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Can someone explain why healers get screwed


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You guys are doing verbal judo to still argue the point you want.


Nobody said anything about you only healing yourself and killing ****. Is it really that hard to throw your 2 dots on people in fights? You act like that's going to change the dynamics of your gameplay oh so much.


When you throw your dot on somebody, you have contributed to their kill, grats, you just got 1 kill. Do that to 10 people throughout the match and you've gotten a medal.


If one of those dots happens to finish somebody off, or if you see somebody close to death, blast them. You don't have to spend the whole match fighting people, you just take advantage of an enemy at low health, and contribute to the team by removing him, grats, that's another medal.


If your dots, and opportunistic damage reach 75k damage over the course of a WZ, grats, you just got another medal.


If you're moving between targets and run across an enemy, engage him, and if you kill him, you just got another medal.


Random guy, you only got credit for 7 kills, because you only contributed to 7 kills. Standing in the back and spamming heals is awesome, but it doesn't make the other team go away.


I saw a match screenshot where a Sorc spec'ed for healing did 600k healing, and 200k damage. Guy got like 11 medals, he was good, you're bad.



First of all standing in back and spamming heals ensures my own team doesn't dies so yes it does make the other team go away since my teammates that I'm keeping alive will kill them. You must be pretty dense if you don't see that.

Second I'm already GCD capped in any situation where my healing is needed, that means I have to constantly be healing or using consumption to keep my force up. Using damaging abilities is very force inefficient and it is only a good idea when we outnumber the other side so no one is at risk of dying.


The point of this whole thing is that the medal system is broken, and for that matter the combat recognition system is broken. IF a healer goes in combat for healing someone then they should get credit for whoever they killed. If there is no credit awarded then why the hell does the healer go in combat, clearly they are not contributing to the kill.

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I lol'd at this, if your complaining about a Vanguard or a Trooper getting more medals for doing dps and or protecting someone from being killed by 3++ people and your sitting there healing, its your fault because your the one who went healing spec not dps if you want medals go to dps. Simple.


.. you apparently missed to point of my thread.

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First of all standing in back and spamming heals ensures my own team doesn't dies so yes it does make the other team go away since my teammates that I'm keeping alive will kill them. You must be pretty dense if you don't see that.

Second I'm already GCD capped in any situation where my healing is needed, that means I have to constantly be healing or using consumption to keep my force up. Using damaging abilities is very force inefficient and it is only a good idea when we outnumber the other side so no one is at risk of dying.


The point of this whole thing is that the medal system is broken, and for that matter the combat recognition system is broken. IF a healer goes in combat for healing someone then they should get credit for whoever they killed. If there is no credit awarded then why the hell does the healer go in combat, clearly they are not contributing to the kill.


This, you are much more eloquent than me good sir.

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This, you are much more eloquent than me good sir.


i didnt miss it i just find it funny medals are just other ways of getting gear. I play vanguard I get 10 to 7 medals a game and when i see healers getting 3 to 4 medals with the same exact medals every game, If there mvp votes worked as a increase to exp money valor and more commendations, I would always vote for the healers cause i know how annoying it can get.

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The medal system is fail. As a rule, the more you contribute to winning the fewer medals you get.


correct, as a shadow I should remove taunt, aoe taunt, and guard from my toolbar. I should also not use one of my highest damaging attacks to last hit and I should use worthless tank gear over dps gear in the current broken system to not get 300k damage while defending/taking objectives. The good players can do both, get on their level.

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how is it wasting time if cant do anythign while i am swapping bars? I can have my next ability in queue before the Global cooldown ends. i loose 0 time.


So you hit 3 bind seq to do one thing instead of just having it on your main bar? Hit bind to swap bar, hit bind for dps move, and then hit bind to swap back to healing bar. Instead of hitting one bind to hit the dps move and not having to swap bars. W/e floats your boat I guess lol.




Normals ones to get:

2.5k heal

5k heal

75k healing

300k healing

10 kills (Putting a dot will give credit for that kill)

Killing blow (Time your projects)

1k defender


Extra ones to you can get but work for:

75k dmg

25 kills

3k defender (Not much work but stops you from being able to get a lot of other medals sometimes)

solo kill


Guide to getting medals as a healer.

Edited by Evilbrood
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I love you, man. These guys keep trying to paint a picture like they are walking the razor edge for the team. The balance of the match is in their hands and if they take a 1.5 second global CD to put a DoT on somebody EVERYTHING FALLS APART! HEALING IS SERIOUS ****, AND IT WILL EAT YOU ALIVE IN AN 8v8 IF YOU DON'T COMMIT! AAAAAAAH!


Sorry, but what you just said from a healer's perspective is what I've been telling them, it's what I do on my Sorc. but they refuse to acknowledge.


Either because they're too bad for that level of micro-management in an engagement, or because they just want BW to change it for them, so they can continue being whiny and bad.


1) You only get kill credit if the target dies after being damaged by your DoT and before being healed back to full health. Also, the target must die within a certain time period of your DoT having last ticked.


2) The instant cast DoT costs a lot of energy, at least for me as a Scoundrel. I'm not familiar with Sages / Sorcs, and I don't even know that Commandos / Powertechs even have an instant cast DoT. Anyway, if I DoT 5 targets, guess what? I can't do anything else unless I use Cool Head to restore my energy, which is a tremendously huge waste.


3) Each use of a damaging ability uses a GCD. That's a GCD that could be used for something we do, you know, better. Like healing. Nothing a healing specced character can do with a single GCD will have anywhere near as great an effect on the fight as casting a heal with the situational exception of slows, stuns, and crowd control abilities, which I consider to be part of the healing role anyway. Specialization 101. Earning medals individually shouldn't come at the expense of team success.


4) Telling me I have to play my healer as a hybrid in PvP is a super significant break from the MMO norm. Simply put, I don't want to. I want to be a healer. Tanks can be tanks (doing some damage is implicit to the tank role, though it would be nice if tanks got some protection credit for taunting), DPS don't have to do anything but DPS. Why do healers have to juggle two roles to succeed?

Edited by Trenyc
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So you hit 3 bind seq to do one thing instead of just having it on your main bar? Hit bind to swap bar, hit bind for dps move, and then hit bind to swap back to healing bar. Instead of hitting one bind to hit the dps move and not having to swap bars. W/e floats your boat I guess lol.




Normals ones to get:

2.5k heal

5k heal

75k healing

300k healing

10 kills (Putting a dot will give credit for that kill)

Killing blow (Time your projects)

1k defender


Extra ones to you can get but work for:

75k dmg

25 kills

3k defender (Not much work but stops you from being able to get a lot of other medals sometimes)

solo kill


Guide to getting medals as a healer.


I know its odd, but it is what i have gotten used to with this game. when i arena'd in wow, i had many binds. pretty much every combination of shift alt ctrl with every key to the YHN row. i just haven't found a good reason to swap from what i have grown accustomed to in this game. If i could have more hotbars. i would bind them all, but limited to 3 hotbars is kind of silly and the biggest reason why i don't have them bound to more keys.

Edited by TheEvilEeyore
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healing is easy and you can see the results right away, guarding most of the time in pvp just gets you killed because no one feels like supporting tanks, tanking is selfless and requires more skill than just spamming heals on someone who took damage


no one would tank if they didnt get better rewards than just mindlessing throwing out heals or dps


lets just clarify here that its not "dps" that get all those medals, its tanks who do dps and also guard and use taunt at the perfect times, no one mindlessly hitting their buttons should out medal a tank

Edited by Bejita
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If that was always the case, most of the time I see the top damage getting all the votes.


This is my experience as well. In fact I respeced to damage and now I get 2~5 mvp votes per game and I am sure that my contribution to the game is far less than when I heal.

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This is my experience as well. In fact I respeced to damage and now I get 2~5 mvp votes per game and I am sure that my contribution to the game is far less than when I heal.


At the end of the round, say something thanking the healers and encouraging people to consider healers for MVP. Really, the MVP system is stupid because it gets people upset about basically nothing. The reward for MVP votes is rubbish. But if people bring the imbalance to the attention of people in the game, things change. Most people who vote for DPS are only doing so because DPSers are at the top of the list by default (because, big surprise, they tend to get way more medals).

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I have a Vanguard "Carolina Parakeet" main and a heal spec sage alt I've been leveling recently.


I can't believe anyone is actually arguing with the OP. Healers get no love from the current medal system. My vanguard can get top medals in a match just from putting guard up on people getting clobbered and spamming hammer shot and incendiary round at random enemies. Its fairly easy to get 3-4 protection medals, 75K damage, killing blow and 25 kills, even while focusing on assisting my team with objectives and doing no medal farming.


If I actually play my sage as a healer and focus on keeping my teammates alive in heavy fighting, I can make a huge contribution to a win....and get all of two medals for it if I'm unlucky with crits. My total damage and killcount will be in the cellar, and I'm very unlikely to actually land a killing blow. Better yet, by keeping up a guarded teammate, I help the tank get an extra medal or two, and help the DPS pad out their damage total and killcount (possibly for an extra medal each)!


Until healers get a little medal love, I try to make up for it a bit by giving my MVP vote to any healer who seems to have done their job and received the smallest number of medals. Many others appear to do the same (Heck, my healer gets multiple MVP votes all the time...and I think I'm a fairly mediocre healer...).


But that seems like a fairly unreasonable "solution". There should probably be an extra medal tier between healer and savior. And maybe at least one medal similar to guardian/paladin.

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Another issue is that any class can get Heal Medals. 2.5k, 5K easily (75K with some effort), while still participating in the war-zone appropriately


So that leaves what, 1 Medal a non-healer can't practically get?


Not really a fair system.


Sure they have technical access to all the DPS Medals, but how many healers are able to achieve all those AND get good healing? Not many, I've seen maybe 1 or 2 on a rare occasion.


Granted, standing in fire and healing yourself isn't a fair system either and I think some people are jaded by that.


Realistically they should have some medals related to Ball Carrier or something objective base that ONLY real healers can realistically get.

Edited by exphryl
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Damage is much more important than healing in this game anyway.


ur doing it wrong.


aim for 70%dps and 30% healing. not only will you win more... but you'll get rewards too.


anyone who wants to argue this... feel free, you are not correct. the games resource system and costs on abilities clearly demonstrates you're better off trying to kill the enemy than save your team.

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As a healer, the only really big issue I have is not getting credit for a kill in Warfronts or Ilum unless I do damage to that person. I can save a teammate at 10% lift, spam heal him while he herpaderps a guy down, but if I don't take a GCD to damage the enemy I don't get credit. It is even worse in Ilum, where I would do much better for the team to be 100% healing focused, but I spend 80% of my time channeling AoE damage spells to get kill credit.


They need to fix it that if you heal someone that kills an enemy, you get credit for a kill as well.

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I must say, even though I lack a lot of experience in high lvl WZ, that combining dmg and healing isn't that big of a problem.


As a Sith Sorcerer (healing specced), I have no problems getting 25kills, killing blow, solo kill, 75k dmg dealt, in addition to the healing medals.

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Very sorry to hear the medal system is not fair to healers, but one thing i know is that the healers get mvp before dmg from all other experienced pvp players and other healers. Therefore healers get mvp the most usually. That may be why its harder to medal.
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So you hit 3 bind seq to do one thing instead of just having it on your main bar? Hit bind to swap bar, hit bind for dps move, and then hit bind to swap back to healing bar. Instead of hitting one bind to hit the dps move and not having to swap bars. W/e floats your boat I guess lol.




Normals ones to get:

2.5k heal

5k heal

75k healing

300k healing

10 kills (Putting a dot will give credit for that kill)

Killing blow (Time your projects)

1k defender


Extra ones to you can get but work for:

75k dmg

25 kills

3k defender (Not much work but stops you from being able to get a lot of other medals sometimes)

solo kill


Guide to getting medals as a healer.


300k healing and 75k damage is practically mutually exclusive unless you are fighting against an evenlt matched team so the games draw out for a long time. If you're dominating, no one needs healing. If you are being dominated, you get killed over and over again. Any spec besides healing can accrue a bunch of medals in a short time frame. Healers need long matches to get more than 5 medals.


Furthermore without protection, 300k healing is unrealistic. It's too easy for someone to target you and bring you down. the other option is to sprint away (sorc) but then you aren't healing anymore.


I get over 300k a lot, but I can't rely on it. It's more rewarding to try and get the 10 kills, killing blow, and 75k damage medals than 300k. And people don't always reward healers with mvp.


The problem is mainly tanks who can earn protection medals passively while being able to earn the dps medals far more easily than healers. Healers pick heal or dps. Tanks don't have to make that choice. If healing people counted toward kills, then the medal system would be balanced. That should give healers much easier access to two more medals.

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Their "objective" system doesnt take into account completing or helping to complete the warzone objectives. For example, in huttball the objective is to get the ball and run to the other teams area to score, however you dont get awarded a medal for doing so. Another example, is in voidstar you dont get anything for planting the bomb or disarming it; nor do you get anything for getting the download. With the system of how its set up it would be better if they just threw us in a room, locked the door and said fight it out.
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