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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

WZ observations - Pubs heal much more?


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All reps = Commandos, atleast on my server :p They get baseline heals, they turn out pretty solid DPS, have strong survivability and such. There's a group of several who do warzones all day long Drygt and his group, all are battlemaster or above also. Horrible to go up against them, as you focus 1, the others just toss heals out and then start dpsing again lol.
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You still get the point, you'll have all the dark and suffering lovers, we'll enjoy company of gamer girls :) I've got over a dozen of them in my guild only.


I play on an RP server, both factions are full of females.


But I'm engaged anyway, so I could care less what gender of player I play with.

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Well given the fact that BW decided to allow heavy armor to heal is funny on its own. Pubs currently are mainly Comms and Scoundrels. All of which have armor, heals AND DPS! lol


well, blame ~30 year old D&D for healers in heavy armor. D&D Clerics have always been in full plate. I was relatively surprised to discover that the priest types in WoW couldn't. Just about the first game I'd seen like that.

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*shrug* I have played all 3 healers and honestly unless you REALLY enjoy healing or run in a constant premade it's just not worth it. When solo queueing you are much better of being a DPS as healing a bunch of randoms is not worthwhile nor is it productive. I have about 60-70% win rate when healing while I usually maintain about 80-90% win rate while DPS'ing. It makes a huge difference when enemy ball carrier can never get passed mid because I melt them in 10s.


Healers basically require a constant guard and require whoever they are healing to actively try and reduce incoming damage and LoS it while staying in LoS of the healer as well as peeling off anyone that attacks the healer. If you can't have all this don't bother.

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*shrug* I have played all 3 healers and honestly unless you REALLY enjoy healing or run in a constant premade it's just not worth it. When solo queueing you are much better of being a DPS as healing a bunch of randoms is not worthwhile nor is it productive. I have about 60-70% win rate when healing while I usually maintain about 80-90% win rate while DPS'ing. It makes a huge difference when enemy ball carrier can never get passed mid because I melt them in 10s.


Healers basically require a constant guard and require whoever they are healing to actively try and reduce incoming damage and LoS it while staying in LoS of the healer as well as peeling off anyone that attacks the healer. If you can't have all this don't bother.



After trying to heal a few randoms, I came to the same conclusion. Not rewarded with an appropriate number of medals, and as much as I wish I could, I've never figured out how to heal stupid. So I'm a happy non-healing female right now. Although I do feel guilty about staying Empire. I just couldn't take the extra warzone losses. Plus, Empire storyline is just better as far as I'm concerned.

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Generally woman loves to heal. Man is hurt.... Woman heals him.


That's how it has worked in most MMO.


There are some woman who like to be a killing machine... but very few do soo... killing is not in their nature.


There is a lot of husband wife duos where the wife is a healer.


ah ,aha, haha,


Sorry, I have to wipe my eyes. Laughing too hard. Talk about an outdated generalization....except for the last line, which is true, I don't think you realize that women aren't a separate species... the last person who got you in PVP may well have been a female "killing machine":D

Edited by Calista_ZK
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Cant comment on women really, but I'm a gay man and I love to stab from behind using my assaisn's dual blade lightsaber. What category does that put me in?


PS. Empire.


^ haha


On topic, in City of Heroes and Aion, girls = healers most of the time, it's pretty much true in most MMO games indeed. On my server, republics do run with many healers, we try to too but imps are just too freaking dumb to coordinate anything and runs out of range or breaks LoS from friendlies when they're <10% hp.

Edited by Sookster
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I would refute this... but I have three Republic healing classes, no Empire characters, and I hate DPS 'cause I suck at it.


So....carry on. X.x


Haha, ditto. I can't escape the stereotype. :rolleyes:


I've just always been so bored with DPS. Its more like:


1. Arrange skills in efficient or visually appealing manner on skillbar

2. Apply head to keyboard

3. Roll

4. Look up and see yellow numbers above targets head

5. Repeat steps 2-4.

6. Watch TV while spamming Step 5.




Not that healing isnt just a game of wack-a-mole most of the time. ;)

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