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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Announcing The Old Republic Guild Summit


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It's not called 'Bioware Austin' because it's in California... it's because it's in Texas.


I live here in the Bay Area. I know who works at Bioware. Do you?


The Texas office is their suits division, not the designers. You clearly have no concept of the industry, where these games are created or who actually distributes them.

Edited by TheOuroborus
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I live here in the Bay Area. I know who works at Bioware. Do you?


The Texas office is their suits division, not the designers. You clearly have no concept of the industry, where these games are created or who actually distributes them.


Quoted from the Wiki...


"Developed by BioWare Austin and a supplemental team at BioWare Edmonton"

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I live here in the Bay Area. I know who works at Bioware. Do you?


The Texas office is their suits division, not the designers. You clearly have no concept of the industry, where these games are created or who actually distributes them.


Dude, you have no idea what or who you're ranting about. I bumped into Greg Zeschuk here in Austin while I was shopping for dinnerware at a local Target last May (a really cool guy might I add), who was here checking on the progress of the game. The designers are here, in Austin TX. Folks native to Austin are generally a very creative bunch. The "suits," as you are referring to them, are from Electronic Arts, who have several satellite locations in California. Actually, most of the "suits," inconsiderate douchebags and arrogant ******es that reside here in Austin, are also from California lol. Ever see a t-shirt or bumper sticker that says "Don't Move Here"? Well, if you ever visit Austin you're gonna see them, because we don't want you here. Why? Besides the fact Austin is not San Francisco ver 2.0, and we could care less about your Starbucks and your Chili's and your Wal-Marts or your Nike collection, we don't like your attitude. So just keep your salty self over there in Cali. Thanks. :)

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Why? Besides the fact Austin is not San Francisco ver 2.0, and we could care less about your Starbucks and your Chili's and your Wal-Marts or your Nike collection, we don't like your attitude. So just keep your salty self over there in Cali. Thanks. :)


Oh gawd I'm not even Californian but please /facepalm.

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we could care less about your Starbucks



and your Chili's



and your Wal-Marts

Bentonville, AR-based.


or your Nike collection



we don't like your attitude.



So just keep your salty self over there in Cali. Thanks. :)

The funny thing about this is that not one of the things you listed is Californian. The really funny thing is that Chili's is a Dallas company.


I must assume by your post that you also are from California. Just based on what you said about all the douchey people in Austin being from there.

Edited by JacenHallis
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Bentonville, AR-based.









The funny thing about this is that not one of the things you listed is Californian. The really funny thing is that Chili's is a Dallas company.


I must assume by your post that you also are from California. Just based on what you said about all the douchey people in Austin being from there.



You win.

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Closed on Feb 10th.


in which case can someone mention the fact that there shold be an app, in which u can perform crew skills, while away from the game, as well as chat with guild memebers, or sell items on the galactic market... also when exactly are guild achievements coming out?



The game called RIFT has one of these applications now... i think itd be pretty sweet if swtor did too...

Edited by BizeeBee
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I know Bioware has been neglecting replies to this thread. Perhaps due to the nonconstructive messages being posted. However could we get a response on one thing?


Will all the emails be sent out on the 15th? Have invites already started going out for those who filled out the survey?


Thank you.

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I know Bioware has been neglecting replies to this thread. Perhaps due to the nonconstructive messages being posted. However could we get a response on one thing?


Will all the emails be sent out on the 15th? Have invites already started going out for those who filled out the survey?


Thank you.


They've been neglecting these boards for more than a month because they're unprofessional, and won't act like they care, until their game is tanking. If a few nonconstructive posts, can scare away the people in charge, then they don't deserve to be in charge.

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Bentonville, AR-based.









The funny thing about this is that not one of the things you listed is Californian. The really funny thing is that Chili's is a Dallas company.


I must assume by your post that you also are from California. Just based on what you said about all the douchey people in Austin being from there.


You assume wrong. Where those companies are based is irrelevant nor was that my point, they are merely examples of things yuppies care about or can't live without and that have become a part of their materialistic lifestyles, and when they relocate here they push for zoning for things like million dollar condos and the destruction of Austin landmarks, support chains and companies that ultimately destroy what makes Austin unique.

You wouldn't know because you don't live here and you haven't seen the city change and natives forced to move out of their own neighborhoods because the price of rent has skyrocketed after some ******es on a California salary can afford to pay 2 and 3 times the cost of living. You don't *********** know. I never claimed all Californians are "douchey" or suck, but a lot of them that move here really are *********** ***** and they have been a blight on the city for YEARS, well over a decade. Also, Dallas is NOTHING like Austin. You should know that being from Fort Worth, and if we were talking about Texas you would have a point but we're not, we're talking about Austin. Austin =/= the rest of Texas. So I don't see where or how you would find that funny unless you just thought you were being clever. I'm not against any one Californian in Austin, it's the whole, their views and their ignorance as a whole. Again, I wouldn't expect you to understand because you are looking from the other side of the glass.

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Since BW seems to be content on listening to the community and planning such an event I hope they listen to the people invited and give straight answers. This is your chance BW, you say you care about the players... now is your chance to show us that you do.
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So BW is going to talk (gladhand) guild leaders who are a tiny % of the entire pop and have a powwow with them about the state of this horribly written, executed and implemented game.


They do realise of course that the only guild leaders who will show up are the fanboy jackwagons that are going to be all starry eyed and bubbling at getting to meet the guys at Bioware Austin right? Right?.....


This helps how?

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What a joke!


Spend your money fixing your broken game instead!

You already know what needs fixing..


I agree. This is a great idea in theory, but it excudes anyone who is not in U.S. as it's doubtful that anyone from the U.K and europe (Of which there is a lot) can attend.


This could have easly done on-line so everyone could attend. Thos of you that played or even remember star wars galaxies would remember that they made a galactic senate for things like this (one of the few good ideas the devs had back then). Still like its been said i guess it good that the devs here pay attention to it players.

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So BW is going to talk (gladhand) guild leaders who are a tiny % of the entire pop and have a powwow with them about the state of this horribly written, executed and implemented game.


They do realise of course that the only guild leaders who will show up are the fanboy jackwagons that are going to be all starry eyed and bubbling at getting to meet the guys at Bioware Austin right? Right?.....


This helps how?


Exactly this^^

People who agree that this game blows major **** bubbles won't waste their time and money going to some PR event.

The people that will are the fan bois who think the game is perfect in their eyes and have nothing in their life to spend their money on but video games.

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Maybe if the game actually WORKED and wasn't broken to **** people wouldn't be complaining as much, did that ever enter your mind?

Stop living in a *********** bubble and thinking the game is fine and perfect because, news flash, it ISN'T. This is pretty much a 2012 released game and the state it entered the market in is terrible! If it was any other product BUT a video game it would be pulled for being an inadequate product.


I know this game has issues, but this game actually gets weekly updates.


I can write a single player game or even a 4 player console game there are next to no variables to consider in the code compared to writing a MMO with endless variable and ever changing scenarios. There is bound to be errors. To the complexity of this games development I'm surprised there aren't even more issues.


My point is if you all hate it then quit and get off the forum. We who like mmo's and understand the problems of writing code can live with the minor bugs.


Uneducated people tend to talk out their *** and flame out of ignorance of the unknown. That's more aggravating then the bugs themselves.


Can anyone name one popular mmo that launched bug free, full of content, and had a large layer base. There are none because it can't be done!!!!!! These types of games take years of modifications before they become almost bug free.


The really sad thing is these guys developed 4 new raid zones, warzones, and planets. All before the game was ever released. These guys planned on having content available for months and months after the launch so we wouldn't have to wait for a expansion and fork out more cash.


They are fixing the game and releasing new content which is a fantastic idea considering most mmo's take 1 year to 3 years before we ever see a new raid zone let alone anything else.


Like I said most of this community reminds me of a rich kid that has been spoiled it's entire life and complains about anything.



I end this with. Do something constructive and send them valid scripts with improvements, write detailed bug reports, or just quit. LEARN TO WRITE CODE OR SHUT UP!!!!!!

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I agree. This is a great idea in theory, but it excudes anyone who is not in U.S. as it's doubtful that anyone from the U.K and europe (Of which there is a lot) can attend.


This could have easly done on-line so everyone could attend. Thos of you that played or even remember star wars galaxies would remember that they made a galactic senate for things like this (one of the few good ideas the devs had back then). Still like its been said i guess it good that the devs here pay attention to it players.


Here here i was a Sentor on SWG :-) it worked Great

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