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will this game survive more than 1 year?


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Do you honestly think everyone would be on the forums to complain if there were nothing to complain about? I promise you 75% of the complainers and "whiners" legitimately feel let down. There are probably 25% trolls, but the majority of complaints are because there is a crap-ton to complain about.


I'm sure your percentages are accurate. But that doesn't mean 75% of the player base is dissatisfied, nor that 75% of the player base even visits the forums.


The number of players visiting the forums is a small percentage of the actual player base. And of that number, I'd say it's 50-50 complainers to supporters (and that's being generous to those with complaints).

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Now this I'll agree with, you don't see many complaining in game because imo their happy for now.


People come to general forums mostly to complain, and as you pointed out some are legitimate and others are trolls, problem is after awhile some will lump both together.


I'm happy with the game, but at the same time I've read some good constructive threads on what's wrong with the game. It's just a shame they get buried fast by the trolling threads.


I like the game but if no one complains nothing gets fixed, so I'm not against constructive feedback or complaints. Trolling is a different matter.


Agreed. People need to differentiate trolls / legitimate complainers. If this product was what they promised and it was revolutionary and fun and everyone was having a ball.. these forums would be in a very, very state than they're in now.

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I'm sure your percentages are accurate. But that doesn't mean 75% of the player base is dissatisfied, nor that 75% of the player base even visits the forums.


The number of players visiting the forums is a small percentage of the actual player base. And of that number, I'd say it's 50-50 complainers to supporters (and that's being generous to those with complaints).


Let me ask you this. If there are SO many people complaining about similar things on the forums, do you think the "everyman" sitting and playing SW:TOR is still experiencing these issues, and just not bothering to post about it? I do. If we're all playing the same game, and experiencing most of the same stuff.. to me, in my mind, they may just unsubscribe and never post on a forum.. but they're still experiencing no LFG, no mods, no UI, bad lag everywhere, awful ability delay.. you know what I mean? It's the same game we're all playing. Yes, there are trolls. Yes, not everyone posts on the forums.. but we're all playing the same game. To me, I feel those who don't post on the forums are just more apt to quit and never mention anything..

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Forum ragers are a vocal minority. It makes them feel important.


Plus, if Champions Online can exist for more than a year without any real content updates, this game can.


So are forum fanboys, it makes them feel important to post flame posts at people that are "raging,QQ'ing and whining"

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In my opinion, no. This game will go the way of Warhammer and Rift.. unfortunately. This game is wasted money / potential at it's finest.. and mismanagement of resources to the 10th degree.


The funny thing is Rift has several HUNDRED thousand subscribers, which is damned impressive for an MMO.


People fail to realize that WoW is a freak of nature behemoth that should NOT exist by any logical thought processes. The amount of subs it has in unnatural.

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The funny thing is Rift has several HUNDRED thousand subscribers, which is damned impressive for an MMO.


People fail to realize that WoW is a freak of nature behemoth that should NOT exist by any logical thought processes. The amount of subs it has in unnatural.


But all WoW did was bring an amazing game and universe to life, and has brought the players what they want. BioWare could have done that with SW:TOR. It could have been.. the next big thing. Why they chose not to, beyond us all?

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Along with SWTOR I am playing Rift....for the last year people on the forum have been claiming that the game is total garbage and will be F2P soon...but the game is doing great and always growing :|


I never go with what is said on the forums..

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Not true, I save money from spending a night in playing video game as oppose to going for a night out and spending £100 @_@


This! Even if I get a four pack and a 'posh' takeaway, I save around £50 a night playing swtor. If you ask me, it's a damned good investment.

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i was reading some threads all around the forum , and i only see unhappy players with the game , i am afraid if i will even keep my subscribe up!


do you think this game will survive much more or is just a waste of money / waste of time keep playing this?


It will most definitely survive. Part of the reason you see so many negative posts is because when people are content, they tend to also be silent. This game has many issues that need to be fixed, but from what I can tell they're working hard on doing so AND on releasing new content.


People just need to learn a little patience imo.

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i was reading some threads all around the forum , and i only see unhappy players with the game , i am afraid if i will even keep my subscribe up!


do you think this game will survive much more or is just a waste of money / waste of time keep playing this?


I don't run into too many people complaining inside the game anymore. The forums I think are more indicative of the type of situation where 20 people complain about a Super Bowl ad that millions saw so it gets yanked. The people who are happy or don't mind tend to not say anything at all, but people with something up their cra tend to go out of their way to make it known. The forums are no different. The dissenting voice is the loudest heard because the people who are satisfied play the game more than lurk the forums.

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i was reading some threads all around the forum , and i only see unhappy players with the game , i am afraid if i will even keep my subscribe up!


do you think this game will survive much more or is just a waste of money / waste of time keep playing this?


It'll survive a year+ even with all the issues, heck AoC, Warhammer, and Aion are still around.


The more interesting question is will it meet the subscriber retention estimates? For now it's still to early to say. Wait till the Quarterly reports to find out.

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i was reading some threads all around the forum , and i only see unhappy players with the game , i am afraid if i will even keep my subscribe up!


do you think this game will survive much more or is just a waste of money / waste of time keep playing this?


Yes- SWTOR is in no danger of dying. The real question is how many subs will it have. That is more problematic. I'd wager it'll keep 20-25% of its subs- and that's largely dependent on additional content, features, and bug resolution.


Nobody is debating its potential... I haven't heard anyone post anywhere that the game couldn't be mind-blowing. It is just isn't right now. There are too many bugs... and some good titles on the horizon.


GW2 is coming sometime this year. If their launch is only half as bad as this one...and F2P to boot... I can't see anyone paying a sub for 'lesser content' unless they are already locked in.

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Even STO made it over a year. People claiming this game won't make it a year are just waving their e-peens. Disagree with their faux-crystal ball predictions and they call you a fanboi, every time. It's a meta-game to them because truth be told -- there is no game out there today that will satisfy them because pretending to be dissatisfied, disaffected, and post-modern is all the rage currently.


Wash, rinse, repeat. A really redundant loop.

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i was reading some threads all around the forum , and i only see unhappy players with the game , i am afraid if i will even keep my subscribe up!


do you think this game will survive much more or is just a waste of money / waste of time keep playing this?


Absolutely, the game is well made.


This game is a lot of fun and will survive a long time. Bioware makes quality games and seems to listen very well to their user base, that is the base that makes sense.


I have to laugh at all the threads with people threatening to quit, game is great and I expect even better things to come.

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In a form of Free to Play, yes.


Thats laughable.


If it goes free to play, I'll eat my shoe.



But seriously, there is a heavy collective of internet trolls posting mindless negative reviews and using beta footage as their reasoning.


A look at the server page tells you this game is very healthy. The devs have constant updates and it looks like they already have some great things in store.


So yes. It will last much longer than a year.

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In my opinion, no. This game will go the way of Warhammer and Rift.. unfortunately. This game is wasted money / potential at it's finest.. and mismanagement of resources to the 10th degree.


LOL - you really think it won't last a year?

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for what i am seeing around that game really fail in giving choices to players. when i reach lvl 50 the only thing i ll have to do is OPERATIONS , FLASHPOINTS AND WZ??


sometimes i wake up in a peace mood , and i like to walk around doing some random stuffs, but there is no rewards for it , they closed up lvl 50s in a box where there is only 3 things to do , all the others you can do is by your choice and there is no reward for that, so its just a waste of time.

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