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Do You Like SWTOR In It's Current State? YES/NO


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I enjoy the game to an extent. I am not happy with the faction imbalance, populations in general on some servers, and the subpar lfg mechanics.


But I am still playing the game and entertained. Just not as much as I could have if things were handled a bit differently.


The whole grouping thing though is starting to wear on me. I'm tired of having to drop group quests or spend the bulk of my play time trying to get a group together.


So either they put in some lfg mechanics that people will actually use and are functional or offer some free server transfers in the near future. Otherwise I don't think I'll be playing much longer. I'm not rerolling again.

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"But I have low standards, maybe if I played more MMO's I would feel differently, but as it is, I enjoy the game."


The above answers what i believe to be why many who cant see anything wrong with the game, have that view, they havent really played any MMOs before or very little.


If the issues that a lot of players want arent implemented soon, i hope theres enough first time MMOers to keep it afloat... i doubt it.


I love the game. That said I have played MMO's since a bit after Pub 16 in UO. I've played more MMO's than I carn even remember. I've seen far worse launches than what SW:TOR has had. In fact I would have to say that SW:TOR was one of the better launches that I have seen.

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In a word, yes.


Yes, I love the game.


Do I think the countless bugs, glitches, and issues reported in beta should have been fixed months ago. Yes.


Would I prefer BW focos on fixing bugs, glitches and issues above all else for the immediate future. Yes.


Would I like to see PvP removed from the game entirely to eliminate one huge headache that will never go away no matter what anyone does? Yes. (PvP in PvE MMORPGs sucks 99.9% of the time but people keep thinking "in this game it's going to be different!!!1!!1!")


95% of a game like TOR is PvE. The PvP is slapped on and pointless. Barely existent world PvP and instanced pseudo PvP cheese. Devs are spending way more than 50% of their time working on PvP issues or mutilating the game over PvP. PvPers get artifact quality loot for doing NOTHING and get it fast. None of this makes any sense.

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"But I have low standards, maybe if I played more MMO's I would feel differently, but as it is, I enjoy the game."


The above answers what i believe to be why many who cant see anything wrong with the game, have that view, they havent really played any MMOs before or very little.


If the issues that a lot of players want arent implemented soon, i hope theres enough first time MMOers to keep it afloat... i doubt it.


Just because people like the game doesn't mean they can't see the issues with it. I see plenty and fervently hope that they're improved so that my enjoyment increases/continues, but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy the game for what it is now.

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Don't get me wrong, it's an awesome game but I just can't see me playing it 1 year from now.


The endgame content is horrible. Every heroic dungeon so far was 45 minutes slaughtering trash mobs, 10 minutes hitting space, because hearing the same story 7 times a weak is kind of lame and 10 minutes fighting really boring bosses.


The world doesn't seem alive AT ALL. Most NPC's are not even targetable and 50% of the world is empty.


The planet transitions are ridiculous . There are 7(!!!!) loading screens(which are by the way ridiculously long ) between The Imperial Fleet and The Battle of Ilum.


The game is 100% linear. It's quest hub after quest hub and planet after planet.


The game feels like a single player game. After at least 5 days of playing, I know about 5 players on my server.



The plot is amazing while playing from 1-50 and alting could be really fun if you get rid of mentioned linearity, the class design is pretty cool and the companion system is extremely fun.


Also thanks, OP. This might be the best thread on the forums.

Edited by Anshal
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In motion, the current state always is.


Am I experiencing bugs/glitches? Yes, luckily nothing that I can't live with.


Am I having fun? Yes.


Am I looking forward to more "content"? Yes, always.


Can't wait for march to come along and hopefully surprise me with a legacy system that I like.


No, I'm not level 50 yet. 36, 30, 28, ~20 and two ~10.

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In a word, yes.


Yes, I love the game.


Do I think the countless bugs, glitches, and issues reported in beta should have been fixed months ago. Yes.


Would I prefer BW focos on fixing bugs, glitches and issues above all else for the immediate future. Yes.


Would I like to see PvP removed from the game entirely to eliminate one huge headache that will never go away no matter what anyone does? Yes. (PvP in PvE MMORPGs sucks 99.9% of the time but people keep thinking "in this game it's going to be different!!!1!!1!")


95% of a game like TOR is PvE. The PvP is slapped on and pointless. Barely existent world PvP and instanced pseudo PvP cheese. Devs are spending way more than 50% of their time working on PvP issues or mutilating the game over PvP. PvPers get artifact quality loot for doing NOTHING and get it fast. None of this makes any sense.


That LOOT that we get fast (you have access to it also btw) really means **** in your precious PVE, so how does this affect you? I can safely say i geared for PVE WAYYYY faster, normal modes are a joke and loot drops like candy - I had full columi in 2 weeks, 2 of my companions are epic with tionese / columi.


To give you an idea of popularity, head to the Combat training area, then head to supplies ... tell me what you find ...

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I really have enjoyed leveling all 3 of my heroes. Flashpoints are fun and engaging. Bioware seems to be adding new content and fixing bugs. I don't see much room to complain over. Would I like the space feature to be some evolution of TIE FIghter or EVE Online? Sure, but that would be asking a bit too much at first. I play about 15 hours per week on average, so it will take several more months for me to max out level on all 3 toons and get all the high end raid / pvp gear.

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I love detail and for me it is sorely lacking. I love more involved mechanics and that's not here. I adore a virtual living world but not a "static theme park".


What is achieved through story and the VO together with cinematic sequences sure does work for me! But this has finite, predictable end and then it stops to be entertaining. Shame, really.


MMOs live through giving the players the tools to entertain themselves. You cannot feed us enough... forget about it. We're a black hole, really.


Instead put the players in power but, well, that didn't work out. There is nothing to delude me into a living world. There's just this treadmill I do not enjoy and no tools, so no power to me. The reasons in detail are scattered all over the forum. Sometimes others said it with elaborate words and sometimes it's like a gauntlet of rage into your face.


So, yeah... no, I don't enjoy.

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