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Enough is enough


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Dear Bioware,


I've tried to defend you. I've tried to be on your side. I, along with a solid 10 other guild members that have been playing MMO’s for over 10 years together, have been playing your game (or as I call it, beta testing) since the late stages of beta onward. From the onset, we’ve wanted you to succeed and even if you’re unable to dethrone the current MMO king then we’d love for you to at least get some significant market share and be rewarded for a great new online IP.


The problem is, you’re dysfunctional. Patience is worn out and people are now starting to revert back to other games. You need to be squashing bugs every single day and yet, you’re not. Time is up and you have no one to blame except yourselves. You’ve allowed sloppy bugs, sloppy design, poor customer server and ‘band-aid’ fixes to persist for too long. The game has been out for over a month now and that’s an eternity in the online gaming world. “But XYZ wasn’t polished/fixed/featuring ___ until….” while this may be true, it doesn’t matter, new standards have been set and the bar is now raised and you either make the competitive bar or you fail, it’s how life works and life isn’t always fair, tough luck.


Some of my specific issues:


* Ability delay. Substantially improved last week with your small patch. However seemingly worse in your weekly patch yesterday.


* Party bugs in warzones. Rather often, more than the 8 person cap get assigned to a team in a warzone creating a permanent game imbalance. This has been occurring since pre-release.


* At least 75% of all matches are bugged such that not all players on your team show up in your operation/party frame (which is stupidly frustrating for healers). This has been occurring since pre-release.


* Warzone voidstar: One team’s starting barrier can drops before the other resulting in an immediate game advantage that is usually unrecoverable from. This has been occurring since pre-release.


* Healers in warzones: If you do your job, as a dedicated healer, even if you heal 400k to 500k in a match, you’ll still most likely only get about 3-5 medals. If a DPS does 200-300k damage, they’ll likely get double that amount of medals. No incentive for serious healers in warzones and as a result, most have now spec’d for DPS/offense and only a small handful of the original base of them actually play as dedicated healer anymore. Massive disparage between medal capacity as a healer vs damage dealer or even tanks.


* No disincentive for people to prematurely leave a warzone. Cannot play a single warzone without people leaving if they think they are not going to win. It’s an absolute epidemic. This has been occurring since pre-release.


* Sometimes the summary sheet at the end a warzone is simply blank or you’re not able to vote for MVP’s. This has been occurring since pre-release.


* Post-Tuesday’s patch, have still had wins in hutball that don’t count towards weekly/daily warzone win credit. This has been occurring since pre-release.


* Eternity Vault: still, post-Tuesday patch, a plethora of bugs in normal and hard-mode. Too many to list, I’m tired of being your quality control. 2nd boss, islands spawn without a path to them (not a big deal, but just shows the lack of attention/responsiveness of your development team). Council boss before SOA -- so many times that mobs become immune, and noone has cross-healed or cross damaged other mobs. SOA: when a tank gets mind trapped, unless an off-tank taunts quickly he can despawn due, presumably to a lack of target to hit. SOA if someone is getting thrown mid-air at the 30% mark when he lowers a platform then the person is removed from the fight and not even able to be combat-rezzed.


* No “target of target” frame? Is this too much to ask? Are we shooting for the moon here?! This is MMO 101 guys…


* Galactic Trade Network – Unless you’ve already delved down into an item you can’t just input the name of an item you’re looking for?! Bug that has been occurring since pre-release.


* Merchant sorting filters – so poorly thought out that someone should be fired for the poor implementation. How about searching by slot? Class type? Profession? Make this useful already – existing sorts are awful.


* Loot bugs, using both master looter or the ‘roll system’ or if someone disconnects you get weird anomalies --- we had someone pass on all items from the roll system and still end up getting all the items, even ones he couldn’t use. He ticketed this event and nothing was done about it. This has been occurring since pre-release.


* Juggernauts – can’t hold agro worth a damn against equally geared DPS classes. To the point that most guilds no longer use Jug’s as their MT’s. Also what the hell is with giving them only 1 AE taunt verses an assassin tank that gets 3 of them??? What exactly were you thinking here?


* Character imbalances. Operative nerf? Too late, they’re all battlemasters now –why did this take so long? History repeats itself with mercs and commando’s …. Too late, you’ve missed the boat.


* Ilum: First day after changes were made to armaments quest, hours of endless ‘spawn camping’ in opposing faction base went unchecked, many people gaining well over 5 valor levels in a sitting of only an hour or two. No repercussions, caused severe imbalance for the people who were not able to capitalize on this, or simply chose not to because they knew it was wrong.


* Ilum: On Prophecy of Five server, just rename this planet to “Imperial”, which is about all you’ll see here outside of the first few hour after the servers come back online on a Tuesday so people can farm their weekly quest by standing outside the republic base. This isn’t fun, it’s a time sink and people would rather not do it altogether. Otherwise, it’s a failed ghost town. Poor incentives for people to go here, poor performance when they all do and completely doesn’t work on servers with massive population imbalances like ours.


* Mailing of items. I mailed crafting mats right after yesterdays patch from my main toon to my alternate toon (between the only 2 characters I have on my account). 30 seconds after receiving my mail, I get kicked to the character selection screen, log back in, all mail gone – nowhere to be found on either toons or in either’s mail. I submit a ticket to this effect and get a response saying “closed ticket, insufficient detail, specify characters, etc.” – Is this a joke? What a cop-out and lazy response. GM’s have the toon, it’s the one who submitted the ticket, if you bothered to check the logs it should be clear as day – if you don’t have such logs, then you don’t deserve my monthly fee. I hate that fact that my monthly fee contributes to that lazy GM’s pay cheque.


I could probably write another three pages worth of bugs or poorly thought out/implemented things but I’m tired and this takes too much energy. You’re on the edge of a cliff right now Bioware, all the mature players know it. How you react in the coming week or so is going to greatly determine your future. I wish you luck and sincerely hope you get your act together but I’ll also say this: your current responses, patch rate, and quantity as well as quality of ‘fixes’ are not good enough.


Best of luck,

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Dear Bioware,

I, along with a solid 10 other guild members that have been playing MMO’s for over 10 years together




The game has been out for over a month now and that’s an eternity in the online gaming world.


If the former were true, you wouldn't be asserting the latter.


Even the major MMO releases have all had bugs that persisted for MONTHS.

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If the former were true, you wouldn't be asserting the latter.


Even the major MMO releases have all had bugs that persisted for MONTHS.


Agreed, however the former didn't really have polished alternatives to revert back to.

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You ask for daily 8 hour maintenance to do daily patching yet you note that patching sometimes makes it worse.


I do not claim to understand what are client side and server side bugs nor how long they take to fix. My underlying point is that what they are currently doing is insufficient, if you think otherwise then I wish you luck next quarter when this game has become "free to play" and dies a slow painful death.

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Agreed, however the former didn't really have polished alternatives to revert back to.


People were ALWAYS whining about how they were going back to EverQuest in WoW's early server crippling bug days.


If you've decided that TOR simply isn't good enough to pay for now, the best thing you can do is quit and move on. Maybe give it a few months to mature a bit and try it again later.


But as I said before, if you'd REALLY been playing MMO's for "over 10 years", you should have known better than to go into an MMO this soon after launch and expect a finished, polished product on par with the older games out there right now. You should have known you were in for a bit of pain.

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Ah yes, the entitlement generation strikes again. A whole MONTH you say? That's like a lifetime!


It really IS a lifetime when its the first few months life of an MMO (first impressions count after a few months people leave in droves if not satisfied*), if major stuff isnt sorted asap.


*ive seen it happen i was in Warhammer Online launch for 3 months , and Star Trek Online.


If an MMO doesnt hit it off within the first few months (im being generous in my timescale) it goes into obscurity and falls flat on its face.

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WZ barriers!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG the Voidstar barrier is incredibly flawed!!! Quite often I see my team behind the barrier much longer than other team. This directly results in loss because too many are waiting to return to the fight and we are talking 15-20s which is an eternity! This is a direct Pub advantage since I always see them get out faster. :mad:
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People were ALWAYS whining about how they were going back to EverQuest in WoW's early server crippling bug days.


If you've decided that TOR simply isn't good enough to pay for now, the best thing you can do is quit and move on. Maybe give it a few months to mature a bit and try it again later.


But as I said before, if you'd REALLY been playing MMO's for "over 10 years", you should have known better than to go into an MMO this soon after launch and expect a finished, polished product on par with the older games out there right now. You should have known you were in for a bit of pain.


The issues arent nothing to do with finished or polished .... the high rez graphics for a start are advertised and the textures as they are at present look sh*te anyway on gear.


The FACTS are that there is standard stuff NOT in SWTOR that are in MOST MMOs at launch in some way or another.

Its taken me a month to take off my rose tinted glasses, and im glad i have.


The thing is about leaving it for a few months and coming back, i thought id do that with Star Trek Online ... i didnt.


The truth is most people is they unsub EVEN if they say they will come back ...DONT.


As ive said its first impressions, and if an MMO turns sour bigtime, players move on to something else.

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People were ALWAYS whining about how they were going back to EverQuest in WoW's early server crippling bug days.


If you've decided that TOR simply isn't good enough to pay for now, the best thing you can do is quit and move on. Maybe give it a few months to mature a bit and try it again later.


But as I said before, if you'd REALLY been playing MMO's for "over 10 years", you should have known better than to go into an MMO this soon after launch and expect a finished, polished product on par with the older games out there right now. You should have known you were in for a bit of pain.


This needs to be copied and pasted into about 20 other threads right now. I could not have said it better myself!

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This needs to be copied and pasted into about 20 other threads right now. I could not have said it better myself!


"The truth is most people is they unsub EVEN if they say they will come back ...DONT.


As ive said its first impressions, and if an MMO turns sour bigtime, players move on to something else.




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Sad thing is, even if Bioware were patching every other day, people would still whine about the constant downtime. Hell, we get enough whining about the CURRENT amount of downtime.




Seems like no matter what they do, they can't win. I feel sorry for them, in a way. It's gotta be hell dealing with all these self-entitled little brats.

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It really IS a lifetime when its the first few months life of an MMO (first impressions count after a few months people leave in droves if not satisfied*), if major stuff isnt sorted asap.


*ive seen it happen i was in Warhammer Online launch for 3 months , and Star Trek Online.


If an MMO doesnt hit it off within the first few months (im being generous in my timescale) it goes into obscurity and falls flat on its face.


Alright, fair enough. How do you explain WoW's popularity then? It was just as much of a cluster**** as ToR...actually it was worse at first. Somehow it survived and then suceeded massively...doesn't anyone remember this?

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