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Gear based PvP is amateur hour


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The people that want skill-based PvP are the people that enjoy PvP for PvP's sake. The problem is that's a small minority of the customer base. Catering to us would be business suicide.


Yet everywhere i go i see people clamoring for this game to be released or after something that says well have wrold pvp and it will be different than (insert previous pvp/wow refrence here) we all flock to it in hopes of reliving that game.


Maybe DAoC and other games like UO and AC spoiled us thinking that pvp would be this way and that somebody would look at those games and say:


You know for that time period those games did alright. Maybe if we didnt sink 100-200+ million dollars into something and just focused on that aspect we could be profitable.
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.People have been wanting a PvP game that was based on their ability, as opposed to what they wear, for years. This is not it.



PvP'ers (unless you live with Mom) have been looking for this for years. SWTOR is not it.


Hey, guess what, people got that games! Its MOBAs.

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.People have been wanting a PvP game that was based on their ability, as opposed to what they wear, for years. This is not it.



PvP'ers (unless you live with Mom) have been looking for this for years. SWTOR is not it.


ya the pvp in this game is crap so laggy and so un balance and 2 think this was supposed 2 be a good game i for see lots of gammers looking for another game 2 play bioware does not care abought customers opinon

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Oh yes it has. They kept telling us how great PVP would be because they got all the best ideas from Warhammer or something like that (lol?).


And I disagree that this kind of progression based PVP is PVP at all. It's just PVE all over again, with some of the players taking on the role of a mob. You're not playing against the other player, you're playing against his gear, so it's not PVP.


Amen to this.

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Skill in a video game? Your lives must suck.


Really, skill? How fat are you?




There is *some* skill - mostly about how to setup the hotkeys to enable the best ability rotations.



Gear-for-seat time is NOT, however, skill in any sense.

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I am sure a couple of ya didn't play DAoC ....


If you believe 50% of what people type here, almost everyone played UO and DAoC and both of them were the greatest things in the history of ever.


Of course, none of those people are actually playing them. Even though, you know, both games are STILL AROUND.

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Absolutely. GW2 is guaranteed to have better pvp. I think the real strength of SWTOR is in the leveling 1-49 content.


i prolly wont play gw2 gw1 was horrible and beyond that if a subscribe based mmorpg cant cut it a f2p from launch dosent seem like it will be able to hack it at all

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.People have been wanting a PvP game that was based on their ability, as opposed to what they wear, for years. This is not it.



PvP'ers (unless you live with Mom) have been looking for this for years. SWTOR is not it.


I hate to say it, but............. DARKFALL~ LAWL!

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The people that want skill-based PvP are the people that enjoy PvP for PvP's sake. The problem is that's a small minority of the customer base. Catering to us would be business suicide.


^^ truth.


Even UO realized early on in 1999 that there is more money to be made with PvE than PvP and segregated the communities. It has been like that ever since. And, as a result, competing for "stuff" has been the core of every MMO developed in the past 12 years. Skill based PvP died with the need for better "stuff".


Make a planet open world PvP, stats zero out when you arrive.. and I'll bet the place is an empty wasteland inside of 2 weeks. People don't like to PvP if they can't win.. regardless if they stink at it or not.

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^^ truth.


Even UO realized early on in 1999 that there is more money to be made with PvE than PvP and segregated the communities. It has been like that ever since. And, as a result, competing for "stuff" has been the core of every MMO developed in the past 12 years. Skill based PvP died with the need for better "stuff".


Make a planet open world PvP, stats zero out when you arrive.. and I'll bet the place is an empty wasteland inside of 2 weeks. People don't like to PvP if they can't win.. regardless if they stink at it or not.



That's a very strange attitude. My other hobbey is long distance running, and you see lots of people at races who are not going to win the race and who have no advantage whatsoever from gear. They run either because they enjoy the activity itself or because they want to compete at whatever level they are at.

Edited by lordniah
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.People have been wanting a PvP game that was based on their ability, as opposed to what they wear, for years. This is not it.



PvP'ers (unless you live with Mom) have been looking for this for years. SWTOR is not it.


Go play Call of Duty or another similar console game.

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If gear rather than skills is the defining factor, it's just a way for devs to "force" people to grind and stick with the game. MMO devs seem to do that A LOT instead of creating meaningful/involving PVP to keep players going even without having to focus on or grind mods.


It's a massive time sink...which from a business perspective makes perfect sense ;)

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That's a very strange attitude. My other hobbey is long distance running, and you see lots of people at races who are not going to win the race and who have no advantage whatsoever from gear. They run either because they enjoy the activity itself or because they want to compete at whatever level they are at.


When you "lose" a marathon, the winners don't teabag you and then drive off with your car.

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.People have been wanting a PvP game that was based on their ability, as opposed to what they wear, for years. This is not it.



PvP'ers (unless you live with Mom) have been looking for this for years. SWTOR is not it.





Stomping your feet and saying "I DON'T LIKE THIS" doesn't reallly help anyone.

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What I don't understand is why they don't allow some type of starter PVP set immediately available for purchase on reaching 50.


I know a lot of people would perfer no real PVP gear, but I don't see Bioware doing that, however it boggles my mind that a fresh 50 has to enter a battleground with little to no pvp gear at all.

Edited by Dharagada
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If gear rather than skills is the defining factor, it's just a way for devs to "force" people to grind and stick with the game. MMO devs seem to do that A LOT instead of creating meaningful/involving PVP to keep players going even without having to focus on or grind mods.


It's a massive time sink...which from a business perspective makes perfect sense ;)


This lol.


That being said, I just don't understand why gear can't only give, say, a 10% advantage in PvP instead of it being more like 90%.

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I'm wondering if a better way to handle things would be to put a 5% PvP debuff on players every time they win or bail on a warzone. It would act as a handicap so that a realm or a premade was limited in the number of wins that they could get in a row.


Want to prove that you're good? Win with a 25% debuff.

Edited by Ancient_karp
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