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Nerf tracer missle now


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Wheres the balance. Op's and scoundrels were killing too fast doing half HP in 5-6s. well Tracer missle spam can take 3/4 of my HP is 3 hits. 3.2k 3.4k 2.9 . That is killing much faster then intended per bioware.


Balance this crap out.

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Wheres the balance. Op's and scoundrels were killing too fast doing half HP in 5-6s. well Tracer missle spam can take 3/4 of my HP is 3 hits. 3.2k 3.4k 2.9 . That is killing much faster then intended per bioware.


Balance this crap out.


No, operatives were doing half your hp in ONE hit (7k), in 3 hits you were dead. Taking half your health in 4,5 seconds IF they crit on all of them which is a very sllim chance is not exactly overpowered. Every class can do the same. Melees can even do it with instants. Tracermissile is very vulnerable to interrupts and LoS.


I mean, if you cant deal with someone spamming tracermissile you have nothing to do in PvP. Even the "supposedly" weakest class, gunslinger can do way more dmg than a guy spamming tracermissile in the same amount of time. Gunnerycommando is the easiest class to play against in the game. They got so little utility. Arguably the weakest class in a 1v1 scenario with all CD clean, given equal gear.


Stop ranting about a basic skill that is by no means overpowered and learn to play the game.

Edited by Niconogood
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Wheres the balance. Op's and scoundrels were killing too fast doing half HP in 5-6s. well Tracer missle spam can take 3/4 of my HP is 3 hits. 3.2k 3.4k 2.9 . That is killing much faster then intended per bioware.


Balance this crap out.


Learn to interrupt


Bioware intended you to use your skills against human players instead of pretending like you're grinding NPC mobs.

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No, operatives were doing half your hp in ONE hit (7k), in 3 hits you were dead. Taking half your health in 4,5 seconds IF they crit on all of them which is a very sllim chance is not exactly overpowered. Every class can do the same. Melees can even do it with instants. Tracermissile is very vulnerable to interrupts and LoS.


Ever since the consumable nerf Operatives haven't been hittng 7k... And the difference here is that

A. We only did that in our opening burst

B. We actually have a resource that needs to be managed

C. We're squishy

and D. We're the least mobile class in the game and can only do that within 4 yards.



I see how the shoot first nerf was reasonable, but the flechette round nerf was beyond stupid, ~8% flat less dmg to commandos wasn't even sort of necessary



It's annoying as hell to watch 3-4 commandos or mercenaries standing up on the huttball ledges knocking any melee near them off and topping the damage meters with tracer spam...

Edited by Aidank
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I mean, if you cant deal with someone spamming tracermissile you have nothing to do in PvP. Even the "supposedly" weakest class, gunslinger can do way more dmg than a guy spamming tracermissile in the same amount of time. Gunnerycommando is the easiest class to play against in the game. They got so little utility. Arguably the weakest class in a 1v1 scenario with all CD clean, given equal gear.


A snared target has almost no chance of LoSing Tracer Spam, and it follows you around walls half the time. I know it's not supposed to, and it's probably delay, but it's worth mentioning. As for the Gunslinger example. Gunslingers entire arsenal is Weapon Damage, which means it is mitigated--in full--by armor and almost all defensive cooldowns. There's also the fact that Gunslinger's abilities all also have cast times so they are just as succeptable to interrupts, and they have medium armor instead of heavy.


So your entire comparions sounds good--until you apply logic. The main issue with Tracer Spam is that it is viable. Tracer gives a debuff and buffs 2 other skills substantially. No other ability in the game is that beneficial to use next to maybe Force Lightning.

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If someone is hitting you for 3k with every tracer, either the stars aligned in some fashion or they had every powerup + adrenal + relic going and they are fully geared while you are wearing rags.


Or you are exaggerating.


I've gone entire matches where my highest hit was 3.3k. And I'm fully geared.


PS: Do you people not get that EVERYTHING ELSE HAS A COOLDOWN?

Edited by Kreugen
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It's annoying as hell to watch 3-4 commandos or mercenaries standing up on the huttball ledges knocking any melee near them off and topping the damage meters with tracer spam...


Knock them down then. Not enough people do that IMO, they just let them sit up there and free cast... which is just silly. You gotta check that ****.

Edited by Nilxain
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I love guys like you that let me get through my full rotation...lol


Use your interupt... it seems every class except BH has one.....it messes up most BH's. "Unless he is a smart BH and has TM on a macro to fire Power shot if TM goes on CD that is" :)


Move/LOS, stun me...do anything except stand there and think you can out dps me. I'm standing there because I have to...lol


The point is TM does not need a nerf....you just have to respect it and play better.

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Knock them down then. Not enough people do that IMO, they just let them sit up there and free cast... which is just silly. You gotta check that ****.


Sure wish I had a knockback, maybe I should roll a merc to kill other mercs, fixing the problem of too many mercs once and for all

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I have no prob with any other class, and know how to counter them. I also agreed with Ops getting nerfed, as I knew how crazy powerful I was (and still am.. maybe even to a greater extent.) But I find it funny mercs/commandos now get to start defending themselves as to how they're not overpowered, but will eventually get nerfed in the same cycle as ops/scoundrels. You can defend yourselves all you want, you will eventually get whatever Bio deems as a nerf.
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What about classes who have no interrupt?


What about tracer missile spam in Huttball while you're snared/rooted and can't LOS?


It's ridiculous that a BH can stand up there and eviscerate players 10-15 levels higher than them and I have no way to counter it and I can't get up to him cause of all the CC/roots/snare/resolve being awful.


It isn't about 1v1 fights. It's that they can stand in one spot, spam one skill, and do massive damage to targets that are completely helpless.

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What about classes who have no interrupt?


What about tracer missile spam in Huttball while you're snared/rooted and can't LOS?


It's ridiculous that a BH can stand up there and eviscerate players 10-15 levels higher than them and I have no way to counter it and I can't get up to him cause of all the CC/roots/snare/resolve being awful.


It isn't about 1v1 fights. It's that they can stand in one spot, spam one skill, and do massive damage to targets that are completely helpless.


Only class lacking an interrupt is commando/merc, but yeah, seriously, I'm sorry, people trying to claim an ability like this isn't OP just because it can be interrupted are just flat out wrong. Does it help in 1 v 1? Yeah, but as this guys say, the smart ones are sniping people with it. Not much can do about that at the speed it kills, especially the ones that use the other abilities powered up by it.

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I HATE the Missiles.


As a scoundrel healer, I am seeing more and more that the 2 OPed Imps classes are working together to gang-kill me/reps.


It mostly seems to done as so:

1. Sorc will stun me

2. Multiple Merc Launch Missiles

3. I try to break Stun with my 1 skill to run

4. Sorc stun again - Most life gone when Missiles hit

5. Defense Probe and Try to Heal

6. Get Interrupted and stunned

7. Get Dead and Die


To me that is OP-ed.


And FYI in huttball I am unable to get them off ledges.

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Lets take a logical look at this. We have a cast that is interuptable and has knockback time when taking direct damage while casting it. Its a 2 sec cast.


We have a knockback that knocks people a shorter distance than others but it does slow them slightly.


1 stun. 0 interupts. And all o our other main damaging abilities worth casting in arsenal spec have a CD.


So ya'll are mad that sence we are forced to spam an interuptable/impeedable spell for 2-2.3k per 2 seconds that well we should nerf it.


Currently full champ/bm and i dont even burn someone from full to 0 in a short time by any stretch of the imagination unless they are either

1) Bad

2) new to 50 (less expertise/endurance)

3) see number 1

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Well my interrupt is short range. much shorter then that stupid missle is. The damn missle follow me around walls most times. As I get close they just knock me back.



learn to play that.. ok so do what now? Out heal them with a 30% heal debuff?


hmm ok use force speed to get in for an interrrupt. nope don't have that.


hmm use my super damage soaking shield to get in close. nope don't have that



Ohh I know just die then reroll sorc or merc.

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I'm a mercenary healer.


I have no interrupt.

I have no scorpion "get over here!" ability.

I have no force leap.

I have no force speed run away ability.

I have no ability to avoid tracer missile spam aside from the 5s cc that's on a long CD.


So what should I do?

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You all keep looking at what abilities you dont have just learn to play with what you do have its really not that difficult as a power tech i find them a joke as a sniper...even more of a joke, assassin they don't stand a chance. Stop QQing and do like 5 minutes of research on how to counter 1 castable spell OMG SO HARD!!!!!
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Wheres the balance. Op's and scoundrels were killing too fast doing half HP in 5-6s. well Tracer missle spam can take 3/4 of my HP is 3 hits. 3.2k 3.4k 2.9 . That is killing much faster then intended per bioware.


Balance this crap out.


looks like you got crit three times, it happens

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I'm a mercenary healer.


I have no interrupt.

I have no scorpion "get over here!" ability.

I have no force leap.

I have no force speed run away ability.

I have no ability to avoid tracer missile spam aside from the 5s cc that's on a long CD.


So what should I do?


Spec for tracer missile.



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I'm a mercenary healer.


I have no interrupt.

I have no scorpion "get over here!" ability.

I have no force leap.

I have no force speed run away ability.

I have no ability to avoid tracer missile spam aside from the 5s cc that's on a long CD.


So what should I do?


Hope you can LoS otherwise tuck your head between your legs and.. well you know the rest. Seriously though, tracer IS ridiculous. I can't believe people like to claim its not when one can run through a WZ spamming only that and not only get high on the damage charts, but ALSO reliably get kills. With most classes its one or the other, you do a lot of damage that's easily healed (AoEs and DoTs, etc), or your damage comes in bursts that's harder to heal. Not huge burst that slowly ramps up and can be followed up by more powerful abilities if needed.

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No, operatives were doing half your hp in ONE hit (7k), in 3 hits you were dead. Taking half your health in 4,5 seconds IF they crit on all of them which is a very sllim chance is not exactly overpowered. Every class can do the same. Melees can even do it with instants. Tracermissile is very vulnerable to interrupts and LoS.


I mean, if you cant deal with someone spamming tracermissile you have nothing to do in PvP. Even the "supposedly" weakest class, gunslinger can do way more dmg than a guy spamming tracermissile in the same amount of time. Gunnerycommando is the easiest class to play against in the game. They got so little utility. Arguably the weakest class in a 1v1 scenario with all CD clean, given equal gear.


Stop ranting about a basic skill that is by no means overpowered and learn to play the game.


That's not a common thing, that's when it crits to the highest degree. Fact is though, you should be with a group. If you're in a group no Op/Scoundrel can hurt you as they will die within seconds of attacking.


If you're going to complain about LoS though, which attacks don't require LoS? In fact, does tracer missile require you to be stealthed and behind a target in order to get that damage? The fact is no, you can spam it from anywhere, out of the range of most specs. If we look at it that way it is an incredibly OP skill.


You mention 1v1 but how will that 1v1 work? If it's Op unstealths on Commando then yes Op can obliterate them, but head on is a completely different question. Op needs to spam basic attack until within essentially lightsaber range until he can do his actual damage, it is only at that point he can commence his assault. So if the Commando can't kill an Op in a head on fight before he gets within range then to put by your words he should "learn to play the game", this is why everyone complained about Op, because they knew they couldn't win in a head on fight so used their advantage. The problem is, all of the other classes don't know how to counter this because "they need to learn to play the game".

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