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Bioware: STOP new content. START fixing the game


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The team that creates new content is not the team that fixes bugs. Also, MMOs that don't get new content die quickly. Thus, this topic is very silly.


I award you 100 points for saying something intelligent.


For some reasons these kids on this site refuse to understand the fact that there are more than 5 people who are responsible for making this game. Those who design the art style of the game are not the ones who implement the animations. Those who are responsible for identifying, correcting and implementing the corrections to bugs/exploits are not the same that implement new content.



This is not SWG where you only had 10 people total who worked on the game…

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I bet Bioware would disagree.


No Bioware said they were pretty happy with the state of the game and it was ready for release. No software company, not even Blizzard keeps a game in development until it's bug free, because well frankly such a thing is impossible...


But also because eventually they have to see a return on the money they spent to develop it.

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I award you 100 points for saying something intelligent.


For some reasons these kids on this site refuse to understand the fact that there are more than 5 people who are responsible for making this game. Those who design the art style of the game are not the ones who implement the animations. Those who are responsible for identifying, correcting and implementing the corrections to bugs/exploits are not the same that implement new content.



This is not SWG where you only had 10 people total who worked on the game…


Look, stopping new content doesn't mean PUT THOSE PEOPLE ON BUGFIX DUTY. It means stop adding buggy, un-tested content while the BASE GAME itself is still a giant buggy mess. If they keep adding new content before they fix the massive amount of bugs in the base game, they are just going to end up with more and more bugs. For example, I bet you $100 that they add a new Operation to the game before they even finish fixing all the bugs related to the bosses in Eternity Vault. And that new Operation is going to have a ton of bugs all to itself.


No Bioware said they were pretty happy with the state of the game and it was ready for release.


Of couse they would say that, what do you want them to say? "The game is a buggy mess and we'd really like another 6 months of development time but EA is forcing us to push it out early, sorry guys I hope you buy the game anyway!"

Edited by SunwindIon
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OP your title has garanteed BioWare disregards anything you say. It shows you don't understand at a fundamental level how they are developing and working on this game.


and what you do based off their PR calm down community address of we have multiple teams lol.


You dont know any more then anyone else here does about how the game is developed and how bug fixs work.

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This bug is actually back in the game now. "Cannot do that while in a vehicle."


Is there really anything more to say? the evidence of their incompetence speaks for itself. I'm sorry but it's true.


Is Blizzard "incompetent" because of the recurring loot-lag/vendor loot bugs in WoW? Friends who still play WoW inform that they still had these issues in 2011.

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and what you do based off their PR calm down community address of we have multiple teams lol.


You dont know any more then anyone else here does about how the game is developed and how bug fixs work.


It takes a basic understanding of software development practices, actually.


On any project of this size, you have several teams working on different things at any given time. Further, you have specialists - you'll have a team of people who are really good at fixing bugs, and this is a team you don't want to put on content development. Then you have a team of people who are really good at creating new content, which relies upon different skills altogether.


Anyone with that basic level of understanding knows what the deal is without BioWare saying anything, because this is standard stuff.

Edited by Inarai
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Is Blizzard "incompetent" because of the recurring loot-lag/vendor loot bugs in WoW? Friends who still play WoW inform that they still had these issues in 2011.


I played WoW for a good few years and don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about, sorry.

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Is Blizzard "incompetent" because of the recurring loot-lag/vendor loot bugs in WoW? Friends who still play WoW inform that they still had these issues in 2011.


The issue isnt that other games have bugs, its more that there are bugs in TOR and thats bad. Other games have bugs, but you know it happens, people understand that and acknowledge it, but bugs in TOR= Bad devs who are most likely kitten punching people who have no idea what is going on, or have any real game experience, because the people who often complain are expert level devs who know the ins and outs, exact costings, and time taking of anything to develop. So their concerns are valid.


Or thats what Im reading from them atleast :)

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You have proof they "FLAT OUT" ignored them?


They nuked old forums entirely so there really is no way to validly to prove this, unfortunetly. Many these problems were brought up in beta but swept under the carpet to rush this game for release.


Anyways, I can name three talents in Ops medic tree that are totally broken and has existed for quite some time yet not a peep from them about fixing it....


I understand how development/bug fixing works and expect stuff not to be addressed, problem is some devs build their MMOs to be changable and fixable easily. TOR is apparently not one of those MMOs.


Suppose I was spoiled by Trion, even though Rift was lacking; their dev/bug teams should be given an award. No more than 15 min down times and constant amounts of bug fixes/content additions.


I don't mind waiting and waiting for fixes, but dang man...Trion does it right which is perfect example how to do things.

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I understand how development/bug fixing works and expect stuff not to be addressed, problem is some devs build their MMOs to be changable and fixable easily. TOR is apparently not one of those MMOs.






Just because you design the product for flexibility doesn't mean every issue is easy to fix. If you don't know how this stuff works, stop pretending you do.

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I wouldn't have such a problem with bugs, If they didn't constantly claim to fix things in patchs, only for it to turn out its not fixed at all.


Only time I know of that happening is when the patch notes list a partial fix, and not a complete fix, because they've solved some but not all of the problem.

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I played WoW for a good few years and don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about, sorry.


Of course you "don't". How convenient. I played WoW from CB until about 14 months ago. If you are unaware of the loot/vendor lag issues that Blizz has dealt with over the years, starting in beta, you are either fibbing for the sake of your silly argument or didn't play. :)

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You are honestly going to try and claim that were no bugs in WoW? Because clearly there were a ton of bugs in that game.


Don't put words in my mouth, that is not what I said at all.


Only time I know of that happening is when the patch notes list a partial fix, and not a complete fix, because they've solved some but not all of the problem.


I can think of at least 5 bugs that have been "fixed" in recent patches that are still in the game.

Edited by SunwindIon
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I played WoW for a good few years and don't have the slightest clue what you're talking about, sorry.


The bug in question has been around since beta. I would question how much you actually played if you never got stuck in the crouch position whilst looting, or if vendor windows sometimes took ages to open. It's a common bug.

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The bug in question has been around since beta. I would question how much you actually played if you never got stuck in the crouch position whilst looting, or if vendor windows sometimes took ages to open. It's a common bug.


Now I know what you're talking about, yes I have experienced that bug.

Edited by SunwindIon
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As of this moment it is imperative that you stop new content development and immediately start fixing the existing problems in the game. The problem as it stands right now is not the lack of content but the complete failure of many aspects of this game.


Churning out more broken content is not the fix and its time you start listening to people that play this game instead of staying the course of your own misguided agenda.


PvP needs serious attention and there are numerous problems with game design in this area that need to be changed. RNG of loot via champion bags is laughable at best. Nerfing classes from outcry from people that dont even play the class they are asking to be nerfed is not how you address the problem.


Population imbalances are another source of frustration for many players and xrealm WZ's or LFG needs to be on the table for serious consideration.


Crafting of PvP items for entry level 50's should be an option. Also I hope you are serious about including set bonuses for modable gear in the near future.


More UI customization is sorely needed via macros or addons. This should have been in the game since day one.


Please LISTEN to the community and fixes that are legitimate problems in the game before you focus on newer content.





Who nominated you and the mouthpieces, whiners, complainers, ragequitters, etc. to speak for the "community"????


Have an opinion ----> No problem, speak your mind.


Think anyone or everyone shares your opinion ---------> move on and / or out the door......

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