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Recycling response lines is ruining this for me...


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I think my trooper has said "Dangerous jobs are what I do best. I'm in!" about 30 times now.


Likewise, my smugger has said "You're about to see a real live hero in action!" more times than I can count.


In a game that touts full voice acting, this is heavily immersion-breaking. Every time one of my characters reuses a "catch phrase" like these, I cringe. More to the point, it's quite obviously the same audio clip each and every time.


Why is my character resorting to catch phrases? I don't recall Han Solo saying "I have a bad feeling about this..." 30 some odd times...


They could solve this by tossing out the "catch phrases" and use sentence splicing.


For example, record a voice actor saying: okay, sure, fine, that works for me, I'll do it, I can manage it, that's doable.


Then, splice the replies so the character says, "Fine (pause), that's doable." If done properly, it won't sound unnatural, especially since they already do this with the huttball announcer.


Your character doesn't need to belt out a "catch phrase" every three minutes and they sound idiotic for doing so.


EDIT: AcousticColors said it best with this:


The problem is that during dialogue it seems like natural conversation, natural conversation, hold up a micro-recorder and play back a response I recorded earlier, natural conversation...


Now, I realize that the sort of endless variance like when an actual human says something more than once is not feasible, but I at least think that for each one, they should have had the voice actor simply record the same line three or four times. Even if they say the same catch-phrase, it sounds like the phrase is actually being repeated by your character, not replayed from a previous recording.

Edited by TheRealDestian
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Is it huge when compared to the bugs and other issues? No.


Does it ruin immersion? Yes, and conversational immersion is half of what this game has going for it.


Um...thats a quote from the Sith Warrior storyline. I was just playing along. jeez :)

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Is it huge when compared to the bugs and other issues? No.


Does it ruin immersion? Yes, and conversational immersion is half of what this game has going for it.


Heh, actually the person you were quoting was himself quoting one of the many lines that the Sith Warrior likes to say repeatedly:


"This is a trifling matter, but I will do it."

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