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SWTOR was promising. I liked it untill now.


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Or they could not whine in the first place and simply go do something else without letting the rest of the world know?


The devs TOLD him to post. Look at their interviews for confirmation. They constantly talk of watching the boards, listening to player feed back.... blah, blah, blah. He is doing what they want him to do.





This is Star Wars. Get used to that fact. People from all walks of life in the world are going to try this game. JUST because of the STAR WARS name. Not because of the story, or the loots, or the pretty voices. Merely for the reason that they play MMOs and like Star Wars. You want it niche and everyone all the same type of player? Then don't pick a high profile world wide recognised franchise. :rolleyes:

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The devs TOLD him to post. Look at their interviews for confirmation. They constantly talk of watching the boards, listening to player feed back.... blah, blah, blah. He is doing what they want him to do.





This is Star Wars. Get used to that fact. People from all walks of life in the world are going to try this game. JUST because of the STAR WARS name. Not because of the story, or the loots, or the pretty voices. Merely for the reason that they play MMOs and like Star Wars. You want it niche and everyone all the same type of player? Then don't pick a high profile world wide recognised franchise. :rolleyes:



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No. Well....yea, no.


Look up the old articles. the ones printed BEFORE WoW released. There are a ton of them and they make the same statement back then. Just back then it was all conjecture about how it was the winning formula.

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some of these points are fair, as is the ops post so i will chime in my 2 cents in kind..


no op arenas did not create a thriving sense of community it actually destroyed it, all it bred was people starting to charge and carry peoples ratings, removed any sense of the dual faction aspect ( you can face your own faction? bah! ) and cross server BGs completley newtered what was left of "thriving communties" on servers...the day that travesty happened, was the day peoples names in pvp became irrelevant and only the scoreboard mattered


i still to this day remember the names of almost every good pvpers that was on my realm on both sides, heck i even remember some of their vents too, lot of good times, you just dont have that anymore with cross server crap


we could have it here too but as you stated , zones are just too big to know the other guys and our areas are so far away from each other that unless one goes out of his way, you wont run into the enemy faction until ILum

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I like how you go from here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2101098#post2101098 where you basically say all MMOs are the same all are ultimately boring because they have pvp and pve to writing a huge laundry list of pve and pvp features (many of which where added well after launch) that wow has.


So tell me, if all pvp and pve is boring, how am I to take this post of yours as constructive?


Honestly, I think you've burned yourself out and are mad about that. Just take a break and do something else. Bw has already said they will add a lot of those features so just check back.

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I like how you go from here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2101098#post2101098 where you basically say all MMOs are the same all are ultimately boring because they have pvp and pve to writing a huge laundry list of pve and pvp features (many of which where added well after launch) that wow has.


So tell me, if all pvp and pve is boring, how am I to take this post of yours as constructive?


Honestly, I think you've burned yourself out and are mad about that. Just take a break and do something else. Bw has already said they will add a lot of those features so just check back.


He shoots..he scores!

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I like how you go from here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2101098#post2101098 where you basically say all MMOs are the same all are ultimately boring because they have pvp and pve to writing a huge laundry list of pve and pvp features (many of which where added well after launch) that wow has.


So tell me, if all pvp and pve is boring, how am I to take this post of yours as constructive?


Honestly, I think you've burned yourself out and are mad about that. Just take a break and do something else. Bw has already said they will add a lot of those features so just check back.



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I got to level fifty about one month ago from now and I couldn't stop bragging about how amazing this game was. I was on these forums daily trying to fight away the people who hate this game and making suggestions for end game. Quite simply you can call me blinded and obsessed. I couldn't face denial that this game actually is bad.


Here I am now then telling you why I dislike the game and seeing if I can relate to those who back up this game that had promise but has lost it.


1) PvP:

PvP was promising. Huttball was new and enjoyable (imo) and the other two warzones were attractive and easy to get used to. However after playing these same three warzones over and over with no differentiation is a drag. Especially having to get to valor 60 for the best gear simply either farming rare empire kills in illum (I say rare because each one I attack has 5 people on back-up behind them) or farming those three warzones alot!!


"Why can you not play this game just because you enjoy playing?" I did enjoy playing but come on, be logical. Doing the same three things over and over simply doesn't maintain it's excitement.


2) PvE: Just flashpoint after flashpoint and the only reason to do it is for the gear piece at the end to be traded for columi. No decent gear any other way. Flashpoint drops were terrible. Took forever to find a full group even tho its only 4 man. No reputation gains to buy gear from reputation vendors etc. Just a boring one way street.


The reasons behind why WoW was enjoyable with PvP

Dueling in durotar/elwynn added competitiveness against own faction. Cannot happen here because there is no dueling area within 10 seconds from the main part of the fleet without going through a loading screen.

Arena. Yes arena added excitement to PvP and added competition. I enjoy competition and therefore is why SWTOR has lost its edge for me. No matter how much you hate arena it is still better than anything SWTOR has to offer at this moment. It consists of rewards if you are good and is not dependant on others. It feels personal to you making a team. Just endless hours could be spent trying to increase rating and the feeling of winning was great.

Ratings for arena and battleground groups. Added competition and elitism. Made the community thrive in a bad or good way. Depends how you think about it.

Battleground were alot larger than SWTORs and added an MMO feel to it. Mounting included.


The reasons behind why WoW was enjoyable with PvE

It didn't just involve token rewards from dungeons. The actual gear from dungeons was useful. Made people have a sense of excitement when killing a boss waiting for loot to drop. Wasn't free access to token gear at the end of each dungeon.

The token grind for gear that was worth XXXX amount of tokens wasn't long. It was only 2 weeks of lock time or so. Compared to SWTOR this is short.

One of my favorite features of WoW when it was in WoW was the daily heroic where you had to kill a specific boss in a specific dungeon.

Dungeon finder was easy to use and using it gave rewards.


The reasons why WoW was enjoyable

Community was larger and auction house was thriving. Had an actual economy. Felt good.

Events that took place when events took palce in reality. E.G christmas events that gave you decent rewards from doing christmas stuff or valentines day etc etc.

You could re-do you characters hair style at the barbers.

Professions felt great once they were leveled to the max. Felt like you achieved something.

Fishing, Archaeology, First aid etc

You could attack the enemy cities. Also attack towns and cities alone as long as you avoided elites because guards were only normal mobs. In SWTOR guards are champions for most places.

Flying mounts

Quick travel with portals.

Daily quest zone had dailys close together and it interacted with opposite faction. So it could also be pvp. Zones were small and easy to complete. Not a drag. Illum daily area doesn't have much zones shared with imperial and is quite the drag in illum.

Guilds had reputation/amazing rewards for being exalted with guild. Heirlooms to level alts with. Mounts etc.

The ammount of gear varied massively and it wasn't allways the vendor gear that was the best. Unlike SWTOR where you can only rely on vendor gear.


The reasons why Rift was enjoyable for me (I played no part in pvp so I have no idea what it is like)

Frequent world events / updates. Rifts opened and invasions happened where community would group up.

Zones were shared with opposite faction at higher level instead of split into two halves.

PvE gear was aquired only from bosses. Vendor gear was not necessary the best gear again. Also crafted gear was good and there was crafting daily/weekly.

Crafting was updated frequently

Training dummys

Multiple currencys from rifts. Allowed purchase of gear that could be used at end-game level.

Reputation mounts.


10-man instances were completely different to 25-man. 10 man rifts were available and 5 man.

two tiers of dungeon at launch.

and more!

The thing that upsets me about these type of posts are SWtoR IS NOT WoW or Rift.


It's like saying "Battlefield is cool but it really needs the exact same things as Call of Duty then it would be amazing." Here is how you solve this problem. Go play Call of Duty (WoW) then!


I really am not trying to be sarcastic either. I'm not some fanboy screaming at his monitor while spilling his Dew all over his lap. It's the same thing I would tell my best of friends.


If you like all those things in those other games. Either just play them or do what I do, play them all :)

Edited by Barreck
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The thing that upsets me about these type of posts are SWtoR IS NOT WoW or Rift.


It's like saying "Battlefield is cool but it really needs the exact same things as Call of Duty then it would be amazing." Here is how you solve this problem. Go play Call of Duty (WoW) then!


I really am not trying to be sarcastic either. I'm not some fanboy screaming at his monitor while spilling his Dew all over his lap. It's the same thing I would tell my best of friends.


If you like all those things in those other games. Either just play them or do what I do, play them all :)


Like I mentioned above, I think they are AFRAID to be put into the "only lame people play WoW" category. I am still subbed to WoW and EQ2 and LOTRO. I play what I feel like and feel fun. I just laugh at people saying playing something is lame and others aren't. It's like saying listening to one type of music is lame and there is only one genre of music is COOOOL.

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I agree with a bunch of these replies, it just sounds like you're burnt out. It's understandable. You miss the bells and whistles from more polished MMO's, also relate-able.


Take a break, unsub. You obviously have hope in SWTOR, seeing as you took the time in writing up a good critique, so I'm sure you'll be back when things settle in. We just need to give BW time.

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want the game to improve? use the actual feedback features. want to cry like a little kid and get attention cos mummy deosnt hug you enough? come to general forums.


and please dont make yourself look stupid by claiming to know why everyone posts everything and their motivation behind it. you do not. i strongly doubt you know why YOU post what you do.


Your spelling errors and attempts at insults are ironic considering the nature of your post.

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These forums are whack....


Give the guy a break, there is a sliver of a chance that he actually wants to see the game become better - and it simply showing what other successful games have done to improve player experience.


This game has flaws, and not COPYING but being INSPIRED by certain aspects of other games could very well make it a better game.


And this post is coming from a person who currently loves the game :)



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i'm going to chime in some here.


this game is not perfect. really its not.


however, i love star wars, so i can forgive some of the problems.


i agree with some of what's been said here, but let me also say, that i've been there for betas and launches of a lot of mmo over the last decade. so far, i've had the least amount of problems here as any other. not saying there aren't problems, but they aren't as bad as many in the past have been.


as far as comparisons to games goes...wow was a gold standard, but not anymore. i loathe that game and i loathe that i played it off and on for so long, mostly just to keep up with friends after we left college.


all i'm trying to get at here is that nothing is ever perfect, but you should also recognize that some people like what they like. i have problems with this game, but i love it. its fresh, its fun, and its star wars.


enjoy the ride and when you are tired of it, move on to something else, or move back. either way.

Edited by temporalvoodoo
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OK you don't care for the game anymore, got it.

You made a well written, non flame\troll post about such, okay.

Will BW listen? probably not, I'm sure they've got it all planned out what's going to come out when etc.


But to be honest I'm still enjoying the game, have a lvl 50,40 and a few mid 20's.

Will I miss ppl who leave cause they don't like the game? No.

Do I expect them all to bow down to me cause I disagree with them? Of course not, everyone is entitled to their opinion. As it is just that, an opinion.


Have fun with were ever you end up, I shall stay here and enjoy myself.

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Good points and many of the features in WoW (and other games), I would love to see added in SWTOR.


I love SWTOR but feel that it lacks a certain depth in certain places. I'm really looking forward to the legacy system and whatever that may bring. I would be nice to have things such as an indepth achievement system, reputations gains, more hobbies, etc. WoW, Rift, LoTR, EQ2 had many of these elements and gave players something to strive for. Sure you can just PvP or raid for the best gear. I would like to see more things where you can progress your character in meaningful ways.

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er uh sorry - the minute i saw praise for how good WoW's water down girly PvP was your entire post became invalidated :(


I do have a serious question - if you have such concern and feel like voicing your concerns - how about e-mailing bioware directly? Or are you just crying out for some form of attention so you felt the forums where thousands of ppl post faily and the likliehood of a bioware employee seeing your post is minimum was the best way to go?


uh huh thought so.


quit if you dont like it, stop posting about it.

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I got to level fifty about one month ago from now and I couldn't stop bragging about how amazing this game was. I was on these forums daily trying to fight away the people who hate this game and making suggestions for end game. Quite simply you can call me blinded and obsessed. I couldn't face denial that this game actually is bad.


This is what awaits everyone at some point - unless you're brain dead or will play it regardless just because it's Star Wars. Sad...but true.

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er uh sorry - the minute i saw praise for how good WoW's water down girly PvP was your entire post became invalidated :(


I do have a serious question - if you have such concern and feel like voicing your concerns - how about e-mailing bioware directly? Or are you just crying out for some form of attention so you felt the forums where thousands of ppl post faily and the likliehood of a bioware employee seeing your post is minimum was the best way to go?


uh huh thought so.


quit if you dont like it, stop posting about it.


Bases on the detailed survey I was asked to fill out after I cancelled - the questions asked directly reflected the main concerns on the forum. BW is reading - whether they eventually do something about it remains to be seen.

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Sorry, but you can't have everything WoW has at launch. Could this game be a bit less buggy? Sure; I think Bioware could've ironed way more bugs than they did. But, content-wise, it simply is not possible to have a game at launch compare to a six-seven year old game. Just not possible. Edited by Zyforb
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