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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Crafting Profession Changes in patch 1.1.2


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That is exactly what that means, yes.
Okay, but.


How are you going to address the fact that after these changes, crafted gear will be more optimal than raiding gear OR pvp gear? There will be ZERO point in using raid or pvp gear if you can obtain crafted gear with augment slots in it, which will provide a very, very significant stat increase if all your gear has slots in it.


In other words, you're going to be replacing one problem with another.


There should be a way to add augment slots to raid gear as well. What about using commendations earned in operations to buy the slots on your gear, once you're fully up to par? Or extra pvp commendations, even?


That way people don't HAVE to default to crafted gear to be optimal, which is what the new system will encourage heavily.

Edited by Celeitia
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Okay, but.


How are you going to address the fact that after these changes, crafted gear will be more optimal than raiding gear OR pvp gear? There will be ZERO point in using raid or pvp gear if you can obtain crafted gear with augment slots in it, which will provide a very, very significant stat increase if all your gear has slots in it.


In other words, you're going to be replacing one problem with another.


There should be a way to add augment slots to raid gear as well. What about using commendations earned in operations to buy the slots on your gear, once you're fully up to par? Or extra pvp commendations, even?


That way people don't HAVE to default to crafted gear to be optimal, which is what the new system will encourage heavily.


Actually, to remove the mods from that gear, you still have to raid or PvP to get it so that you can remove the mods to put into your orange gear. This goes for set bonuses, too, which are soon to be transferable to orange gear.


In other words, if you want your orange gear to be raid- or pvp-optimal, you still have to acquire that gear first through raiding or pvping *THEN* remove the mods to put into your orange gear.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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if you have artificer you get rakata relics with 2 augment slots together (2 relics, one augment in eatch), thats 56 more in a primary atribute


but the better stims, wich is 30ish better primary attribute then best none biochem stim atm, and 8 better then best none bichem stim in patchnotes and adrenals are unfair?


now this is only for pve ofcourse since BM gear is impossible o craft...



in short, why should the benefit be lower for biochem then for other crew skills?


ofcourse having reusable adrenals is a huge boost, but that should be contered with lowering teh creafting costs of adrenals that others without biochem can use not by making biochem adrenals worse imo.



As it looks right now you wanna first do artificer, then armormech/synthweawing and then biochem...




a sloution to make it fair would be to let the crafted relics with augment slots be tradable, same with the crafted armor but that would make it way to easy to get rakata gear so that would be sad...


instead leave biochem as it is and make the crafted rakata gear with augment slots require to have the skill that was needed to craft them.

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Actually, to remove the mods from that gear, you still have to raid or PvP to get it so that you can remove the mods to put into your orange gear. This goes for set bonuses, too, which are soon to be transferable to orange gear.


In other words, if you want your orange gear to be raid- or pvp-optimal, you still have to acquire that gear first through raiding or pvping *THEN* remove the mods to put into your orange gear.

That's irrelevant, though. You're still telling me that even after I raid or pvp to get good gear, I'm going to have to scrap all of it to put it in crafted gear so I stay optimal.


There should be a way to be optimal without crafted gear, is what I'm saying. It could be a good idea to make it possible to add slots to your items via commendations of both kinds (pve and pvp), and maybe even credits (100~150k per slot?).

Edited by Celeitia
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There should be a way to be optimal without crafted gear, is what I'm saying. It could be a good idea to make it possible to add slots to your items via commendations of both kinds (pve and pvp), and maybe even credits (100~150k per slot?).


thats a good idea, then I can still keep biochem

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So what I'm getting here is that insted of waiting a bit and doing all the crafting changes at once, Bioware is going to nerf Biochem and make it as useless and pointless as all the other crafts?



Of course, they're going to boost the other ones eventually which is going to make Biochecm the weakest craft off all.



I felt that my 400 Artifice was and still is the biggest waste of time and I can't even imagine why they would punish everyone who's Biochem with the same exact feeling.

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My opinion,


Purple items and mods should only be obtainable through crafting. Then only way to get purple stuff is for someone to make it. All of a sudden, crafting becomes worthwhile.




What if commondation vendors ONLY had green mods to sell? that would put real value in Cybertech once more. Somone who wants to solo and never interact with other players/crafters could do the commondation route fine still. But this would encourage players who want blue or purple mods to get them from crafters, or buy crafted armor and avoid the whole mod route altogether.



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HOW is Biochem useless now?


You guys will be able to make a FORTUNE by selling all the stuff that is no longer only usable by you. AND you get to keep using the stuff too!


They single-handedly made Biochems rich with this patch, why oh why are you complaining? Because you lost your unfair advantage? Augment slots do not compare to having an infinite health potion, an infinite buff potion and an infinite third relic potion.

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What if commondation vendors ONLY had green mods to sell? that would put real value in Cybertech once more. Somone who wants to solo and never interact with other players/crafters could do the commondation route fine still. But this would encourage players who want blue or purple mods to get them from crafters, or buy crafted armor and avoid the whole mod route altogether.



That's an extremely bad idea and it would be equivalent to making pvp and raiding less desirable than being a crafter. In fact, it would make it completely useless, since a crafter will get you all the best gear and then... you could go raid for worse gear?
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If augmentation is to be a bonus for critically crafting an item it cheapens them by allowing any item to be augmented. So yes, I would prefer that when I critically craft something it means something. And wasn't your idea brought up so that a crafter of the augmentation slot creator have a way to make a few credits as well? Or were you intending them to be given away for free?


My goal is to provide BioWare with some (hopefully) creative suggestions on how to add to the crafting professions as well as allow certain game elements to see a better usage.


If an item is usually sold on the GTN for 60000 credits, but the crafter crits on an item and gets it with an augment slot, they sell it for 100000 or more right? So what would it matter if several people with the same crafting profession would make Augmentation Devices and sell them as well?


So instead of a select few people setting the prices just because they randomly happen to crit on a piece of mismatched gear (as they can't even make a full set of items), we'd give people more options to choose from; thus reducing the ridiculous inflations we now see whilst allowing everyone to keep their favorite outfit and the ability to put augment slots on them.


With the Augmentation Device you give people a choice, and that's something some people apparently don't want to give them. Instead they'd rather have broken crafting skills with a limited selection of items that might have a chance at being better than something found in the gameworld or gained from a quest reward (referring to the thousands of items that people can get but would not have an augment slot).


But this dialogue is becoming tiresome and I see no further need to defend my suggestion. You have your opinion and I have mine, so let's go our separate ways and let BioWare decide if they like my suggestion or not. ;)

Edited by Danakar
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HOW is Biochem useless now?


You guys will be able to make a FORTUNE by selling all the stuff that is no longer only usable by you. AND you get to keep using the stuff too!


They single-handedly made Biochems rich with this patch, why oh why are you complaining? Because you lost your unfair advantage? Augment slots do not compare to having an infinite health potion, an infinite buff potion and an infinite third relic potion.


everyone has infinite buff potions? stims that you dont lose on death and lasts 2 hours?


the only advantage is the third relic because in pvp there is those warzone health thingies and in raids I gladly give medpacs to those in the raid that wants/needs


abotu adrenals though, the solution would be making blue adrenals cheap to produce, maybe same cost but 10 is made eatch time then everyone would have adrenalswww

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Please Please Please Please Please for the love of God PLEASE provide level 50 shield generators for Artifice for Assassin Tank.


You gimped this profession by making the decent items BOP and giving away ALL the items we can craft as epics at level 50 as daily rewards. Oh yeah and they are a level higher than what we can craft.


Artifice = Worst profession in TOR

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Please Please Please Please Please for the love of God PLEASE provide level 50 shield generators for Artifice for Assassin Tank.


You gimped this profession by making the decent items BOP and giving away ALL the items we can craft as epics at level 50 as daily rewards. Oh yeah and they are a level higher than what we can craft.


Artifice = Worst profession in TOR

Artifice is the most money I've ever made selling magenta crystals. During the first two weeks I could get about half a million credits per.


Also, we do have level 49 shields, which if you RE into their purple counterparts, are equivalent to what you'd find in hard mode flashpoints, or just about.


ALSO, my Rakata relics with augment slots disagree that Artifice sucks.

Edited by Celeitia
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maybe I am in the minority, but I always felt BUFFING everything else would be better than just flat out nerfing biochem. every single one of my raiders except our biochemists and armormechs are complaining about how underwhelming their professions are. my armormechs are digging their rakata belt and bracers.
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As an example(and before you flame, example and suggestion are two entirely different things) an Armstech could craft a high-end barrel, equal or close to equal to end game quality. Understandably having to many of these would take away the necessity of raiding, so my suggestion is more in line with 1 "item" per profession


No. You integrate raiding WITH crafting. People raid for pieces they need, but in order to finish whatever item it is they're working on, they need to combine it with a high-end crafted item. Something like that. Make the crafter a required part of the process.


I dunno, or make a consumable item, created by crafters, required to pull the mods out of the raid gear. You get my point, though. The possibilities are endless here. It really isn't rocket science.

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So wait... You're dumbing down the only useful profession at this point, so that it's as worthless as the rest of them? There's absolutely 0 reason to craft anything if you pvp in this game as opposed to pve.

Awesome - we can sell med packs and stims now. Why exactly would I want to do that? Do you have any idea how much money I have and make and throw away because there's nothing useful at all to buy or do with my money?


And skill based pvp, that's fantastic. I love the idea, and you should have started it out with that. But reality is, you have a gear based mmo. No amount of skill can stop me from being stunlocked (resolve is absolutely broken and useless) and no amount of skill can stop me from being backstabbed for 5k at a time.


Each successive patch and list of ideas from you folks makes me seriously concerned about why I'm putting any amount of time into any of my characters and continue paying to beta test this broken wreck of a game.

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maybe I am in the minority, but I always felt BUFFING everything else would be better than just flat out nerfing biochem. every single one of my raiders except our biochemists and armormechs are complaining about how underwhelming their professions are.


This would be the intelligent response. Unfortunately, the game devs don't seem to think along these lines...

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As stated, we are working on making all crafting professions fully endgame viable. We'll talk more about specifics, like Armstech or Synthweaving when we have specifics to announce.


The reason BioChem is called out specifically in this note is because this patch changes how it works and we want players to understand why that is the case.


I'm not certain what this means, however as a crafter I can say crafting is quite broken

as is. For people like me who are not big pve'rs, you cant even make the best gear unless

you do HM flashpoints etc. I find that very demotivating and my interest in crafting

dwindled. I hope this is going to be addressed in future patches and I would also hope

that crafted gear in all cases is better than what you can get from an NPC. Certainly

the galactic trade market would stop being so lackluster.

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Really this is dumb. Your nerfing biochem into it being useless completly. What is the damn point of being biochem? You should not nerf the rakataa stuff at all. Each crew skill should have a unique item that is usefull at max level. Stop nerfing something that should not be nerfed, when you should be buffing other things.
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Really this is dumb. Your nerfing biochem into it being useless completly. What is the damn point of being biochem? You should not nerf the rakataa stuff at all. Each crew skill should have a unique item that is usefull at max level. Stop nerfing something that should not be nerfed, when you should be buffing other things.


Consumables should not be rakata is the problem. Rakata should be the implants and earpieces that biochem and cybertech make. I don't get why they insist on making this hard on themselves, as you can't balance an apple and an orange.

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