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Theres NOTHING to do now...


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Exaggerations Exaggerations Exaggerations... maybe you should stop posting.


WoW had Ony and MC, we were on a PvP server and there was a ton of World PvP and it was actually fun. Instanced battlegrounds ruined ALL of that.


Yes he is asking for 7 years of development in SWTOR and rightly so!


This game has been in development for how many of those 7 years? How many of thier devs PLAYED WoW or at least studied the games mechanics? You can not tell me they didn't KNOW what the players would expect.


If you are used to a certain style of gaming - and have been playing it for many years. It is a shock to your system to pack up and leave to try to next "best" thing and find out you are back at square one and the next "best" thing is FAR from the quality of play you are used to.


It also took WoW nearly nine months to add in additional raid content. The game launched November 2004, Blackwing Lair was released in July of 2005. It was another couple of months after that before Zul'Gurub was introduced, and about 10 more months before the original release of Naxxramas.


You might want to check the actual rate at which WoW did and still does introduce content before saying things like "blah blah blah 7 years blah."


So far SWToR is actually matching or exceeding WoW's pace of producing new content.

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GW2 is free. No subs. Unlike SWTOR, GW2 players wont be paying $15 a month to do absolutely nothing every night.


The largest population is PVP, strangely. When GW2 and ...dear god can't wait......PLAENTSIDE2 comes out, Tor subs will experience a massive loss.

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One thing you may eventually learn is that what constitutes a "grind" is a matter of personal opinion. Just because rolling another character is considered a grind to you doesn't mean it is to someone else.


A grind is a repeatable task that is monotonous and tedious. That means it is a matter of personal taste and opinion.


Character story may be unique. But that's 20% of the leveling. Rest 80% is the same old world arc which gets old very quick even when you switch back and forth between LS and DS between different toons. That's why it's a grind.

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Roleplaying - Keeping old-school gamers entertained since 1973.


You race through the content to endgame at release and complain there isn't more content?


That's not Bioware's fault. End game is always weak when the level cap is lowest - that is the end of the game they are going to add stuff on to.


Slow down. Explore. Did you know there is more at Fleet than a space station? Probably not, because there aren't any missions or flash points that send you there, yet.


But yeah - race to then end, and you're done. Congrats. Bye.

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Just wanted to point out to those that use the "roll an alt" answer. Playing alts is not a substitute for End Game content. The fact that it is the most popular answer to the question sorta proves that end game in SWTOR is weak.



Yeah, actually it is. Which is why alot of players in other mmos do just that when they run out of end game content in those games.

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Character story may be unique. But that's 20% of the leveling. Rest 80% is the same old world arc which gets old very quick even when you switch back and forth between LS and DS between different toons. That's why it's a grind.


It's not a grind for me. And I'm sure it's not a grind for other people as well. If it's a grind for you, well, I can't help you with that. You are entitled to your opinion.

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It also took WoW nearly nine months to add in additional raid content. The game launched November 2004, Blackwing Lair was released in July of 2005. It was another couple of months after that before Zul'Gurub was introduced, and about 10 more months before the original release of Naxxramas.


You might want to check the actual rate at which WoW did and still does introduce content before saying things like "blah blah blah 7 years blah."


So far SWToR is actually matching or exceeding WoW's pace of producing new content.


The difference you aren't accounting for is how long it took to clear that content. It took 5 months for the first clear of MC. There was no need to add content as people were still working on the content that was in at launch. How long did it take to clear the raids in TOR? A couple of weeks? That's the issue. TOR, by virtue of making leveling, gearing, and clearing raids so easy, has set up an environment in which they have to crank out content at a crazy pace. Look at KP. When was that cleared? By the end of the day it was released.

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Guildwars2.... A proper MMO?? How would you know? Are going by the first instalment? If so ill lol... Or are you going by the hype? Either way you dont know it will be a proper MMO. And going by the first game, I wouldnt hold your breath!


What? the first installment? ROFL I would suggest you watch some vids, listen to some podcasts.


Gw2 is nothing like the first... The hype was hype a couple years ago. At this point the game is finished there is a lot of youtube content out there showing all of this games features.


It is a "proper" MMO - I would derail this thread even more with a GW2 wall of text but this isn't the place lol


The game is good - that is all I will say, and if you doubt me I would suggest looking into it and forgetting anything you know about GW1 cept the lore.

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So far SWToR is actually matching or exceeding WoW's pace of producing new content.


Not only are you so off the mark (I swear you are talking abut a different game) Tor did not even launch with the most basic of features. Tor is so far behind so many other MMOs its truly curious as to why Bioware would fail in such common areas.

Edited by Kraye
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First of all, voice overs do not equal content - Period. It equals a time sink and a weak story that is 100% linear. Good or bad, light or dark -the outcome is the same every time.


We the hardcore DRIVE the MMO genre. MMO companies tend to use 80-20 models for business. That means when 20% of us hit end game 80% of the casuals are not there yet and are busy doing other things. The company uses that to base the speed of content releases to keep the hardcores paying. So we gage the speeds of content release, we also hammer out bugs and issues found and are the reasons patches happen when they do. We are the reason the casual player enjoys his first heroic without issues.


You should be thanking hardcore players lol


I will never thank hardcore players. You have done nothing to "drive" the MMO genre, no matter how much self-entitlement you might want to project.


MMOs now-a-days are made to cater to the masses, aka, not hardcore players.

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First of all, voice overs do not equal content - Period. It equals a time sink and a weak story that is 100% linear. Good or bad, light or dark -the outcome is the same every time.


We the hardcore DRIVE the MMO genre. MMO companies tend to use 80-20 models for business. That means when 20% of us hit end game 80% of the casuals are not there yet and are busy doing other things. The company uses that to base the speed of content releases to keep the hardcores paying. So we gage the speeds of content release, we also hammer out bugs and issues found and are the reasons patches happen when they do. We are the reason the casual player enjoys his first heroic without issues.


You should be thanking hardcore players lol



You couldn't be more wrong on all counts.


The hardcore are the bane of the mmo genre, and always have been. Any developer will tell you that.

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It's not a grind for me. And I'm sure it's not a grind for other people as well. If it's a grind for you, well, I can't help you with that. You are entitled to your opinion.


And you are entitled to yours. But since both of us are part of the same playerbase, it's BW's job to keep both of us happy.

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GW2 is free. No subs. Unlike SWTOR, GW2 players wont be paying $15 a month to do absolutely nothing every night.


And its free for a reason, its ironic people bring up guildwars2 in a thread based on lack of content.


Mmmmm I wonder who will fund this so-called epic endgame content in an MMO which is free2play. GW2 content will dribble in, and dribble in really slow.

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For all the ppl talking about alts.. i have 7 alts.. most around lvl 30-35/ Guess what they are very very boring, do u knwo why? The planet progession is always the same. 90% of the quest u do are exactly the same as the ones u did before. There is no "new way to go" the very small difference is the stroy quests. But even those re-use alot of stuff from other storys. So it gets old very fast.


What do i want?> I want some kinda time sinks with viable rewards.. i want Operations with bosses that arent beaten in a few hours fo release. I want optional stuff to do that WORTH doing, be it rep grinding, be it daily quests, be in class missions.. be in space ship customization.. be it crafting customization. As for allt he jokers talkign about crafting thats a joke. 400/400/400 takes a day at most, most of my alts have max profeessions. And guess what all of them are complety worthless excpet biochem and maybe cybertech. Because the rest doesnt make anything u cant get better elsewhere.


Oh and a final note.. Id like money to actully mean soemthing in a game is that too much to ask?? The ecomeny of this game is a joke because at 50 its so easy to make money that money is basicly worthless.

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Roleplaying - Keeping old-school gamers entertained since 1973.


You race through the content to endgame at release and complain there isn't more content?


That's not Bioware's fault. End game is always weak when the level cap is lowest - that is the end of the game they are going to add stuff on to.


Slow down. Explore. Did you know there is more at Fleet than a space station? Probably not, because there aren't any missions or flash points that send you there, yet.


But yeah - race to then end, and you're done. Congrats. Bye.


I tried to slow down.


I skipped space combat, pvp, heroics, and instances because xp was being thrown at me and I didn't want to level.


And I still ended up 50.


And I spent a ton of time doing synth/UT/Arch (all now 400), spent days gathering materials and have a ton of blue and purple patterns. And they are all useless. Because you can easily get the same/better.


I love Bioware single player games and this is exactly that for me. They did not disapoint.



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Ignore the fanboi responses. No, there is nothing to do other than to log in to raid once a week after you have cleared everything.


You can always unsub. I've heard that's the ultimate End Game experience. Literally.


Seriously. If you're not enjoying the game.. quit paying and playing. You can always resub when more content is added. Finish it in a weekend and quit again. All your characters will still be there when you come back to visit. $15 for a weekend of entertainment is still less expensive than a 90 min movie at the theater with popcorn.


Its win-win.. you get fresh content from time to time.. and we don't have to listen to the complaining. :csw_jabbapet:

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And you are entitled to yours. But since both of us are part of the same playerbase, it's BW's job to keep both of us happy.


Bioware cannot keep everyone happy and you should know that. What they WILL do is do what they can, when they can, with the resources and time they have available to them. If a minority of players pushes through the content Bioware can output, there is not much Bioware can do about that short of overworking their employees and spending funding they don't have.

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Yeah, actually it is. Which is why alot of players in other mmos do just that when they run out of end game content in those games.


I have played just about every MMO that has come down the line since EQ1 and this is the first one where upon hitting initial level cap I had the "game over" feeling instead of the "now the game begins" feeling.


Sure Alts is something people do when they run out of things to do ......but I have never lost interest in a game this quickly after reaching level cap.


Player retention is a very important thing for MMO game companies.


The only reason I would play any alt in TOR is to see the other stories......something I can do rather quickly if that is all I want to do and can do it without ever interacting with another player.........since I know end-game is pointless I will have very little interest in doing anything beyond 'seeing the story' with my alts.


Again TOR feels like a single player RPG that is trying to pass itself off as a MMO.

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This... except with an "e" in game.



Crappy keyboard. I'm always leaving E out.


I agree this is a playstyle choice.


If your goal is to hit max level and clear the raids as soon as possible good for you but what do you want? New major content released month? Every other week?


I can agree that at least the normal modes of EV and KP are rather easy. Only started with them last friday and if it wasnt for the bugs we would of finished them but my guild also has a 8-man group thats been clearing them and the hard modes for a month now. Those people are perfectly fine. They help other guilies out, play their alts, work on crafting (I dont know how that system needs a major overhaul) and find other things that entertain themselves.


So no we cant tell you what to do MR. OP you need to figure that out yourself. If all you wanted is to clear the end game content and nothing more then you will need to wait for more to come, find something else to do in the game, or go play something else for now.

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Bioware cannot keep everyone happy and you should know that. What they WILL do is do what they can, when they can, with the resources and time they have available to them. If a minority of players pushes through the content Bioware can output, there is not much Bioware can do about that short of overworking their employees and spending funding they don't have.


Very easy to cater to both in the given context.


All they needed to do was make Nightmare Mode Ops really, really hard with exclusive gear/title drop from NiM kills. (Like Heroic Rag hard or Heroic LK hard.) Hardcore players like OP would spend hours/days/weeks on those encounters giving them something to do besides twiddling their thumbs.


Casuals and altaholics don't care for NiM. They are in for the story and the leveling experience anyways.


So, win-win for both types of players.

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And its free for a reason, its ironic people bring up guildwars2 in a thread based on lack of content.


Mmmmm I wonder who will fund this so-called epic endgame content in an MMO which is free2play. GW2 content will dribble in, and dribble in really slow.


GW1 is still going and has never had a sub. I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't know this.

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GW2 is free. No subs. Unlike SWTOR, GW2 players wont be paying $15 a month to do absolutely nothing every night.



So....they'll be doing absolutely nothing for free every night? Hmmmmm.....:rolleyes:


Show me a MMO where no one complained about "lack of content" right after its release. You will ALWAYS have the epeen fanatics who want to brag that they were amongst the first to reach end-game. It makes them leet in the eyes of three or four people for around 2 minutes. They often are also the first to post and whine that they want more content and they want it yesterday. I feel sorry for them, really...can't slow down enough to actually enjoy a game.

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If you bought this game with 8 complete storylines with dozens of varying paths based on advanced class and light/dark choices just to play one storyline, yeah you're going to hit the wall pretty fast.


For those people, it was never to be otherwise. If you refuse to play any other classes to enjoy the content, and that is certainly your choice, then that choice will have consequences and you will just be waiting for new operations, warzones, and for more levels of your own class to be released over the next few months until they fill out the endgame.


Can't be helped at this stage, I'm afraid.

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