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Developer Blog: Busting Bugs and Fixing Exploits


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You're lucky as hell then, because I've encountered a few. It's no biggie to me though, I still have fun playing the game regardless. People here need to just chillax and let Bioware do their thing fixing this and that.
I'll admit, the bugs I have encountered are not an issue, and I'm only having fun playing the game, not bothering my self with raids or huge PvP till the rest of my guild gets to lvl 50. You can really tell people rushed through the game, its fun to watch them scream and twist.
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Ive been playing since Dec. 18th and havent run into 1 gamebreaking bug. I have run into a few regular bugs. I submit my report, and continue having fun. I dont run to the forums and say the sky is falling we're all doomed!!


Unless you know what a pointer is in C/C++, you're a complete newbie/pawn/lvl1, and your opinion about fixing bugs means zero. so don't waste your breath posting about things your clueless and ignorant about.


BW is working their tails off getting this game in tip top form, while you sit on your rear and whine about a button that didn't work quite right. Give me a break!

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The community is rather frustrated about having been repeatedly lied to and treated like a bunch of idiots. =/


Right because this "community" never gives them good reason to think we're all a bunch of idiots.


Take a breather, read a few articles about people in Somalia and Haiti and then come back to these forums and let me know how "frustrated" you are with how the game you're playing for fun is "lying to you".



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THIS is why the Devs don't post more! The second that something goes awry and they can't deliver on time or some other issues come up, you guys pounce like a bunch of jackals! All of the accusations of "BW lied to me, boo hoo" or "You guys are idiots" is sickening. Have you folks ever considered that a modicum of respect might lead to more/better quality interaction with the Devs?? I believe they want to fix things as quickly as possible. Kicking and screaming will not get them to do it faster.



Here is some reading for you folks, you may have already seen it posted here and there but it fits this topic perfectly:




Lol you assume we care about what some chump blogger thinks lol poor you.

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Yes, they should introduce a tiered pvp gear system that makes fresh 50s absolutely cannon fodder while making the commendations they earn based on how much damage or healing they do. I.E. You want a pvp grind then try Rift's system. As much as I hate RNG, it is far far FAR easier to gear up with it then how rift did it. ESPECIALLY with having to have not only the commendations but the lower tier piece just to get the next level. So you could have a rank 8 player that only has the rank 4 gear set. Fun times. 9.9


Geez, I keep wondering that if people found that other game whatever it may be so much better why did they come there? What were they expecting? A gateway into a universe with ideas never thought of and a direct neural interface to control your toons with? Maybe i'm jaded, the game is kinda what I was expecting and I'm still having fun.


If you bother to read instead of busily flaming me, you would have realized that I never said Rift is a much better game but it has a smoother launch and more exciting post-launch events than TOR and there's something to be learnt from there.


Not everyone agrees on your favorite game being too perfect to learn anything from other games. I'm sorry but relax and don't rant.

Edited by MilkPudding
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Ok if this is true then why hasnt the Void Star exploit been addressed. Ive seen numerous times were players jump the invisible wall to plant the bomb on te other side of the door. How has this been sitting for so long?


To me this hurts that warzone because that one exploit can determine a win or a loss pretty quickly. But hey wait one of the guards in EV is bugged lets fix that first.

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Lol you assume we care about what some chump blogger thinks lol poor you.



Lol, I can almost guarantee you won't care. Doubt you even read it. It's easier to just whine and post forum rage. However he has some good points, and has coding experience. That's a lot better than anything you've put out.


The main point is that forum wrath is counter productive to establishing a good rapport with the devs. People act like jerks on the internet because they can. It isn't helpful and won't invite more communication.

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stop new content and fix the game. All your resources need to be put into fixing the game that exists now!!!



Here's a tip genius ... those writing story content, doing voice acting, creating new music/audio files, and other type roles are not the same people qualified to fix bugs in the code.

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Reading this I know now why Mike O'Brian from Arenanet said hell no we will not have Official forums.



Thanks for the update some of us understand how the industry works and understand how tough bug hunting/fixing is. The vast majority think you guys are doing a great job...please don't let the unwashed masses get you down.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Here's a tip genius ... those writing story content, doing voice acting, creating new music/audio files, and other type roles are not the same people qualified to fix bugs in the code.


Here's a tip genius... BW needs to re-adust your resources. Lay off music/audio guys, voice acting, story writing guys and hire more people to fix this broken game.

Edited by Maginor
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It is painfully obvious that Bioware Devs were forced to release this game by EA prior to it actually being ready for release. All of the hate on Bioware is unfounded, should really be directing the hate to EA. With as broken as the game was, they have been patching consistently and making up lost ground. I'm actually quite impressed with the Devs so far, though I am slightly angered that an obviously flawed game was sold to me.


Regardless, was a nice post to read. Should have came awhile ago, but it's nice to get some actual feedback.

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Here's a tip genius... BW needs to re-adust your resources. Lay off music/audio guys, voice acting, story righting guys and hire more people to fix this broken game.


You have 0 game dev experience, and poor spelling + grammar, yet you still talk.


Adding more coders/devs to a team can be counterproductive as it just adds to the clutter of things when work gets handed from member to member, there is a fine balance in game development that you clearly do not understand.


Plus, those other guys have families, and they've done a good job, who are you to decide their fate. Such spoiled, self-entitled trash here, it sickens me.

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As for the bug thing, it would be best for this "future" content you are working on to be tested this time. Please test it and increase the utility of the PTS. The PTS is useless as is right now. Add incentive for players to want to test your patches on there such as character copying!!!! Why is this so hard for you?????


Bioware please read this.

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Way to go THAT long talking and say nothing of substance. What a horrible blog post--what was that supposed to achieve? We don't need to know the "oh so difficult" process of dealing with bugs, we just want confirmation when they're are or aren't dealt with, NOT in progress, when it's done.


How is this hard to understand?

Edited by bearchubbs
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Way to go THAT long talking and say nothing of substance. What a horrible blog post--what was that supposed to achieve? We don't need to know the "oh so difficult" process of dealing with bugs, we just want confirmation when they're are or aren't dealt with, NOT in progress, when it's done.


How is this hard to understand?


I'm feeling rather contrary to the way you feel, I felt refreshed by this communication tbqh.

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Here's a tip genius... BW needs to re-adust your resources. Lay off music/audio guys, voice acting, story righting guys and hire more people to fix this broken game.


They also need to stop entertaining what seems to be an ever growing number of idiots that close all the threads on these forums and focus on fixes.

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