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SWTOR has "Failed" ~ Just looking for evidence.


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The level of negative posts in WoW recently vs the ones here is like comparing an apple to an ant. We have raid bosses that dissapear, drop no loot, a lack of fundamental features like a combat log (Hello Kitty Online has a combat log..).


If you really want to compare apples to apples, then compare it to WoW launch, where the forums were not much more than a flame fest. Given the years to stabilize and having many new functions added, of course the degree of complaints are going to be different.


Players there are complaining about some features we dont have and are no where near having (someone disappointed in a looking for raid tool? we dont even have a looking for group tool).


And based on your example, yet there are a lot of people who oppose a LFG tool in SWTOR. It's evidence to suggest you can't please everyone. You want it, others don't. So who does BW cater to? They cater to you, it pisses others off. BW caters to them, you get pissed off.




If you cant see the differences in scope there, then I'm sorry.


Again, compare to to first couple months of game release, if you really want to find the similarities. Not an established game vs a new one.

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No but if NOBODY in the entire world who posts videos can't, I doubt someone playing on a toaster claiming he gets 120 frames per second is telling the truth.


Whether the claim a toaster can run it well is debatable. But you clearly stated that because of your experience with computers that if you can't get the game to run well, you can't believe anyone else who can.


And youtube clearly has videos on SWTOR players that run on max settings. They seem to do fine. Not sure what your standards are for YOU to define the game is running well.

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Whether the claim a toaster can run it well is debatable. But you clearly stated that because of your experience with computers that if you can't get the game to run well, you can't believe anyone else who can.


And youtube clearly has videos on SWTOR players that run on max settings. They seem to do fine. Not sure what your standards are for YOU to define the game is running well.

Then link to the videos instead of claiming they can. SHOW me a video of a good fight on Ilum with good graphical settings and they are able to run this game without flaws.

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I've had better behaved software. This game was wiping out sections of my desktop at first.. looks like they might have fixed that.

No, my windows is not corrupted. In fact it's a new, clean W7/64 install.

Make no mistake..they DO have code problems.


And yet it runs flawlessly on my comp....:rolleyes:

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read the whole thing, found nothing


Did you listen to it? He says that they utilized metrics and chat when making the Biochem nerf. As far as chat, people weren't getting into groups if they didn't have Biochem. It's somewhere around 27:30 that they talk about Biochem.


It's an interesting interview. Should listen to it.

Edited by PjPablo
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Wow so glad that I have not once had TOR crash on me or cause any problems. Running Win 7/64 too. I did have to put in the AA line of code in though. Once I did that game runs smooth other than fleet so no complaints here. Also happy that Infinite Empire seems to have ok population. Bioware really should merge the low servers though. Really don't understand most of the ************ on these forums. MMOs are pretty much always in a beta state, if people so choose to reach the level cap so soon after release, that's their problem and are the minority. I play a lot and am only lvl 43. Keep up good work Bioware this subscriber is happy.
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ii know your secret djsmileey, you were hired by bioware to troll on those who have anything negative to say about the game.




also, why couldnt they hotfix bugs. unless they system/engine they are using to run the game is so terrible it takes months to fix one thing lol.


I wish you would actually read my posting history. If you did you would know that is not possible. I am extremely realistic and I recognize that there are problems with the game.

I also understand that they will be fixed, and I still enjoy myself. Never once have I told someone they aren't entitled to their opinion.

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If you really want to compare apples to apples, then compare it to WoW launch, where the forums were not much more than a flame fest. Given the years to stabilize and having many new functions added, of course the degree of complaints are going to be different.


Your logic is flawed. Its 2012, not 2004. BW had access to advanced technology Blizzard did not. It had access to 200M which is magnitudes more than WoW had. It also had WoW in addition to a number of other graphical games to look at as a touch stone, where WoW had Ever Quest and Asherons Call only.


Finally, fanboys like you use this argument when even the games producers of this game disagree with you. You cannot compare a modern game to a game from nearly a decade ago. That is like comparing a mercedes to a model t. Other MMO's have been released recently that prove you can have a very smooth launch and a relatively 'complete' game. Rift (hate it or like it) had all the pillars of the mmo well polished for its launch and had not large issues. It had an LFG system within a month of its release, a number of raids, a pvp system, macros, combat logs, a modern graphics engine (SWTOR supports dx9 only and looks like a small refinment over WoW..which is itself horribly aged).


BW had the budget many times these other games, with more time in development and more competitors to compare their product to. They had more QA testing professionals to run their code through (game testers were something of a strange idea back in 2004, generally kept as close company personal. They are now outsourced to large teams overseas). Despite every advantage...we have a release that you are comparing to a game release in 2004.


2004, we had dx 9. The latest version of windows was windows XP, service pack 1 i think (mighta been service pack 2). AGP was a still a term people used for cutting edge graphics.



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Then link to the videos instead of claiming they can. SHOW me a video of a good fight on Ilum with good graphical settings and they are able to run this game without flaws.


So now you're altering the conditions to fit your specific purpose? It has to specifically be in Ilum now? What's the specific FPS that qualifies as good? Lets get your idea on the specifics before we start looking because you can just easily look for some other detail to rant about and change the condition on what is accepted as good.


And as a person who claims to be great at computers, you really don't know the basics of searching youtube?


How hard is it to type in Youtube. "Swtor Max Settings". Plenty of videos there for you to observe.


And here's one with Ilum battle. Except for a few hiccups once in a while, I'd say the battles looked rather smooth.


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I don't understand why anyone cares how well SWtOR is doing. If you enjoy it then play it if not then don't, but coming on the forum and constantly announcing failure is odd. Posting predictions based on hypethetical scenarios and uneducated mathematical equations seems just silly to me. I don't get it.


I don't get it either but it's become a popular hobby for the transplanted FPS coolkids who started shifting from consoles to PCs in the past several years. You know, the same geniuses who predicted that PC gaming was going to "lose" to consoles and "fail eventually"... yet now here they are, glomming onto PC MMOs and trying to turn them into twitch pvp FPS's, posting their PC specs constantly (just more e-peening), while trying to coerce game dev companies into catering to their short attention spans. When will they realize that they are not the MMO target audience and crawl back to their FPS's and single-player RPGs? Hopefully soon, because the world is going to run out of tissues at some point, if not...


Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled program: "kids on the internet trying to impress other kids on the internet by pretending that they know how to develop MMOs better than the developers".

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2004, we had dx 9. The latest version of windows was windows XP, service pack 1 i think (mighta been service pack 2). AGP was a still a term people used for cutting edge graphics.



Back then Windows 2000 was better than Windows XP.

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Seen quite a few people say how "SWTOR is failing" or something along those lines.


Just wondering where they are getting the "evidence" behind these claims.


I don't understand how anyone can take those people seriously when Bioware doesn't release subscriptions numbers...and almost all of the player-tracking tools are very far from accurate.


I'm just baffled that this many people can confidently write a post saying "Well its obvious SWTOR is a failure"


*Shakes head*


Did I miss some news article that release subscription numbers of people on their second month compared to the number of people that purchased the game?


Because no one is really playing this game. Its rinse and repeat the whole way through. I hardly see anyone on my server. Once your leveled up there isn't much to do. Bioware should have been more creative about game play as they were about the whole fully voiced NPC's.

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So now you're altering the conditions to fit your specific purpose? It has to specifically be in Ilum now? What's the specific FPS that qualifies as good? Lets get your idea on the specifics before we start looking because you can just easily look for some other detail to rant about and change the condition on what is accepted as good.


And as a person who claims to be great at computers, you really don't know the basics of searching youtube?


How hard is it to type in Youtube. "Swtor Max Settings". Plenty of videos there for you to observe.


And here's one with Ilum battle. Except for a few hiccups once in a while, I'd say the battles looked rather smooth.


Ilum because everyone has problems with that zone. Good graphical settings because running this game on low is something everyone can. But it would feel like playing Starfox on the super nintendo.


I have searched youtube and I did not find anyone playing with high settings on Ilum. The max settings and smooth gameplay is only while questing and similar. And not even then are they playing with high resolution or similar. And the reason is....


The game does not run that good for anyone



So we are back on square one. Nobody is running this game flawlessly or even good. You can get it playable but it will never be good.

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that was never a true statement.

It was. It had much better memory management and was without the kids colors on buttons and icons. Was not until MS stopped supporting Windows 2000 around the time service pack 2 was released. Before that Windows 2000 was like Windows 7 against Windows XP that was like Windows Vista.

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1. I didn't say other games didn't have them. I am speaking about the comparison of how many I have seen personally at launch here on this fourm. I have played WoW since launch and I can tell you their general forums never got as toxic as swtor general, even at launch.


2. A younger player base? I'd love to see that census. Any large top guild I have been a member of is filled with 20's - 30's. I was 30 when WoW launched and I played exclusively with my peers. Most guilds we dealt with were also filled with the same people. In todays age - I think MMO's are dominated by older generations (read: 20+). I have an 18 and a 13 year old and neither of them care about MMO's and I have tried getting them hooked. They are all over Xbox games.


You would drop your jaw and some of the people you deal with in MMO's and assume they are 12... chances are it is a 30 year old man with a wife and kids.. I have done questionable things in our PvP server and people assume I'm a kid sometimes - in reality it is my friends and I in vent laughing it up having fun.


LOL I have been called a 12 year old or a "kid" on these forums based on my signature alone..

Still alot of kids play MMO's.

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Because no one is really playing this game. Its rinse and repeat the whole way through. I hardly see anyone on my server. Once your leveled up there isn't much to do. Bioware should have been more creative about game play as they were about the whole fully voiced NPC's.



"no one"?


Learn not to speak in absolutes which are not provable.

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Did you listen to it? He says that they utilized metrics and chat when making the Biochem nerf. As far as chat, people weren't getting into groups if they didn't have Biochem. It's somewhere around 27:30 that they talk about Biochem.


It's an interesting interview. Should listen to it.


le sigh........yes.........wat did I just say spry forgot to say watched

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It was. It had much better memory management and was without the kids colors on buttons and icons. Was not until MS stopped supporting Windows 2000 around the time service pack 2 was released. Before that Windows 2000 was like Windows 7 against Windows XP that was like Windows Vista.


Win 2000 was officially supported for almost a year after XP SP2 was released and MS only issued the "no new security fixes and patches" statement in 2010.

Edited by KippTabor
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Odd how me and everyone I know who is playing TOR is having a great time and loving the game, despite all of us being driven insane by the glitches, bugs, flaws, and stuff that never gets fixed and hasn't since beta.


Just wondering where they are getting the "evidence" behind these claims.


Put one hand on each butt cheek and spread a little - that's where they're pulling this info.

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Your logic is flawed. Its 2012, not 2004. BW had access to advanced technology Blizzard did not. It had access to 200M which is magnitudes more than WoW had. It also had WoW in addition to a number of other graphical games to look at as a touch stone, where WoW had Ever Quest and Asherons Call only.


Finally, fanboys like you use this argument when even the games producers of this game disagree with you. You cannot compare a modern game to a game from nearly a decade ago. That is like comparing a mercedes to a model t. Other MMO's have been released recently that prove you can have a very smooth launch and a relatively 'complete' game. Rift (hate it or like it) had all the pillars of the mmo well polished for its launch and had not large issues. It had an LFG system within a month of its release, a number of raids, a pvp system, macros, combat logs, a modern graphics engine (SWTOR supports dx9 only and looks like a small refinment over WoW..which is itself horribly aged).


There is no flaw in that comparison. What you're comparing to are differences in engines and graphics. You can argue the game could have better graphics or a better engine. Those two items of concern were not the main topic of my comparison, because we're talking about the variety of complaints to an MMO.


Complaints to a new MMO, are not new, and will never be. The similarity is in the genre of the product. It's an MMO, so you must compare with MMO development patterns. And as far as MMO patterns go, this has done relatively well. Compare server downtimes, compare stability, compare glitches, compare content.


Any seasoned software developer can explain to you the possible issues that can occur with MMO's that creates such a diversion in results and bugs. This is not a simple First Person Shooter with high end graphics, or any other single player game. And even those games, nowadays, still don't always release with 100% perfection. Look at Dead Island... bugs galore. By your standard, there shouldn't be any at this day and age right?


If you're comparing to Rift, you do realize Rift launched with a lot of server issues right? Same concept. Server issues and glitches will still exist in programming regardless of what year it is. STO was released only a few years ago... yet they started off with questionable graphics, bugs, and unpleasing planets. They've since improved a lot of that.


And by your logic, why do vehicles in 2011 still need oil changes? That was so 1990s and earlier. Why do we still need oil changes? Shouldn't technology have caught up and eliminated all those inconveniences?


It just goes to show that regardless of time, there are still basics of those technologies that still need to be observed.


I'm not saying Swtor is perfect. But to believe that everything should be done your specific way and bug free because it's a few years later just shows you don't have much knowledge in the world of software development. Bugs in coding don't magically disappear with time.


I'd go on with more programming examples, but I feel you're just going to continue a closed minded view, so my time would be wasted.

Edited by Lazorous
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