


With today's streaming technology, I am at a bit of a loss in understanding why they couldn't have implemented a background updater, as opposed to constantly taking the servers down for maintenance. I'm sure someone here can shed light on that, though.

Edited by Vegasclimber
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They're patching it. Doesn't mean it will fix it ;)


Your right.


It could also fix it.


It could also fix that problem and then bring up a totally different problem in a unrelated area.


That software development on a large living scale.


Before that mindless argument of "OMG TEST IT USE QA!!!!!!"


At the least you need a full server to get that sort of testing and QA. Oh and the WoW can do it BS.


Real testers test the game. They dont play the game. They try to break the game. They dont wander from quest giver to quest giver on the track. They go out their way and do everytrhing they can to break the game. AND then take the time to explaine every step they made to make that "bug" happen.


Just saying "x happened" means little. Those fixing the bugs need to know EVERYTHING that happened up to that "bug happening"


If you think a free "got their key in their email" tester actually tests the game your kidding. The majoirity treat it like a demo.



X happened I am unsubscribing is not helpfull or constructive.


X happened and here is the who, what where, when, and how it happened. That is helpfull

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To those who snivil about the game going down for maintenence; Would you rather that none of the many problems that this game has never get fixed? Bio has to do it sometime you know.


I, for one, dont mind the servers going down for maintenence. However, I dont see why the forums go down at the same time since they're seperate from the game.

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The problem is not that they constantly put down the server for maintenance. It's a new game, we understand that.


The problem is that their patches don't even actually fix half the things they claim to fix.


Claim to have fixed performance issues? They aren't, and now it's even worse with new crashing and d/c'ing issues.


Claim to have fixed warzone win not counting? It was a "miscommunication" and turns that patch note which was up for two whole weeks was a lie.


Now we have new bugs/exploits introduced with every patch, like the warzone exploit where a premade can deliberately have more than 8 people on one side, forcing the "not enough players" countdown (even though the other side has 8 players) and getting easy under 2-mins win, which the devs STILL not acknowledging.

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I don't get it. The forums are FULL of people DEMANDING various fixes, changes, services, etc. And yet, when BW takes down the servers to actually do some of these things. The forums become full of people complaining about the down time. Sure, there's a lot of patches, that just means that BW is actively trying to make this game better. No matter when the server is taken offline, it's going to inconvenience people, it has to be done sometime and picking a non-peak time only makes sense.
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It is weird they have a test server and still can't get the patches right. :(


This really isn't fair to PTR's in general though, because such a small portion of the user base even have them installed and due of this it can be very difficult to differentiate between computer issues or if its a client issue, and even then they really don't get enough data to determine what the bug really does or why it is happening.

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The problem is not that they constantly put down the server for maintenance. It's a new game, we understand that.


The problem is that their patches don't even actually fix half the things they claim to fix.


Claim to have fixed performance issues? They aren't, and now it's even worse with new crashing and d/c'ing issues.


I can't speak you, of course. But, the patch last week upped my game performance considerably. I was ranging from about 10-15 FPS in outdoor environments, now it's 40-50 FPS, I made no changes to my PC. I don't say this to brag, just saying they must be working on something. Since PC's can vary so much, it's hard to fix them for every single one.

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I deal with losing playtime on Monday, but when it happens 2-3 times a week is a bit underwhelming. 12am PST is very early in this game, my server often has ques still at this time.


If you're fine with losing your playtime 1-3 times a week, great for you--but most of us cannot remain so reasonable.

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Ya these 2am cst shutdown times are completely dumb, last time I checked I play on a west coast server, that means shutdown is at midnight. My server still has heavy - very heavy population even at midnight. Obusivously this e. How about 4am like the rest of the mmo world. There a lot of us that work late. Please change maintence times to 4am when server traffic is acutally low so it effects less people. I want my 15$ a month worth, not a game I can only play 4-5 days a week cuz of maintence.
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normally i dont post to forums,i usually just read them,but getting real sick of the 2 hour down time in middle of the week after a maintenance patch. i play from 12:00 am cst - 5:30 am cst daily and im losing time i paid for and which i will never get back. once a week is fine,but 2-3 time a week is out of hand , seems like sofar after every maintinace patch there is...we will be shutting down servers so we can fix somthing that we screwed up in the patch .....but it worked here at the shop fine (B&*$S@#%). BioWare,start making sure the patchs work before you release them.



sorry everyone but just pisses me off ive had enough, so ya im venting here

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Ya these 2am cst shutdown times are completely dumb, last time I checked I play on a west coast server, that means shutdown is at midnight. My server still has heavy - very heavy population even at midnight. Obusivously this e. How about 4am like the rest of the mmo world. There a lot of us that work late. Please change maintence times to 4am when server traffic is acutally low so it effects less people. I want my 15$ a month worth, not a game I can only play 4-5 days a week cuz of maintence.
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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


We have our own servers, they're located in Ireland, but still for some reason share common maintenance time with the US ones. Go figure.


Either way, until it changes, live with it.

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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!


Dude you should just be happy they don't do maintenance in the morning thru afternoon like Blizz. Every Tuesday was a no play day for me.

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Don't know anyone suffering from these freezes, extremely sick to death of these downtimes DURING Aussie peak times....


7PM is an EXTREMELY ****** time to start maintenance for us Aussies.

Edited by Herboss
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I work until 12am CST, and like to play at night before it shuts down. Why arent these updates done at 4am-6am? Dont give me that crap that it interrupts with the Europeans...make them their own servers then. This is BS and it needs to be addressed!

.. because if us - Europeans - have to endure 9AM-5PM downtime, you sure as hell are not one to cry about YOUR downtimes.

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