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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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Yes I like it , and has delivered a good experience for me , but I would like more developement of the game . Not a wow killer , like people expected , but can be a wow co-exister if BW does some work on endgame content , and eventual server consolidation.
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Better count me in the "undecided" list. I'm 1 with the nodespeccache error and didn't get into the game until 3 days ago even tho I had a 150 buck box sitting here (wouldn't launch) and got invited 1st wave of pre-launch.


Wife did get in, redeemed her key and played somewhere in the mid 20s level and killed her sub before the 30 days with the box was completed. No social aspects was her reasoning and too many cut scenes (with voice overs she felt she had to listen to) killing her socialism on my vent server.


So, for 3 days and IMHO, TOR seems like a very well done themepark, single player game, not that this is a bad thing while leveling, pretty decently balanced between NPCs/player (at least till level 15), with still a boat-load of launch bugs that can be ironed out.


On the negatives, I have some real concerns about end-game. Played SWG for way too many years so I guess I'm not the type to call "re-rolling alts" content. From reading here, there needs to be a bunch of work done on end-game. Some sandbox development might just be needed in the end game content. Bioware has the developers that know how to do this (Adeptstrain for 1). An open world, housing, deco, etc on the end of this might do the trick for me. D. Dickerson, you might get R. Koster involved as a consultant for end-game in TOR.


The inherent engine lag is also a large factor for me. I spent a lot of money on an Alienware Area 51, with all the goodies, and our IP is a dedicated T-1 line just to limit lag in games. The engine lag is really noticable. They have tried to cover some of this up with global cool-downs but you can see it very quickly and it does become a factor in DPS and healing. "Tab-targeting" is also not a + in my book.


Customer service leaves a lot to be desired. It seems most CS are interested in writing a "pat" answer and "closing" a ticket than trying to help. Also, many other reasonings at end-game that have been well covered in this thread even.


Undecided - "The jury is still out."

Edited by Esquire
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I cancelled mine and the gf's subscription for a game that was so hyped for over a year and beta tested for so long it is fing inexcusable with the nerfs, exploits and bugs already.. They have no intentions on listening and I doubt they even really play the game, bioware what a fail game.

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Major Issues (I fear if these aren't rectified the subscription base will continue to wither way):


Combat Log toggled off - Why? this is a tool utilized by every player. This alienates raiders and PvPers alike


No Mods - Customizing the function of the UI is a standard feature in most games taking a step backward is not progress, if i wanted to play a MMO from ten years ago I would. Not to mention the massive subscription base of players that use and make mods that are alienated by this stance


No Macros - Macros are the devils playground, no one wants a one button win system. However, we all want a way to customize our hotkeys and combine a few keys into one. Obviously not allowing if/then statements and other botters tools.


UI customization & scale - With the lack of mod support and lack of macros this should have been a no brainer . This current UI feels like a leftover from Alpha testing left hallf completed. Only 4 bars and your pet's bar overlays one of them when expanded.. really?


lag between effective and actual target - I really don't enjoy doing a .5 second count in my head every time I switch targets to make sure the ability I use effects the target my Ui reflects


No target of target - Taking 3 steps backward in MMO design. ToT is the evolution of the assist key from 1999. Going back 10 plus years in MMO design just makes players spam their assist key twice all the time to get the updated info on a target.


No smart targeting - This is really just a feature that evolved from target of target


Ability lag - it's random, it's bad, it effects all players


Line of sight & collision physics bugs - These are basic game mechanics issues that should never had made it past alpha/beta. I'm astounded at how many of these i find on a daily basis. In a supposed top tier MMO


Spectacular lighting producing walls of color - massive walls of light. Our guild saw these on all rig builds, from cutting edge mega gaming computers to tiny little laptops


world-voids - I have found 6 of these and reported them. how these made it past testing is beyond me


This is just a list of things in my opinion should have been in at release. I did not list anything I'd like to see for future development as we are speaking of the games current condition.




I understand the want to convey a sense of realism in regards planet to planet travel but the multi-air lock , station, walk, walk, walk thing is annoying to players, hugely so....


SWToR has given me the best leveling enjoyment/experience I have had in any game ever ( I have played all top tier titles and 90% of secondary tier ). Great job there !

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I have not seen (1) Great Idea...


I don't think you will ever find balance in a class based system.


There is no real pvp server.


There is no consequences for anything.


There is no reason to be a crafter.


There is no reason to have social members to a guild. In fact they make the whole guild look bad when they get beat 1:10. I am not sure what they are looking for in this but I am certain a lot of people want to go back to the grass roots mmo.

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but i still have many reservations on it, simply cause its new ... not to mention it needs revamping on a few key points ...


1. crafting : is a joke

2. too linear : needs more openess

3. leveling is too easy : you can be lvl 50 and still have 4 more planets to goto


otherwise still enjoy it

Edited by Tharag
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-PVP at lvl 50 is a gear grind of epic proportions.

-Gameplay mechanics identical to WoW, nothing new and innovative.

-Serious lack of endgame content.

-World PVP non-existant or broken beyond repair.

-Crafting and crew skill systems uninspiring and dull.

-No character customization and gear customization.

-Bugs and glitches are very annoying.

Edited by Calei
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Yes and no.


Yes because I do enjoy the game. On a personal note I would like to emphasise how my fickle nature is within MMOs. I have played quite a range over the score of the last ten years. (EQ, GW, FFXI, WoW, AoC, LoTRo, Aion, Rift, and countless others which spring to mind.) I often receive a "I'm bored" pang once I reach mid-levels. I have not within this game and I have many alts spread over many level brackets from 50 to 20 on both sides; Republic and Empire.


So TOR is doing something right to keep me interested!


But I do have worries.


The lack of "life" my character displays (when not within a quest cut-scene) is startling. A lack of chairs to sit, a lack of emotes to play with (why can't I lie down when NPCs can? Why does my male characters' sit so camp?), a lack of chat bubbles and a lack of general interaction with the environment all equal a dull, lifeless eyesore. That is not hyperbole. It frustrates me that my character does not twitch when I speak in /s. I find it immersion breaking for an MMO and I say that as a none-roleplayer.


It's the little things that make me say no. I level my Sith, my Jedi and what-have-you and the masks are beautiful, but so are the hoods. What logical reasoning was there to ban the hood being up if I display my helm and show of my mask? It is rather silly.


My favourite class is Jedi Consular, sage. I adore healing. I also have a Sith Inquisitor. The story quality, I find, is similar and ticks all the boxes that would be generic and expected from a BioWare/SW RPG. However, the Sith Inquisitor in general is so much more flashy that I find myself rather miffed when I log onto my Sage. To illustrate this; I slam tiny pebbles at someone vs. throwing bolts of bright lightning. I respect that the Sith indeed toss lightning around like it's in fashion but so much better animations could have been designed for some of the Consular spells to balance the difference.


Also, where are the devs? I find these forums a nightmare (Individual server forums, the lack of that is, is also a let down) to start with but I honestly wish there was more interaction on these forums. Even just down to quips in fun-threads and serious discussion on the others. You know, a nod of approval or awareness for serious, community-felt issues and topics?


I know I'm rambling, but there you go. I truly hope from the bottom of my heart that I'm playing this for a long time with a vast, large, expanding community. But I can't honestly say I am predicting that right now.

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It's very, very dull and repetitive. The story mode is a cool idea, but the stories and dialog are just so cheesy it gets old after about level 20. The UI is garbage, and it's graphically 7-8 years behind the times.


I'll take a break and see what it's like in summer.

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Yes and no, Over all I have enjoyed the game. However there are many issues that need to be addressed to make this game a lot better.


Improvements that could be made.


Balance the commendation gear so that there is something for everybody in the equipment vendor. As it stands right now there are planets that some class paths will not be able to get a single piece of gear from the commendation vendors. There are planets that I have used every commendation to gear my companion rather then my self as there was every other class path of gear there but my class path. And most of the planets have no gear for my class path.


Make Crafting matter. That's a no brainier. The time and effort that you spend to level your crafting skill should give some benefit to you or your guild and group and allow you to make a decent amount of money without making the other crafting skills trivial and worthless.


Class Balance. This is highly important in a MMO. All faction classes need to be balanced against each other and the other faction. Other wise you end up with unbalanced populations on the servers more so then if they where balanced. Secondly it causes PvP issues if one faction or the other has better abilities then the other faction. Thirdly it causes some classes to be shunned in favor of other classes within a faction and the mentality of bring the class not the player in group content.


Grouping and Raiding. This honestly has to be the worst game I have seen so far for any kind of incentive to do any of the group content out there. I have sat in the fleet for hours watching the same 15 folks all looking for different instances all day long and never find a group. Why? there is no incentive to group up with your fellow players. The gear you get for grouping is the same as what you can get by doing it solo. There is nothing special that you can get from running a group content area or flashpoint that you cant get via playing the game single player style. I can hit the same stats and level of gear as I can soloing the game from what I have seen so far. I have not run end game content but I have seen the gear and honestly there is no real incentive for me to go get it. There is nothing Unique and special about it nor is it the best for anything.


PvP. World PvP sucks. Unfortunately once again no incentive or reward for killing the other faction outside of a war-zone. I don't even get Valor for killing another player of equal level to me in the general world areas. Therefore why bother flagging for pvp and fighting other players. Secondly while war-zones are fun and give you something to do, they do have the unfortunate effect of killing world PvP. Why go look for other players to fight when I can just que up for a a war-zone and go kill other players. If you want to improve world PvP limit the number of War-zones that you can do each day and provide a reward for killing players outside of the War-zone.


Light/Dark side uniqueness: As it stands right now no real benefit from going one way or the other here. Pretty much just affects how your companion views your choices and what vendor you go to and what title you get. Nothing to provide the player something that actually benefits them or other players. Something to be looked at honestly along with racial abilities that provide players a tangible benefit for choosing that race other then appearance and social interaction with other players.


Numerous minor bugs in the game that need to be fixed. This is on the players as well as bioware. You find a bug report it, if you don't report it then it wont get fixed. Bioware needs to fix the bugs and do more to let players know what bugs are being worked on. A good idea for that is a bug forum that they update with what bugs are being worked on for the next patch.


Companion AI. Dear god this needs a lot of work. First off companions should never change targets after hitting you with a heal or or doing an AOE ability. Tanking Companions should stay in one spot and fight instead of following you around the mob as your trying to get behind it. So annoying specially as a shadow where some of my abilities can only be used from behind the mob, run behind him and my companion turns them to face me again and I constantly have to circle the mob just to stay behind them. Other companions I turn off abilities because they use those ones even if the mob is immune to it over there other abilities.


Boss Immunities: Abilities that don't affect movement or incapacitate the boss the boss is immune to those as well. Take for example Force Pull or Harpoon. Doesn't slow the boss or affect its ability to move. Does not stun the boss or otherwise incapacitate the boss. All it does is pull the boss to your location and generate a lot of threat. Yet the boss is immune to even the threat generation part of the ability. I could understand not being able to pull the boss to you but it should still generate the threat from using it on the boss.


Don't make player choices prevent future choices without warning the player. There are classes out there that should you choose one conversation choice the romance quest line for that class is gone forever with no warning to the player. This is a MMO, there is no save points to where you can go back and redo it unless you start over from the very beginning again. I know a couple players that have quit the game and refuse to come back do this.


Bioware you did a wonderful job creating a single player game and it is highly enjoyable when played from that perspective. However you need to work on the MMO part of it a lot more and work on the balance and providing an incentive for players to actually group up to do content.


I like the lack of mods, yes some players say it alienates the players that build them and use them. However I feel it also detracts from a game and causes to many community issues that the negative impact they have outweighs the benefits of having them. Not to mention the rampant exploits that people find and use till they are fixed or the mod banned.


Love the storyline for the classes and generic quests. Well done there best out of any MMO. Most of them have zero story or a very feeble and ineffective storyline. However a way to improve this would be the ability to customize the options a little bit more depending on the class you play for the generic quests (aka Taris you either let the deserters desert or force them to go back regardless of class, A trooper should be able to keep them in while rotating them off planet and giving them a well deserved rest.) or if your going lightside or darkside with the your class the options should change a bit more.


Yes I know a lot of players hate the airlock to ship to airlock to planet method of traveling. I agree in a lot of ways, however lets find a happy medium and maybe just get rid of the airlock part of it. I like the ship travel and ship interactions with your crew and the cut scenes for it. But it is annoying for the travel part of it.


I like the idea of ship combat. It still needs more work to make it feel like something worth doing after hitting 50 but its a good start.

Edited by Lerthan
Forgot a couple things.
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