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Whats wrong with RotS


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padme died of a....broken heart? That was my big *** moment in that movie.


^this lol


What I really didn't like is how they tried to work in all the characters from the Original Trilogy into the prequels. That was vastly irritating.


Dialogue was bad, plot points predictable...


But it was great to see some of the Old Jedi Order expanded upon. More battles, force powers, etc.


And it was nice to see Palpatine in his heyday.

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RoTS was the best of the prequels, by far. In my opinion, it's only bested by the Empire Strikes Back. A New Hope and Return of the Jedi get a pass on a lot of their foolishness for being old and having the benefit of not having to fit into a backstory.


RoTS's problem is that it had to accomplish a variety of things that were predetermined 25 years before the movie was filmed. It had to conform to a story we already knew. That's hard for anyone. For example, Anakin and Obi-Wan's fight which is probably the best duel in the series, had to end at some point. And it had to end with Anakin being seriously hurt but not killed. So you're left with some unsatisfying questions like:


1) Why the hell did Anakin jump into a waiting lightsaber?

2) Why didn't Obi-Wan simply put Anakin out of his misery (which honestly would have been a kindness at that point)? Why just take his lightsaber and walk away to let him fry slowly and painfully.


There are dozens of those moments over RoTS, but they all have the same answer. Because "A New Hope" already told us basically how it turned out.


EDIT: Another big problem I had with the prequels in general was that the Jedi, including super-wise 880 Yoda didn't see this coming a mile away and take precautions. If I were Mace Windu, Anakin would not have left that temple. I would have left orders for half the Jedi in the temple to keep him there until Palpatine was dead. And on that note, why didn't Windu just kill Palpatine when he had the chance? We all know the answer, because Palpatine lived and Mace didn't and that's how it had to happen.

Edited by Master-Nala
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unfortunately this was a deleted scene :-( still my favorite part of the movie tho


edit: my longing to see this part again led to a treasure trove of hilarity - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l-44bYXlxE


It's a shame they took scenes like that out. This does bring up something that bugs me in the SW movies. At one point, a Jedi will wave a hand; and a wall of droids will go flying across the room smashing into the wall. Then there's another scene where a Jedi is being held by someone (or has his way blocked by someone) and isn't able to do anything. Why not send them smashing against the wall?


Jedi in the movies don't use their powers enough. At least in shows like The Clone Wars they let loose and get down to business.

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none of that is in the movie


We never see a bathroom or toilet in the Star Wars movies, but I'm pretty sure they had normal digestion systems.


The movies also encompass about 12-14 hours of real time, but we're told the movies happen decades apart. We're allowed to infer that other time occurred when we weren't watching. We don't have to invent a new universal cosmology that involves "time jumps" across decades where nothing but void existed in the mean time.


Relax. lol

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Some of the scenes were too long and boring like when Anakin and Palpatine were staring at the space opera thing, and that was a scene that was pretty important too.


Have to completely disagree with this point. The scene is too long? I'm sorry but Lucas shouldn't cater to those who have no attention spans. This in my opinion was one of the greatest scenes in the movie.


It one of the better actors in the films (Ian McDirmad) to actually act. The scene wasn't more than 3 or 4 minutes long.


If you honestly think this scene is not good, then i'm sorry. Just don't watch Star Wars.


But no one on these forums seems to actually like Star Wars or this game. So I guess it's a moot point.

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Ok. Ive heard that reception for episode III can be split into two categories: Awsome as original trilogy, or 'just as bad' as the other prequels.


Ive been wondering, how can anyone think episode III was 'just as bad' as the other prequels. Is it just because it was a prequel film, or was it something else?


Ranters, trollers, etc..., this is your chance to do what you do.


ya know i was a big fan of episode 1...2 was kind of dull....and 3 was just...bleh...horrible.... all i can say is...




does anything else need to be said?

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Leia is raised by the Organa's, Bail and Breha. So Leia's memories of her mother are about Breha, not Padme. Breha died a few years after adopting Leia, hence why Leia remembers her mother, but only briefly. Breha was sad because of the new civil galactic war that frequently took Bail on missions away from her. So it makes sense, from that point of view, that Leia remembers her mother being sad.


Keep in mind at this point in RotJ Leia does not know that Luke is her brother, she only suspects it, or feels it somehow. Luke is about to tell her.


poeple watching the movies dont know that...GL oviously implemented that part of the story to patch the **** it created lol

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I think you have to be old like me lol to understand the effect the first Star wars film had, it was just a stunning moment in the cinema when it released, to this day the opening music still sends shivers down my spine.


Prior to Star Wars space films were just dull, I still to this day cant understand the end of a space odessy 2001.


Because of this, and because I wet myself a little when I hear the musiv, it has to be the originally 3 episodeds are the best in release order.


but then I maybe wrong, Digby the biggest dog in the world, was my best film till then

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that is probably the worst explanation I have ever heard.


You are saying because of the force she remembers her mom who was alive for all of 5 mins?


She says her mother died when she was very young. Not my mother died when she was 5 mins old.


She was very beautiful but sad. In the 5 mins of giving birth she was able to see what she looked like? Then it should have been she was very beautiful but in a lot of pain.

Huh? You realize a baby is alive before the mother gives birth, right?


Let's look at the actual quote from RotJ.


Luke: Leia, do you remember your mother? Your real mother?

Princess Leia: Just a little bit. She died when I was very young.

Luke: What do you remember?

Princess Leia: Just... images really. Feelings.

Luke: Tell me.

Princess Leia: She was... very beautiful. Kind, but sad. Why are you asking me this?


Is it possible that inside the womb of her mother, Leia received images and feelings of her mother via the force before her death that seared into Leia's brain for the rest of her life? Other than a fully developed brain it's not any different than Anakin getting images that his mother is in pain all the way out in the outer rim of the galaxy or seeing Padme's future death. On the topic of seeing the future it's also possible that at 3-4 years of age or something Leia could have had visions of Padme from the past as well and these are the memories she has in RotJ of her mother.


Of course next you'll say, "why doesn't Luke have this memory as well?" It's either because Luke simply doesn't remember or he never made the same connection Leia did.



If this is just totally unacceptable to you then you are left to believe that Leia was talking about Breha Organa, which can still fit. I bet you could find someone that considers their foster parents to be their real father and mother. They may not be the person's biological father or mother, but they are every bit as real of a father or mother to them and would label them as such.

Edited by IceManLoneWolf
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One of the things I find irritating about the prequels is how Lucas just seems to forget major details when writing the scripts. One that stood out in particular for me was when Luke was saved from the Sand People by Ben Kenobi and he mentions that R2-D2 is looking for his former master. Kenobi has no idea who R2-D2 is but according to the prequels, R2 was with him through all 3 episodes. Probably spanning close to 20 years. You would think he might have a general idea who R2 was after all that.
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One of the things I find irritating about the prequels is how Lucas just seems to forget major details when writing the scripts. One that stood out in particular for me was when Luke was saved from the Sand People by Ben Kenobi and he mentions that R2-D2 is looking for his former master. Kenobi has no idea who R2-D2 is but according to the prequels, R2 was with him through all 3 episodes. Probably spanning close to 20 years. You would think he might have a general idea who R2 was after all that.


He also said Vader killed Luke's father and never mentioned Leia was his sister, so yeah, he liked secrets ok?

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I, like some others, think ROTS is the worst of the lot.

Sure, it tries to be "darker" and tie together all ends. But I think it's done in a clumsy way.

The main hate-object in TPM is Jar-jar Binks, but ROTS have General Grievous who is almost as anoying. He is a parody of bad-guy characters. Skull-face, cape and some kind of "foregin" dialact and sinister laughting. Sure, Vader has some of these traits too, but he had style. I Grievous case I just waited for him to say "I get you next time Gadget!"

It's a shame though. He had a real ****** introduction in the Cartoon network clone wars.

Another bad thing with him (and the prequels) is that he was more "the new movies bad guy" than a part of a bigger story.

In the OT Jabba is mentioned in ANH and ESB and finally revealed in ROTJ. We get to know him before we see hi. Understand that he is dangerous.

The PT had a new evil dude in each movie. Devil guy, Dracula guy and Skeleton Guy. To match the old movies Dark knight and evil wizard.


ROTS had far to much slapstick. The entire first...20 minutes? Of the movie when saving Palpatine from Invisible hand was horrible. R2 ninja, Palpatine as a damsel in distress, the starship crash.


The entire movie had wooden dialogue and was never fun to listen too.

In the OT we see people who is driven by emotions and ambition, how the wing it and manages to fool a more powerful enemy, and makes some great suspension and humor while doing it.

In the PT we see some people doing their work by acting ambassadors and generals. Talking, thinking, acting serious and never fear to lose. They know they are jedi and cant loose. Thus boring.


ROTS had far to much lightsabers. To make something interesting you should save it for the right moments. The OT only had some brief lightsaberscenes, and you thought YES! Lightsaber!!! Here the lightsabers is used for fighting, torches, keys, grapplinghooks, shields and I don't know what. I got might tired of them. Less is more.


Acting: All the PT have good actors. I have seen them in other movies, and I like most of them. But either they had bad directions, had problem with acting infront of a green screen, didn't believe in the movies or all of it. Alot of people like Palpatine in ROTS, I think he was awful. Like a parody of himself. Pooooweeeer! Raaaiiiise!!!

I loved him in ROTJ and in TPM and AOTC, but ROTS was far to much.


And mainly, unsatisfying "answers" and connections to the OT.

Anakins turn to the dark side wasn't epic enough, and not convincing. Neither his attack on Padmé or how he lost the duel against Obi-Wan, and certainly not his "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"


Good things:

Opera scene

Anakin and Obi-Wans last scene as friends "I'm proud of you..." (or something like that)

Attack/stride into Jedi temple

Order 66

The symbolism of "throwing the entire senate on Yoda", but I didn't like the duel otherwise.

Back at Tanative IV. The white walls was a welcome sight in the dark CGI-movie.

Dual sunsets ending.

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I, like some others, think ROTS is the worst of the lot.

Sure, it tries to be "darker" and tie together all ends. But I think it's done in a clumsy way.

The main hate-object in TPM is Jar-jar Binks, but ROTS have General Grievous who is almost as anoying. He is a parody of bad-guy characters. Skull-face, cape and some kind of "foregin" dialact and sinister laughting. Sure, Vader has some of these traits too, but he had style. I Grievous case I just waited for him to say "I get you next time Gadget!"

It's a shame though. He had a real ****** introduction in the Cartoon network clone wars.

Another bad thing with him (and the prequels) is that he was more "the new movies bad guy" than a part of a bigger story.

In the OT Jabba is mentioned in ANH and ESB and finally revealed in ROTJ. We get to know him before we see hi. Understand that he is dangerous.

The PT had a new evil dude in each movie. Devil guy, Dracula guy and Skeleton Guy. To match the old movies Dark knight and evil wizard.


ROTS had far to much slapstick. The entire first...20 minutes? Of the movie when saving Palpatine from Invisible hand was horrible. R2 ninja, Palpatine as a damsel in distress, the starship crash.


The entire movie had wooden dialogue and was never fun to listen too.

In the OT we see people who is driven by emotions and ambition, how the wing it and manages to fool a more powerful enemy, and makes some great suspension and humor while doing it.

In the PT we see some people doing their work by acting ambassadors and generals. Talking, thinking, acting serious and never fear to lose. They know they are jedi and cant loose. Thus boring.


ROTS had far to much lightsabers. To make something interesting you should save it for the right moments. The OT only had some brief lightsaberscenes, and you thought YES! Lightsaber!!! Here the lightsabers is used for fighting, torches, keys, grapplinghooks, shields and I don't know what. I got might tired of them. Less is more.


Acting: All the PT have good actors. I have seen them in other movies, and I like most of them. But either they had bad directions, had problem with acting infront of a green screen, didn't believe in the movies or all of it. Alot of people like Palpatine in ROTS, I think he was awful. Like a parody of himself. Pooooweeeer! Raaaiiiise!!!

I loved him in ROTJ and in TPM and AOTC, but ROTS was far to much.


And mainly, unsatisfying "answers" and connections to the OT.

Anakins turn to the dark side wasn't epic enough, and not convincing. Neither his attack on Padmé or how he lost the duel against Obi-Wan, and certainly not his "Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"


Good things:

Opera scene

Anakin and Obi-Wans last scene as friends "I'm proud of you..." (or something like that)

Attack/stride into Jedi temple

Order 66

The symbolism of "throwing the entire senate on Yoda", but I didn't like the duel otherwise.

Back at Tanative IV. The white walls was a welcome sight in the dark CGI-movie.

Dual sunsets ending.

Palpatine finally unleashing the power of Ham!


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The massive hate against ROTS surprises me a little. I think is the third best movie in the Star Wars franchise, behind TESB and ANH, but before ROTJ (the Ewoks scenes suck so much to me, while the rest is pretty good).


Lets discuss in detail


1. Space battle, fight against Dooku: Was good to me. I liked how Obiwan and Anakin are depicted as super best friends, who kick universe in the ***. Also, I love the "You've done it before"-scene with Sidious. Grievous "cough" is a bit needless. I also like, that R2 is shown as capable fighter, even if it contradicts that he never fought later (perhaps got rusty).


2. Then we have some scenes that show why Anakin gets sooo frustrated. Skip it, Ian McDarmid is good.


3. Obiwan fights on Utapau. OK fight, just the thing which Kenobi rides on I do not like.


4. Sidious is revealed, Jedi strike team fight. Has one of my favorite scores when Anakin talks to Windu. Starts of good and I like the ambiquity of the scene when Windu wants to kill Sidious, while Anakin pleads for him. Besides, all Emperor scenes in Star Wars are great, period. But it is true that Anakins fall for the dark side is rushed and this particular scene is not written and played good.


5. Order 66: I think, in cinematographic terms, is made very good with a lot of intercuts which fit well into another. Massive Kashyyk-Battle, I think it is my favorite battle in the prequels and I'd like to have seen more, but its understandable, that the focus would have gone out of place. My second favorite scene in this part is, when Yoda and Obiwan enter the Jedi temple. You see only the last seconds of the fight in which they killed like 2 dozens of Stormtroppers or so.


6. End battle: I like the Yoda part more, especially when he makes the entrance with knocking the guards against the wall. But the other one is good to, especially Anakins entrance on Mustafar with slaugtherin the sep council, you even feel pity for the twisted **** Side aspect: in the two prequel movies, the sep council is very underused. You have this group of butt-ugly alien masterminds which form together the economic elite in the galaxy, and expect for Gunray, they are talking in only one scene of the movies. Yearning for Star Wars-Sep council side movie in "Wall Street"-mood.

The "you were the chosen one!"-scene is epic to me.


7. Final: a lot of critic against that, and the critics have points, I think. I find it unconvincing that the empire needs 20 years to build the death star, minor point. Most controversial is the birth scene compared to what Leia said about her mother in ROTJ.

Yes, it is not logical, even if some SW buffs are trying hard to explain it in-universe. But I don't care so much since I did not like the "There is another"-side plot anyway. I mean, it is ok to me that they are brother and sister, but did not like, that Leia is a possible Jedi, because in the end it is handled pointless. They never bring it up in the end battle, like that Luke is nearly dying and Leia zooms to the death star and fights Vader and Sidious. Some argue also that Yodas and Obiwans plan to protect the twins is a bit silly. I think, yes it is, at least for "hiding" Luke on Tatooine at Darth Vaders relatives.


So, yes, ROTS has some weak points, but the good stuff prevails to me, and with any other Star Wars movie starting with Return of the Jedi or even The empire strikes back, you could find stuff to criticize, if you want to look really hard.

Edited by Intarabus
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