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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official: Over 1.7 million active subs, 2 + mil sold


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True, but a lot of those active subs are on free month so cant really say whats the real amount of PAYING subs will be.


This is a MMO. there will always be new customers and therefor there will always be free months.... Not too tough to figure out.

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I logged into WoW and saw about 20 people standing around the SW square. 2pm EST. I've never yet seen that on this game. Anywhere. Not in Fleet, not in the starter zones.


But thanks for letting me know the subscription number. I feel much better knowing I'm not playing alone.

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Sad that you still miss the point. There are a hell of a lot of people who share my same views even if its 20%(although its atleast 50%) thats still 20% of 1.7M and thats a hell of a lot of people and money. Bw would be stupid to ignore us and the community even stupider for not coming together and refusing to accept this BS BW has stuck us with instead of demanding this game be brought up to current standards of a modern MMO released in 2012.


BW would be even more dumb to please the 20% over the 80%


BW can't please everyone and shouldn't try to.

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I logged into WoW and saw about 20 people standing around the SW square. 2pm EST. I've never yet seen that on this game. Anywhere. Not in Fleet, not in the starter zones.


But thanks for letting me know the subscription number. I feel much better knowing I'm not playing alone.


I call BS on this. never more than 20 people in fleet?

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I logged into WoW and saw about 20 people standing around the SW square. 2pm EST. I've never yet seen that on this game. Anywhere. Not in Fleet, not in the starter zones.


But thanks for letting me know the subscription number. I feel much better knowing I'm not playing alone.


I have. I actually do every single day I log in. Can't hold the game responsible if you can't find your way to the square :D

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This just smells funny ... actual in game numbers are totally different (fleet, planet, pops during primer time/weekends are way down, especially since the 1 month date has come and gone).


I'm betting there are some very creative number twisting going on there.


Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see this survive. Lets be honest though, anything but numbers like that and their stockholders would be in an uproar ... server activity does not reflect what they are reporting however.


At some point, non fudged numbers will catch up, and sadly they will be even worse, as more and more folks move on.

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Every MMO that ever was, or ever will be will have this type of discussion. What I don't get is why the MMO community keeps doing and saying the same things about every game that comes out.


Every naysayer claims that they represent a vocal majority and their demands must be met or they will do a Taliban style Jihad upon said game company and reduce their customer base to a smoking crater.


Most of the people who are enjoying the game, are doing precisely that, enjoying the game and not posting on forums.


Is star wars that good? In some respects, certainly.


Is star wars that bad? Apparently it's so horrendously bad that people have to abandon all use of grammar and diction to get that point across. Just go look at some of the threads that get started here.


I tell you what, I enjoy the game, and don't listen to forums, I'll go enjoy my Bounty Hunter a bit longer, at least until that rabid member of the MMO community arrives on my doorstep to demand that I cease enjoying it.


Just ask yourself, were the good times you had worth a 100 bucks? (that's five lap dances for some of you, or roughly 30 minutes of fun). If they were, thank BW for that, offer constructive criticism and leave, if that's your wish.


Then there's ones who are just here to stir up crap. You guys are in every game (or at least forum), and frankly, I wonder if MMO's spawn you like a body does specialized cells. There's always the whiner, the prover, and their attendant yes-men.


The whiner talks about how bad it all is and how good something else was.


The prover uses numbers to scientifically prove that he's right about everything, despite the fact that he's arguing on the internet( incontrovertible proof of a lack of intelligence).


The crowd of Yes-Men are like anti-bodies to any differing opinion and their antics will range from humorous cynicism to outright hostility and anger. Anyone ever lost sleep because someone on the internet was mad at you? Me either.


This is my opinon, and enditement of the MMO community, we should all just grow up.


No one will read this, nor will it make any of you think about how you are acting.

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One other thing... I love forum goons who believe everything they hear PR people say. It's their job to factually misrepresent numbers. They won't lie, but like what this topic is about... they'll use December Q4 totals to say they have 1.7 million subs currently all the way up until Q1 2012 where they're forced to eat crow and say they had a decline in retention rates.



That's how business works in the real world.


These are not PR people. This is a quarterly earnings report to STOCKHOLDERS. Fabricating these numbers is a FEDERAL OFFENSE. We have used these very same numbers for every single MMO to date, you can't suddenly deny this and say now they are totally fabricated when before they were not. They are the only reliable numbers we have on subscriptions, everything else is bull dung.


"Bioware making up numbers and breaking the law to prove the forum hating trolls wrong". I think I have heard it all.

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No, they said MOST, MOST say it with me... MOST


Of the player count PAY to play.


Did you read the article?


They count people on free month to active subs like they say on the article. They sold close to 1 million copies in last 40 days. Im sure that most of those are on free month.

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I call BS on this. never more than 20 people in fleet?


You can call BS all you want. I saw at most 5 once, not counting companions, standing near the GTN stations. I'm sorry, but there's barely anybody around. Too bad perception is everything.


Can you honestly say that on your server SWTOR feels like a living, breathing, thriving community?

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How do you say gullible or naive in Huttenese? Santa Clause and your daily horoscope is real too.


Business kids. You should learn about how the numbers magically appear when the going gets tough!




The numbers get released every quarter. No ones waving a magic wand here and seeing people go running through the bend down the rabbit hole to the fairy godmother and saying please give me some magic numbers.


Really quarter earnings mean nothing unless it's a large deficit or profit. Suncore Energy, one of the major trading energy companies for Alberta Canada, was stated at having a deficit this year. They ended the third quarter with a 1.3 billion, yes billion, dollar profit.


The real business of SWTOR won't show the numbers of how Swtor is affecting affecting EA and Bioware since both companies release more then one product.


People need to stop looking at MMO's from the vantage point of Blizzard Entertainment, whom if anyone has ever followed has *gasp* had quarterly losses before.


There is no business that anyone but market analysts can give any insight on and even then that insight is based of a trend that can shift for any given reason.


This games community needs to stop posting nonsensical garbage like sub numbers and units sold and acting like they have a freaking clue.

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They count people on free month to active subs like they say on the article. They sold close to 1 million copies in last 40 days. Im sure that most of those are on free month.


Proof of 1m sold in 40 days?


Your talking out your ***?

Edited by darthdoll
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This just smells funny ... actual in game numbers are totally different (fleet, planet, pops during primer time/weekends are way down, especially since the 1 month date has come and gone).


I'm betting there are some very creative number twisting going on there.


Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see this survive. Lets be honest though, anything but numbers like that and their stockholders would be in an uproar ... server activity does not reflect what they are reporting however.


At some point, non fudged numbers will catch up, and sadly they will be even worse, as more and more folks move on.


Without knowing actual server caps we cannot say either way

Are they 8k max or 10 k?

If you say 5k then there is probably over 400k on right now

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Without knowing actual server caps we cannot say either way

Are they 8k max or 10 k?

If you say 5k then there is probably over 400k on right now


We actually know for a fact that the server caps have been doubled since launch. They specified that during the earning call.

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No one will read this, nor will it make any of you think about how you are acting.


Actually many people will read this. I'm finding a lot of these forum posts recreated on REDDIT and elsewhere. A lot of eyes are on this game. More are interested in what the players are actually saying than what reviewers and reports are saying.

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