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Swtor IS a success, at least financially


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Not angry just stating facts. If you little dimension leaves you blind to the obvious blunders of the game then im honestly happy for you(sucker).:D


Heh, true sign someone's argument is dying, when they resolve to petty insults.


Truth, Haters will hate, Fanboys will love.


Me, I just think the game needs improvement in some areas, but overall is a great game. If a feature missing or in place bothers you, do you automatically assume it will bother everyone else too?


I like Country or Rock'n'Roll or Rap or whatever, and you don't; does that make me right and you wrong? When did the world become a place when it wasn't okay for others to have their own unbiased opinions about a product? Why do you go completely out of your way to bring down a game that is great for many, but not for you.

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Its not the initial month the determines the success of a MMO. Its if they can retain a certain number of subscribers.


Lets discuss this in 6 months and see if SWTOR has a lot of subscribers or just barely hanging on.


This. Every game on release has the "Sky is falling " mantra.

Check back later down the line and then maybe I'll consider your'e stats and predictions

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What do you think it was designed to be? I am curious.


The spiritual successor of KoTOR in an MMO.


To which Georg Zoeller clarified:

“This is incorrect.


Star Wars: The Old Republic is the spritual successor to Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, also made by BioWare, and not any other game.”

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Heh, true sign someone's argument is dying, when they resolve to petty insults.


Truth, Haters will hate, Fanboys will love.


Me, I just think the game needs improvement in some areas, but overall is a great game. If a feature missing or in place bothers you, do you automatically assume it will bother everyone else too?


I like Country or Rock'n'Roll or Rap or whatever, and you don't; does that make me right and you wrong? When did the world become a place when it wasn't okay for others to have their own unbiased opinions about a product? Why do you go completely out of your way to bring down a game that is great for many, but not for you.


Dont be too upset man its just a forum.

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Seems like your angry there little guy.


please see my last post


Heh, true sign someone's argument is dying, when they resolve to petty insults.


Truth, Haters will hate, Fanboys will love.


Me, I just think the game needs improvement in some areas, but overall is a great game. If a feature missing or in place bothers you, do you automatically assume it will bother everyone else too?


I like Country or Rock'n'Roll or Rap or whatever, and you don't; does that make me right and you wrong? When did the world become a place when it wasn't okay for others to have their own unbiased opinions about a product? Why do you go completely out of your way to bring down a game that is great for many, but not for you.

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Dont be too upset man its just a forum.


Fail Troll.


Edit: Trolls attempt to get people to react emotionally.


You are reading my very coherent and mildly read posts and reacting in a very strange manner.


it's cute though, if you're into that sort of thing.


Call me when you grow up.

Edited by djsmileey
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this game is a great game.


Its known, how companies, different mmo's have staff go to opposing gaming sites and create threads to cause and stir up conflicts on forums.


Lots of people that flame games, are doing so because they either cant afford to pay the monthly fee and use that as an internal excuse to flame any game they start playing as some justification to their friends why they are quitting instead of just owning up to being broke.


Or you'll see people flame the game, then realize, wait, I see this person flame every game they play.


Its because they want to sound intelligent and feel they earn some status on the internet and it gives them some thrill in life to think they are important.


Anyone that says this game isnt a great game is simply a moron, and yes if you dont agree, you are one of those morons.


This game has a crap load of new ideas and new things to it, it allows you to play in a multiple amount of ways depending on your life. It did not follow the stereotypical mmo's like some of you complainers whine about.


It is unique and very interesting.


Does it have bugs and issues that need to be fixed, no doubt by any means.


Is this game better and miles ahead of aion and rift and other mmo's, 1000000% yes.


So plz, if those games have the success they have in the limited things you can do with those games, then this game is miles ahead.


Stop trying to create drama.


Its a simple conclusion if you dont like this game, dont sit around here whining and complaining about it, go find another game to play and let the people that enjoy this game, enjoy it without listening to pissy pants open up the flood gates.

Edited by nolushhere
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It's a poor KOTOR3 single player game that is not worth a subscription.


If they offer a free download of the game, then yes you could justify a subscription with a 14 day trail.


maybe you answered this prior, but why are you posting in the forums of such an obviously not subscription worthy game?


that drawn to the game and the community?

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is it a success? thats a difficult question to answer after 1 month.


i wish i could say how many will actually play this game but i know for a fact there a great many players that are waiting on the sidelines as they do for every game launch for it to stabalise and get the bugs ironed out before buying and playing it.

for some that could take 3-6 months for others up to a year.


what that means lady's and gents that we will not know the outcome of such a question for at least a year and even that depends greatly on bioware and how quickly they resolve certain elements of the game and add in the right content.

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Internet Warriors unite!


Where does all the hating come from really? You dont like the game fair play. We get you. People like things, other people like OTHER things. Just accept that people will not like the same things you like.


The only rational explanation is that they're paid by Blizzard to be here.


The alternative, that people are voluntarily spending their own money to visit a forum and bash a product they clearly hate, is just crazy.

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No he pretty much stated facts with the exception of the travel system which, god knows why, some people like.


actually, he didn't.


Facts are usually exact, and have expressed thought and reason behind them - supportable by reproducible events and statistics.

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no one remembers the horrors of WoW at launch do they? Vanilla...not BC. All anyone remembers is when they first bought WoW and logged in and everything was up and runnign and perfect. Nevermind the fact that the game had been out for a full year.


Seriously....of all the launches for MMO's I have been a part of, this one is one of the more successful. Bugs come with the territory of games on this scale. If you don't believe me, then go look at the amount of patches WoW has implemented over the years. When you look at the latest list of patches for WoW keep in mind that the list doesn't even come close to every patch from the beginning.


On day one of WoW there were no battlegrounds...virtually no pvp....crashes constantly...crazy strange bugs....everything. This game is waay more polished on day oen than most MMO's. Don't judge this game until month 6.

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You will know Feb 1st most likely. Mmo's never give their numbers on a weekly or even monthly basis. Our best way of finding out is through the investor calls. I expect they are doing very well. I can only go off of my server numbers and each planet has pretty close to the same numbers from when i bought it on Jan 3rd.


I was on several planets yesterday on my server Krath, and the numbers were also very healthy.


On Tython and Coruscant, numbers there were virtually identical to numbers in the first week, and these were in the same starting zones, which means either new people are signing up, or people are rolling alts.


Either way, it means people are playing. People aren't going to be rolling new toons or alts a month in if they plan to quit soon.

Edited by LeonBraun
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no one remembers the horrors of WoW at launch do they? Vanilla...not BC. All anyone remembers is when they first bought WoW and logged in and everything was up and runnign and perfect. Nevermind the fact that the game had been out for a full year.


Seriously....of all the launches for MMO's I have been a part of, this one is one of the more successful. Bugs come with the territory of games on this scale. If you don't believe me, then go look at the amount of patches WoW has implemented over the years. When you look at the latest list of patches for WoW keep in mind that the list doesn't even come close to every patch from the beginning.


On day one of WoW there were no battlegrounds...virtually no pvp....crashes constantly...crazy strange bugs....everything. This game is waay more polished on day oen than most MMO's. Don't judge this game until month 6.


This is 2012, not 2004. SWTOR is against WoW Today, not WoW when it launched. Consider that in 2009, WoW had taken a total of 200M in its creation and maintenance from launch to that point. Consider SWTOR took 200M to make. Compare 2012 SWTOR to 2009 WoW, its not even a comparison. Far more features in WoW, content, LFG system, etc etc.


Regardless though, pointing to WoW launch (almost a decade ago) is ridiculous. Blizzard did not have the technology OR the budget that BW had. They did not have an IP that was as popular (no offense but in 2004, while the WC IP was amazing, it would never have competed with SW. Up to that point WC was an IP popular to RTS players, not to roleplayers/mmo player).


This sort of logic is just silly. Its like comparing a new faulty car to the T1 and saying "well the T1 didnt even have air conditioning when it came out!".

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Dude I would *********** HOPE this game is more polished at launch than WoW, considering it was released how many years later and for how many times as much money?


I'm not talking about voice acting polish either. End game content, basic gameplay, UI features and functionality, basic things that other sub based MMOs with a fraction of this game's development time and money were able to achieve from day 1.


If you're having fun WONDERFUL, I'm honestly glad you still have a Star Wars MMO to call home and it's true there are many things to like about this game... that said I also hope you fanboys keep throwing money at BioWare for me so that hopefully in a year or so this game will be amazing. In the meantime, I'm cutting my losses after gambling on the collector's edition and sinking a lot of time and effort into various forms of feedback that myself and many others feel weren't listened to.


Either way good luck.

Edited by Vexas
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So than you assume it wasn't meant to have a working end game or uhh... I dunno. Spiritual successor is pretty ambiguous.


The focus was bringing the Cinematic Storyline RPG experience that Bioware created in the KoTOR series to the MMO genre. That meant making a game with as much content as all the previous Bioware games combined. That is a lot of work. They basically got that done, but could not fit 6 years worth of MMO fixes and polish in it as well to match WoW.


So if you wanted a game where you power level to max level and start grinding for raid gear, that was not this game. Never has been from Day 1.


It has a lot of what it takes to be a good MMO, but that needs more fleshing out. However, from day 1, the KoTOR enthusiast can see what they were trying to do and enjoy every minute of it.


Personally, I loved WoW and KoTOR so I can see this game will last me a long, long time...

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Not sure where you're getting your data OP. 100K subs won't even keep the servers running, much less pay for new content.


And no, the game hasn't generated nearly enough money to this point to be in the black. Even if it has sold 3 milion units and has 2 million subscriber, that's about $120 million to this point, and I think the reality is much closer to 2 million units and 1 million subscribers right now. I'm not even confident there are 1 million subscribers right now since I'm pretty sure EA would be bragging about that, since that was their "very profitable" line.


They will have to hold their existing sub base for another 6 months before we can even really argue they're to the break-even point, and 6 months is a long time to hold 1 million subscribers. And for every month they keep 200 servers running, the cost of running the game increases by millions of dollars.

Edited by Mannic
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This is 2012, not 2004. SWTOR is against WoW Today, not WoW when it launched. Consider that in 2009, WoW had taken a total of 200M in its creation and maintenance from launch to that point. Consider SWTOR took 200M to make. Compare 2012 SWTOR to 2009 WoW, its not even a comparison. Far more features in WoW, content, LFG system, etc etc.


Regardless though, pointing to WoW launch (almost a decade ago) is ridiculous. Blizzard did not have the technology OR the budget that BW had. They did not have an IP that was as popular (no offense but in 2004, while the WC IP was amazing, it would never have competed with SW. Up to that point WC was an IP popular to RTS players, not to roleplayers/mmo player).


This sort of logic is just silly. Its like comparing a new faulty car to the T1 and saying "well the T1 didnt even have air conditioning when it came out!".


Yeah that's why WoW closed its bug report forums in 2009, because it's a shining example of how things always work perfectly...


Oh wait...



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200-500 million this game took to make. 100k subs is terrible for a budget that big, and i know that EA and it's investors didn't plan on shelling out that much money for just 100k to even 1 million subs. The fact that I doubt it even breaks 500k as of today, is sad.


This game is a failure, like it or not.


Someone doesn't read the news posts.


Typically, people 2 Million people bought the game, for 60 Dollars each.


That's enough to substitute 2 Million people playing for 4 Months.



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Yeah that's why WoW closed its bug report forums in 2009, because it's a shining example of how things always work perfectly...


Oh wait...




Relative to the MMO's that came before it, WoW was very polished. Blizzard was still dealing with the fact that the internet was not exactly an MMO-friendly infrastructure back then. A huge segment of the player base was still hooking up with ADSL, and servers weren't even in the same galaxy of what they are now in terms of power and flexibility.


TOR doesn't have the technical issues Blizzard had, and still people have to look at a 7 year old game before they find one as poorly coded as TOR. I'm sorry, but other games had issues but also did a lot more at release than TOR has done. Sorry but TOR as an extremely basic UI, shipped with graphics features turned off at release, had a staggered release and includes heavy instancing, and the game still has more problems than any Triple-A MMO released in the last 5 years.

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