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50s farming low lvls in tattoine ANNOYANCE


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Last time a pube tried to gank some of my guildies i issued a call to arms. Everyone dropped what they were doing we formed almost three ops groups and rolled out to Tattooine.


We killed them all and locked down every major city killing guards... Everything!


Pubes got mad, tried to say that dominus letum was wrong bla bla.


Sounds like ur in the wrong guild. Its simple pvp servers are like this. U gank my members we gank u back and lock down ur quest hubs. Sorry if pvp happens on a pvp server.

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The mentality to pick on lowbies that have no chance of retaliation is indeed a twisted mentality. It's really no different than picking on a 5 yr old kid because there's Nothing he/she can do to fight back. Of course, this is legal in a PvP game.


People who are ok with that concept are just trying to justify to themselves it's ok to be an A-$$hat.


The only exception I can accept is if that higher level is beating on a lowbie to call some attention to other higher levels to get some action going. Then we can all get some world action.


But when that happens, and the other guy runs off... then it's like really? can't handle someone your own size?


You missed my point completely. I quoted a guy saying that a bunch of level 50's going into a newbie zone is wrong, but that same group of level 50's killing a bunch of level 20+ players is just fine. So I'll ask you, do them level 20's really have any legit chance of beating a group of level 50's?


It's the fact that the guy was justifying that killing "new" characters with your group of level 50's is horrible, but killing characters a mere 30 levels below you is just fine that says all most need to know about PvP servers.

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So there i was questing like a good little jedi in tattoine and these lvl 50 sith group rolls up and kills me. ok big deal didnt make me mad. after then 5th time it just got terrible. seriously ik i picked pvp but this is just bad its happened countless times and whats bad they kill me then talk crap saying i suck. really now? is anyone else having issues like this it makes the game very unenjoyable. i accually had to leave the planet because i couldnt do anything


THANK YOU for reminding me why i didn't roll on a PvP server. I was contemplating it, since i do enjoy PvP, and the 3 WZs were getting boring. But i'd rather put up with boring WZ for now then BS like that.

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The mentality to pick on lowbies that have no chance of retaliation is indeed a twisted mentality. It's really no different than picking on a 5 yr old kid because there's Nothing he/she can do to fight back. Of course, this is legal in a PvP game.


People who are ok with that concept are just trying to justify to themselves it's ok to be an A-$$hat.


The only exception I can accept is if that higher level is beating on a lowbie to call some attention to other higher levels to get some action going. Then we can all get some world action.


But when that happens, and the other guy runs off... then it's like really? can't handle someone your own size?


You CAN NOT apply this to RL and adults picking on kids. This is a video game. Wow it seriously amazes me how people take this stuff so serious.

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I feel that they really went out of there way to keep the two factions seperated on most planets. It really is a dissapointment when you roll on a PvP server and probably have less than ten fights by the time you reach level 43. I'm looking forward to rolling Republic...maybe I can see some more action.


To avoid getting griefed, you need to have an alt ready to switch to. No sense giving them fun when you can just switch planets.


I'll lay there go take a smoke break, refresh my scotch... Boring a camper to death isn't hard. I think they tend towards the impatient and impulsive.

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You CAN NOT apply this to RL and adults picking on kids. This is a video game. Wow it seriously amazes me how people take this stuff so serious.


...So it's still just fun and games and haha very funny when it happens to you? >.> If that's truly the case, I applaud your maturity. More people should follow your example if you are indeed able to laugh off in good humor repeatedly getting ganked to the point where your only option is to log out for a while and hope the griefers go away.


I know it would at least irritate me marginally.


Saying it's only a video game and that people take it too seriously is usually something I hear coming from those who INDEED take the game VERY seriously.


But again. If you really practice what you are preaching here, kudos to you. :)

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Its just because there's nothing for them to do, most of the IMP 50s are exploited ones. They brag about it on Kass all time on swiftsure. All you have to remember mate is while they can kill you, they are not pvpers. All these guys are is pve'rs, an as we know its generally pve players (an pretend pvpers) who use exploits. Just ignore them, I rate them as nothing more than an annoyance. None of them actually pvp, so why would I rate them as true pvpers.


Case in point, 2 days ago I was on my JK defence spec, an got jumped by two of the so called "pvp gods" lol one went for my pet (moron) other tried to take me down. I popped my CD's an punted him over a cliff. The other one couldn't kill my pet so he abuses me an runs....


Because they only play BG's they dont really know how to fight, so when it comes to someone their level who only world pvp's(not illum farming) they are screwed.


I stopped reading the pvp forums anymore, since its nothing but wall to wall abuse threats, tantrums an demands of nerf or els I quit.....yawn..

Edited by BegaTasty
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You missed my point completely. I quoted a guy saying that a bunch of level 50's going into a newbie zone is wrong, but that same group of level 50's killing a bunch of level 20+ players is just fine. So I'll ask you, do them level 20's really have any legit chance of beating a group of level 50's?


It's the fact that the guy was justifying that killing "new" characters with your group of level 50's is horrible, but killing characters a mere 30 levels below you is just fine that says all most need to know about PvP servers.


No, my point was agreeing to your point. There really is no justification for picking on groups of players that have absolutely no chance to retaliate.

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I know how it can make you feel. However, that is what happens when you select a PvP server in any game.


It is called world PvP - the correct reaction towards it is to go back to fleet to find some lvl 50 players (or log your own lvl 50) and fight back.


I prefer more peaceful and less stressful gameplay so I chose PvE server. That way I do not be attacked in the open world (but I cannot other people either). Well, unless we both agree and switch on our PvP flags, that is...

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This is why we have PvP servers. They're jerk magnets. Let's the rest of us game on servers with a much lower concentration of jerks.


But if you don't like playing with jerks, I'd suggest you re-roll to a non-jerk server.


actually, I'm not so sure about this. I leveled a pally for a little while back in wow on Scilla, first time EVER doing that, and I was not very good at it then. >.< But hey, I DID learn something important during my short stay on a pvp server in wow.


This ganking of lowbies by high levels didn't happen very much. The real pvp'ers were playing REAL pvp, looking for a real challenge and they really didn't bother much with lowbies.


The people who ganked the lowbies?


My guess is, they ended up on PVE servers because the couldn't hack it against the good pvper's.


They are the ones that are stealth ganking people out questing, making them accidentally flag.


Just my theory >.>

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The only GANKING I see on Tat are from republic. They won't fight you 1 on 1, on equal footing. So when fellow imperials back you up, they tuck their tail and run.


Well as a Republic player I couldn't disagree more. When I was levelling in Tat on my Vanguard, I came across this Operative who tried to gank me. Obviously a gave his backside a good kicking simply because I'm that amazing. He comes back later with a pal, a Juggernaut no less (/yawn), annihilate them both (Vanguards are very very OP in all honesty :D). So the Operative decides to bugger off because he knows he can't win.


Later on I'm doing the end of the Czerka quest chain in the big underground area and the same Operative is behind me doing his quests, I leave him be. Eventually I'm taking on the Elite for the bonus mission outside the Group Phase portal and halfway through the fight the Operative jumps me. I die and ress a few seconds later and kill him. I had the decency to leave him be earlier even though I knew I could destroy him. And when he got his chance he still jumped me. Anyway he resses himself and keeps stealthed away. I sit a while then go inside the portal to wait. He comes out of stealth and I jump him. There. Got what he deserved. What's ironic is that his title was "the Honorable". :confused:


TLDR: Generalisations suck and both sides are the same.

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You CAN NOT apply this to RL and adults picking on kids. This is a video game. Wow it seriously amazes me how people take this stuff so serious.


The point is valid because it represents a RL comparison to those that don't get it.


The point is to continually invoke harm/discomfort/abuse to someone that cannot retaliate against you.


Also in otherwords, "harassing" someone that cannot do anything about it.


It can be physical or psychological harm/harassment.


While you take enjoyment ganking that level 20 over and over again, the person behind that lvl 20 could be furious and not enjoying the game at all. If you take pleasure in that, then there's no reason people can't label you as "twisted". Basically, your enjoyment is at the cost of another's misery.


Keep thinking it doesn't matter though. Whatever makes you sleep better at night.

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Well as a Republic player I couldn't disagree more. When I was levelling in Tat on my Vanguard, I came across this Operative who tried to gank me. Obviously a gave his backside a good kicking simply because I'm that amazing. He comes back later with a pal, a Juggernaut no less (/yawn), annihilate them both (Vanguards are very very OP in all honesty :D). So the Operative decides to bugger off because he knows he can't win.


Later on I'm doing the end of the Czerka quest chain in the big underground area and the same Operative is behind me doing his quests, I leave him be. Eventually I'm taking on the Elite for the bonus mission outside the Group Phase portal and halfway through the fight the Operative jumps me. I die and ress a few seconds later and kill him. I had the decency to leave him be earlier even though I knew I could destroy him. And when he got his chance he still jumped me. Anyway he resses himself and keeps stealthed away. I sit a while then go inside the portal to wait. He comes out of stealth and I jump him. There. Got what he deserved. What's ironic is that his title was "the Honorable". :confused:


TLDR: Generalisations suck and both sides are the same.


Actually the stealther was playing "exactly" how he should be. Fighting on his terms, an he did exactly same as I would have. Except I would have waited for you to get busy every time. Only a fool goes /peace to a red.

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I got killed twice on Tatooine by level 50 imperials while still levelling there, did bothered me too much, such things happen on a PvP server (actually I am a little disappointed that most questing zones are so well separated that I hardly met imperials on my level during the levelling).
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The point is valid because it represents a RL comparison to those that don't get it.


The point is to continually invoke harm/discomfort/abuse to someone that cannot retaliate against you.


Also in otherwords, "harassing" someone that cannot do anything about it.


It can be physical or psychological harm/harassment.


While you take enjoyment ganking that level 20 over and over again, the person behind that lvl 20 could be furious and not enjoying the game at all. If you take pleasure in that, then there's no reason people can't label you as "twisted". Basically, your enjoyment is at the cost of another's misery.


Keep thinking it doesn't matter though. Whatever makes you sleep better at night.


It doesn't even matter this isn't about ethics.


Its about destroying the other faction who if given the chance would do the same to you. This is a game I would never IRL go kick kid in the face and spit on him....


In game if I see a sith ill destroy him over and over and over again and enjoy it and taunt him.


This is a game.


This is a pvp server, there is a warning at the bottom about the server even. Stating they are not responsible for player behavior on the server.


Stop trying to relate a game to RL.


PS. I have not problems sleeping at night after destroying people in pvp regardless of their level... why should I? and why should they its a game.

Edited by Barracudastr
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Actually the stealther was playing "exactly" how he should be. Fighting on his terms, an he did exactly same as I would have. Except I would have waited for you to get busy every time. Only a fool goes /peace to a red.


Well that was exactly my point. That Imperial players lack decency and honour as well.

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The point is valid because it represents a RL comparison to those that don't get it.


The point is to continually invoke harm/discomfort/abuse to someone that cannot retaliate against you.


Also in otherwords, "harassing" someone that cannot do anything about it.


It can be physical or psychological harm/harassment.


While you take enjoyment ganking that level 20 over and over again, the person behind that lvl 20 could be furious and not enjoying the game at all. If you take pleasure in that, then there's no reason people can't label you as "twisted". Basically, your enjoyment is at the cost of another's misery.


Keep thinking it doesn't matter though. Whatever makes you sleep better at night.


No offence mate but pvp servers are not for you. There is NO link between real life an gaming. Not a single one, you volunteered to play on a pvp server, an while exploited 50's in full BM ganking quest geared 25s is silly, it is within the games guidelines.You should really take responsibility for yourself an your actions.

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The point is valid because it represents a RL comparison to those that don't get it.


The point is to continually invoke harm/discomfort/abuse to someone that cannot retaliate against you.


Also in otherwords, "harassing" someone that cannot do anything about it.


It can be physical or psychological harm/harassment.


While you take enjoyment ganking that level 20 over and over again, the person behind that lvl 20 could be furious and not enjoying the game at all. If you take pleasure in that, then there's no reason people can't label you as "twisted". Basically, your enjoyment is at the cost of another's misery.


Keep thinking it doesn't matter though. Whatever makes you sleep better at night.



War aint usually fair and honorable.

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Well that was exactly my point. That Imperial players lack decency and honour as well.


You are missing the point mate, stealthers are designed to fight that way, that is their entire perp for being in the game. To harass an exploit the enemy's weaknesses

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