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Marauders are weak... And now boring...


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1) Go anni


2) Get some half-decent gear (at least champ)


3) Solo queue up for WZ


4) Play against other well-geared opponents, get 400-500k damage and 75-120k healing every full-length warzone you play


5) Realize that your class wrecks face.


Marauder requires a combination of gear, skill and creativity to even be close to effective, which is why it will always seem incredibly UP to some who play it and incredibly powerful to others who play it.

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Don't see what the big deal is. Valor 51 Marauder with 5/5 Champ (though I can't get the stupid belt, offhand, or belt for me to drop... ever... go go RNG lottery!).


If I'm Annihilation I can lock a healer down. Good luck getting a heal off with my 6sec interrupt for a 4-sec silence + charge interrupt + force choke + taking damage the whole time.


If I'm Rage Spec I don't have as great 1v1 or lockdown, but I can burst down much faster. Charge + Crush + Battering Assault + Bloodthirst + Trinkets = 5-6k Smash on everyone around me. If I'm against Battlemasters or other Champ'd players the Smash does 4-5k. Plus invulnerable on a 45 second cooldown with Undying Rage.


And I have a dedicated healer on me I almost never die.


The only class that really gives me problems is a Trooper. That's it.


Sorry to say it, but we're not as weak as you'd like to make us out to be.

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1) 4) Play against other well-geared opponents, get 400-500k damage and 75-120k healing every full-length warzone you play


I'm not sure what games you are playing, but with Anni you'll prolly never even get 300k unless the opponents are really bad and it's a long drawn out match. Only in Void Star where neither side made progress and almost everyone was always at one door did I get ~500k damage.


With Anni Spec I'm getting anywhere from 80k on a fast game to 150k on a long game... with an occasional 250k. And I'm usually in the top 3 dps.

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As I've pointed out many times before, there are two types of people who play marauders:


1) Those who have only played a marauder, and never played any other class, and think their squishiness is the way it is supposed to be.


And 2) Those who have played other classes and realize just how broken marauders really are.


Seriously, all of you "marauders are uber and OP an stuff!!!" people out there, just TRY to play another class for a while. Then come back.


The fact of the matter is either one of two things is true:


1) Marauders are under powered and way too squishy.


Or 2) Every other class is way, way, WAY over powered.


Played assassin to lvl 50 and valor rang 59, dropped him without regret and I enjoyed the assassin a lot already. The marauder enjoyment level is off the chart though.


What do you mean by squishie? When I go 3 on 1 for like half a minute and kill two of them? Is that squishy? Maybe you should activate your defensive cooldowns right and not like popping them all into intimidating roar.

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Played assassin to lvl 50 and valor rang 59, dropped him without regret and I enjoyed the assassin a lot already. The marauder enjoyment level is off the chart though.


What do you mean by squishie? When I go 3 on 1 for like half a minute and kill two of them? Is that squishy? Maybe you should activate your defensive cooldowns right and not like popping them all into intimidating roar.


im skeptical of this. because either you are not fighting in a 50 bracket, or youre playing against complete derps.


I can tell you now when i was pvping to gear up for raids, i specced rage, waiting for a big fight, charged in to a couple of sorcs aoe'd and almost killed one of them, then got cc spammed to death while being thrown around like a volleyball, all the while the damage i did negated by a healer. It was hilarious and frustrating at the same time.

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Played assassin to lvl 50 and valor rang 59, dropped him without regret and I enjoyed the assassin a lot already. The marauder enjoyment level is off the chart though.


What do you mean by squishie? When I go 3 on 1 for like half a minute and kill two of them? Is that squishy? Maybe you should activate your defensive cooldowns right and not like popping them all into intimidating roar.


Yes, yes, we know. "I R GOD AND CEN BEAT 10 ON 1 AN NOT HAVE LESS DEN 99.9% HELTH! L2P!"


Heard it all before. It's nonsense.


The fact of the matter is that marauders are squishier than every other class. They play like Brett Favre. You can tell within the first 3 seconds of a battle what the outcome will be. Either you win in 6 seconds, or you lose in 6 seconds.

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As far as I noticed, Marauder is one of the strongest 1 vs 1 classes out there. Absolutely the best set of defensive cooldowns there is, amazing "long sprint" aka Predation, which many people don't use, amazing damage, excellent utility.


"But 1 vs 1 doesn't mean crap! It's a team game!", one might say. Indeed, it's a team game. That's why you should have a healer if you're planning to get into thick fighting. Rotating cooldowns, backed up by a strong healer, I, as Annihilation, have little trouble surviving, and I'm also very good at picking off single targets.



This. Marauders give my sage or shadow more trouble than ANY other imperial class, I'm going to take the time to learn what abilities they are using and their cooldowns because I'm starting to think some of their skills needs adjusting down a bit.


My Shadow's tank spec for PvP (valor rank 54) and I come across Mara's that can tank better than I can, there defensive cooldowns seem pretty amazing and they have a lot of utility / mobility.

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Whole lot of low ranked Marauders in here.


Full Battlemaster Maras are no more or less squishy than the next class. Maybe some control utility tweaks could be used, but if you're taking more heat than the Sorc being focused you aren't playing right.


Also, if you're undergeared (read: not Champ/BM), you should stop expecting to steamroll everyone and outlive their DPS. You can reroll if you like, but we'll surely see your posts about THAT class being squishy in a few weeks.


Damage for all classes is pretty high when focusing on a single target. 17,000 HP just isn't that difficult to burn down when you're hitting for 3k+ (everyone).


Most of the complaints in this thread are just PEBKAC. Either you're undergeared or getting outplayed. If you want to be defaulted to the best player in the game, go play a single player.

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Yes, yes, we know. "I R GOD AND CEN BEAT 10 ON 1 AN NOT HAVE LESS DEN 99.9% HELTH! L2P!"


Heard it all before. It's nonsense.


The fact of the matter is that marauders are squishier than every other class. They play like Brett Favre. You can tell within the first 3 seconds of a battle what the outcome will be. Either you win in 6 seconds, or you lose in 6 seconds.


If you really believe this, you will never get better. We have 4 Defensive abilities. Knowing when to use them and when not to is the key. If you know within 3 seconds what the outcome will be you are definitely doing something wrong. If you want to win in 6 seconds, go play an Operative.

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Yes, yes, we know. "I R GOD AND CEN BEAT 10 ON 1 AN NOT HAVE LESS DEN 99.9% HELTH! L2P!"


Heard it all before. It's nonsense.


The fact of the matter is that marauders are squishier than every other class. They play like Brett Favre. You can tell within the first 3 seconds of a battle what the outcome will be. Either you win in 6 seconds, or you lose in 6 seconds.


If you aren't going to respect someone else's opinion, why should anyone care about yours?


Following your response logic -


There are two types of Marauders:

1. Those who know how to play and are geared

2. Everyone else


You seem to fit the bill for #2.

Edited by Stigas
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The class is a joke. I can barely do a class Q set at 4 levels lower then me, and i have tried with pretty much all my companions. The class is to weak. The fact that they get force cloak proves it. They have to get some of their aggro away from them, or they die.


It is a joke that you are so dependent on gear (that some claim, you just need). I dont care about PvP. This is PvE, im talking about. And what about the other classes, how much more will they own, if you applay these "advices" to them (better gear. etc).


OMG this class is so *********** ****** and a joke. I cant even *********** kill to level 46 stong mobs, that are in my *********** Q. Fix this *********** ****** class.

Edited by ibervang
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The class is a joke. I can barely do a class Q set at 4 levels lower then me, and i have tried with pretty much all my companions. The class is to weak. The fact that they get force cloak proves it. They have to get some of their aggro away from them, or they die.


It is a joke that you are so dependent on gear (that some claim, you just need). I dont care about PvP. This is PvE, im talking about. And what about the other classes, how much more will they own, if you applay these "advices" to them (better gear. etc).


OMG this class is so *********** ****** and a joke. I cant even *********** kill to level 46 stong mobs, that are in my *********** Q. Fix this *********** ****** class.


This is just silly.

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I've only played mara lowbies, but group vs. 1on1 have different cycled abilities. (even trees, if you are so grandoise.)


If you time your focus player right, you can cycle their death through a simple jump in the air.


Let them stand an extra 2 seconds and you can finish off mobs a fair bit faster.


Agreeably, it's not as nice a switchover for pvp.

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I think the Marauder DOES get better at higher levels BUT


the OP was talking about Questing, not PvP, and it seems like a lot of the responses have been "oh but I pwn face in PvP!"


well?? is that ALL you do? because yeah, that's how I "learned" to play my marauder: out level my quest content by doing PvP and then going back and questing where I was 4-5 levels higher than the mobs.


Do other classes have to do that? I don't think so.

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I am doing the same as far as out leveling my quests by 3-4 levels to be able to complete them. But mainly because pvp as marauder is actually really fun. I have got Quinn in full lvl 20 warzone comm gear so hopefully when i hit 28 tat wont be to bad, but pve quests do suck as marauder.
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the OP was talking about Questing, not PvP, and it seems like a lot of the responses have been "oh but I pwn face in PvP!"


well?? is that ALL you do? because yeah, that's how I "learned" to play my marauder: out level my quest content by doing PvP and then going back and questing where I was 4-5 levels higher than the mobs.



PvE in this game is so retardedly easy I don't think anyone took the PvE complaint seriously.

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The class is a joke. I can barely do a class Q set at 4 levels lower then me, and i have tried with pretty much all my companions. The class is to weak. The fact that they get force cloak proves it. They have to get some of their aggro away from them, or they die.


It is a joke that you are so dependent on gear (that some claim, you just need). I dont care about PvP. This is PvE, im talking about. And what about the other classes, how much more will they own, if you applay these "advices" to them (better gear. etc).


OMG this class is so *********** ****** and a joke. I cant even *********** kill to level 46 stong mobs, that are in my *********** Q. Fix this *********** ****** class.


Melee classes with no heals have always been the most gear dependent. Arguing this is pointless.


And, tbh, perhaps you need a class with an easier learning curve. I was able to solo all my class quests. Hint: Quinn is your best companion for doing 1v1 hard fights against Elites (Golds). Also... learn to use your defensive cooldowns properly.

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I just don't understand how people can be so ignorant about their class yet still take the time to post threads about how bad their class is.


#1 I've seen countless cries on this thread alone about Marauders being too squishy.

- I don't know what game you guys are playing but Marauders are probably the best PvP DPS tanks by FAR, we have 4 defensive CD's that can easily be rotated (2 of which just flat out make you un-killable, one of which is a Vanish, and the last is an amazing 20% reduction/thorns that has a 50% up time if you use it properly. And that's all without a single talent point.


#2 I've seen countless cries on this thread alone about bad Marauder damage.

- All I can say to this is you're just flat out doing it wrong. Either learn your ability priority or stop complaining. Anni does insane damage and while people might complain that it's dot damage, they are VERY short dots. Because of the short dot duration the dots themselves basically become burst (not to mention you can click one button to make them all autocrits).


#3 How many times can a level 20 complain that their class sucks before they get the point?

- Psst the point is you have no clue what this class is or does yet.


#4 You feel like it's a race again time?

- .... wut? All PvP is a race against time, you race to kill someone before they can kill you unless you're a healer, in certain situations the race may be slow (kiting, hybrid healing, cc's) but it's still a race. That being said, Marauder self sustaining heals in Anni are insane if your brain works correctly. You should have no problem being self sustaining.



What amazes me is that there are so many people who are complaining that this class is awful, while other people are clearly doing amazing with it. Since these same people are probably incapable of putting 2 and 2 together, let me spell it out for you: If you suck at a class and someone else is exceeding all expectations with the same class, the class is not bad, YOU ARE.

Edited by Ultratron
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As I've pointed out many times before, there are two types of people who play marauders:


1) Those who have only played a marauder, and never played any other class, and think their squishiness is the way it is supposed to be.


And 2) Those who have played other classes and realize just how broken marauders really are.


Seriously, all of you "marauders are uber and OP an stuff!!!" people out there, just TRY to play another class for a while. Then come back.


The fact of the matter is either one of two things is true:


1) Marauders are under powered and way too squishy.


Or 2) Every other class is way, way, WAY over powered.


How would anyone make the conclusion marauders are overpowered if they didn't try out the other classes? The fact of the matter is other people have tried other classes and have come to the conclusion that marauders are neither overpowered nor underpowered.


Marauders are not squishy or underpowered. You just haven't tried other classes. People that cry nerf without any valid argument are people that get rolled in PvP and never try to examine other classes by playing them through.

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Questing as a Marauder is not easier than Mercenaries or any other Ranged Class. That's always been the case - Ranged hits just as hard as we do, but they do it 20m+ further than we can.


In typical Strong x1-2, Weak x2-4 pack setups throughout the game, ranged will be able to pick off AT LEAST 2-3 of the weaks before they get to them. Then they're worrying about two mobs and can use a ranged stun/cc to keep the strong off them (at later levels it's necessary).


This is how MMO Ranged vs Melee leveling is and always has been from my experience. If you really can't suffer through a few deaths to get to 50 then go ahead and cop out, roll a Mercenary and then complain when Melee sh*t all over you in Warzones.


The payout at end game for Melee is huge.


EDIT: I have a 50 Mercenary and 50 Assassin, also a 40-something Sorcerer I gave up on. Pretty good basis to compare as I gave them all the same professions, same attention to gear upkeep, etc.


EDIT2: Also, always always always keep the Cantina +Presence food on you. It's dirt cheap and they really do help. They increase your companions damage and healing. Quinn with gear and presence food = amazing.

Edited by Stigas
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I just don't understand how people can be so ignorant about their class yet still take the time to post threads about how bad their class is.


#1 I've seen countless cries on this thread alone about Marauders being too squishy.

- I don't know what game you guys are playing but Marauders are probably the best PvP DPS tanks.


Stopped reading there.

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As I've pointed out many times before, there are two types of people who play marauders:


1) Those who have only played a marauder, and never played any other class, and think their squishiness is the way it is supposed to be.


And 2) Those who have played other classes and realize just how broken marauders really are.


Seriously, all of you "marauders are uber and OP an stuff!!!" people out there, just TRY to play another class for a while. Then come back.


The fact of the matter is either one of two things is true:


1) Marauders are under powered and way too squishy.


Or 2) Every other class is way, way, WAY over powered.



I have a 50 Ops and a 50 Sorc geared as well as my Marauder, and I still think Marauders are amazing. Your argument is both wrong and totally ignorant.

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