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What is your favorite SWtOR quote so far?


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Funny situation on tattoine with dark side smugler. I had a flirt going on with 2 females on the planet and ofc with risha and late in classquest on that planet all of them were in the same chat.


For me my smugler was just the most fun. Especially like flirting with Risha when she´s still trying to resist my charms. Playing icequeen.

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SI: "How dare you torture someone without me"


SI: "I find the best oath of loyalty is a man's firstborn son in shackles"


i love how evil i am

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Sorry, but I had to necro this just because of how hard I laughed at this line:


Male Trooper romance story:



ELARA: "When I'm with you I don't have to be the defector or intelligence asset. I can just be me"

TROOPER: "How about the promiscuous nurse, or the Hutt slave girl? Maybe the Ambassador from Zeltron?"


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Man, I saw one earlier and was gonna type it out for here and I can't remember it. It was from a side quest on DK that always cracks me up. A guy describing Lord Grathan and the stuff he's got on his estate, and how sick it is, like new tech, cyborg soldiers, and he ends with "ergonomic chairs" I thought, man, they got ergonomic chairs? That always cracks me up.
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Trooper class mission on Coruscant, and if you chose to rescue the mad scientist guy's victims after they were insisting that they were cyborgs, open the door... And see a Cyborg Trooper. That was a good bit.


I wish I remembered the line, and I'm busy playing my IA, but when the SI takes Khem to the first cantina on Tat, he tells a joke. He hates pazaak.


Everything Blizz says.

Necro fun.

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My smuggler when he is faced with the bounty hunters in Darmas's booth. He tells the blonde one "Is that hairstyle or did a womp rat die on your head?" When he has the exact same hairstyle.:rolleyes: Also, my jedi shadow said: "In the quest for knowledge, you can do whatever it takes. Not that i'd recommend it..." During bounty week.
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My favorite lines will always come from my smuggler! Without being too spoilery...


"Aww, did the instructions have too many big words?"

"A smuggler, a spy, and a sith. Sounds like the start of a joke, actually." (not exact wording)

"Stop waving your hand, you both look ridiculous!"

(Not the exact wording but....)

"What is with Jedi and guilt?! I always feel like I'm talking to my mom!!"

and finally...

"I wasn't planning on living forever, anyway. I'm in."

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"If it will shut you up." Skadge, BH companion, when you send him off on a crew skill mission (sometimes)


" My husband, the pushover! " Valk Beroya

" I've seen jawas fight better, riduur! " Jos Beroya, Blood Hunt


" You are strong ... but you could be stronger! "

" The force is a weapon, I will show you how to wield it! " Sith Warrior Trainer


"One of you has vowed to join the New Empire, but which one? I'm certainly not telling" Malgus, False Emperor ( i wish i would have actually been given a choice :( )


" His servants have waited for a thousand years... they will slay you, and return to the stars " Professor Ley’arsha, Athiss


" Such minds. Such fertile grounds for terror. "

" Sanity is a prison. Let madness release you. " Dread Master Raptus (Dread Palace)


" Hahaha.... " Dread Master Brontes (Dread Fortress) (i like her laughter :D)


" Been waiting for you. "

" Seemed like forever. "

" But we get paid by the hour. "

" So no big deal. " bounty hunters Jarg&Sorno (Karraga's Palace)


" You are immortal! " wz announcement for an 18 medal streak :tran_cool: (omg, i'm kephess)


&many more favourites xD



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This is (almost certainly) a massive paraphrase, but this, from the SI storyline on Balmorra:


Iannos Tyrek: "You kidnap me and bring me back to the Empire...to make a serum...so you can go skinny-dipping in toxic waste?"


Sith Inquisitor: " A sith's got to have some kind of hobby."

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"Is that you, my morose monster?" Sith Inquisitor to Khem after...the incident at the end of Act 1. :p


“This isn’t glamorous work. We’re sanitation workers—we clean up after the military and the Sith and do the jobs no one else will. Without us, though, the Empire falls apart. So we do whatever is necessary—even if it’s thankless and ugly.”-Keeper explaining what it means to be an Imperial Agent.


"They really are afraid of you aren't they? You come, you go, you're the secret police!" Kaliyo while running around with the Agent on Dromund Kaas.

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