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10 Good
  1. Healers are invincible. I would say nerf healers normally here, but they would just heal through it. Good job not making interrupts lock out a school of magic too.
  2. I think I learned how to do this right after I learned what the Sum function does in excel.
  3. To a bunch of devs that in 2 months time have not been able to solve the enigma that is giving credit when due for warzone victories for dailies. Laughable. CS 100 level scripts we are talking about here.
  4. TLDR-no offense. The problem with Ilum is that there is valor and a daily tied to it. Remove these two things and blow up the zone because it is an abomination of modern day open world PVP.
  5. As a rank 66 valor the subject commendations are utterly useless to me. Let me convert them into Stims or something of value...maybe a valor token that gives me a hard fixed number of valor instead of gear. I already have all three sets of Champion completed and am working as fast as your terrible RNG system allows me to complete my BM gear. Think about it please.
  6. Kick one of them and watch the scrubs keyboard turn in utter confusion.
  7. Donyon

    @#$@ Ilum.

    Stop making me have to do Ilum to have a terrible chance to get a BM token. It is not fun. Thanks.
  8. Donyon

    Credit for daily

    All these patches and upcoming changes and bug fixes and you still cant fix me getting credit for wins towards my daily.
  9. BM Jedi Guardian here Vigilance specced and I am still looking for the sorc/sage I don't absolutely shatter without breaking a sweat. Then again most of them are terrible. Force Lightning, knockback sprint are pretty much the only abilities the majority of them use. None of which really have any effect on me since I interrupt the lightning, am immune to the majority of their knockbacks, and choke them when i see them try to sprint. All he while tearing through their HP with incredible ease. Not trolling here....i really do hunt them in WZ's because they are such an easy kill
  10. It is utterly absurd that you have people essentially forced to participate in Ilum in its current state by linking it with one of the two dailies. Please disable the daily until you have found a mechanism to balance it and make it legitimate world pvp rather than a genocide. I know doing so would essentially admit that you are catastrophic failures at creating sound pvp scenarios but this already is a widely acknowledged fact so no harm done. Get it done for the love of god.
  11. Yes. Rogues have been horribly broken since early 2007.
  12. This is the worst argument from someone playing this game on crutches yet......detect stealth...rofl. BTW...you can vanish the second you get caught.....heal yourself....then murder whoever saw you. Oh you can also just use that giant green bubble of take no damage on yourself when your fighting a Heavy Armored Tanky DPS if stuff really gets "unusual". Rogue burst class that can kill in seconds from stealth...but yet has more outs than the world series. With the way Scoundrel/Ops are now....they should die instantly if I throw my lightsaber at someone behind them and the cool breeze so happens to pass them. Only then would they be balanced.
  13. Jedi Knight here....I've had quite a few run in's with the subject class. When they open on me I blow everything...not just CC break, Shield Wall, Blade Barrier and Last Stand (sorry dunno the SWTOR names). The tables actually start to turn right after and I actually start winning...... Thats when they use their shield wall, vanish and kill me. This game is bad, unbalanced, poorly thought out and worse yet...will be for the forseeable future since nobody reads the forums and posting repeatedly about this horrifyingly broken class won't fix it. Both I and the 2839048903284902384902384902849028409238423908429034 other people who have started threads about Scoundrels/Operatives can assure you of this. Edit-To be more specific, I'm a guardian, full defense spec, in viturally full expertise gear short of a few pieces.
  14. This is all a moot point. This game is trash, EA made them rush it....if you think PVP is bad (which it is) wait till you do PVE like I did last night. They also don't moderate the forums since the same three subjects get hashed out over and over again on these forums and nobody responds EVER.
  15. Bugged on me for the third time today. This is so bad....this is just shotty customer service to not fix a glaring bug that should be hotfixed once discovered inside of 48 hours. Seriously? Weeks? Its horrifying.
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