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1,490 players reviewed this game as a 5.9


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There was someone else that said it better but I'll try...


Gamers/angry nerds are the only group of people that will actively try and destroy a product that other people like.


What other group of angry, sick, jealous people go out and bomb review sites with scores like "0/10" when they haven't even played the game or know anything about it? Do you even know what a "0" means. A zero means the game was so bad that you can't even log on and play it. That obviously isn't the case. A score of 0 is used by angry, jealous idiots to drag down the average score. There is not other reason to use a 0!


What other group of people post false information on websites just to keep people from trying the product? Its like being an angry nerd forces you to make sure everyone knows your opinion and that you thought of it first. The reality is that a ton of other jealous nerds thought the exact same thing you did.


How immature do you have to be to see another another product be successful and be so angry that you actually try to keep people from playing it?


If you have ever done that, I feel sorry for you.


If you don't like it, thats one thing. Give it a fair review. If you purposely don't like the game because its not your game, then you need to take a deep breathe and realize everything will be ok.

Edited by Arkerus
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I've come to conclude that people's personal rating of this game is directly proportional to the time they've spent playing it.


The less time you've played, the higher your rating.

The more you've played it, the lower your rating.


How did you come to this conclusion vs, let's say, a conclusion that those who race through content give it a low rating? Or the possible conclusion that those who are disappointed by the game are angry and give a deliberately low rating?

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I've come to conclude that people's personal rating of this game is directly proportional to the time they've spent playing it.


The less time you've played, the higher your rating.

The more you've played it, the lower your rating.


From 1-50, this is arguably the best MMO I've ever played. Along the way, you notice some things you don't like or seem a little out of place. But the leveling process and class quest is just so much more enjoyable than most MMOs, that you overlook it or excuse it. But then you get to 50, and you don't have an enthralling story to capture your attention anymore. You start looking around and notice the metaphorical paint chipping off the wall. The incomplete features that didn't bother you much from 1-50 now suddenly become game-breakers. You think "Well that's alright, I'll just recapture the magic by leveling alts." It works for a time, but eventually the fun of experiencing a new class story is overwhelmed by the tedium of hearing the same dialogue for the other 90% of the quests. You try to spice it up by picking different options. Going Light where you went Dark previously, or vice versa. But eventually, the tedium and real lack of anything new to do takes over.


And then you cancel your sub. You try to post about it on the forums so that BioWare can understand what the issues are and make improvements. If your thread isn't locked, then the thanks you get are constant flames from your fellow players that haven't gotten as far into the game as you have, and so they insult and ridicule you for daring to offer criticism. What's more, you're told that it's YOUR fault you're not liking the game. Apparently you played it too much. I thought that was the point of a game -- to enjoy it so much that you play it constantly. Isn't that what gamers have always done with great new games? But no. You messed up. You were supposed to take it slow. THAT is the real problem. Not the game; it's you. And so nothing changes. Regrettably, this game will head down the same road as those that came before it -- AoC, Warhammer, etc. The Devs are to blame largely for that. But so are the players that refuse to acknowledge constructive criticism. The snuff out good discourse, and their dissent gives leeway to the on-looking to devs to delay things that shouldn't be delayed.


Oh well. Another one bites the dust. *sigh*


HUH? I've played the game a ton. Been 50 for 2 weeks. I'll still rate the game high. Sorry, but it is *you*. It's not the game or else I wouldn't be having fun.


For those of us who love the game it's hard to understand where you are coming from first of all. We try relate and figure this person just needs to take a little break. It's a perfectly normal situation to be in.

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Kind of interesting that more people rated it positive than negative.


Kind of interesting that it either gets a "10" or "1". So, people either love it or hate it. What esle is new?


The only rating that matters to me, is mine.


Otherwise, what is your point?


The Farmville players are skewing the ratings of games like SWTOR upwards. That's the only explanation, because to anyone who wants true depth and entertainment in a game finds SWTOR... lacking.

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Show me a group of sites that CONSISTANTLY rate plates of food, and have generally the same rating score amongst the different sites that review food.



Now replace the word food with gaming, and you can easily see who wins this argument......NEXT!


I dont think food sites are full of teenager kids willing to troll a game becuase its in competition with their favoured game.



Edited by DigitalPrime
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HUH? I've played the game a ton. Been 50 for 2 weeks. I'll still rate the game high. Sorry, but it is *you*. It's not the game or else I wouldn't be having fun.


For those of us who love the game it's hard to understand where you are coming from first of all. We try relate and figure this person just needs to take a little break. It's a perfectly normal situation to be in.


Give it time. Your opinion will change. The game lacks substance outside of the leveling experience.

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Actully user composite reviews are kind of pointless in most cases, given that those that hate a game will spend way more time reviewing games then those that enjoy the game and are playing. Those that do not like the game will actually troll the internet and take very review and post on every negative thread.


OP, here is a clue for you: the only thing that matters is whether you like the game or not. You don't need 1500 other people to decide for you.


On the other hand, if you want to rant about how bad a game is, then you quote composite customer reviews (like you just did) and use it as evidence to support your feelings about a game.


Hey, if you don't like it fine. Go find something you do like. Let others who like a game play it and discuss it in peace.


Post of the day,


Agree 100%

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Give it time. Your opinion will change. The game lacks substance outside of the leveling experience.


Terrible assumption based on personal preferences and biases. No matter how much you might wish otherwise, people will still love this game for years to come. You don't and that's fine, that's your prerogative but trying to push your view as the only view just makes you look foolish.

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The PvE is very mediocre and just like all the other WoW clones.


I don't find it mediocre. Actually I find it great and dynamic.


The Space Game is a single player rail shooter. Rail shooters suck, always have, always will.


Again, that's your opinion, I personally LOVE space combat. I treat it like a mini-game, and have great fun shooting stuff. And it reminds me of Rebel Assault, which is a CLASSIC.


The PvP is an abomination that should never have been released.


PvP is fun. Warzones are fun. Now the real problem is the performance, which makes a lot of what could be fun - unplayable.


The LOAD SCREENS are way too excessive, as are the endless copy pasted corridors you run through in between LOAD SCREENS.


Fair enough, the loading screens are a bit to frequent and loading times a bit too long.


All in all, I'd rate SWTOR a solid 8/10.


If they fix performance in PvP - that's a 9/10 easily.

Edited by Rogoo
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I'm an old fart. 44. I have no idea what that site is, nor have I ever used it. Good ol' PCGamer gave it a 92-93, something like that. I have heard of that.


I think the 5.9 is off. I think the 92 is off.


I guess it depends on the demographics of the people who responded. Don't know anything about their age, play style, whether they feel it's acceptable to marry cousins, how much they like NASCAR, etc.


Another thing is any time something is 'really' polarizing, you'll see a review like that. And that's fine. I enjoy a lot of movies that only come in at a 60 on RT. Often times, it's one 'political overtone' or something that ends up polarizing the discussion, and it ends up with people on each side of a fence. I think this game is 'really' polarizing, for a lot of reasons.


I do know that I'm enjoying myself? Not sure what the 5.9 means to that?


Person A: "I had a great time today!"


Person B: "Oh yeah! Well 4,210.57!!"


Person A: "Oh...I guess I was mistaken, I had a lousy time today..."



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