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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Threat - How do YOU Build It?


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Just like the title says. What are some of your rotations (tanks of all kinds) for building threat?


Taunt > Hilt Strike > Master Strike > Guardian Slash (every CD) > Sundering Strike (every CD)


Yes, taunt has to be in my rotation due to my inability to generate threat. Since damage = threat, even while in Soresu Form I may be generating 50% more threat, but as a tank I do about 50% less damage. This bring my threat generation to the same as a DPS class/spec, save the 6 seconds that a mob is taunted.

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I assume you're talking single-target, based on the rotation you posted.


Frankly, I don't have to think about it much. I've never had any trouble at all with single-target threat. AOE threat? Sort of a different story, as a guardian, but single-target has been pretty brainless.

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Well, keep at it with the taunts, but also if you are constantly having threat taken from you despite having an optimum rotation, its not your fault, its the fault of the DPS guys.


They need to work just as hard not to pull threat off of you as you do to pull threat off of them.


Any DPS could out threat a tank if they really want to(if taunt isnt in play atm), but its just suicide to do so.

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Break your skills into three categories. Threat, damage, survival. Learn them as groups.


When attempting to build threat, employ your threat abilities as frequently as the rotation allows, while lacing in damage aspects. This same concept can be employed with any class and any rotation whether your goal at the specific time is to maintain threat, help with dps, or survive. Utilize your main skills as often as is possible when seeking that particular objective.

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I wouldn't open with the taunt. Let your damage be the initial taunt.


If its a group I usually charge in and then pop the AOE taunt that the jugg has. Gets em all targeting me(Because inevitably one DPS gets half of them pulled to him with an AOE attack, so that taunt is usually necissary)


But on single target I save the taunt until I really need it.

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Kolto Probe -> Kolto Probe -> Kolto Injection


That usually gets me enough agro to have the entire group hitting me. Why? Because none of you Wrath babies know how to tank!


Tanked from MC at 60 to BT at 70. Saw many changes to tanking in WoW. ^Less QQ more PEWPEW....



Anyway, AoE tanking is non-existent it's literally just hit AoE Taunt ability - pray it lasts long enough. Even with single target tanking. DPS shouldn't have to hold off on a boss/champion for fear of pulling. Maybe in the first few seconds while aggro is established. My gripe is our ONE ability that "generates a high amount of threat". Taunt is supposed to be an "oh-**** button", not a legitimate part of a rotation.

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I wouldn't open with the taunt. Let your damage be the initial taunt.


I only open with taunt because that's 6 very valuable seconds that only I can generate threat on a mob. If I use it in conjunction with high threat/damage abilities, it guarantees me to be top on the aggro-list.

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I only open with taunt because that's 6 very valuable seconds that only I can generate threat on a mob. If I use it in conjunction with high threat/damage abilities, it guarantees me to be top on the aggro-list.
I don't know if that's how it works.


It's not how I recall taunt working in other MMOs, and it doesn't seem consistent with what I've witnessed in-game.


Keep in mind, most of the DPS you'll come across are PvP geared, not PvE geared. They'll typically stack crit rating and surge, and often open on NPCs with their highest damage attack (usually a charged attack).

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Depends on the group and it's position. My first 4-5 attacks are always Elemental based damage to increase threat.


Single targets: Grapple, Rocket Punch, Flame Bust. Oil Slick or Carbonize to help the healer if they need it.


Tight group: Death from Above, Rocket Jump, Carbonize, Flame Thrower and then a Sonic Missle or Grapple if someone is hitting the wrong target (we mark em up for kill order). Rocket Punch & Flame Burst the first kill target.


Spread group: See above, but I will DFA a group of targets off to the side, then Rocket jump into the main group with a Carbonize and Sonic Missle. Grapple and Taunt gets saved for any of the side group that wants to mess with our healer. Rocket Punch & Flame Burst the first kill target.


So far I haven't had any serious issues tanking. Single targets and boss fights are the toughest because we run with an Assassin that has much better gear than any of us, so he's usually high up on the threat ladder. But I enjoy running with him, he keeps me alert. :)

Edited by Razyr
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Tight group: Death from Above, Rocket Jump, Carbonize, Flame Thrower and then a Sonic Missle or Grapple if someone is hitting the wrong target (we mark em up for kill order). Rocket Punch & Flame Burst the first kill target.


Spread group: See above, but I will DFA a group of targets off to the side, then Rocket jump into the main group with a Carbonize and Sonic Missle. Grapple and Taunt gets saved for any of the side group that wants to mess with our healer. Rocket Punch & Flame Burst the first kill target.


Flame Sweep. Help your healers out a bit ;)

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I can't speak for other tanks, I hear they have it better, but threat on Guardians really sucks and makes tanking a lot less fun for me than it has been in multiple other MMORPGs.


I despise that taunt has to be a full time part of threat rotation instead of a tool for emergencies, as it is in most other games, and IMO, how it should be.


I think the most irritating thing is that guardian AE threat is nonexistent. It sucks so bad it may as well not exist. You end up leaving some mobs untanked, use awe to disable for a few seconds, AE taunt every big pull, and do anything but actually tank. Fine, I don't like that style of non-tanking, but I can do it.


As a tradeoff for having no AE threat, we should at least have tolerable single target threat...but no, we do not even get that.


To make matters worse every other mob either stuns you, knocks you down, or knocks you back so you connect less and threat is even harder to maintain.


Lack of an ultra basic UI feature like target of target is also irritating since with some mobs and/or graphical situations it's not clear WHO the mob is on til someone is dead. Threat meter/indicator is asking WAY too much of this underachieving dev team.


Let's make threat a pain to maintain AND give tanks none of the usual tools to track threat...awesome design.


Taunt > Hilt Strike > Master Strike > Guardian Slash (every CD) > Sundering Strike (every CD)


I wouldn't taunt first but sometimes you do need to taunt, AE taunt, and/or awe early since your threat is so miserably pitiful that even a DPS sneezing in the direction of mobs can pull them off of you.


I usually do something more like:


throw sabre at something > leap on something (get focus and initial hit on 1-2 mobs before dps can react and pull threat :p )


hilt/guardian/b-storm/sweep (order varies) > sundering > master/statis > slash to burn focus


Yes, taunt has to be in my rotation due to my inability to generate threat. Since damage = threat, even while in Soresu Form I may be generating 50% more threat, but as a tank I do about 50% less damage. This bring my threat generation to the same as a DPS class/spec, save the 6 seconds that a mob is taunted.


Yep, I hate having to taunt regularly just to sort of hold threat.


I disagree that the 50% threat buff (with doing less damage) equals DPSers. Good dpsers can easily bury guardian dps and the threat buff feels like it's not even working most of the time.


In every game where I've tanked the goal as a tank has been for your dps to be able to go all out. Sure, DPS have to play smart and know how to ramp it up, but the ultimate goal is DPS can go all out and *usually* a good tank can hold good dpsers.


In this game so many hard mode bosses have crazy short enrage timers so you need your dps going crazy.


IMO, the threat bonus should scale with something, like defense skill, so as a tank you have some way for your threat to scale up vs your dps as you all gear up, because tank dps output can't keep up with dps output when tank gear is more focused on survival.


All this said, my group does fine, I just have to expect to lose threat and taunt where I'd normally save taunt for adds or emergencies or threat loss mechanics. The main point is, as someone who has tanked all variety of content for years across many games, the tanking (guardian at least) in TOR isn't very fun because threat management is horribly weak.

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Depends on the group, and what skills are on cooldown.


large group : Mortar strike > grenade > pulse cannon when they are close>


Single target : Still mortar strike > full auto > gut > high impact bolt > pulse cannon etc etc etc


Basically I find it's pretty easy to hold aggro if you open with a hard attack... Taunt is for if they get away from you, or adds.

Edited by KurleyKilla
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as normal assassin tank spec it's Shock -> Wither -> Discharge -> Shock -> regular attack -> Thrash -> Shock -> Force lighting.


wash, rinse, repeat.


as an experimental spec i'm doing it's Death Field -> Creeping Terror -> Discharge -> Shock -> Then Thrash around till you get a proc on Crushing Darkness


wash, rinse, repeat.

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The only time I have trouble holding aggro are when the assassin I run HMs mode decides he's bored and wants to use his taunt to mix it up a little and get the mob on him. At first I would get flustered and quickly taunt the mob back onto me. When I found out what was really going on, I let the mob wail on him until he uses vanish after watching his health steadily decline.


The only other time I have trouble holding agro is when the merc I play with decides to use death from above on a mob plus a CC'd elite. When this happens I just think oh **** and hope they can dps the mobs before they die.


As you can see, in either case its the dps players fault. However the lack of AoE threat generation for Juggs/Guardians is just ridiculous compared to other tank classes and thus is very frustrating. If the only thing they did for AoE threat was allow Smash to generate a high amount of threat as well as the damage, I'd be a happy juggy.

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