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An explanation of the the high damage/healing numbers of Sorc/sages


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Yeh I'd love you to FRAPS that too, I could use a few pointers myself.


Or you could just be talking bollox.

I am not. Tbh I was a bit surprised myself how fast he took me down. It was already at game end in Civil War (we were loosing like 50-400) and I was just chilling in the mid and saw this guy going for me. So I was like "a whatever, lets see this". Then I melted. I do WZ daily so I will hunt for this guy tomorrow or when I see him.

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I got a Sith Sorc (I dont know what spec he was, granted he was well geared) kill me from 100% to 0% in something that looked like 5-7 seconds. He did not had any help since we were the only ones around and I have close to 600 expertise atm. Just for those who claims that Sorc have bad (ie. sustained) damage. I should Fraps some of those guys.


I had one Sorc take me down solo on Ilum today - in about 15-17 seconds (my spinning kick hadn't come off of cooldown and I'm 2pc set as Shadow tank. Took him that long, since I popped meds and stuff, and had 3 charges on my Harnessed Shadows by the time my Anti Force CD wore off. I did about 6k damage to him after all his heals and shielding. He did around 26k total (not including what was resisted via Cooldown).


Admittedly, I'm tank spec - but going down that fast, when I had over 4k health advantage on him made me wonder if Sorcs are in fact, in need of some tweaking, or if in fact tank mitigation needs to be seriously looked at. I don't expect to crush all opposition, but - I had serious health advantage (and I suspect gear advantage too in terms of ilvl, although I made the mistake of picking up tank gear before realising it's worthless - I'll look other Sorcs up when I finish my Stalker set).


With some classes - it's a coin toss to see who wins, literally down to the wire, and we've had similar health totals to start with. This Sorc didn't even try and get distance on me. He just stood there and spammed spells. And I could do very little to stop him, considering I interrupted 4 casts of his before being out of interrupts and then dying.

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where do you get the idea that bubbles count as healing??


If you're post wasn't aimed at me, sorry - I don't, in my fight he did both.


Because he cast one of them, in the point between my mind-snap: 12s cd, my spinning kick: 20s cd, and my Force Stun: 1 min CD - and my Mind Snap CD coming back around - and I missed the interrupt since it didn't come around in time, but hit the next spell he cast.


I suspect, if I'd played differently, I could have dragged the fight out longer - if I'd played differently (hindsight's such a wonderful tool for analysis), but I can't figure a way I could have changed the outcome of that fight at all.


Possibly if I'd waited till I was lower on health, and then popped my Force Immune CD and used Telekenesis to heal myself back up, but the gains from Telekenesis would have still only left me at ~6k health, but I'd have lost the momentum from early self heals keeping me near topped off.

Edited by Dorkfrey
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I don't need to decieve myself. I have a life beyond this game.


They're simply not overpowered. Overpowered would mean that everyone would have a problem with them and not just the tiny amount of players on this forum whining.


Actually everyone that is not one of them has a problem with them, but since 70% of the players are one of them they don't complain. Which is why the lowest pop class got nerfed because whiney sorcs complained that a burst clast could actually burst them.

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I don't need to decieve myself. I have a life beyond this game.


They're simply not overpowered. Overpowered would mean that everyone would have a problem with them and not just the tiny amount of players on this forum whining.


Because Bioware has made a perfect game that needs no tweaking...

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BM Jedi Guardian here Vigilance specced and I am still looking for the sorc/sage I don't absolutely shatter without breaking a sweat.



Then again most of them are terrible. Force Lightning, knockback sprint are pretty much the only abilities the majority of them use. None of which really have any effect on me since I interrupt the lightning, am immune to the majority of their knockbacks, and choke them when i see them try to sprint. All he while tearing through their HP with incredible ease.


Not trolling here....i really do hunt them in WZ's because they are such an easy kill

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False. I am a two time gladiator, rank 1 diamond, top25BLC player who has played a Sorcerer. And they are overpowered compared to most other classes. Although actually, I think the game would be more fun if everything was similar to sorcs/sages in power and change expertise to resilience.


If you don't think Sorcerers/Sages are overpowered, you are only deceiving yourself.


Gladiator, Diamond and BLC. Lol. How about naming something impressive? Starcraft might have been impressive if you mentioned a tournament you've placed well in, but diamond is a joke, do you even understand how many diamond sets there are? Tons. WoW is a joke, and BLC is slightly less of a joke than WoW. But still a pretty big joke. How long did the devs for BLC disappear for, what was it, like 4 months of vacation?


Sorc/Sage has low burst in exchange for high DPS. It's much easier to heal through a sorc/sage than any other DPS specced class in the game. Their damage is inflated by damage that is easy to heal through, an Op rarely tops the scoreboards - but that's because his targets die so quickly he spends time moving between them not because his damage is low.

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False. I am a two time gladiator, rank 1 diamond, top25BLC player who has played a Sorcerer. And they are overpowered compared to most other classes. Although actually, I think the game would be more fun if everything was similar to sorcs/sages in power and change expertise to resilience.


If you don't think Sorcerers/Sages are overpowered, you are only deceiving yourself.


when i can crit for 4k ill try and belive you

but when i regularly get hit for 5-6k yeah... we aint op we squishy, so being squishy we have to use skill to kill our opponents you op commando/Merc

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Sorcs are clearly overpowered. Too much utility, too much damage and too easy to play.


I'm happy to see them finally nerfed in upcomming patches. Thank you.


Here's the problem with believing that's true. Assassin, marauder, mercenary, juggernaut, and powertech actually do more 5 second burst than sorcerer with marauder being the closest to sorc damage. (I dont mention sniper here because the universal solution to facing a marksman sniper is to turn a corner a pity him for having all that damage and no way to force me to take it ... 10 meter stun "lol" and a cleansable immobilize)


What I believe bothers a lot of players is that sorcerers get some crazy final damage/healing counts with a great big number of HKs;






I can guarandamntee you that around 45% of that damage was from spell cleave through chain lightning and death field. Some of the other classes are way more effective at killing.


Assassin burst was actually as high as operative before the nerf ... the difference is front end vs back end ... immediate verse ramp time.


Sorcerer has too much utility?


Can they debuff a group of people for 30% damage for a short time?


Do they become unkillable for a short period like assassin or marauder?


Can they almost double the run speed of a group for 20 seconds? Can they bloodlust?


Can they deathgrip someone to prevent escape? Can they even win a 1 v 1 without performing some crazy pillar hugging or dumping a melee over an edge?



I'll tell you what ... I have over 600 expertise and my sorcerer will die alot in the time it takes to the snap my fingers. Unless i have 2 healers in my premade or I am just facing undergeared players ... it is pretty hard to live through the focus of a reasonably skilled premade.



Want sorc nerfed? go for it... Ill play juggernaut and be the one doing AoEs for 8k damage ... nerf juggernaut and Ill hope on merc and watch myself repeatedly hit people for 3-4k damage over the course of a couple globals. Nerf merc's and I'll go do the same on assassins ... the process continues.

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Gladiator, Diamond and BLC. Lol. How about naming something impressive? Starcraft might have been impressive if you mentioned a tournament you've placed well in, but diamond is a joke, do you even understand how many diamond sets there are? Tons. WoW is a joke, and BLC is slightly less of a joke than WoW. But still a pretty big joke. How long did the devs for BLC disappear for, what was it, like 4 months of vacation?


Sorc/Sage has low burst in exchange for high DPS. It's much easier to heal through a sorc/sage than any other DPS specced class in the game. Their damage is inflated by damage that is easy to heal through, an Op rarely tops the scoreboards - but that's because his targets die so quickly he spends time moving between them not because his damage is low.


I couldnt have said it better myself. Everyone who says that we nuke/melt them is either terrible or got on the unlucky side of about 3 procs up at once. lightning sorcs were built for pve.


Having pvp'd since day one, I can honestly say that were probably the squishiest class in the game, hands down. if anyone melee closes distance you can mail it in, were dead in seconds.


our sprint is laughable, knock back useless outside of huttball and everything gets interrupted....I just respecc'd to madness, so we'll see how that goes but lightning is just sad unless the other team is blind and doesn't destroy you instantly.

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The numbers clearly state other..


In my 15+ years in gaming i have never seen people roll an underpowered class or a balanced class in mass..


Jedi Knight is one of the most populated classes in the game. There were metrics before and after launch from people doing censuses - feel free to look them up.


Apparently in your fifteen years of gaming the past few few months you just went brain dead or selectively blind?

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The numbers clearly state other..


In my 15+ years in gaming i have never seen people roll an underpowered class or a balanced class in mass..


Most players in WoW played Palas in classic beta yet the most op class were mages being able to one shot out of invisibility with Pyroblast.


So in essence, you are wrong.

At start no one knows what a class can and cannot do most people have no clue about how classes work in PvP and just go by looks and mechanics.

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Jedi Knight is one of the most populated classes in the game. There were metrics before and after launch from people doing censuses - feel free to look them up.


Apparently in your fifteen years of gaming the past few few months you just went brain dead or selectively blind?


Oh yeah the insults for a WoW kiddie..


few few? you even studder online? My sympathy.


Jedi and Sith Warrior is pretty Iconic so sure a lot of people will roll Jedi/Sith. You don't have to take my word for it cause i really don't care anyway, but look at the 10-49 its an army of Sorc/Sages.

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Most players in WoW played Palas in classic beta yet the most op class were mages being able to one shot out of invisibility with Pyroblast.


So in essence, you are wrong.

At start no one knows what a class can and cannot do most people have no clue about how classes work in PvP and just go by looks and mechanics.


This is not Beta, and this is not WoW.


Just thought i would point that out to you..

Edited by Razot
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Sorcs do high damage because of this game’s bizarre avoidance and mitigation mechanics.


1. Sorcs use Force attacks, which can’t be avoided because BioWare never itemized Resists. By contrast, your Dodge abilities can help you avoid Melee and Ranged attacks In other words, unlike several other classes, Sorcs almost always hit you. This would be obvious if we had a Combat Log.


2. Sorcs attack with Force attacks, which can’t be Shielded.

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Oh yeah the insults for a WoW kiddie..


few few? you even studder online? My sympathy.


Stutter? And you can't read apparently. Did you quote the wrong person? Because nothing you're even saying makes sense here. Or do you roll your face across the keyboard to post on the forums, not just to play the game?


Jedi and Sith Warrior is pretty Iconic so sure a lot of people will roll Jedi/Sith. You don't have to take my word for it cause i really don't care anyway, but look at the 10-49 its an army of Sorc/Sages.

As is SORCERER. You realize that Sorcerer when it's not Jedi Knight is the most populated, and sage is well behind it? People mass rolled those classes because they're glowstick wielders and force lightning is better than pebbles, not because they're OP, certainly not Knight/Warriors.


He tried to make a point - and only succeeded in contradicting himself, get over it. You're doing no better.

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You get the 2.5 k healed medal from running though a fire with shield on.


Yes the dmg absorbed counts as a heal ... Fire does 3k+ dmg, so you absorb more then 2.k in one "hit" This is where you get your healing when you are a dps sorc : the shield.

The more people you throw it on.... the higher your healing is.

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I'm a focus specced sentinel and I crit hit sorcs for 5k a hit so if I get the jump on him, I can bring him down without a problem. Just got interrupt all of their attack and manage the CD on force sweep.


I'm more afraid of an operative or BH.

Edited by AnthonyLeo
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