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Nerf tracer missle now


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The problem is, all of the other classes don't know how to counter this because "they need to learn to play the game".


You can't counter 3-4 shotting without being psychic or if you see them before they stealth :/ There is nothing to learn from that.


The same crits that everyone complained about with Op? Seriously people need to stop taking one case as representative and play the class before deciding.


How about taking the high crit chance some of the abilities get as well then, hmm?

Edited by Kuari
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looks like you got crit three times, it happens


Well when the OP's were critting and killing people no one said it happens. Everyone whined that they needed a nerf. Now they are all but useless.


Whining on the forums is the only way to get bioware to do anything.

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I dont think any class need a nerf as such. Maybe some minor adjustment but not enough to call them nerfed.


In saying that BioWare WILL nerf BH/Com and then it will be the Sorc/Sages that get hit for a homerun by the nerf bat.....

After that they will find out that Jugs/Guards and PT/Van are dominating because of the nerfs to the other classes so they will nerf them too!


Then the cycle starts all over again




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I HATE the Missiles.


As a scoundrel healer, I am seeing more and more that the 2 OPed Imps classes are working together to gang-kill me/reps.


It mostly seems to done as so:

1. Sorc will stun me

2. Multiple Merc Launch Missiles

3. I try to break Stun with my 1 skill to run

4. Sorc stun again - Most life gone when Missiles hit

5. Defense Probe and Try to Heal

6. Get Interrupted and stunned

7. Get Dead and Die


To me that is OP-ed.


And FYI in huttball I am unable to get them off ledges.


Lol, sooo TM is overpowered because you die to 3+ characters focus firing you? Nice logic. I play a merc healer and I've just learned to get outsda way! Novel concept, I know.


If you can't los a commando/merc, ESPECIALLY AS A HEALER, then delete now! Just pop your insta heals, or hots, and slowly make your way around the corner. Then heal up. If you're caught out in the middle with no cover nearby...well, that's your mistake. And if you're caught out in the middle with no cover and are getting ambushed by 3 characters...well, let's be honest, you should probably die.

Edited by Excal
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nothing in pvp is easier to neutralize than a bad merc spamming tracer missile.


with my interrupt on a 6sec cd and several emergency backups (i play a sent btw) it is fantastically satisfying shutting down a player who is accustomed to facerolling their way to 300k dmg every warzone.

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Lol, sooo TM is overpowered because you die to 3+ characters focus firing you? Nice logic. I play a merc healer and I've just learned to get outsda way! Novel concept, I know.


If you can't los a commando/merc, ESPECIALLY AS A HEALER, then delete now! Just pop your insta heals, or hots, and slowly make your way around the corner. Then heal up. If you're caught out in the middle with no cover nearby...well, that's your mistake. And if you're caught out in the middle with no cover and are getting ambushed by 3 characters...well, let's be honest, you should probably die.


Yeah, umm, if they are LoSing, when are they killing you? The thing is, one on one, eventually the merc will win. The LoSing will get tiring, but they will win. This wouldn't be an issue, until the people that would assist and protect the healer are getting kill at insane speeds even at melee because they CAN'T LoS if they want to be doing anything useful to you. They can kill the toughest tank almost as fast as a squishie with all that armor penetration they can build up and the other abilities attached to it.

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Tracer can be spammed over and over until your energy runs out. I know they are not supposed to but it sure seems they go around conrers under walkways. It is probally delay but when you get the first hit and you drop down under the merc spamming and you get 2 more times with the curving missles it drives you crazy. As a commando I have an interupt if I am right on top of you or spec the 3sec cast hold by that time I am pretty much dead.


All this is fine it really is I understand not all classes are truely balanced some can just kick *** on others. The problem comes when its the flavor of the month and you have 3-4 mercs spamming missle its impossible to play against for any class.


The comparable ability is mortar and it paints a nice circle on the ground for you to get out of before the first mortar is even launched. Change it so the mortar is exploding when the circle shows and every BH would be on the forums screaming unfair.



They should not get nerfed because of the damage the nerf will come because its the easy win button when you have more than 1 merc in a match and right now everyone is leaving ops to do merc its just a fact that people want the easy way to win. if not everyone would be playing the sentinal version on each side.

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Only class lacking an interrupt is commando/merc, but yeah, seriously, I'm sorry, people trying to claim an ability like this isn't OP just because it can be interrupted are just flat out wrong. Does it help in 1 v 1? Yeah, but as this guys say, the smart ones are sniping people with it. Not much can do about that at the speed it kills, especially the ones that use the other abilities powered up by it.


All range classes are sniping people though, it's just our damage when left alone using 1 skill is high, but say a sorc was at range using 3 buttons, their damage would be higher but people wouldn't complain because they use multiple skills.


Yes i know sorcs/sages are powerful, but most nerf calls seem to be about bubble and all the cc they have.

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All range classes are sniping people though, it's just our damage when left alone using 1 skill is high, but say a sorc was at range using 3 buttons, their damage would be higher but people wouldn't complain because they use multiple skills.


Yes i know sorcs/sages are powerful, but most nerf calls seem to be about bubble and all the cc they have.


Base damage? Might be higher, but a majority of it is mitigated. Their abilities not so easily mitigated are neither spammable nor huge damage. Main reason they end up high on the scoreboard is because of AoE which is easily healed through.

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C. We're squishy

and D. We're the least mobile class in the game and can only do that within 4 yards.



Haha, that made me laugh. Who are you trying to kid? Operative are the least mobile class in the game???????????????????????????????????????

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No, operatives were doing half your hp in ONE hit (7k), in 3 hits you were dead. Taking half your health in 4,5 seconds IF they crit on all of them which is a very sllim chance is not exactly overpowered. Every class can do the same.


I think you will find sorc/sage can't.


Ever since the consumable nerf Operatives haven't been hittng 7k... And the difference here is that


C. We're squishy


What? You're squishy? Compared to what? Tanks? ;)

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Yeah, umm, if they are LoSing, when are they killing you? The thing is, one on one, eventually the merc will win. The LoSing will get tiring, but they will win. This wouldn't be an issue, until the people that would assist and protect the healer are getting kill at insane speeds even at melee because they CAN'T LoS if they want to be doing anything useful to you. They can kill the toughest tank almost as fast as a squishie with all that armor penetration they can build up and the other abilities attached to it.


So...I'm trying to figure out how your response relates to what I posted? context is everything.

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So...I'm trying to figure out how your response relates to what I posted? context is everything.


My point was even if one can use los, the effect has some limitations. Its not quite like a sniper/gunslinger where you break their defenses and their hard hitters by doing so. Its largely a delaying tactic in most other cases.

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I think you will find sorc/sage can't.




What? You're squishy? Compared to what? Tanks? ;)


We're squishy compared to... Everything?


We've got no defensive cooldowns worth a damn, dodge is 3 seconds long, hardly reduces damage at all, the only real reason it's there is to remove dots.


Then we've got defense screen which absorbs some 2k and it's on a 45 second cooldown and lasts for 15 seconds.


Hell, I play a sorcerer, and I have to say that even though my scoundrel has some 5% more mitigation from armor It's way less survivable.

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Wheres the balance. Op's and scoundrels were killing too fast doing half HP in 5-6s. well Tracer missle spam can take 3/4 of my HP is 3 hits. 3.2k 3.4k 2.9 . That is killing much faster then intended per bioware.


Balance this crap out.


They did balance it, it's called interrupt.


There's nothing like seeing a bad BH backpedaling like a deer in headlights after his tracer gets interrupted

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What about classes who have no interrupt?


What about tracer missile spam in Huttball while you're snared/rooted and can't LOS?


It's ridiculous that a BH can stand up there and eviscerate players 10-15 levels higher than them and I have no way to counter it and I can't get up to him cause of all the CC/roots/snare/resolve being awful.


It isn't about 1v1 fights. It's that they can stand in one spot, spam one skill, and do massive damage to targets that are completely helpless.


only merc/commando don't have an interrupt.

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