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No win = lose all medals gained


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I'm trying to think of a way to stop medal farming so people can focus on objectives.


one of the obvious solutions would be to reward medals for objectives.


but what if if you lose a warzone then the medals you have gained get forfeited?


why farm medals when if you lose you dont get them? i think this could force people to try harder for a win and with added objective based medals it would make warzones very interesting.


its just an idea so please dont flame me too much :p

i just want to see this game succeed :D

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I'm trying to think of a way to stop medal farming so people can focus on objectives.


one of the obvious solutions would be to reward medals for objectives.


but what if if you lose a warzone then the medals you have gained get forfeited?


why farm medals when if you lose you dont get them? i think this could force people to try harder for a win and with added objective based medals it would make warzones very interesting.


its just an idea so please dont flame me too much :p

i just want to see this game succeed :D


People will stop queuing if they don't get something for losing because so many situations are unwinnable. It would also increase the number of premades avoiding each other for the purpose of farming pugs. Which would create yet more unwinnable situations, which would make even more players stop queuing.

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I'm trying to think of a way to stop medal farming so people can focus on objectives.


one of the obvious solutions would be to reward medals for objectives.


but what if if you lose a warzone then the medals you have gained get forfeited?


why farm medals when if you lose you dont get them? i think this could force people to try harder for a win and with added objective based medals it would make warzones very interesting.


its just an idea so please dont flame me too much :p

i just want to see this game succeed :D

If this was implemented, you think people leaving WZ's is bad now?

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don't know about the losing them, but you should get a medal for actually capturing objectives. would make sense really. as long as there couldn't be any cap trading just to easy mode grind medals


I can already see this. Void star. 8 people mindlessly try to plant the bomb while other team rains AoE on them because they really want that 5 comms more.

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That would kill whatever remains of lvl 50 very swiftly.


If people lose a couple of games in a row and have nothing to show for it, they will stop playing permanently. Why? Because its a gear grind. If you can't win, you don't get gear, meanwhile your opponents do. It creates a cascading effect. Like a Black Hole. The system consumes itself into oblivion.

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Die in a fire.



Seriously, some games you get placed on a horrible team that cannot work the ball forward and you get your *** handed to you. Why take away the only other redeeming quality of the match? Farming medals when you are losing because your team is incapable of completing the objective is not wrong when there is no win in sight.


I agree 100%. I had a Huttball earlier where literally my entire team was not even trying, except to give the ball carrier charge targets to let them score faster. Every time I had the ball, which was every time our team had it since I kept killing the flag carrier all alone, I would get to the first ramp and die because my entire team was off somewhere else.


Where is MY reward for that match if not in my medals? Or even worse, what about the game's habit of giving you in progress matches where it's a 3-cap Alderaan half way finished? No chance of winning that, might as well just leave since your reward will be NOTHING.


People don't need incentive to win, they need to stop being horrible.

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I agree 100%. I had a Huttball earlier where literally my entire team was not even trying, except to give the ball carrier charge targets to let them score faster. Every time I had the ball, which was every time our team had it since I kept killing the flag carrier all alone, I would get to the first ramp and die because my entire team was off somewhere else.


Where is MY reward for that match if not in my medals? Or even worse, what about the game's habit of giving you in progress matches where it's a 3-cap Alderaan half way finished? No chance of winning that, might as well just leave since your reward will be NOTHING.


People don't need incentive to win, they need to stop being horrible.


You were probably being farmed by a team that was up 5-0.

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honestly, what they need to change is that zerging is more rewarding then actually going for objectives.


they simply need to add medals for objectives


some examples:



Medal for scoring 2 times

Medal for scoring 5 times

Medal for preventing damage to Ballcarrier

Medal for healing Ballcarrier

Medal for successfull passing that leads to a goal(NO medal for just passing cause that would just invite abuse)



Medal for solo-capping a turrent and killing a player near the turret before the cap

Medal for capping 3 turrets

Medal for preventing X captures(eq. interrupting)

Additional Defender medal for actually fighting at a turret and killing X-Enemies



Obviously medal for placing bombs

medal for placing a bomb withing X-seconds after the previous door blew up

medal for preventing bomb-placement and medal for preventing bomb-disarm(interrupt again)


thats just some examples that spring to my mind, im sure people would come up with more given some time.

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People don't need incentive to win, they need to stop being horrible.


This is NOT good advice at all.


Winning objectives belongs in rated PVP. Highly competitive enviroments where the rules are very strict and all stats are normalized so that advantages between players are eliminated.


If you want to design a game for fun, where people enjoy thier time playing, you reward players for playing, not winning.


You'd think developers would of figured this out by now, apparently not.

Edited by Calei
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honestly, what they need to change is that zerging is more rewarding then actually going for objectives.


they simply need to add medals for objectives




Don't punish bad/selfish players, but do reward teamplay. The system as it is now is in a bit of a sorry state, where even team oriented skills like guard give best rewards when you don't play for the team at all.


The one thing I disagree with you on is your suggestions for Huttball, preventing damage to the ball carrier or healing the ball carrier. I don't think keeping the ball in the hands of one player as long as possible should be rewarded at all, and in any case, it it should be more rewarding for either player (both the ball carrier and the guard or healer) to pass the ball to someone in a better position and/or accept a pass and don't die with the ball. I've had it happen that some tank who wanted to get his protection medals followed me when I had the ball... as I was pushed down from the platform behind all the hazards on the enemy side and as I throw the ball, I see the tank jump down to keep up the guard instead of waiting for the pass and making the goal...

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I'm trying to think of a way to stop medal farming so people can focus on objectives.


one of the obvious solutions would be to reward medals for objectives.


but what if if you lose a warzone then the medals you have gained get forfeited?


why farm medals when if you lose you dont get them? i think this could force people to try harder for a win and with added objective based medals it would make warzones very interesting.


its just an idea so please dont flame me too much :p

i just want to see this game succeed :D


No offense man, but that's just about the worst idea I've heard around here. You want to the losing side to walk away with nothing? How many times do you think folks would re-queue after getting stomped by a premade or even a well-geared PUG?


It's bad enough getting abused for 15 minutes in a Warzone, walking away from that abuse with nothing would be the final nail in the coffin for me.

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I always go objective first, and without worrying about it i get medals. and im usually top (mind you im not 50 so that will change) but what wont change is the fact that i go for the objective in a pug. You get more if you win, and if you start to lose its easy to get all the medals if it is hopeless.


like if they steamroll voidstar then might as well farm medals, but killing people on defence=doing the objective.


idk about anyone else but the medals are indicative of your play i dont see how you have to go out of your way to get them.


if you dps you will get all the medals for that


if anything really it would just be healers that have to go out of their way to get dmg medals which they need since there arent that many healing medals.


whats the point of farming them anyway arent those bags worthless after a wile?

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Pro tip: The problem isn't that medals are awarded for the wrong stuff, it's that medals are awarded at all.


The medal system is just a fake carrot attached to a stick that leads PvP players in the wrong direction. Imagine if there weren't medals so people had to focus on doing things beneficial to the team instead of getting arbitrary Gold Stars For Effort flashing over their head.


Scrap them, and maybe MVP votes will be based on people observing quality play, clutch healing or objective completion instead of "Oh hey their name is at the top because they have the most medals"

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Are you serious? So I shouldn't get anything from my losses because my team is bad? I shouldn't get anything from 20 straight losses while trying to complete the daily?


Get a grip.



you would still get valor at the end of teh game , you just wouldnt get the bonus valor.


why should losers get a bonus?

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People will stop queuing if they don't get something for losing because so many situations are unwinnable. It would also increase the number of premades avoiding each other for the purpose of farming pugs. Which would create yet more unwinnable situations, which would make even more players stop queuing.


Wat is wrong with this person..groops avoiding each other? Just because pugs roll over and give up in the first 2 minutes doesn't mean the guild groops aren't looking to fight.


give ur head a shake, do you honestly think you are that different from the rest of the people in ur community?

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This is NOT good advice at all.


Winning objectives belongs in rated PVP. Highly competitive enviroments where the rules are very strict and all stats are normalized so that advantages between players are eliminated.


If you want to design a game for fun, where people enjoy thier time playing, you reward players for playing, not winning.


You'd think developers would of figured this out by now, apparently not.


I'm all about objectives, and I regularly complete many objectives while still getting around 6-8 medals on average per match as DPS spec. While I agree medals should be given based more on objectives done then winning or a set amount of damage or kills, I hardly think the current system prevents doing objectives AND getting medals.

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Turrible idea. Pugs are pugs. You can't control who you get in your group unless you're queuing with friends/guildies. In most games you're going to get a random bunch of people who hopefully know how to play and follow the objectives. Every once in awhile you get put into a group of people who have no idea *** they are doing or have no interest in playing for the objectives. Odds are, that for every time that happens, you'll also meet the perfect storm of getting put with people who have a clue, and know what it is they're doing.

If you find yourself consistently being grouped with people who lick walls or ate to much lead paint as children, take a break from queuing in order to get yourself out of their queue cycle.

Most people immediately requeue for a warzone as it's the default action when you leave one. If you're still running into queuing with these same people, you may want to look into playing on a different server.

Part of the issue with PvP now is that you're only being matched with people on your server. This game does not have Battlegroups or linked servers for PvP queuing like some other MMOs. This leads to a smaller sample size of players that you're running in to. It's a double-edged sword. I play against the same people more frequently so I almost develop rivalries playing against them so often. On the flip side, the smaller sample size exacerbates skill differences, especially if you queue frequently against skilled competition on the other side.


I have played plenty of warzones on a few different servers and have not seen a pandemic of medal farming like which other forum goers describe. For the most part, people conform to the rules and play to win. There are always exceptions but on the whole I think this problem is being blow way out of proportion.

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why farm medals when if you lose you dont get them?


Then the question would become, why keep playing if you are going to lose? At that point the majority would just leave the game, go afk or actively work to help the other side end the match quicker.

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Wat is wrong with this person..groops avoiding each other? Just because pugs roll over and give up in the first 2 minutes doesn't mean the guild groops aren't looking to fight.


give ur head a shake, do you honestly think you are that different from the rest of the people in ur community?


You didn't know bad premades avoid better premades in MMOs?


What is wrong with you?

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