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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Rate SWTOR out of 10.


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Levelling 7/10 (a little repetitive)

PVP 3/10 same old song

Endgame n\n (it will be improved for sure - by now is 4\10)


I know the average vote is unders 6... but by now im goin to give an overall 6\10

The thing is: with that amount of money and EA\BW\LA behind...

the game MUST be better than this..

Edited by Fezzhan
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10/10 in every aspect :p



improvements needed sure and more content sure but its really only been lil over month :p


Could you please explain to me how a product in need of "improvements" and "more content" is worth rating 10/10?


I'm sorry, I honestly am not trying to troll here, I just find something terribly amiss.

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10/10 in every aspect :p



improvements needed sure and more content sure but its really only been lil over month :p


How can you give 10/10 in every aspect and add in next line that improvements are needed?

10/10 means perfect game on all fronts without single bug/flaw/issue anything.


So either give 10/10 and leave it there (ppl wont take you seriously) or give 5/10 and say that improvements are needed.


Cant have it both ways.

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8/10 while leveling


4/10 endgame



-- The leveling experience is very enjoyable, and though there's some balancing yet to be done on innumerable fronts, it's not at all broken. Moreover, if you're fortunate enough to level with 1-3 other people, they did a great job of doing a couple tiny-yet-massive things in making it genuinely feel like you're going through dialogue and questing -with- those people, not just also-questing by fortuitous-proxy with them.


There's room for improvement, but it's not depending on coming improvements to be quite enjoyable either.



-- Endgame, things fall apart. Par for the WoW-styled MMO course, you're punted onto the gear treadmill. Flashpoints are fun and interesting...the first few times you do them. Then it becomes a tedious expedition of abusing your spacebar a lot. If you're into the crafting system and trying to make most of the gear crafting at endgame work for you, you're going to be farming those hardmode flashpoints and operations quite a lot to take a proper stab at the best of what crafting has to offer; very possibly far too much in conjunction with the other requirements involved to be easily regarded as worth the bother at all for many.


That, combined with PVP imbalances and an unfortunate-but-understandable termination of the generally rather engaging story content that propelled the 1-49 game tapers off into the usual varieties of tedium one might expect in many other MMO's, except without any of the groupfinding tools, diversions, events, add-ons/customization tools for theorycrafting/build tweaking more matured games can often boast.

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I've never played WoW and if its that similar I guess im just getting hit with the initial awe factor now... but i really do like this game and im anxious to see future content and a better developed product. just think in 1-3 years the founder title will become something to be proud about :) Edited by Force_Predator
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10/10 in every aspect :p



improvements needed sure and more content sure but its really only been lil over month :p


Vegetalink, I've been reading your posts now for awhile and I have become convinced you pretend to love this game way more than you do.


For one, if you liked this game half as much as you say you wouldn't be on the forums all of the time. You would instead be playing the second coming of Christ which you claim SWTOR to be. Or you are just simply trolling from the positive end and enjoy aruging with players who are reasonably pointing out the game's flaws.


I don't know which it is, but it's one or the other :)

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I've never played WoW and if its that similar I guess im just getting hit with the initial awe factor now... but i really do like this game and im anxious to see future content and a better developed product. just think in 1-3 years the founder title will become something to be proud about :)


Hey, welcome to SWTOR :) Don't let us crusty old cynics (myself definitely included) that kick the walls all over the forums spoil it for you; dive in and enjoy all you can!

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6 / 10 While lvling.

Open World PvP is kind of exciting and fun and would add more to this score if it was enhanced. After lvl 20 the missions between Republic and Empire need to cross over more and more till between 40-50 the Republic and Empire are vying for the same area. Hell, even make the missions open up so that 4 Republic and 4 Empire can get into the same instance at the higher levels.

I have other suggestions like specialized craft nodes, enhancing crafting, etc.

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The fact I haven't played wow, is the reason I dislike the game according to my old Guildies, because I'd never experienced the themepark linear MMO I wasn't ready for the lack of MMO content.


Story 6/10

End Game 0/10


Its not an MMO though, so they score pretty high for some people I guess.

Edited by adamqd
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6/10 for leveling.


The conversations were interesting, at first, but quickly lost their luster (just like AoC's "combo" system was great at first but became tedious over time). Ultimately, your choices are meaningless (Diplomacy at Grade 6 awards 60-120 LS/DS points per mission, so you can just take that and easily max either side you want). Story aside, gameplay/mechanics are sub-par for the genre. I've tried to make an alt, but knowing that a vast majority of the content will just be rehashed in the process of me seeing the new class story turns me off and makes me rather quit than play another character to 50.


2/10 End-game.


Obscene number of bugs make most of the end-game unfun. Numerous mechanics where one person being unsatisfactory resulting in the entire raid being penalized, even on Normal/HM difficulties is annoying (not saying easy mode, but until NMM, you should have some leeway for mistakes). The complete lack of creativity in encounters (let's take everything, and just add an enrage timer!) is appalling.

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10/10 whilst leveling, plenty of flashpoints, the story quests are great, the missions are good but the bonus q's can be a little meh at times but the rewards make up for it. 1st mmorpg ive seen in a long time that earns its RPG tag.


7/10 endgame, plenty of heroics with the proportionat amount of 50 normals for you to cut your teeth on, plenty of operations and content. ( yes there are bugs but unlike other games we see that these are being addressed and not ignored)


The crafting is good for sole use but the economy is hindered by lack of usable boe and sellable boe items at 50 that equal badge and heroic stuff. of which crafted should only encrouch onto trash lvl ops of the 1st ops available.


The ah is to hap hazzard at the moment to generate a real economy with way to many people not even aware of the neutral ah on nar shadda.



There is plenty of scope within what we have now as the barebone of the game, which alot forget that that is what we have right now. The barebone game of which the real game will be built upon. what we have now should and with luck will be nothing compared to what we have in 2-3 years time.


At this moment in time the only limited scope this game has is the actual class system. The planets, space, gear and pvp/pve can be added at ease with the way the universe map is set up and also how the world maps are setup on individual planets with the taxi system between zones.


The fact that the worlds are setup as such means that they can simply staple new areas to them without altering huge swathes of the zone to accomidate it like other games have had todo within there own games.


So all in all, a bumpy start in concerns to world pvp balancing and setup and limited space game but way more then enough to know that when you look at this game and the work they are putting in now just from the official release date to know that bioware are in this for the longhaul and not for a quick buck.


currently on my 5th char, story stays vibrant and by doing dark or light, male or female can alter your story enough to make a real difference even on the same class but dif sex and ac.

Edited by Shingara
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Sith Warrior Story 6 (only char that is lvl 50 so can't rate others)


Voice acting 7,5

Good score but this score is way more important in for example an animated movie/TV show than in a MMORPG.


Levelling 3 Until lvl 11 its nice. Very linear in a not to great environment.


End game 2 Guild stopped operations because of bugs, and lack off people because they didn't like this game in this state and pvp is not good. Rating includes things besides PVE/PVP like exploring datacrons(Strange fault in the game is if body type 3 can reach them), dailies etc.


Planets, Setting, Space, Environment, Travel, Exploration 1

Static universe, mobs and NPCs are static, no freedom, to much walls/blockades, linear, to much instanced, claustrophobic, straight edged, copy pasted elevators and things. Everything but a real planet, a real world, or an MMORPG world can feel like. Feels like you live in a maze. Hard to imagine flying with your spaceship over the planets or even land and take off yourself instead of seeing the same copy pasted video of all locations in the next expensions/patches.


Overall rating 3

Everything included, like: crafting, combat, graphics, UI, alignment system, sentence choosing and reasons why you chose them, affection, depth, looks of gear, social aspect, populations, amount and what grade(game breaking or not) of bugs, speeder looks and speed, companions, global impression, all of above, everything!


If i give a rating how they hyped up this game and how it is practically i must give it 0 not more but it tried to be fair.

The main thing to play MMORPG's are about dynamical content not static content (story). Else you get the feeling your watching the same movie over and over.


I wish my rating was 10/10 about this game but to much things that bother me.

Lucas should have done a SWG 2 maybe in The Old Republic age.


Pretty colors make OP look reasonable

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